% $Id: biblist.doc,v 1.4 1992/01/13 16:35:56 schrod Exp schrod $ %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright (c) 1991 by J.Schrod <schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de>. % Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. % % LaTeX style option biblist for article style % % [LaTeX in MAKEPROG] % % $Log: biblist.doc,v $ % Revision 1.4 1992/01/13 16:35:56 schrod % Added examples, repaired headline. % Called \reset@font where appropriate. % October 91 version of LaTeX was delayed until December 91. Readers % might be disturbed if there is the notion of a nonexistant version. % % Revision 1.3 1991/10/14 14:10:21 schrod % mentioned that this option is supported. % moved local guide section to separate file. % % Revision 1.2 1991/10/10 16:13:31 schrod % changed email address. % mentioned LaTeX 2.09 <Oct 91> (just announced). % % Revision 1.1 1991/04/13 15:03:08 schrod % Initial revision % %%%% %%%% %%%% These TeX macros were documented with the documentation system %%%% MAKEPROG and automatically converted to the current form. %%%% If you have MAKEPROG available you may transform it back to %%%% the original input: Remove every occurence of three percents %%%% and one optional blank from the beginning of a line and remove %%%% every line which starts with four percents. The following lex %%%% program will do this: %%%% %%%% %% %%%% %%%% ^%%%\ ? ; %%%% ^%%%%.*\n ; %%%% %%%% MAKEPROG may be obtained via ftp from ftp.th-darmstadt.de %%%% (directory pub/tex/src-webware) and from the Bitnet-Listserver %%%% LISTSERV@DHDURZ1 (filelist WEBWARE). %%%% If you only want to print out the documentation you may fetch %%%% the archive print-makeprog.tar.Z from ftp.th-darmstadt.de (directory %%%% pub/tex/latex). It contains *all* used styles -- but beware, they %%%% may not be documented... %%%% %%%% %%% \documentstyle[progltx,a4-9,rcs,names,biblist]{article} %%% % We need biblist for the examples and do therefore include it. But it %%% % sets the headline (see below ;-). So we just reset it again to the %%% % value it had before. Well, it's a kind of a kludge, but it works... %%% \pagestyle{plain} %%% % The examples will consist of framed pseudo-output. We'll need a %%% % variable for the width of these examples. %%% \newdimen\examplewidth %%% \nofiles % don't need an aux file %%% \begin{document} %%% \title{The {\tt biblist\/} Style Option} %%% \author{% % LaTeX does not discard unnecessary glue... %%% Joachim Schrod% %%% \thanks{% %%% TU~Darmstadt, Alexanderstr.~10, D-6100 Darmstadt, Germany.\newline %%% Email: {\tt schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de}.% %%% }% %%% } %%% \RCSdate $Date: 1992/01/13 16:35:56 $ %%% \maketitle %%% \chap What's this style option for?. %%% This style option is appropriate to create a typeset listing of a %%% (possibly large) \BibTeX{} input file. With such large files -- %%% especially, if the cite keys are long -- the needed string space is %%% often exceeded. Often a Big\TeX{} is available to circumstance this %%% problem, but with this style option each \TeX{} will do it. %%% You have to prepare a \LaTeX{} document which uses the |article| %%% style and the |biblist| style option. You may add almost all other %%% style options, as you wish, e.g., |twoside|, |german| (or other %%% language style options), |a4|, etc. This style option must be used %%% with a ragged bottom; this has the effect, that it cannot be used with %%% |twocolumn| or |multicol|. %%% You must issue a |\bibliography| tag which names all \BibTeX{} %%% databases which you want to print. You may issue a %%% |\bibliographystyle| tag to specify how \BibTeX{} will process its %%% databases. (In fact, you usually must issue it since the default %%% bibliography style is not available on most installations; see %%% below.) You may issue |\nocite| commands if you want to print only %%% selected entries from the databases. %%% \sect If you have not issued the |\bibliographystyle| tag, the %%% |biblist| bibliography style will be used. This is a non-abbreviating %%% style which does not do any sorting and no case conversion to titles. %%% The field |isbn| is recognized for books (and parts of), and the %%% field |issn| is recognized for articles and such. In addition, it %%% provides the additional fields |library| and |annote| for all entry %%% types. The usage of these fields depends on the definition of %%% appropriate \TeX{} macros (which are supplied by this style option). %%% On interest I can