  COMPLIANCE - a commentary on the official GT Style manual 
  COPYING    - license
  ChangeLog  - extremely gory list of changes
  CHANGES    - a more general overview of changes
  NEWS       - simple bullet point list of changes
  MANIFEST   - this file
  NOTES      - general tips for using gatech-thesis 
               (and other packages)
  INSTALL    - how to ...

  example-thesis.tex - original source for the example
  example-thesis.bib - ditto
  example-thesis.dvi - what it should look like  - ditto
  julesverne/        - two more examples are buried here
  		       NOTE: The CTAN version of this package does not
  		       include this directory. It can be retrieved
  		       from the Georgia Tech page at

The actual class:
  gatech-thesis.cls  - the gatech-thesis LaTeX2e class file
  gatech-thesis.bst  - bibliography style file
  gatech-thesis-patch.sty - a patch framework for onthefly updates (empty)
  gatech-thesis-losa.sty  - add-on style for generating a list of symbols 
  gatech-thesis-losa.bst  - list of symbols format
  gatech-thesis-gloss.sty - add-on style for generating a glossary
  gatech-thesis-index.sty - add-on style for generating an index - index format