% \iffalse meta-comment
%% File: l3fp-trig.dtx
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% \fi
% \title{^^A
%   The \pkg{l3fp-trig} module\\
%   Floating point trigonometric functions^^A
% }
% \author{^^A
%  The \LaTeX{} Project\thanks
%    {^^A
%      E-mail:
%        \href{mailto:latex-team@latex-project.org}
%          {latex-team@latex-project.org}^^A
%    }^^A
% }
% \date{Released 2025-03-10}
% \maketitle
% \begin{documentation}
% \end{documentation}
% \begin{implementation}
% \section{\pkg{l3fp-trig} implementation}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]
%   {
%     \@@_parse_word_acos:N  ,
%     \@@_parse_word_acosd:N ,
%     \@@_parse_word_acsc:N  ,
%     \@@_parse_word_acscd:N ,
%     \@@_parse_word_asec:N  ,
%     \@@_parse_word_asecd:N ,
%     \@@_parse_word_asin:N  ,
%     \@@_parse_word_asind:N ,
%     \@@_parse_word_cos:N   ,
%     \@@_parse_word_cosd:N  ,
%     \@@_parse_word_cot:N   ,
%     \@@_parse_word_cotd:N  ,
%     \@@_parse_word_csc:N   ,
%     \@@_parse_word_cscd:N  ,
%     \@@_parse_word_sec:N   ,
%     \@@_parse_word_secd:N  ,
%     \@@_parse_word_sin:N   ,
%     \@@_parse_word_sind:N  ,
%     \@@_parse_word_tan:N   ,
%     \@@_parse_word_tand:N  ,
%   }
%   Unary functions.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    {acos} {acsc} {asec} {asin}
    {cos} {cot} {csc} {sec} {sin} {tan}
    \cs_new:cpe { @@_parse_word_#1:N }
        \exp_not:N \@@_parse_unary_function:NNN
        \exp_not:c { @@_#1_o:w }
        \exp_not:N \use_i:nn
    \cs_new:cpe { @@_parse_word_#1d:N }
        \exp_not:N \@@_parse_unary_function:NNN
        \exp_not:c { @@_#1_o:w }
        \exp_not:N \use_ii:nn
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]
%   {
%     \@@_parse_word_acot:N , \@@_parse_word_acotd:N,
%     \@@_parse_word_atan:N , \@@_parse_word_atand:N,
%   }
%   Those functions may receive a variable number of arguments.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_parse_word_acot:N
  { \@@_parse_function:NNN \@@_acot_o:Nw \use_i:nn }
\cs_new:Npn \@@_parse_word_acotd:N
  { \@@_parse_function:NNN \@@_acot_o:Nw \use_ii:nn }
\cs_new:Npn \@@_parse_word_atan:N
  { \@@_parse_function:NNN \@@_atan_o:Nw \use_i:nn }
\cs_new:Npn \@@_parse_word_atand:N
  { \@@_parse_function:NNN \@@_atan_o:Nw \use_ii:nn }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Direct trigonometric functions}
% The approach for all trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent,
% cotangent, cosecant, and secant), with arguments given in radians or
% in degrees, is the same.
% \begin{itemize}
%   \item Filter out special cases ($\pm 0$, $\pm\inf$ and \nan{}).
%   \item Keep the sign for later, and work with the absolute value
%     $\lvert x\rvert$ of the argument.
%   \item Small numbers ($\lvert x\rvert<1$ in radians, $\lvert
%     x\rvert<10$ in degrees) are converted to fixed point numbers (and
%     to radians if $\lvert x\rvert$ is in degrees).
%   \item For larger numbers, we need argument reduction.  Subtract a
%     multiple of $\pi/2$ (in degrees,~$90$) to bring the number to the
%     range to $[0, \pi/2)$ (in degrees, $[0,90)$).
%   \item Reduce further to $[0, \pi/4]$ (in degrees, $[0,45]$) using
%     $\sin x = \cos (\pi/2-x)$, and when working in degrees, convert to
%     radians.
%   \item Use the appropriate power series depending on the octant
%     $\lfloor\frac{|x|}{\pi/4}\rfloor \mod 8$ (in degrees, the same
%     formula with $\pi/4\to 45$), the sign, and the function to
%     compute.
% \end{itemize}
% \subsubsection{Filtering special cases}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_sin_o:w}
%   This function, and its analogs for \texttt{cos}, \texttt{csc},
%   \texttt{sec}, \texttt{tan}, and \texttt{cot} instead of
%   \texttt{sin}, are followed either by \cs{use_i:nn} and a float in
%   radians or by \cs{use_ii:nn} and a float in degrees.  The sine of
%   $\pm 0$ or \nan{} is the same float.  The sine of $\pm\infty$ raises
%   an invalid operation exception with the appropriate function name.
%   Otherwise, call the \texttt{trig} function to perform argument
%   reduction and if necessary convert the reduced argument to radians.
%   Then, \cs{@@_sin_series_o:NNwwww} is called to compute the
%   Taylor series: this function receives a sign~|#3|, an initial octant
%   of~$0$, and the function \cs{@@_ep_to_float_o:wwN} which converts the
%   result of the series to a floating point directly rather than taking
%   its inverse, since $\sin(x) = \#3 \sin\lvert x\rvert$.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_sin_o:w #1 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2#3#4\@@_sep: @
    \if_case:w #2 \exp_stop_f:
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw
               \@@_trig:NNNNNwn #1 \@@_sin_series_o:NNwwww
                 \@@_ep_to_float_o:wwN #3 0
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw
             { \@@_invalid_operation_o:fw { #1 { sin } { sind } } }
    \else: \@@_case_return_same_o:w
    \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2 #3 #4\@@_sep:
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_cos_o:w}
%   The cosine of $\pm 0$ is $1$.  The cosine of $\pm\infty$ raises an
%   invalid operation exception.  The cosine of \nan{} is itself.
%   Otherwise, the \texttt{trig} function reduces the argument to at
%   most half a right-angle and converts if necessary to radians.  We
%   then call the same series as for sine, but using a positive
%   sign~|0| regardless of the sign of~$x$, and with an initial octant
%   of~$2$, because $\cos(x) = + \sin(\pi/2 + \lvert x\rvert)$.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_cos_o:w #1 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2#3\@@_sep: @
    \if_case:w #2 \exp_stop_f:
           \@@_case_return_o:Nw \c_one_fp
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw
               \@@_trig:NNNNNwn #1 \@@_sin_series_o:NNwwww
                 \@@_ep_to_float_o:wwN 0 2
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw
             { \@@_invalid_operation_o:fw { #1 { cos } { cosd } } }
    \else: \@@_case_return_same_o:w
    \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2 #3\@@_sep:
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_csc_o:w}
%   The cosecant of $\pm 0$ is $\pm \infty$ with the same sign, with a
%   division by zero exception (see \cs{@@_cot_zero_o:Nfw} defined
%   below), which requires the function name.  The cosecant of
%   $\pm\infty$ raises an invalid operation exception.  The cosecant of
%   \nan{} is itself.  Otherwise, the \texttt{trig} function performs
%   the argument reduction, and converts if necessary to radians before
%   calling the same series as for sine, using the sign~|#3|, a starting
%   octant of~$0$, and inverting during the conversion from the fixed
%   point sine to the floating point result, because $\csc(x) = \#3
%   \big( \sin\lvert x\rvert\big)^{-1}$.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_csc_o:w #1 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2#3#4\@@_sep: @
    \if_case:w #2 \exp_stop_f:
           \@@_cot_zero_o:Nfw #3 { #1 { csc } { cscd } }
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw
               \@@_trig:NNNNNwn #1 \@@_sin_series_o:NNwwww
                 \@@_ep_inv_to_float_o:wwN #3 0
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw
             { \@@_invalid_operation_o:fw { #1 { csc } { cscd } } }
    \else: \@@_case_return_same_o:w
    \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2 #3 #4\@@_sep:
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_sec_o:w}
%   The secant of $\pm 0$ is $1$.  The secant of $\pm \infty$ raises an
%   invalid operation exception.  The secant of \nan{} is itself.
%   Otherwise, the \texttt{trig} function reduces the argument and turns
%   it to radians before calling the same series as for sine, using a
%   positive sign~$0$, a starting octant of~$2$, and inverting upon
%   conversion, because $\sec(x) = + 1 / \sin(\pi/2 + \lvert x\rvert)$.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_sec_o:w #1 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2#3\@@_sep: @
    \if_case:w #2 \exp_stop_f:
           \@@_case_return_o:Nw \c_one_fp
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw
               \@@_trig:NNNNNwn #1 \@@_sin_series_o:NNwwww
                 \@@_ep_inv_to_float_o:wwN 0 2
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw
             { \@@_invalid_operation_o:fw { #1 { sec } { secd } } }
    \else: \@@_case_return_same_o:w
    \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2 #3\@@_sep:
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_tan_o:w}
%   The tangent of $\pm 0$ or \nan{} is the same floating point number.
%   The tangent of $\pm\infty$ raises an invalid operation exception.