provide a diff to |btxbst.doc|. %%% \sect A ``bug'' you may encounter is that |\cite| tags within %%% \BibTeX{} entries will not be processed. Instead the cite key itself %%% will be printed. Note that this is not a bug, this is a feature! You %%% have to use |\nocite| tags for {\it all\/} entries that shall be %%% included in the listing. If you do not give any |\nocite| tag at all, %%% a listing with all entries is created. %%% Note that this style option assumes that you use either a version of %%% \LaTeX{}~2.09 after December~1991, I\LaTeX{}, or the {\sf babel} %%% system. Particulary, it requires the definition of |\refname| (i.e., %%% the title of the ``references section'') which is supplied by these %%% systems. (Of course, you may supply this definition by yourself.) %%% \sect The entries in the resulting listing are formatted as follows: %%% % %%% \begin{description} %%% \item[\tt cite key] \leavevmode \null \dotfill \quad {\sf (Library info)}\break %%% Author(s).\\ %%% Title.\\ %%% Publication info.\\ %%% Notes.\\ %%% \null \qquad {\footnotesize Annotation} %%% \end{description} %%% % %%% I.e., an open format is used. Although this needs more space I think %%% the enhanced legibility pays back. %%% Note that you will not get the `Library info' and the `Annotation' in %%% the above format if your bibliography style does not supply this %%% information with the assumed markup. (See above for the |biblist| %%% bibliography style.) The parenthesis around the library info are %%% produced by this style option, not by \BibTeX{}. %%% \sect {\it Example\/}:\quad Suppose, there is a file |typography.bib| %%% with references on typography. %%% % %%% \begin{quote} %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% \begin{verbatim} %%% % typography.bib 13 Jan 92 %%% %------------------------------------------------------------ %%% % %%% % References on Typographie, Typesetting, and Book Design %%% % %%% % !!!! This is a kludge for biblist.doc !!!! %%% @preamble{" %%% \font\tenlogo=logo10 %%% \let\logo=\tenlogo %%% \def\MF{{\logo META}\-{\logo FONT}} %%% "} %%% @book{typo:tschichold:selected, %%% author = {Jan Tschichold}, %%% title = {Ausgew\"ahlte Aufs\"atze \"uber Fragen der Gestalt des %%% Buches und der Typographie}, %%% publisher = {Birkh\"auser}, %%% address = {Basel}, %%% year = 1975, %%% isbn = {3-7643-1946-1}, %%% note = {A second, unchanged, edition appeared in~1987.}, %%% library = {}, %%% annote = {A collection of his ``classic'' papers. The best book on %%% typographic principles read so far. A definitive `{\it %%% must\/}' for everyone interested in typography, book design, %%% or typesetting.} %%% } %%% @article{typo:blostein:music, %%% author = {Dorothea Blostein}, %%% title = {Justification of Printed Music}, %%% journal = cacm, %%% volume = 34, %%% number = 3, %%% month = mar, %%% year = 1991, %%% pages = {88-99}, %%% annote = {Presents problems and solutions of the task to create a %%% correct spacing while setting notes. The proposed method also %%% takes the temporal relationship of notes into account. %%% Handles two-dimensional layout, e.g., staffs and texts.} %%% } %%% @book{typo:sta:zapf, %%% title = {Herrman Zapf and his Design Philosophy}, %%% publisher = {Society of Typographic Arts}, %%% address = {Chicago}, %%% year = 1987, %%% isbn = {0-941447-00-6}, %%% note = {}, %%% library = {}, %%% annote = {A valuable book. A chapter on his work around \MF{} is %%% included. Was among the most beautiful books of the year.} %%% } %%% \end{verbatim} %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% \end{quote} %%% % %%% Furthermore assume that the bibliography style |biblist| is %%% available. Then the \LaTeX{} file %%% % %%% \begin{verbatim} %%% \documentstyle[biblist]{article} %%% \begin{document} %%% \bibliography{typography} %%% \end{document} %%% \end{verbatim} %%% % %%% may be used to create a listing with all entries. You have to run %%% \LaTeX{}, \BibTeX{}, and \LaTeX{}. (Careful readers will note that %%% there will be a \BibTeX{} warning about a missing author or editor in %%% the Zapf entry.) You do {\it not\/} need to run \LaTeX{} twice after %%% the \BibTeX{} run. The result looks like this: %%% % %%% \begin{quote} %%% \examplewidth=\linewidth %%% \advance\examplewidth by -2\fboxrule %%% \advance\examplewidth by -2\fboxsep %%% \fbox{% %%% \begin{minipage}{\examplewidth} %%% \section*{References} %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% % %%% % We must fake a little bit to include it