%% This is file `lisp-read.sty'.
%%  License: Modified BSD - see LICENSE file

%% End Of Input(EOI)

%% Reader Macro
%% @param #1 callback function (which gets a S-exp and do something)
%% @param #2 the first letter of the input or EOI
%% @return #1\@tlabel@xxx{contents}

%% The first branch
%% @param #1 callback function
%% @param #2 the first letter of the input or EOI
\def\@lispread@main#1#2{% Define \@@next, the continuation. 
  \if\noexpand#2(% [Branch 1] CONS cell or NIL
  \else\ifcat\noexpand#2\relax% [Branch 2] A control sequence or a control symbol 
    \ifx#2\@end@lispread % [Branch 2-1] EOI
        \@tlabel@exception{{-1}{\@tlabel@string{!Found End of Input!}}}}%
      \def\@@next{\@lispread@symbol#1#2}% [Branch 2-2] Symbol
  \else\if\noexpand#2'% [Branch 3] String
  \else\if\noexpand#2/% [Branch 4] Boolean
  \else\if\noexpand#2:% [Branch 5] Integer
  \else\if\noexpand#2!% [Branch 6] Dimension 
  \else\if\noexpand#2@% [Branch 7] Skip
  \else\if\noexpand#2+% [Branch 8] call a Reader Module 
  \else % Otherwise -- parse error
    \errmessage{LISP on teX [read]: no such type start with \noexpand#2}%
%% Symbol 
%% String
\def\@lispread@string@dummy{}   % to avoid consuming group
%% Boolean
%% Reader Module
\def\@lispread@module@main#1#2::#3\@@end{\csname @mod@read@#2\endcsname#1{#3}}
%% Integer
%% Skip
%% Dimen
%% CONS cell or NIL
  \if\noexpand#2)% [Branch 1] NIL
  \else % Otherwise CONS cell
%% first part of CONS cell : read CAR
    \@lispread\@lispread@cell@fincheck}% kokonaosu
    \def\@@next{\errmessage{LISP on teX [read]: missing )}}%