%   Once more, the \texttt{trig} function does the argument reduction
%   step and conversion to radians before calling
%   \cs{@@_tan_series_o:NNwwww}, with a sign~|#3| and an initial octant
%   of~$1$ (this shift is somewhat arbitrary).  See \cs{@@_cot_o:w} for
%   an explanation of the $0$~argument.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_tan_o:w #1 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2#3#4\@@_sep: @
    \if_case:w #2 \exp_stop_f:
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw
               \@@_trig:NNNNNwn #1
                 \@@_tan_series_o:NNwwww 0 #3 1
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw
             { \@@_invalid_operation_o:fw { #1 { tan } { tand } } }
    \else: \@@_case_return_same_o:w
    \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2 #3 #4\@@_sep:
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_cot_o:w}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_cot_zero_o:Nfw}
%   The cotangent of $\pm 0$ is $\pm \infty$ with the same sign, with a
%   division by zero exception (see \cs{@@_cot_zero_o:Nfw}.  The
%   cotangent of $\pm\infty$ raises an invalid operation exception.  The
%   cotangent of \nan{} is itself.  We use $\cot x = - \tan (\pi/2 +
%   x)$, and the initial octant for the tangent was chosen to be $1$, so
%   the octant here starts at $3$.  The change in sign is obtained by
%   feeding \cs{@@_tan_series_o:NNwwww} two signs rather than just the
%   sign of the argument: the first of those indicates whether we
%   compute tangent or cotangent.  Those signs are eventually combined.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_cot_o:w #1 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2#3#4\@@_sep: @
    \if_case:w #2 \exp_stop_f:
           \@@_cot_zero_o:Nfw #3 { #1 { cot } { cotd } }
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw
               \@@_trig:NNNNNwn #1
                 \@@_tan_series_o:NNwwww 2 #3 3
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw
             { \@@_invalid_operation_o:fw { #1 { cot } { cotd } } }
    \else: \@@_case_return_same_o:w
    \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2 #3 #4\@@_sep:
\cs_new:Npn \@@_cot_zero_o:Nfw #1#2#3 \fi:
    \token_if_eq_meaning:NNTF 0 #1
      { \exp_args:NNf \@@_division_by_zero_o:Nnw \c_inf_fp }
      { \exp_args:NNf \@@_division_by_zero_o:Nnw \c_minus_inf_fp }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \subsubsection{Distinguishing small and large arguments}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_trig:NNNNNwn}
%   The first argument is \cs{use_i:nn} if the operand is in radians and
%   \cs{use_ii:nn} if it is in degrees.  Arguments |#2| to~|#5| control
%   what trigonometric function we compute, and |#6| to~|#8| are pieces
%   of a normal floating point number.  Call the \texttt{_series}
%   function~|#2|, with arguments |#3|, either a conversion function
%   (\cs{@@_ep_to_float_o:wN} or \cs{@@_ep_inv_to_float_o:wN}) or a sign $0$
%   or~$2$ when computing tangent or cotangent; |#4|, a sign $0$ or~$2$;
%   the octant, computed in an integer expression starting with~|#5| and
%   stopped by a period; and a fixed point number obtained from the
%   floating point number by argument reduction (if necessary) and
%   conversion to radians (if necessary).  Any argument reduction
%   adjusts the octant accordingly by leaving a (positive) shift into
%   its integer expression.  Let us explain the integer comparison.  Two
%   of the four \cs{exp_after:wN} are expanded, the expansion hits the
%   test, which is true if the float is at least~$1$ when working in
%   radians, and at least $10$ when working in degrees.  Then one of the
%   remaining \cs{exp_after:wN} hits |#1|, which picks the \texttt{trig}
%   or \texttt{trigd} function in whichever branch of the conditional
%   was taken.  The final \cs{exp_after:wN} closes the conditional.  At
%   the end of the day, a number is \texttt{large} if it is $\geq 1$ in
%   radians or $\geq 10$ in degrees, and \texttt{small} otherwise.  All
%   four \texttt{trig}/\texttt{trigd} auxiliaries receive the operand as
%   an extended-precision number.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig:NNNNNwn #1#2#3#4#5 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w 1#6#7#8\@@_sep:
    \exp_after:wN #2
    \exp_after:wN #3
    \exp_after:wN #4
    \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w #5
      \exp_after:wN \exp_after:wN \exp_after:wN \exp_after:wN
      \if_int_compare:w #7 > #1 0 1 \exp_stop_f:
        #1 \@@_trig_large:ww \@@_trigd_large:ww
        #1 \@@_trig_small:ww \@@_trigd_small:ww
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsubsection{Small arguments}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_trig_small:ww}
%   This receives a small extended-precision number in radians and
%   converts it to a fixed point number.  Some trailing digits may be
%   lost in the conversion, so we keep the original floating point
%   number around: when computing sine or tangent (or their inverses),
%   the last step is to multiply by the floating point number (as
%   an extended-precision number) rather than the fixed point number.
%   The period serves to end the integer expression for the octant.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig_small:ww #1,#2\@@_sep:
  { \@@_ep_to_fixed:wwn #1,#2\@@_sep: . #1,#2\@@_sep: }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_trigd_small:ww}
%   Convert the extended-precision number to radians, then call
%   \cs{@@_trig_small:ww} to massage it in the form appropriate for the
%   \texttt{_series} auxiliary.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trigd_small:ww #1,#2\@@_sep:
      -1,{1745}{3292}{5199}{4329}{5769}{2369}\@@_sep: #1,#2\@@_sep:
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsubsection{Argument reduction in degrees}
% \begin{macro}[rEXP]
%   {
%     \@@_trigd_large:ww, \@@_trigd_large_auxi:nnnnwNNNN,
%     \@@_trigd_large_auxii:wNw, \@@_trigd_large_auxiii:www
%   }
%   Note that $25\times 360 = 9000$, so $10^{k+1} \equiv 10^{k}
%   \pmod{360}$ for $k\geq 3$.  When the exponent~|#1| is very large, we
%   can thus safely replace it by~$22$ (or even~$19$).  We turn the
%   floating point number into a fixed point number with two blocks of
%   $8$~digits followed by five blocks of $4$~digits.  The original
%   float is $100\times\meta{block_1}\cdots\meta{block_3}.
%   \meta{block_4}\cdots\meta{block_7}$, or is equal to it modulo~$360$
%   if the exponent~|#1| is very large.  The first auxiliary finds
%   $\meta{block_1} + \meta{block_2} \pmod{9}$, a single digit, and
%   prepends it to the $4$~digits of \meta{block_3}.  It also unpacks
%   \meta{block_4} and grabs the $4$~digits of \meta{block_7}.  The
%   second auxiliary grabs the \meta{block_3} plus any contribution from
%   the first two blocks as~|#1|, the first digit of \meta{block_4}
%   (just after the decimal point in hundreds of degrees) as~|#2|, and
%   the three other digits as~|#3|.  It finds the quotient and remainder
%   of |#1#2| modulo~$9$, adds twice the quotient to the integer
%   expression for the octant, and places the remainder (between $0$
%   and~$8$) before |#3| to form a new \meta{block_4}.  The resulting
%   fixed point number is $x\in [0, 0.9]$.  If $x\geq 0.45$, we add~$1$
%   to the octant and feed $0.9-x$ with an exponent of~$2$ (to
%   compensate the fact that we are working in units of hundreds of
%   degrees rather than degrees) to \cs{@@_trigd_small:ww}.  Otherwise,
%   we feed it~$x$ with an exponent of~$2$.  The third auxiliary also
%   discards digits which were not packed into the various
%   \meta{blocks}.  Since the original exponent~|#1| is at least~$2$,
%   those are all~$0$ and no precision is lost (|#6| and~|#7| are
%   four~$0$ each).
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trigd_large:ww #1, #2#3#4#5#6#7\@@_sep:
    \exp_after:wN \@@_pack_eight:wNNNNNNNN
    \exp_after:wN \@@_pack_eight:wNNNNNNNN
    \exp_after:wN \@@_pack_twice_four:wNNNNNNNN
    \exp_after:wN \@@_pack_twice_four:wNNNNNNNN
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trigd_large_auxi:nnnnwNNNN
    \exp_after:wN \@@_sep:
    \exp:w \exp_end_continue_f:w
    \prg_replicate:nn { \int_max:nn { 22 - #1 } { 0 } } { 0 }
    #2#3#4#5#6#7 0000 0000 0000 !
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trigd_large_auxi:nnnnwNNNN #1#2#3#4#5\@@_sep: #6#7#8#9
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trigd_large_auxii:wNw
    \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w #1 + #2
      - (#1 + #2 - 4) / 9 * 9 \@@_int_eval_end:
    #4\@@_sep: #5{#6#7#8#9}\@@_sep:
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trigd_large_auxii:wNw #1\@@_sep: #2#3\@@_sep:
    + (#1#2 - 4) / 9 * 2
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trigd_large_auxiii:www
    \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w #1#2
      - (#1#2 - 4) / 9 * 9 \@@_int_eval_end: #3 \@@_sep:
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trigd_large_auxiii:www #1\@@_sep: #2\@@_sep: #3!
    \if_int_compare:w #1 < 4500 \exp_stop_f:
      \exp_after:wN \@@_use_i_until_s:nw
      \exp_after:wN \@@_fixed_continue:wn
      + 1
    \@@_fixed_sub:wwn {9000}{0000}{0000}{0000}{0000}{0000}\@@_sep:
    { \@@_trigd_small:ww 2, }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsubsection{Argument reduction in radians}
% Arguments greater or equal to~$1$ need to be reduced to a range where
% we only need a few terms of the Taylor series.  We reduce to the range
% $[0,2\pi]$ by subtracting multiples of~$2\pi$, then to the smaller
% range $[0,\pi/2]$ by subtracting multiples of~$\pi/2$ (keeping track
% of how many times~$\pi/2$ is subtracted), then to $[0,\pi/4]$ by
% mapping $x\to \pi/2 - x$ if appropriate.  When the argument is very
% large, say, $10^{100}$, an equally large multiple of~$2\pi$ must be
% subtracted, hence we must work with a very good approximation
% of~$2\pi$ in order to get a sensible remainder modulo~$2\pi$.