here. \bibitem gobbles the %%% % next character since it thinks it's a line end. (This might be a %%% % problem for itself, but untill now all bibliography styles put %%% % \bibitem on an own line.) We must supply a token which might be %%% % eaten by \bibitem. Best to use a \relax for this. %%% % %%% \font\tenlogo=logo10 \let\logo=\tenlogo \def\MF{{\logo META}\-{\logo FONT}} %%% \begin{thebibliography}{1} %%% \bibitem{typo:tschichold:selected}\relax %%% Jan Tschichold. %%% \newblock {\it Ausgew\"ahlte Aufs\"atze \"uber Fragen der Gestalt des Buches %%% und der Typographie}. %%% \newblock Birkh\"auser, Basel, 1975. ISBN~3-7643-1946-1. %%% \newblock A second, unchanged, edition appeared in~1987. %%% \newblock %%% \annote A collection of his ``classic'' papers. The best book on typographic %%% principles read so far. A definitive `{\it must\/}' for everyone interested %%% in typography, book design, or typesetting. %%% \endannote. %%% \bibitem{typo:blostein:music}\relax %%% Dorothea Blostein. %%% \newblock Justification of Printed Music. %%% \newblock {\it Communications of the ACM}, 34(3):88--99, March 1991. %%% \newblock %%% \annote Presents problems and solutions of the task to create a correct spacing %%% while setting notes. The proposed method also takes the temporal relationship %%% of notes into account. Handles two-dimensional layout, e.g., staffs and %%% texts. %%% \endannote. %%% \bibitem{typo:sta:zapf}\relax %%% {\it Herrman Zapf and his Design Philosophy}. %%% \newblock Society of Typographic Arts, Chicago, 1987. ISBN~0-941447-00-6. %%% \newblock %%% \annote A valuable book. A chapter on his work around \MF{} is included. Was %%% among the most beautiful books of the year. %%% \endannote. %%% \end{thebibliography} %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% \end{minipage}% %%% } %%% \end{quote} %%% \bigskip %%% Otherwise -- without the |biblist| bibliography style -- you must issue %%% an appopriate tag. The following result was produced with |unsrt|: %%% % %%% \begin{quote} %%% \examplewidth=\linewidth %%% \advance\examplewidth by -2\fboxrule %%% \advance\examplewidth by -2\fboxsep %%% \fbox{% %%% \begin{minipage}{\examplewidth} %%% \section*{References} %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% % %%% % Here the same reason for inserting \relax'es as in the previous %%% % example applies. %%% % %%% \font\tenlogo=logo10 \let\logo=\tenlogo \def\MF{{\logo META}\-{\logo FONT}} %%% \begin{thebibliography}{1} %%% \bibitem{typo:tschichold:selected}\relax %%% Jan Tschichold. %%% \newblock {\em Ausgew\"ahlte Aufs\"atze \"uber Fragen der Gestalt des Buches %%% und der Typographie}. %%% \newblock Birkh\"auser, Basel, 1975. %%% \newblock A second, unchanged, edition appeared in~1987. %%% \bibitem{typo:blostein:music}\relax %%% Dorothea Blostein. %%% \newblock Justification of printed music. %%% \newblock {\em Communications of the ACM}, 34(3):88--99, March 1991. %%% \bibitem{typo:sta:zapf}\relax %%% {\em Herrman Zapf and his Design Philosophy}. %%% \newblock Society of Typographic Arts, Chicago, 1987. %%% \end{thebibliography} %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% \end{minipage}% %%% } %%% \end{quote} %%% Of course, the ISBN numbers and the annotations are missing, since %%% |unsrt| does not extract them from the database. (Careful readers %%% will notice another difference: The |biblist| bibliography style does %%% not lower titles of articles as the standard styles do.) %%% \sect The preferred style for this style option is |article|. In fact, %%% all styles which use |\raggedbottom| will work. This is because a page %%% break within an entry is not allowed and the flexibility at the page %%% bottom is needed. %%% \sect As a future enhancement one could place an info on the starting %%% and the finishing entry on this page in the headline, like in a %%% dictionary. %%% \sect This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version~1, or (at your %%% option) any later version. %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but %%% {\bf without any warranty\/}; without even the implied warranty of %%% {\bf merchantability\/} or {\bf fitness for a particular purpose}. See %%% the GNU General Public License for more details. %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, %%% Inc., 675~Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA~02139, USA. %%% \sect This style option is supported. Send bug reports, comments and %%% repairs. %%% \chap Implementation. %%% The