%% This is part of the OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex
%% Author: Vojtěch Hořánek, <https://github.com/vojta-horanek/hisyntax-kt>

\_codedecl \_hisyntaxkt {Syntax highlighting for Kotlin sources <2024-05-18>}

\_newtoks \_hisyntaxkt  \_newtoks \_hicolorskt

\_global\_hicolorskt={     % colors for Kotlin language
   \_hicolor C \Grey       % Comments
   \_hicolor D \Green      % Documentation comments
   \_hicolor W \Yellow     % Warnings
   \_hicolor S \Green      % Strings   
   \_hicolor K \Blue       % Keywords
   \_hicolor F \Blue       % Std. functions
   \_hicolor A \Yellow     % Annotations
   \_hicolor N \Cyan       % Numbers
   \_hicolor T \Brown      % Templates
   \_hicolor I \Grey       % Imports
   \_hicolor O \Magenta    % Others

   \_let\c=\_relax \_let\e=\_relax \_let\o=\_relax
   % comments
   \_replthis   {FIXME}          {\z W{FIXME}}%               FIXME in comment
   \_replthis   {TODO}           {\z W{TODO}}%                TODO in comment
   \_replfromto {/**}{*/}        {\x D{/**#1*/}}%             /**...*/ documentation
   \_replfromto {/*}{*/}         {\x C{/*#1*/}}%              /*...*/ multi-line
   \_replfromto {//}{^^J}        {\z C{//#1}^^J}%             //... single-line
   % strings
   \_replfromto {\_csstring\$\_csstring\{}{\_csstring\}}%     string template expression ${tmp}
                {\z T{\_csstring\$\_csstring\{#1\_csstring\}}}%
   \_replfromto {\_csstring\$}{\n}  {\x T{\_csstring\$#1}}%   string template $tmp
   \_replthis   {\_string\"}     {{\_string\"}}%              \" string escape
   \_replfromto {"}{"}           {\x S{"#1"}}%                "..." string
   % characters
   \_replthis   {\_string\'}     {{\_string\'}}%              \' char escape
   \_replfromto {'}{'}           {\x S{'#1'}}%                '.' character
   % others
   \_replfromto {\n@}{\n}        {\z A{@#1}}%                 annotations
   \_replfromto {package}{^^J}   {\z K{package}\z I{#1}^^J}%  package...
   \_replfromto {import}{^^J}    {\z K{import}\z I{#1}^^J}%   import...
   \_replfromto {return@}{\n}    {\z K{return}\z O{@#1}}%     return@...
   \_replfromto {continue@}{\n}  {\z K{continue}\z O{@#1}}%   continue@...
   \_replfromto {break@}{\n}    {\z K{break}\z O{@#1}}%       break@...
   % Special characters
   \_replthis{;}{\z C{;}} % semi-collon
   \_replthis{?:}{\n\o?:\n} % elvis operator
   \_edef\_tmpa {()\_string{\_string}+-*/=[]<>,:\_pcent\_string&|!}% non-letters
   \_ea \_foreach \_tmpa 
      \_do {\_replthis{#1}{\n\o#1\n}}
   \_foreach % keywords
      \_do {\_replthis{\n#1\n}{\z K{#1}}}
   \_foreach % standard library extension functions
      \_do {\_replthis{.#1\n}{.\z F{#1}}%
           \_replthis{\n#1\n}{\z F{#1}}}% invoke operators ( and { begin with \n 
   \_replthis{.}{\n.\n} % numbers
   \_foreach 0123456789
      \_do {\_replfromto{\n#1}{\n}{\c#1##1\e}}
   \_def\c#1\e{\z N{#1}}
   \_def\o#1{\z O{#1}} % others

\_endcode %------------------------------------------------


2024-05-18: First version