% Specifically, we multiply the argument by an approximation
% of~$1/(2\pi)$ with $\ExplSyntaxOn\int_eval:n { \c__fp_max_exponent_int
%   + 48 }\ExplSyntaxOff$~digits, then discard the integer part of the
% result, keeping $52$~digits of the fractional part.  From the
% fractional part of $x/(2\pi)$ we deduce the octant (quotient of the
% first three digits by~$125$).  We then multiply by $8$ or~$-8$ (the
% latter when the octant is odd), ignore any integer part (related to
% the octant), and convert the fractional part to an extended precision
% number, before multiplying by~$\pi/4$ to convert back to a value in
% radians in $[0,\pi/4]$.
% It is possible to prove that given the precision of floating points
% and their range of exponents, the $52$~digits may start at most with
% $24$~zeros.  The $5$~last digits are affected by carries from
% computations which are not done, hence we are left with at least $52 -
% 24 - 5 = 23$ significant digits, enough to round correctly up to
% $0.6\cdot\text{ulp}$ in all cases.
% \begin{variable}[EXP]{\c_@@_trig_intarray}
%   This integer array stores blocks of $8$~decimals of
%   $10^{-16}/(2\pi)$.  Each entry is $10^8$ plus an $8$~digit number
%   storing $8$ decimals.  In total we store $10112$~decimals of
%   $10^{-16}/(2\pi)$.  The number of decimals we really need is the
%   maximum exponent plus the number of digits we later need,~$52$,
%   plus~$12$ ($4-1$~groups of $4$~digits).  The memory footprint ($1/2$
%   byte per digit) is the same as an earlier method of storing the data
%   as a control sequence name, but the major advantage is that we can
%   unpack specific subsets of the digits without unpacking the $10112$
%   decimals.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\intarray_const_from_clist:Nn \c_@@_trig_intarray
    100000000, 100000000, 115915494, 130918953, 135768883, 176337251,
    143620344, 159645740, 145644874, 176673440, 158896797, 163422653,
    150901138, 102766253, 108595607, 128427267, 157958036, 189291184,
    161145786, 152877967, 141073169, 198392292, 139966937, 140907757,
    130777463, 196925307, 168871739, 128962173, 197661693, 136239024,
    117236290, 111832380, 111422269, 197557159, 140461890, 108690267,
    139561204, 189410936, 193784408, 155287230, 199946443, 140024867,
    123477394, 159610898, 132309678, 130749061, 166986462, 180469944,
    186521878, 181574786, 156696424, 110389958, 174139348, 160998386,
    180991999, 162442875, 158517117, 188584311, 117518767, 116054654,
    175369880, 109739460, 136475933, 137680593, 102494496, 163530532,
    171567755, 103220324, 177781639, 171660229, 146748119, 159816584,
    106060168, 103035998, 113391198, 174988327, 186654435, 127975507,
    100162406, 177564388, 184957131, 108801221, 199376147, 168137776,
    147378906, 133068046, 145797848, 117613124, 127314069, 196077502,
    145002977, 159857089, 105690279, 167851315, 125210016, 131774602,
    109248116, 106240561, 145620314, 164840892, 148459191, 143521157,
    154075562, 100871526, 160680221, 171591407, 157474582, 172259774,
    162853998, 175155329, 139081398, 117724093, 158254797, 107332871,
    190406999, 175907657, 170784934, 170393589, 182808717, 134256403,
    166895116, 162545705, 194332763, 112686500, 126122717, 197115321,
    112599504, 138667945, 103762556, 108363171, 116952597, 158128224,
    194162333, 143145106, 112353687, 185631136, 136692167, 114206974,
    169601292, 150578336, 105311960, 185945098, 139556718, 170995474,
    165104316, 123815517, 158083944, 129799709, 199505254, 138756612,
    194458833, 106846050, 178529151, 151410404, 189298850, 163881607,
    176196993, 107341038, 199957869, 118905980, 193737772, 106187543,
    122271893, 101366255, 126123878, 103875388, 181106814, 106765434,
    108282785, 126933426, 179955607, 107903860, 160352738, 199624512,
    159957492, 176297023, 159409558, 143011648, 129641185, 157771240,
    157544494, 157021789, 176979240, 194903272, 194770216, 164960356,
    153181535, 144003840, 168987471, 176915887, 163190966, 150696440,
    147769706, 187683656, 177810477, 197954503, 153395758, 130188183,
    186879377, 166124814, 195305996, 155802190, 183598751, 103512712,
    190432315, 180498719, 168687775, 194656634, 162210342, 104440855,
    149785037, 192738694, 129353661, 193778292, 187359378, 143470323,
    102371458, 137923557, 111863634, 119294601, 183182291, 196416500,
    187830793, 131353497, 179099745, 186492902, 167450609, 189368909,
    145883050, 133703053, 180547312, 132158094, 131976760, 132283131,
    141898097, 149822438, 133517435, 169898475, 101039500, 168388003,
    197867235, 199608024, 100273901, 108749548, 154787923, 156826113,
    199489032, 168997427, 108349611, 149208289, 103776784, 174303550,
    145684560, 183671479, 130845672, 133270354, 185392556, 120208683,
    193240995, 162211753, 131839402, 109707935, 170774965, 149880868,
    160663609, 168661967, 103747454, 121028312, 119251846, 122483499,
    111611495, 166556037, 196967613, 199312829, 196077608, 127799010,
    107830360, 102338272, 198790854, 102387615, 157445430, 192601191,
    100543379, 198389046, 154921248, 129516070, 172853005, 122721023,
    160175233, 113173179, 175931105, 103281551, 109373913, 163964530,
    157926071, 180083617, 195487672, 146459804, 173977292, 144810920,
    109371257, 186918332, 189588628, 139904358, 168666639, 175673445,
    114095036, 137327191, 174311388, 106638307, 125923027, 159734506,
    105482127, 178037065, 133778303, 121709877, 134966568, 149080032,
    169885067, 141791464, 168350828, 116168533, 114336160, 173099514,
    198531198, 119733758, 144420984, 116559541, 152250643, 139431286,
    144403838, 183561508, 179771645, 101706470, 167518774, 156059160,
    187168578, 157939226, 123475633, 117111329, 198655941, 159689071,
    198506887, 144230057, 151919770, 156900382, 118392562, 120338742,
    135362568, 108354156, 151729710, 188117217, 195936832, 156488518,
    174997487, 108553116, 159830610, 113921445, 144601614, 188452770,
    125114110, 170248521, 173974510, 138667364, 103872860, 109967489,
    131735618, 112071174, 104788993, 168886556, 192307848, 150230570,
    157144063, 163863202, 136852010, 174100574, 185922811, 115721968,
    100397824, 175953001, 166958522, 112303464, 118773650, 143546764,
    164565659, 171901123, 108476709, 193097085, 191283646, 166919177,
    169387914, 133315566, 150669813, 121641521, 100895711, 172862384,
    126070678, 145176011, 113450800, 169947684, 122356989, 162488051,
    157759809, 153397080, 185475059, 175362656, 149034394, 145420581,
    178864356, 183042000, 131509559, 147434392, 152544850, 167491429,
    108647514, 142303321, 133245695, 111634945, 167753939, 142403609,
    105438335, 152829243, 142203494, 184366151, 146632286, 102477666,
    166049531, 140657343, 157553014, 109082798, 180914786, 169343492,
    127376026, 134997829, 195701816, 119643212, 133140475, 176289748,
    140828911, 174097478, 126378991, 181699939, 148749771, 151989818,
    172666294, 160183053, 195832752, 109236350, 168538892, 128468247,
    125997252, 183007668, 156937583, 165972291, 198244297, 147406163,
    181831139, 158306744, 134851692, 185973832, 137392662, 140243450,
    119978099, 140402189, 161348342, 173613676, 144991382, 171541660,
    163424829, 136374185, 106122610, 186132119, 198633462, 184709941,
    183994274, 129559156, 128333990, 148038211, 175011612, 111667205,
    119125793, 103552929, 124113440, 131161341, 112495318, 138592695,
    184904438, 146807849, 109739828, 108855297, 104515305, 139914009,
    188698840, 188365483, 166522246, 168624087, 125401404, 100911787,
    142122045, 123075334, 173972538, 114940388, 141905868, 142311594,
    163227443, 139066125, 116239310, 162831953, 123883392, 113153455,
    163815117, 152035108, 174595582, 101123754, 135976815, 153401874,
    107394340, 136339780, 138817210, 104531691, 182951948, 179591767,
    139541778, 179243527, 161740724, 160593916, 102732282, 187946819,
    136491289, 149714953, 143255272, 135916592, 198072479, 198580612,
    169007332, 118844526, 179433504, 155801952, 149256630, 162048766,
    116134365, 133992028, 175452085, 155344144, 109905129, 182727454,
    165911813, 122232840, 151166615, 165070983, 175574337, 129548631,
    120411217, 116380915, 160616116, 157320000, 183306114, 160618128,
    103262586, 195951602, 146321661, 138576614, 180471993, 127077713,
    116441201, 159496011, 106328305, 120759583, 148503050, 179095584,
    198298218, 167402898, 138551383, 123957020, 180763975, 150429225,
    198476470, 171016426, 197438450, 143091658, 164528360, 132493360,
    143546572, 137557916, 113663241, 120457809, 196971566, 134022158,
    180545794, 131328278, 100552461, 132088901, 187421210, 192448910,
    141005215, 149680971, 113720754, 100571096, 134066431, 135745439,
