
        Slovenian Word List (v.1.0) for WinEdt
        Created:        January 27, 1999
        Last Revision:  February 19, 1999
        Code Page:      cp1250

        Converted from
        by applying the following string translation in WinEdt
        (Latin II -> cp1250):
            #185 -> #154
            #190 -> #158
            #174 -> #142
            #169 -> #138
        sorting the result with WinEdt's Dictionary Manager and
        saving it in UNIX (LF) format.

        Since WinEdt by default ignores one-letter words such
        words have been removed. Also a dot has been removed from
        a few abbreviations (such as prof., mag., itd...) because
        WinEdt's spell checking algorithm is not designed to match
        words containing non-alphabetical characters.

This version of Slovenian word dictionary was compiled by Aleksander
Simonic and Uros Lotric for use with WinEdt. The dictionary is
included in WinEdt's dictionary collection on CTAN with the kind
permission of GNUsl (http://nl.ijs.si/gnusl/).

The original file mte-sl.words was build by company Amebis
(http://www.amebis.si/) in cooperation with Institute Jozef Stefan
(http://www.ijs.si) under the European MULTEXT-East project. It was
derived from BesAna spell-checker dictionary and now it is freely
accessible at GNUsl web site
under GNU Copyleft.

Slovenian word list for WinEdt, si.dic, is freely accessible for
non-commercial use. Besides, it should not be used as integral part
of any commercial product.