main work is to supply the environment |thebibliography|; in %%% fact, we implement it as a |description| environment. The environment %%% gets an (unused) argument. In addition we have to supply a correct %%% expansion for the |\bibitem| tag which takes the cite key as its %%% argument. Of course, this will result in an |\item|. After the %%% |\bibitem| a |\library| tag may follow, with one parameter followed %%% by a period. Then comes the reference, the (optional) annotation is %%% an own block, enclosed in |\annote| and |\endannote|. After %%% |\endannote| comes a period which should be discarded. (This should %%% be done in the \BibTeX{} style, but nevertheless\,\dots) %%% Later we will look for the things which would not be needed, but make %%% life easier. %%% \sect Before we start we declare some shorthands for category codes. %%% By declaring the underscore~`(|_|)' as letter we can use it in our %%% macros. (I agree with {\sc D.~Knuth} that %%% |\identifier_several_words_long| is more readable than %%% |\IdentifierSeveralWordsLong| and in every case better than %%% |\p@@@s|.) As this is a \LaTeX{} style option the at sign is a letter %%% anyhow; so we can use the ``private'' Plain and \LaTeX{} macros; and %%% with the underscore we can make our own macros more readable. But as %%% we have to restore this category code at the end of this macro file %%% we store its former value in the control sequence |\uscode|. This %%% method is better than to use a group because not all macros have to %%% be defined global this way. %%% \beginprog \chardef\escape=0 \chardef\open=1 \chardef\close=2 \chardef\letter=11 \chardef\other=12 %\chardef\active=13 % is defined in Plain already \chardef\uscode=\catcode`\_ % top level macro file! \catcode`\_=\letter %%% \endprog %%% \sect Another care activity is needed: Users of the New Font %%% Selection Scheme (NFSS) will perhaps change the fonts in an %%% unexpected manner. \LaTeX{} since December~1991 (and, of course, NFSS %%% itself) provides the macro |\reset@font| to reset the font selection %%% stuff to a defined state. Since this style might be used with older %%% \LaTeX{} versions (e.g., with I\LaTeX{}) we will provide this macro. %%% \beginprog \ifx \reset@font\undefined \let\reset@font\relax \fi %%% \endprog %%% \sect Within an entry we use a ragged right margin. To break within an %%% entry is always difficult and is made easier in this way. After all, %%% the open format we use gives a ragged impression anyhow. Within an %%% entry we dissallow page breaks and we do not treat periods as full %%% stops. %%% \beginprog \def\thebibliography#1{% \description \rightskip \z@ plus 2em \interlinepenalty\@M \sfcode`\.=\@m } \let\endthebibliography=\enddescription %%% \endprog %%% \sect |\bibitem| should look for the next token: If a library info %%% exists it must go in the same line, otherwise a line break must be %%% issued. %%% But |\bibitem| itself is not of interest, it looks only for the %%% optional argument. We have to redefine |\@bibitem|. If an %%% bibliography style like |alpha| is used, |\bibitem| will be supplied %%% an optional argument. Then it expands to |\@lbibitem|; we will define %%% this to |\@bibitem| as well -- we ignore the print label supplied by %%% \BibTeX{}. %%% After the argument(s) of |\bibitem| a line end occurs in any case. The %%% optional |\library| tag will follow on the next line. This means we %%% first have to gobble the line end char |^^M|, and have to check the %%% next token afterwards. If this next token is |\library| we will do %%% nothing since |\library| will itself end the line. Otherwise we do a %%% line break. Experiments have shown that the dotted line at the start %%% on every entry helps finding the different entries. %%% \beginprog \def\@lbibitem[#1]{\@bibitem} \def\@bibitem#1{% \item[\tt #1]\leavevmode \null \dotfill \begingroup \obeylines \afterassignment\prepare_check_library \let\next % gobble following ^^M } \def\prepare_check_library{% \futurelet\next \check_library } \def\check_library{% \ifx \next\library \else \break \fi \endgroup } %%% \endprog %%% \sect We assume that the library info and the cite key will fit into %%% one line. If this is not true, a two line solution must be set up. %%% \beginprog \def\library#1#2.