    191597694, 135788920, 179342561, 177830222, 137011486, 142492523,
    192487287, 113132021, 176673607, 156645598, 127260957, 141566023,
    143787436, 129132109, 174858971, 150713073, 191040726, 143541417,
    197057222, 165479803, 181512759, 157912400, 125344680, 148220261,
    173422990, 101020483, 106246303, 137964746, 178190501, 181183037,
    151538028, 179523433, 141955021, 135689770, 191290561, 143178787,
    192086205, 174499925, 178975690, 118492103, 124206471, 138519113,
    188147564, 102097605, 154895793, 178514140, 141453051, 151583964,
    128232654, 106020603, 131189158, 165702720, 186250269, 191639375,
    115278873, 160608114, 155694842, 110322407, 177272742, 116513642,
    134366992, 171634030, 194053074, 180652685, 109301658, 192136921,
    141431293, 171341061, 157153714, 106203978, 147618426, 150297807,
    186062669, 169960809, 118422347, 163350477, 146719017, 145045144,
    161663828, 146208240, 186735951, 102371302, 190444377, 194085350,
    134454426, 133413062, 163074595, 113830310, 122931469, 134466832,
    185176632, 182415152, 110179422, 164439571, 181217170, 121756492,
    119644493, 196532222, 118765848, 182445119, 109401340, 150443213,
    198586286, 121083179, 139396084, 143898019, 114787389, 177233102,
    186310131, 148695521, 126205182, 178063494, 157118662, 177825659,
    188310053, 151552316, 165984394, 109022180, 163144545, 121212978,
    197344714, 188741258, 126822386, 102360271, 109981191, 152056882,
    134723983, 158013366, 106837863, 128867928, 161973236, 172536066,
    185216856, 132011948, 197807339, 158419190, 166595838, 167852941,
    124187182, 117279875, 106103946, 106481958, 157456200, 160892122,
    184163943, 173846549, 158993202, 184812364, 133466119, 170732430,
    195458590, 173361878, 162906318, 150165106, 126757685, 112163575,
    188696307, 145199922, 100107766, 176830946, 198149756, 122682434,
    179367131, 108412102, 119520899, 148191244, 140487511, 171059184,
    141399078, 189455775, 118462161, 190415309, 134543802, 180893862,
    180732375, 178615267, 179711433, 123241969, 185780563, 176301808,
    184386640, 160717536, 183213626, 129671224, 126094285, 140110963,
    121826276, 151201170, 122552929, 128965559, 146082049, 138409069,
    107606920, 103954646, 119164002, 115673360, 117909631, 187289199,
    186343410, 186903200, 157966371, 103128612, 135698881, 176403642,
    152540837, 109810814, 183519031, 121318624, 172281810, 150845123,
    169019064, 166322359, 138872454, 163073727, 128087898, 130041018,
    194859136, 173742589, 141812405, 167291912, 138003306, 134499821,
    196315803, 186381054, 124578934, 150084553, 128031351, 118843410,
    107373060, 159565443, 173624887, 171292628, 198074235, 139074061,
    178690578, 144431052, 174262641, 176783005, 182214864, 162289361,
    192966929, 192033046, 169332843, 181580535, 164864073, 118444059,
    195496893, 153773183, 167266131, 130108623, 158802128, 180432893,
    144562140, 147978945, 142337360, 158506327, 104399819, 132635916,
    168734194, 136567839, 101281912, 120281622, 195003330, 112236091,
    185875592, 101959081, 122415367, 194990954, 148881099, 175891989,
    108115811, 163538891, 163394029, 123722049, 184837522, 142362091,
    100834097, 156679171, 100841679, 157022331, 178971071, 102928884,
    189701309, 195339954, 124415335, 106062584, 139214524, 133864640,
    134324406, 157317477, 155340540, 144810061, 177612569, 108474646,
    114329765, 143900008, 138265211, 145210162, 136643111, 197987319,
    102751191, 144121361, 169620456, 193602633, 161023559, 162140467,
    102901215, 167964187, 135746835, 187317233, 110047459, 163339773,
    124770449, 118885134, 141536376, 100915375, 164267438, 145016622,
    113937193, 106748706, 128815954, 164819775, 119220771, 102367432,
    189062690, 170911791, 194127762, 112245117, 123546771, 115640433,
    135772061, 166615646, 174474627, 130562291, 133320309, 153340551,
    138417181, 194605321, 150142632, 180008795, 151813296, 175497284,
    167018836, 157425342, 150169942, 131069156, 134310662, 160434122,
    105213831, 158797111, 150754540, 163290657, 102484886, 148697402,
    187203725, 198692811, 149360627, 140384233, 128749423, 132178578,
    177507355, 171857043, 178737969, 134023369, 102911446, 196144864,
    197697194, 134527467, 144296030, 189437192, 154052665, 188907106,
    162062575, 150993037, 199766583, 167936112, 181374511, 104971506,
    115378374, 135795558, 167972129, 135876446, 130937572, 103221320,
    124605656, 161129971, 131027586, 191128460, 143251843, 143269155,
    129284585, 173495971, 150425653, 199302112, 118494723, 121323805,
    116549802, 190991967, 168151180, 122483192, 151273721, 199792134,
    133106764, 121874844, 126215985, 112167639, 167793529, 182985195,
    185453921, 106957880, 158685312, 132775454, 133229161, 198905318,
    190537253, 191582222, 192325972, 178133427, 181825606, 148823337,
    160719681, 101448145, 131983362, 137910767, 112550175, 128826351,
    183649210, 135725874, 110356573, 189469487, 154446940, 118175923,
    106093708, 128146501, 185742532, 149692127, 164624247, 183221076,
    154737505, 168198834, 156410354, 158027261, 125228550, 131543250,
    139591848, 191898263, 104987591, 115406321, 103542638, 190012837,
    142615518, 178773183, 175862355, 117537850, 169565995, 170028011,
    158412588, 170150030, 117025916, 174630208, 142412449, 112839238,
    105257725, 114737141, 123102301, 172563968, 130555358, 132628403,
    183638157, 168682846, 143304568, 105994018, 170010719, 152092970,
    117799058, 132164175, 179868116, 158654714, 177489647, 116547948,
    183121404, 131836079, 184431405, 157311793, 149677763, 173989893,
    102277656, 107058530, 140837477, 152640947, 143507039, 152145247,
    101683884, 107090870, 161471944, 137225650, 128231458, 172995869,
    173831689, 171268519, 139042297, 111072135, 107569780, 137262545,
    181410950, 138270388, 198736451, 162848201, 180468288, 120582913,
    153390138, 135649144, 130040157, 106509887, 192671541, 174507066,
    186888783, 143805558, 135011967, 145862340, 180595327, 124727843,
    182925939, 157715840, 136885940, 198993925, 152416883, 178793572,
    179679516, 154076673, 192703125, 164187609, 162190243, 104699348,
    159891990, 160012977, 174692145, 132970421, 167781726, 115178506,
    153008552, 155999794, 102099694, 155431545, 127458567, 104403686,
    168042864, 184045128, 181182309, 179349696, 127218364, 192935516,
    120298724, 169583299, 148193297, 183358034, 159023227, 105261254,
    121144370, 184359584, 194433836, 138388317, 175184116, 108817112,
    151279233, 137457721, 193398208, 119005406, 132929377, 175306906,
    160741530, 149976826, 147124407, 176881724, 186734216, 185881509,
    191334220, 175930947, 117385515, 193408089, 157124410, 163472089,
    131949128, 180783576, 131158294, 100549708, 191802336, 165960770,
    170927599, 101052702, 181508688, 197828549, 143403726, 142729262,
    110348701, 139928688, 153550062, 106151434, 130786653, 196085995,
    100587149, 139141652, 106530207, 100852656, 124074703, 166073660,
    153338052, 163766757, 120188394, 197277047, 122215363, 138511354,
    183463624, 161985542, 159938719, 133367482, 104220974, 149956672,
    170250544, 164232439, 157506869, 159133019, 137469191, 142980999,
    134242305, 150172665, 121209241, 145596259, 160554427, 159095199,
    168243130, 184279693, 171132070, 121049823, 123819574, 171759855,
    119501864, 163094029, 175943631, 194450091, 191506160, 149228764,
    132319212, 197034460, 193584259, 126727638, 168143633, 109856853,
    127860243, 132141052, 133076065, 188414958, 158718197, 107124299,
    159592267, 181172796, 144388537, 196763139, 127431422, 179531145,
    100064922, 112650013, 132686230, 121550837,
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{variable}
% \begin{macro}[rEXP]
%   {
%     \@@_trig_large:ww,
%     \@@_trig_large_auxi:w,
%     \@@_trig_large_auxii:w,
%     \@@_trig_large_auxiii:w,
%   }
%   The exponent~|#1| is between $1$ and~$\ExplSyntaxOn \int_use:N
%   \c__fp_max_exponent_int$.  We wish to look up decimals
%   $10^{\text{\texttt{\#1}}-16}/(2\pi)$ starting from the digit
%   $|#1|+1$.  Since they are stored in batches of~$8$, compute
%   $\lfloor|#1|/8\rfloor$ and fetch blocks of $8$ digits starting
%   there.  The numbering of items in \cs{c_@@_trig_intarray} starts
%   at~$1$, so the block $\lfloor|#1|/8\rfloor+1$ contains the digit we
%   want, at one of the eight positions.  Each call to \cs{int_value:w}
%   \cs{__kernel_intarray_item:Nn} expands the next, until being stopped
%   by \cs{@@_trig_large_auxiii:w} using \cs{exp_stop_f:}.  Once all
%   these blocks are unpacked, the \cs{exp_stop_f:} and $0$ to $7$
%   digits are removed by \cs[no-index]{use_none:n\ldots{}n}.
