% [additional.mac]

% 1. printdate
% 2. ragged left (used in typesetting  RIGHT to LEFT languages)

% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PRINTDATE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% MACRO:  for printing the date on preliminary versions
\count255  = \year
\count254 = \month
\count253 = \day
\count252  =\time              % from midnight
\count251 = \count252          % copy: from midnight
\divide \count252 by 60        % integer hours from midnight
\count250  = \count252         % print: integer hours from midnight
\count249  = \count252         % use to multiply by 60
\multiply\count249 by 60       % whole hour minutes from midnight
\advance\count251 by -\count249
\count249 = \count251          % print: integer minutes after hour
{\tt This text was printed:\quad
DATE:\hskip 1.5pt \number\count255.\number\count254.\number\count253\quad
TIME:\hskip 1.5pt \number\count250:\hskip 1.5pt \number\count249
\vskip 1truecm
}   % end \tt10000
}   % end \def
%  END OF \printdate			 

% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \RAGGEDLEFT  % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Answer to my question on Tex Exchange   by Marcel Krüger 

% if make =0.2 not wide enough, this goes into left margin
%  \kern -12pt moves to right, but not uniform do in text
\leftskip =   -0.0cm plus 4em   %\rightskip  absolutely need plus 4em
\spaceskip = .3333em % these two are pg 107 eh?
\xspaceskip = .5em
\parfillskip = 0pt
\relax    %   stops \TeX from doing other things such as adding bits