{% #2 is only needed to gobble the period \quad {\sf (#1)}\break } %%% \endprog %%% \sect A reference is divided into blocks starting with |\newblock|. %%% Each block shall start a new line, we use |\newline| for this. A %%% special block is the one with an annotation in it. Since we want to %%% indent this block once more we must change the parshape. But then we %%% have to finish the paragraph first. The annotation block starts with %%% |\annote| and may be easily recognized in this way. %%% \beginprog \def\newblock{% \futurelet\next \@checkAnnote } \def\@checkAnnote{% \ifx \next\annote \else \newline \fi } %%% \endprog %%% \sect The annotation is an own paragraph indented by |\leftmargin|. %%% Since it is not a paragraph in the logical sense we do not insert %%% vertical glue (i.e., |\parskip|) at the top. The annotation is typeset %%% in a smaller size. We assume that it consists of full sentences which %%% might be made up in a proper way. Therefore we don't use a ragged %%% margin here. %%% The change of |\parshape| have to be reset after the group -- these %%% changes are not local. %%% \beginprog \def\annote{% \endgraf \vskip -\parsep \begingroup \reset@font\footnotesize \rightskip \z@skip \advance\linewidth -\leftmargin \advance\@totalleftmargin \leftmargin \parshape \@ne \@totalleftmargin \linewidth } \def\endannote#1.{% #1 is only needed to gobble the period \endgraf \endgroup \parshape \@ne \@totalleftmargin \linewidth } %%% \endprog %%% \sect In our files |\cite| will print the cite key in typewriter with %%% a framed box around. In fact, |\cite| expands to |\@citex|, which has %%% an optional argument. The flag |@tempswa| shows if this optional %%% argument is there. %%% \beginprog \def\@citex[#1]#2{\fbox{{\tt #2}\if@tempswa , #1\fi}} %%% \endprog %%% \sect Bells and Whistles. %%% Since the task we want to support most is the print of complete %%% \BibTeX{} databases with the |biblist| bibliography style, we supply %%% appropriate |\nocite| and |\bibliographystyle| tags, if they are %%% missing. The |\bibliography| command shall create a heading as well. %%% Furthermore we set up a headline. %%% \sect First the original meanings of the to-be-redefined control %%% sequences are saved. We define two macros which will issue the %%% default tags given above. These macros are not private, but %%% protected; a knowing user may redefine the `default bibliography %%% style' in this way. %%% \beginprog \let\@@nocite=\nocite \let\@@bibliographystyle=\bibliographystyle \let\@@bibliography=\bibliography \def\AddNocite{\nocite{*}} \def\AddBibliographystyle{\bibliographystyle{biblist}} %%% \endprog %%% \sect If |\nocite| or |\bibliographystyle| is issued, the default %%% tags are discarded, the original meaning is restored, and the control %%% sequence is reissued again. %%% \beginprog \def\nocite{% \let\AddNocite\relax \let\nocite\@@nocite \nocite } \def\bibliographystyle{% \let\AddBibliographystyle\relax \let\bibliographystyle\@@bibliographystyle \bibliographystyle } %%% \endprog %%% \sect The |\bibliography| tag will first issue the missing default %%% tags, will produce a heading afterwards, will setup the headline, and %%% will create the bibliography itself. For the heading we use |\refname| %%% which should be available -- either because the new \LaTeX{}, %%% I\LaTeX{}, or the {\sf babel} system is used. %%% \beginprog \def\bibliography#1{% \AddNocite \AddBibliographystyle \section*{\refname}% \mark_for_headline{#1}% \@@bibliography{#1}% } %%% \endprog %%% \sect The headline will consist of the database names given in the %%% |\bibliography| tag and the current date. We ignore the database name %%% |abbrev|, since this name is used for |@string| definitions at our %%% site. %%% We do not issue a warning of no file name is given -- this will be %%% done by |\@@bibliography|. When a file name exists a comma and a %%% space will be prepended at the very beginning of |\bib_list|. The %%% comma is discarded after the loop. But when there was no file name %%% |\bib_list| will expand to an empty list, we supply a |\relax| as a %%% catch-up argument for |\@gobble|. %%% \beginprog \def\AbbrevFileName{abbrev} \def\mark_for_headline#1{% \def\bib_list{}% \@for \bib_file :=#1\do {% \ifx \bib_file\AbbrevFileName \else \edef\bib_list{\bib_list, \bib_file.bib}% \fi }% \edef\bib_list{\expandafter\@gobble\bib_list \relax}% \markboth{{\reset@font\tt \bib_list}}{{\reset@font\tt \bib_list}}% } \def\@oddhead{\reset@font\rm \hfil \leftmark \quad (\today)} \def\@evenhead{\reset@font\rm (\today)\quad \ignorespaces \rightmark \hfil} %%% \endprog %%% \sect We must restore our catcode and are finished. %%% \beginprog \catcode`\_=\uscode \endinput %%% \endprog %%% \end{document}