%   Finally, \cs{@@_trig_large_auxii:w} packs $64$ digits (there are
%   between $65$ and $72$ at this point) into groups of~$4$ and the
%   \texttt{auxv} auxiliary is called.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig_large:ww #1, #2#3#4#5#6\@@_sep:
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxi:w
    \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w (#1 - 4) / 8 \exp_after:wN ,
    \int_value:w #1 , \@@_sep:
    {#2}{#3}{#4}{#5} \@@_sep:
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig_large_auxi:w #1, #2,
    \exp_after:wN \exp_after:wN
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxii:w
      use_none:n \prg_replicate:nn { #2 - #1 * 8 } { n }
    \__kernel_intarray_item:Nn \c_@@_trig_intarray
      { \@@_int_eval:w #1 + 1 \scan_stop: }
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxiii:w \int_value:w
    \__kernel_intarray_item:Nn \c_@@_trig_intarray
      { \@@_int_eval:w #1 + 2 \scan_stop: }
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxiii:w \int_value:w
    \__kernel_intarray_item:Nn \c_@@_trig_intarray
      { \@@_int_eval:w #1 + 3 \scan_stop: }
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxiii:w \int_value:w
    \__kernel_intarray_item:Nn \c_@@_trig_intarray
      { \@@_int_eval:w #1 + 4 \scan_stop: }
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxiii:w \int_value:w
    \__kernel_intarray_item:Nn \c_@@_trig_intarray
      { \@@_int_eval:w #1 + 5 \scan_stop: }
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxiii:w \int_value:w
    \__kernel_intarray_item:Nn \c_@@_trig_intarray
      { \@@_int_eval:w #1 + 6 \scan_stop: }
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxiii:w \int_value:w
    \__kernel_intarray_item:Nn \c_@@_trig_intarray
      { \@@_int_eval:w #1 + 7 \scan_stop: }
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxiii:w \int_value:w
    \__kernel_intarray_item:Nn \c_@@_trig_intarray
      { \@@_int_eval:w #1 + 8 \scan_stop: }
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxiii:w \int_value:w
    \__kernel_intarray_item:Nn \c_@@_trig_intarray
      { \@@_int_eval:w #1 + 9 \scan_stop: }
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig_large_auxii:w
    \@@_pack_twice_four:wNNNNNNNN \@@_pack_twice_four:wNNNNNNNN
    \@@_pack_twice_four:wNNNNNNNN \@@_pack_twice_four:wNNNNNNNN
    \@@_pack_twice_four:wNNNNNNNN \@@_pack_twice_four:wNNNNNNNN
    \@@_pack_twice_four:wNNNNNNNN \@@_pack_twice_four:wNNNNNNNN
    \@@_trig_large_auxv:www \@@_sep:
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig_large_auxiii:w 1 { \exp_stop_f: }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[rEXP]
%   {
%     \@@_trig_large_auxv:www,
%     \@@_trig_large_auxvi:wnnnnnnnn,
%     \@@_trig_large_pack:NNNNNw
%   }
%   First come the first $64$~digits of the fractional part of
%   $10^{\text{\texttt{\#1}}-16}/(2\pi)$, arranged in $16$~blocks
%   of~$4$, and ending with a semicolon.  Then a few more digits of the
%   same fractional part, ending with a semicolon, then $4$~blocks of
%   $4$~digits holding the significand of the original argument.
%   Multiply the $16$-digit significand with the $64$-digit fractional
%   part: the \texttt{auxvi} auxiliary receives the significand
%   as~|#2#3#4#5| and $16$~digits of the fractional part as~|#6#7#8#9|,
%   and computes one step of the usual ladder of \texttt{pack} functions
%   we use for multiplication (see \emph{e.g.,} \cs{@@_fixed_mul:wwn}),
%   then discards one block of the fractional part to set things up for
%   the next step of the ladder.  We perform $13$~such steps, replacing
%   the last \texttt{middle} shift by the appropriate \texttt{trailing}
%   shift, then discard the significand and remaining $3$~blocks from
%   the fractional part, as there are not enough digits to compute any
%   more step in the ladder.  The last semicolon closes the ladder, and
%   we return control to the \texttt{auxvii} auxiliary.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig_large_auxv:www #1\@@_sep: #2\@@_sep: #3\@@_sep:
    \exp_after:wN \@@_use_i_until_s:nw
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxvii:w
    \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w \c_@@_leading_shift_int
      \prg_replicate:nn { 13 }
        { \@@_trig_large_auxvi:wnnnnnnnn }
      + \c_@@_trailing_shift_int - \c_@@_middle_shift_int
      \@@_sep: #3 #1 \@@_sep: \@@_sep:
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig_large_auxvi:wnnnnnnnn #1\@@_sep: #2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_pack:NNNNNw
    \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w \c_@@_middle_shift_int
      + #2*#9 + #3*#8 + #4*#7 + #5*#6
      #1\@@_sep: {#2}{#3}{#4}{#5} {#7}{#8}{#9}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig_large_pack:NNNNNw #1#2#3#4#5#6\@@_sep:
  { + #1#2#3#4#5 \@@_sep: #6 }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[rEXP]
%   {
%     \@@_trig_large_auxvii:w,
%     \@@_trig_large_auxviii:w,
%   }
% \begin{macro}[EXP]
%   {
%     \@@_trig_large_auxix:Nw,
%     \@@_trig_large_auxx:wNNNNN,
%     \@@_trig_large_auxxi:w
%   }
%   The \texttt{auxvii} auxiliary is followed by $52$~digits and a
%   semicolon.  We find the octant as the integer part of $8$~times what
%   follows, or equivalently as the integer part of $|#1#2#3|/125$, and
%   add it to the surrounding integer expression for the octant.  We
%   then compute $8$~times the $52$-digit number, with a minus sign if
%   the octant is odd.  Again, the last \texttt{middle} shift is
%   converted to a \texttt{trailing} shift.  Any integer part (including
%   negative values which come up when the octant is odd) is discarded
%   by \cs{@@_use_i_until_s:nw}.  The resulting fractional part should
%   then be converted to radians by multiplying by~$2\pi/8$, but first,
%   build an extended precision number by abusing
%   \cs{@@_ep_to_ep_loop:N} with the appropriate trailing markers.
%   Finally, \cs{@@_trig_small:ww} sets up the argument for the
%   functions which compute the Taylor series.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig_large_auxvii:w #1#2#3
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxviii:ww
    \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w (#1#2#3 - 62) / 125 \@@_sep:
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig_large_auxviii:ww #1\@@_sep:
    + #1
    \if_int_odd:w #1 \exp_stop_f:
      \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxix:Nw
      \exp_after:wN -
      \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxix:Nw
      \exp_after:wN +
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig_large_auxix:Nw
    \exp_after:wN \@@_use_i_until_s:nw
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_auxxi:w
    \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w \c_@@_leading_shift_int
      \prg_replicate:nn { 13 }
        { \@@_trig_large_auxx:wNNNNN }
      + \c_@@_trailing_shift_int - \c_@@_middle_shift_int
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig_large_auxx:wNNNNN #1\@@_sep: #2 #3#4#5#6
    \exp_after:wN \@@_trig_large_pack:NNNNNw
    \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w \c_@@_middle_shift_int
      #2 8 * #3#4#5#6
      #1\@@_sep: #2
\cs_new:Npn \@@_trig_large_auxxi:w #1\@@_sep:
    \exp_after:wN \@@_ep_mul_raw:wwwwN
    \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w 0 \@@_ep_to_ep_loop:N #1 \@@_sep: \@@_sep: !
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \subsubsection{Computing the power series}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]
%   {\@@_sin_series_o:NNwwww, \@@_sin_series_aux_o:NNnwww}
%   Here we receive a conversion function \cs{@@_ep_to_float_o:wwN} or
%   \cs{@@_ep_inv_to_float_o:wwN}, a \meta{sign} ($0$ or~$2$), a
%   (non-negative) \meta{octant} delimited by a dot, a \meta{fixed
%     point} number delimited by a semicolon, and an extended-precision
%   number.  The auxiliary receives:
%   \begin{itemize}
%   \item the conversion function~|#1|;
%   \item the final sign, which depends on the octant~|#3| and the
%     sign~|#2|;
%   \item the octant~|#3|, which controls the series we use;
%   \item the square |#4 * #4| of the argument as a fixed point number,
%     computed with \cs{@@_fixed_mul:wwn};
%   \item the number itself as an extended-precision number.
%   \end{itemize}
%   If the octant is in $\{1,2,5,6,\ldots{}\}$, we are near an extremum
%   of the function and we use the series
%   \[
%   \cos(x) = 1 - x^2 \bigg( \frac{1}{2!} - x^2 \bigg( \frac{1}{4!}
%   - x^2 \bigg( \cdots \bigg) \bigg) \bigg) .
%   \]
%   Otherwise, the series
%   \[
%   \sin(x) = x \bigg( 1 - x^2 \bigg( \frac{1}{3!} - x^2 \bigg(
%   \frac{1}{5!} - x^2 \bigg( \cdots \bigg) \bigg) \bigg) \bigg)
%   \]
%   is used.  Finally, the extended-precision number is converted to a
%   floating point number with the given sign, and \cs{@@_sanitize:Nw}
%   checks for overflow and underflow.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_sin_series_o:NNwwww #1#2#3. #4\@@_sep:
    \@@_fixed_mul:wwn #4\@@_sep: #4\@@_sep:
      \exp_after:wN \@@_sin_series_aux_o:NNnwww
      \exp_after:wN #1
        \if_int_odd:w \@@_int_eval:w (#3 + 2) / 4 \@@_int_eval_end:
          \if_meaning:w #2 0 2 \else: 0 \fi:
\cs_new:Npn \@@_sin_series_aux_o:NNnwww #1#2#3 #4\@@_sep: #5,#6\@@_sep:
    \if_int_odd:w \@@_int_eval:w #3 / 2 \@@_int_eval_end:
      \exp_after:wN \use_i:nn
      \exp_after:wN \use_ii:nn
    { % 1/18!
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn {0000}{0000}{0000}{0001}{5619}{2070}\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #4\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #4\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #4\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #4\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #4\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #4\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #4\@@_sep:
      { \@@_fixed_continue:wn 0, }
    { % 1/17!
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn {0000}{0000}{0000}{0028}{1145}{7254}\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #4\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #4\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #4\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #4\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #4\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #4\@@_sep:
      { \@@_ep_mul:wwwwn 0, } #5,#6\@@_sep:
      \exp_after:wN \@@_sanitize:Nw
      \exp_after:wN #2
      \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w #1
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]
%   {\@@_tan_series_o:NNwwww, \@@_tan_series_aux_o:Nnwww}
%   Contrarily to \cs{@@_sin_series_o:NNwwww} which received a
%   conversion auxiliary as~|#1|, here, |#1| is $0$ for tangent
%   and $2$ for
%   cotangent.  Consider first the case of the tangent.  The octant |#3|
%   starts at $1$, which means that it is $1$ or $2$ for $\lvert
%   x\rvert\in[0,\pi/2]$, it is $3$ or $4$ for $\lvert
%   x\rvert\in[\pi/2,\pi]$, and so on: the intervals on which
%   $\tan\lvert x\rvert\geq 0$ coincide with those for which $\lfloor
%   (|#3| + 1) / 2\rfloor$ is odd.  We also have to take into account
%   the original sign of $x$ to get the sign of the final result; it is
%   straightforward to check that the first \cs{int_value:w} expansion
%   produces $0$ for a positive final result, and $2$ otherwise.  A
%   similar story holds for $\cot(x)$.
%   The auxiliary receives the sign, the octant, the square of the
%   (reduced) input, and the (reduced) input (an extended-precision
%   number) as arguments.  It then
%   computes the numerator and denominator of
%   \[
%   \tan(x) \simeq
%   \frac{x (1 - x^2 (a_1 - x^2 (a_2 - x^2 (a_3 - x^2 (a_4 - x^2 a_5)))))}
%     {1 - x^2 (b_1 - x^2 (b_2 - x^2 (b_3 - x^2 (b_4 - x^2 b_5))))} .
%   \]
%   The ratio is computed by \cs{@@_ep_div:wwwwn}, then converted to a
%   floating point number.  For octants~|#3| (really, quadrants) next to
%   a pole of the
%   functions, the fixed point numerator and denominator are exchanged
%   before computing the ratio.  Note that this \cs{if_int_odd:w} test
%   relies on the fact that the octant is at least~$1$.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_tan_series_o:NNwwww #1#2#3. #4\@@_sep:
    \@@_fixed_mul:wwn #4\@@_sep: #4\@@_sep:
      \exp_after:wN \@@_tan_series_aux_o:Nnwww
        \if_int_odd:w \@@_int_eval:w #3 / 2 \@@_int_eval_end:
          \exp_after:wN \reverse_if:N
        \if_meaning:w #1#2 2 \else: 0 \fi:
\cs_new:Npn \@@_tan_series_aux_o:Nnwww #1 #2 #3\@@_sep: #4,#5\@@_sep:
    \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn {0000}{0000}{1527}{3493}{0856}{7059}\@@_sep:
    \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #3\@@_sep:
    \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #3\@@_sep:
    \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #3\@@_sep:
    \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #3\@@_sep:
    { \@@_ep_mul:wwwwn 0, } #4,#5\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn {0000}{0007}{0258}{0681}{9408}{4706}\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #3\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #3\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #3\@@_sep:
        \reverse_if:N \if_int_odd:w
            \@@_int_eval:w (#2 - 1) / 2 \@@_int_eval_end:
          \exp_after:wN \@@_reverse_args:Nww
        \@@_ep_div:wwwwn 0,
      \exp_after:wN \@@_sanitize:Nw
      \exp_after:wN #1
      \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w \@@_ep_to_float_o:wwN
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Inverse trigonometric functions}
% All inverse trigonometric functions (arcsine, arccosine, arctangent,
% arccotangent, arccosecant, and arcsecant) are based on a function
% often denoted \texttt{atan2}.  This function is accessed directly by
% feeding two arguments to arctangent, and is defined by \(\operatorname{atan}(y, x) =
% \operatorname{atan}(y/x)\) for generic \(y\) and~\(x\).  Its advantages over the
% conventional arctangent is that it takes values in $[-\pi,\pi]$ rather
% than $[-\pi/2,\pi/2]$, and that it is better behaved in boundary
% cases.  Other inverse trigonometric functions are expressed in terms
% of \(\operatorname{atan}\) as
% \begin{align}
%   \operatorname{acos} x & = \operatorname{atan}(\sqrt{1-x^2}, x) \\
%   \operatorname{asin} x & = \operatorname{atan}(x, \sqrt{1-x^2}) \\
%   \operatorname{asec} x & = \operatorname{atan}(\sqrt{x^2-1}, 1) \\
%   \operatorname{acsc} x & = \operatorname{atan}(1, \sqrt{x^2-1}) \\
%   \operatorname{atan} x & = \operatorname{atan}(x, 1) \\
%   \operatorname{acot} x & = \operatorname{atan}(1, x) .
% \end{align}
% Rather than introducing a new function, \texttt{atan2}, the arctangent
% function \texttt{atan} is overloaded: it can take one or two
% arguments.  In the comments below, following many texts, we call the
% first argument~$y$ and the second~$x$, because $\operatorname{atan}(y, x) = \operatorname{atan}(y
% / x)$ is the angular coordinate of the point $(x, y)$.
% As for direct trigonometric functions, the first step in computing
% $\operatorname{atan}(y, x)$ is argument reduction.  The sign of~$y$ gives that
% of the result.  We distinguish eight regions where the point $(x,
% \lvert y\rvert)$ can lie, of angular size roughly $\pi/8$,
% characterized by their \enquote{octant}, between $0$ and~$7$ included.  In
% each region, we compute an arctangent as a Taylor series, then shift
% this arctangent by the appropriate multiple of $\pi/4$ and sign to get
% the result.  Here is a list of octants, and how we compute the
% arctangent (we assume $y>0$: otherwise replace $y$ by~$-y$ below):
% \begin{itemize}
% \item[0] $0 < \lvert y\rvert < 0.41421 x$, then
%   $\operatorname{atan}\frac{\lvert y\rvert}{x}$
%   is given by a nicely convergent Taylor series;
% \item[1] $0 < 0.41421 x < \lvert y\rvert < x$, then
%   $\operatorname{atan}\frac{\lvert y\rvert}{x}
%   = \frac{\pi}{4}-\operatorname{atan}\frac{x-\lvert y\rvert}{x+\lvert y\rvert}$;
% \item[2] $0 < 0.41421 \lvert y\rvert < x < \lvert y\rvert$, then
%   $\operatorname{atan}\frac{\lvert y\rvert}{x}
%   = \frac{\pi}{4}+\operatorname{atan}\frac{-x+\lvert y\rvert}{x+\lvert y\rvert}$;
% \item[3] $0 < x < 0.41421 \lvert y\rvert$, then
%   $\operatorname{atan}\frac{\lvert y\rvert}{x}
%   = \frac{\pi}{2}-\operatorname{atan}\frac{x}{\lvert y\rvert}$;
% \item[4] $0 < -x < 0.41421 \lvert y\rvert$, then
%   $\operatorname{atan}\frac{\lvert y\rvert}{x}
%   = \frac{\pi}{2}+\operatorname{atan}\frac{-x}{\lvert y\rvert}$;
% \item[5] $0 < 0.41421 \lvert y\rvert < -x < \lvert y\rvert$, then
%   $\operatorname{atan}\frac{\lvert y\rvert}{x}
%   =\frac{3\pi}{4}-\operatorname{atan}\frac{x+\lvert y\rvert}{-x+\lvert y\rvert}$;
% \item[6] $0 < -0.41421 x < \lvert y\rvert < -x$, then
%   $\operatorname{atan}\frac{\lvert y\rvert}{x}
%   =\frac{3\pi}{4}+\operatorname{atan}\frac{-x-\lvert y\rvert}{-x+\lvert y\rvert}$;
% \item[7] $0 < \lvert y\rvert < -0.41421 x$, then
%   $\operatorname{atan}\frac{\lvert y\rvert}{x}
%   = \pi-\operatorname{atan}\frac{\lvert y\rvert}{-x}$.
% \end{itemize}
% In the following, we denote by~$z$ the ratio among
% $\lvert\frac{y}{x}\rvert$, $\lvert\frac{x}{y}\rvert$,
% $\lvert\frac{x+y}{x-y}\rvert$, $\lvert\frac{x-y}{x+y}\rvert$ which
% appears in the right-hand side above.
% \subsubsection{Arctangent and arccotangent}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_atan_o:Nw, \@@_acot_o:Nw, \@@_atan_default:w}
%   The parsing step manipulates \texttt{atan} and \texttt{acot} like
%   \texttt{min} and \texttt{max}, reading in an array of operands, but
%   also leaves \cs{use_i:nn} or \cs{use_ii:nn} depending on whether the
%   result should be given in radians or in degrees.  The helper
%   \cs{@@_parse_function_one_two:nnw} checks that the operand is one or
%   two floating point numbers (not tuples) and leaves its second
%   argument or its tail accordingly (its first argument is used for
%   error messages).  More precisely if we are given a single floating
%   point number \cs{@@_atan_default:w} places \cs{c_one_fp} (expanded)
%   after it; otherwise \cs{@@_atan_default:w} is omitted by
%   \cs{@@_parse_function_one_two:nnw}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_atan_o:Nw #1
      { #1 { atan } { atand } }
      { \@@_atan_default:w \@@_atanii_o:Nww #1 }
\cs_new:Npn \@@_acot_o:Nw #1
      { #1 { acot } { acotd } }
      { \@@_atan_default:w \@@_acotii_o:Nww #1 }
\cs_new:Npe \@@_atan_default:w #1#2#3 @ { #1 #2 #3 \c_one_fp @ }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_atanii_o:Nww, \@@_acotii_o:Nww}
%   If either operand is \texttt{nan}, we return it.  If both are
%   normal, we call \cs{@@_atan_normal_o:NNnwNnw}.  If both are zero or
%   both infinity, we call \cs{@@_atan_inf_o:NNNw} with argument~$2$,
%   leading to a result among $\{\pm\pi/4, \pm 3\pi/4\}$ (in degrees,
%   $\{\pm 45, \pm 135\}$).  Otherwise, one is much bigger than the
%   other, and we call \cs{@@_atan_inf_o:NNNw} with either an argument
%   of~$4$, leading to the values $\pm\pi/2$ (in degrees,~$\pm 90$),
%   or~$0$, leading to $\{\pm 0, \pm\pi\}$ (in degrees, $\{\pm 0,\pm
%   180\}$).  Since $\operatorname{acot}(x, y) = \operatorname{atan}(y, x)$,
%   \cs{@@_acotii_o:ww} simply reverses its two arguments.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_atanii_o:Nww
    #1 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2#3#4\@@_sep: \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #5 #6 @
    \if_meaning:w 3 #2 \@@_case_return_i_o:ww \fi:
    \if_meaning:w 3 #5 \@@_case_return_ii_o:ww \fi:
      \if_meaning:w #2 #5
        \if_meaning:w 1 #2 10 \else: 0 \fi:
        \if_int_compare:w #2 > #5 \exp_stop_f: 1 \else: 2 \fi:
         \@@_case_return:nw { \@@_atan_inf_o:NNNw #1 #3 2 }
    \or: \@@_case_return:nw { \@@_atan_inf_o:NNNw #1 #3 4 }
    \or: \@@_case_return:nw { \@@_atan_inf_o:NNNw #1 #3 0 }
    \@@_atan_normal_o:NNnwNnw #1
    \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2#3#4\@@_sep:
    \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #5 #6
\cs_new:Npn \@@_acotii_o:Nww #1#2\@@_sep: #3\@@_sep:
  { \@@_atanii_o:Nww #1#3\@@_sep: #2\@@_sep: }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_atan_inf_o:NNNw}
%   This auxiliary is called whenever one number is $\pm 0$ or
%   $\pm\infty$ (and neither is \nan{}).  Then the result only depends
%   on the signs, and its value is a multiple of $\pi/4$.  We use the
%   same auxiliary as for normal numbers,
%   \cs{@@_atan_combine_o:NwwwwwN}, with arguments the final sign~|#2|;
%   the octant~|#3|; $\operatorname{atan} z/z=1$ as a fixed point number; $z=0$~as a
%   fixed point number; and $z=0$~as an extended-precision number.
%   Given the values we provide, $\operatorname{atan} z$ is computed to be~$0$,
%   and the result is $[|#3|/2]\cdot\pi/4$ if the sign~|#5| of~$x$
%   is positive, and $[(7-|#3|)/2]\cdot\pi/4$ for negative~$x$, where
%   the divisions are rounded up.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_atan_inf_o:NNNw #1#2#3 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #4#5#6\@@_sep:
    \exp_after:wN \@@_atan_combine_o:NwwwwwN
    \exp_after:wN #2
    \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w
      \if_meaning:w 2 #5 7 - \fi: #3 \exp_after:wN \@@_sep:
    0,{0000}{0000}{0000}{0000}{0000}{0000}\@@_sep: #1
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_atan_normal_o:NNnwNnw}
%   Here we simply reorder the floating point data into a pair of signed
%   extended-precision numbers, that is, a sign, an exponent ending with
%   a comma, and a six-block mantissa ending with a semi-colon.  This
%   extended precision is required by other inverse trigonometric
%   functions, to compute things like $\operatorname{atan}(x,\sqrt{1-x^2})$ without
%   intermediate rounding errors.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_atan_normal_o:NNnwNnw
    #1 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w 1#2#3#4\@@_sep: \s_@@ \@@_chk:w 1#5#6#7\@@_sep:
      #2 #3, #4{0000}{0000}\@@_sep:
      #5 #6, #7{0000}{0000}\@@_sep: #1
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_atan_test_o:NwwNwwN}
%   This receives: the sign~|#1| of~$y$, its exponent~|#2|, its $24$
%   digits~|#3| in groups of~$4$, and similarly for~$x$.  We prepare to
%   call \cs{@@_atan_combine_o:NwwwwwN} which expects the sign~|#1|, the
%   octant, the ratio $(\operatorname{atan} z)/z = 1 - \cdots$, and the value of~$z$,
%   both as a fixed point number and as an extended-precision floating
%   point number with a mantissa in $[0.01,1)$.  For now, we place |#1|
%   as a first argument, and start an integer expression for the octant.
%   The sign of $x$ does not affect~$z$, so we simply leave
%   a contribution to the octant: $\meta{octant} \to 7 - \meta{octant}$
%   for negative~$x$.  Then we order $\lvert y\rvert$ and $\lvert
%   x\rvert$ in a non-decreasing order: if $\lvert y\rvert > \lvert
%   x\rvert$, insert $3-$ in the expression for the octant, and swap the
%   two numbers.  The finer test with $0.41421$ is done by
%   \cs{@@_atan_div:wnwwnw} after the operands have been ordered.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_atan_test_o:NwwNwwN #1#2,#3\@@_sep: #4#5,#6\@@_sep:
    \exp_after:wN \@@_atan_combine_o:NwwwwwN
    \exp_after:wN #1
    \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w
      \if_meaning:w 2 #4
        7 - \@@_int_eval:w
          \@@_ep_compare:wwww #2,#3\@@_sep: #5,#6\@@_sep: > \c_zero_int
        3 -
        \exp_after:wN \@@_reverse_args:Nww
      \@@_atan_div:wnwwnw #2,#3\@@_sep: #5,#6\@@_sep:
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[rEXP]{\@@_atan_div:wnwwnw, \@@_atan_near:wwwn}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_atan_near_aux:wwn}
%   This receives two positive numbers $a$ and~$b$ (equal to $\lvert
%   x\rvert$ and~$\lvert y\rvert$ in some order), each as an exponent
%   and $6$~blocks of $4$~digits, such that $0<a<b$.  If $0.41421b<a$,
%   the two numbers are \enquote{near}, hence the point $(y,x)$ that we
%   started with is closer to the diagonals $\{\lvert y\rvert = \lvert
%   x\rvert\}$ than to the axes $\{xy = 0\}$.  In that case, the octant
%   is~$1$ (possibly combined with the $7-$ and $3-$ inserted earlier)
%   and we wish to compute $\operatorname{atan}\frac{b-a}{a+b}$.  Otherwise, the
%   octant is~$0$ (again, combined with earlier terms) and we wish to
%   compute $\operatorname{atan}\frac{a}{b}$.  In any case, call \cs{@@_atan_auxi:ww}
%   followed by~$z$, as a comma-delimited exponent and a fixed point
%   number.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_atan_div:wnwwnw #1,#2#3\@@_sep: #4,#5#6\@@_sep:
      \@@_int_eval:w 41421 * #5 < #2 000
        \if_case:w \@@_int_eval:w #4 - #1 \@@_int_eval_end:
          00 \or: 0 \fi:
      \exp_after:wN \@@_atan_near:wwwn
    \@@_ep_div:wwwwn #1,{#2}#3\@@_sep: #4,{#5}#6\@@_sep:
\cs_new:Npn \@@_atan_near:wwwn
    0 \@@_ep_div:wwwwn #1,#2\@@_sep: #3,
    \@@_ep_to_fixed:wwn #1 - #3, #2\@@_sep:
\cs_new:Npn \@@_atan_near_aux:wwn #1\@@_sep: #2\@@_sep:
    \@@_fixed_add:wwn #1\@@_sep: #2\@@_sep:
    { \@@_fixed_sub:wwn #2\@@_sep: #1\@@_sep: { \@@_ep_div:wwwwn 0, } 0, }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_atan_auxi:ww, \@@_atan_auxii:w}
%   Convert~$z$ from a representation as an exponent and a fixed point
%   number in $[0.01,1)$ to a fixed point number only, then set up the
%   call to \cs{@@_atan_Taylor_loop:www}, followed by the fixed point
%   representation of~$z$ and the old representation.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_atan_auxi:ww #1,#2\@@_sep:
  { \@@_ep_to_fixed:wwn #1,#2\@@_sep: \@@_atan_auxii:w #1,#2\@@_sep: }
\cs_new:Npn \@@_atan_auxii:w #1\@@_sep:
    \@@_fixed_mul:wwn #1\@@_sep: #1\@@_sep:
      \@@_atan_Taylor_loop:www 39 \@@_sep:
        {0000}{0000}{0000}{0000}{0000}{0000} \@@_sep:
    ! #1\@@_sep:
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]
%   {\@@_atan_Taylor_loop:www, \@@_atan_Taylor_break:w}
%   We compute the series of $(\operatorname{atan} z)/z$.  A typical intermediate
%   stage has $|#1|=2k-1$, $|#2| =
%   \frac{1}{2k+1}-z^2(\frac{1}{2k+3}-z^2(\cdots-z^2\frac{1}{39}))$, and
%   $|#3|=z^2$.  To go to the next step $k\to k-1$, we compute
%   $\frac{1}{2k-1}$, then subtract from it $z^2$ times |#2|.  The loop
%   stops when $k=0$: then |#2| is $(\operatorname{atan} z)/z$, and there is a need to
%   clean up all the unnecessary data, end the integer expression
%   computing the octant with a semicolon, and leave the result~|#2|
%   afterwards.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_atan_Taylor_loop:www #1\@@_sep: #2\@@_sep: #3\@@_sep:
    \if_int_compare:w #1 = - \c_one_int
    \exp_after:wN \@@_fixed_div_int:wwN \c_@@_one_fixed_tl #1\@@_sep:
    \@@_rrot:www \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #2\@@_sep: #3\@@_sep:
      \exp_after:wN \@@_atan_Taylor_loop:www
      \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w #1 - 2 \@@_sep:
\cs_new:Npn \@@_atan_Taylor_break:w
    \fi: #1 \@@_fixed_mul_sub_back:wwwn #2\@@_sep: #3 !
  { \fi: \@@_sep: #2 \@@_sep: }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]
%   {\@@_atan_combine_o:NwwwwwN, \@@_atan_combine_aux:ww}
%   This receives a \meta{sign}, an \meta{octant}, a fixed point value
%   of $(\operatorname{atan} z)/z$, a fixed point number~$z$, and another
%   representation of~$z$, as an \meta{exponent} and the fixed point
%   number $10^{-\meta{exponent}} z$, followed by either \cs{use_i:nn}
%   (when working in radians) or \cs{use_ii:nn} (when working in
%   degrees).  The function computes the floating point result
%   \begin{equation}
%     \meta{sign} \left(
%       \left\lceil\frac{\meta{octant}}{2}\right\rceil
%       \frac{\pi}{4}
%       + (-1)^{\meta{octant}} \frac{\operatorname{atan} z}{z} \cdot z\right) \,,
%   \end{equation}
%   multiplied by $180/\pi$ if working in degrees, and using in any case
%   the most appropriate representation of~$z$.  The floating point
%   result is passed to \cs{@@_sanitize:Nw}, which checks for overflow
%   or underflow.  If the octant is~$0$, leave the exponent~|#5| for
%   \cs{@@_sanitize:Nw}, and multiply $|#3|=\frac{\operatorname{atan} z}{z}$
%   with~|#6|, the adjusted~$z$.  Otherwise, multiply $|#3|=\frac{\operatorname{atan}
%     z}{z}$ with $|#4|=z$, then compute the appropriate multiple of
%   $\frac{\pi}{4}$ and add or subtract the product $|#3|\cdot|#4|$.  In
%   both cases, convert to a floating point with
%   \cs{@@_fixed_to_float_o:wN}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_atan_combine_o:NwwwwwN
    #1 #2\@@_sep: #3\@@_sep: #4\@@_sep: #5,#6\@@_sep: #7
    \exp_after:wN \@@_sanitize:Nw
    \exp_after:wN #1
    \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w
      \if_meaning:w 0 #2
        \exp_after:wN \use_i:nn
        \exp_after:wN \use_ii:nn
      { #5 \@@_fixed_mul:wwn #3\@@_sep: #6\@@_sep: }
        \@@_fixed_mul:wwn #3\@@_sep: #4\@@_sep:
          \exp_after:wN \@@_atan_combine_aux:ww
          \int_value:w \@@_int_eval:w #2 / 2 \@@_sep: #2\@@_sep:
      { #7 \@@_fixed_to_float_o:wN \@@_fixed_to_float_rad_o:wN }
\cs_new:Npn \@@_atan_combine_aux:ww #1\@@_sep: #2\@@_sep:
      \if_int_odd:w #2 \exp_stop_f:
        \exp_after:wN \@@_fixed_sub:wwn
        \exp_after:wN \@@_fixed_add:wwn
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsubsection{Arcsine and arccosine}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_asin_o:w}
%   Again, the first argument provided by \pkg{l3fp-parse} is
%   \cs{use_i:nn} if we are to work in radians and \cs{use_ii:nn} for
%   degrees.  Then comes a floating point number.  The arcsine of $\pm
%   0$ or \nan{} is the same floating point number.  The arcsine of
%   $\pm\infty$ raises an invalid operation exception.  Otherwise, call
%   an auxiliary common with \cs{@@_acos_o:w}, feeding it information
%   about what function is being performed (for \enquote{invalid operation}
%   exceptions).
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_asin_o:w #1 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2#3\@@_sep: @
    \if_case:w #2 \exp_stop_f:
        { \@@_asin_normal_o:NfwNnnnnw #1 { #1 { asin } { asind } } }
        { \@@_invalid_operation_o:fw { #1 { asin } { asind } } }
    \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2 #3\@@_sep:
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_acos_o:w}
%   The arccosine of $\pm 0$ is $\pi / 2$ (in degrees,~$90$).  The
%   arccosine of $\pm\infty$ raises an invalid operation exception.  The
%   arccosine of \nan{} is itself.  Otherwise, call an auxiliary common
%   with \cs{@@_sin_o:w}, informing it that it was called by
%   \texttt{acos} or \texttt{acosd}, and preparing to swap some
%   arguments down the line.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_acos_o:w #1 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2#3\@@_sep: @
    \if_case:w #2 \exp_stop_f:
      \@@_case_use:nw { \@@_atan_inf_o:NNNw #1 0 4 }
          \@@_asin_normal_o:NfwNnnnnw #1 { #1 { acos } { acosd } }
        { \@@_invalid_operation_o:fw { #1 { acos } { acosd } } }
    \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2 #3\@@_sep:
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_asin_normal_o:NfwNnnnnw}
%   If the exponent~|#5| is at most $0$, the operand lies
%   within $(-1,1)$ and the operation is permitted: call
%   \cs{@@_asin_auxi_o:NnNww} with the appropriate arguments.  If the
%   number is exactly~$\pm 1$ (the test works because we know that
%   $|#5|\geq 1$, $|#6#7|\geq 10000000$, $|#8#9|\geq 0$, with equality
%   only for $\pm 1$), we also call \cs{@@_asin_auxi_o:NnNww}.
%   Otherwise, \cs{@@_use_i:ww} gets rid of the \texttt{asin} auxiliary,
%   and raises instead an invalid operation, because the operand is
%   outside the domain of arcsine or arccosine.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_asin_normal_o:NfwNnnnnw
    #1#2#3 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w 1#4#5#6#7#8#9\@@_sep:
    \if_int_compare:w #5 < \c_one_int
      \exp_after:wN \@@_use_none_until_s:w
    \if_int_compare:w \@@_int_eval:w #5 + #6#7 + #8#9 = 1000 0001 ~
      \exp_after:wN \@@_use_none_until_s:w
    \@@_invalid_operation_o:fw {#2}
      \s_@@ \@@_chk:w 1#4{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}{#9}\@@_sep:
      #1 {#3} #4 #5,{#6}{#7}{#8}{#9}{0000}{0000}\@@_sep:
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_asin_auxi_o:NnNww, \@@_asin_isqrt:wn}
%   We compute $x/\sqrt{1-x^2}$.  This function is used by \texttt{asin}
%   and \texttt{acos}, but also by \texttt{acsc} and \texttt{asec} after
%   inverting the operand, thus it must manipulate extended-precision
%   numbers.  First evaluate $1-x^2$ as $(1+x)(1-x)$: this behaves
%   better near~$x=1$.  We do the addition/subtraction with fixed point
%   numbers (they are not implemented for extended-precision floats),
%   but go back to extended-precision floats to multiply and compute the
%   inverse square root $1/\sqrt{1-x^2}$.  Finally, multiply by the
%   (positive) extended-precision float $\lvert x\rvert$, and feed the
%   (signed) result, and the number~$+1$, as arguments to the arctangent
%   function.  When computing the arccosine, the arguments
%   $x/\sqrt{1-x^2}$ and~$+1$ are swapped by~|#2|
%   (\cs{@@_reverse_args:Nww} in that case) before
%   \cs{@@_atan_test_o:NwwNwwN} is evaluated.  Note that the arctangent
%   function requires normalized arguments, hence the need for
%   \texttt{ep_to_ep} and \texttt{continue} after \texttt{ep_mul}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_asin_auxi_o:NnNww #1#2#3#4,#5\@@_sep:
    \@@_ep_to_fixed:wwn #4,#5\@@_sep:
    \@@_ep_mul:wwwwn #4,#5\@@_sep:
    { #2 \@@_atan_test_o:NwwNwwN #3 }
    0 1,{1000}{0000}{0000}{0000}{0000}{0000}\@@_sep: #1
\cs_new:Npn \@@_asin_isqrt:wn #1\@@_sep:
    \exp_after:wN \@@_fixed_sub:wwn \c_@@_one_fixed_tl #1\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_add_one:wN #1\@@_sep:
      \@@_fixed_continue:wn { \@@_ep_mul:wwwwn 0, } 0,
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsubsection{Arccosecant and arcsecant}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_acsc_o:w}
%   Cases are mostly labelled by~|#2|, except when |#2| is~$2$: then we
%   use |#3#2|, which is $02=2$ when the number is $+\infty$ and
%   $22$~when the number is $-\infty$.  The arccosecant of $\pm 0$
%   raises an invalid operation exception.  The arccosecant of
%   $\pm\infty$ is $\pm 0$ with the same sign.  The arcosecant of \nan{}
%   is itself.  Otherwise, \cs{@@_acsc_normal_o:NfwNnw} does some more
%   tests, keeping the function name (\texttt{acsc} or \texttt{acscd})
%   as an argument for invalid operation exceptions.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_acsc_o:w #1 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2#3#4\@@_sep: @
    \if_case:w \if_meaning:w 2 #2 #3 \fi: #2 \exp_stop_f:
             { \@@_invalid_operation_o:fw { #1 { acsc } { acscd } } }
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw
             { \@@_acsc_normal_o:NfwNnw #1 { #1 { acsc } { acscd } } }
    \or:   \@@_case_return_o:Nw \c_zero_fp
    \or:   \@@_case_return_same_o:w
    \else: \@@_case_return_o:Nw \c_minus_zero_fp
    \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2 #3 #4\@@_sep:
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_asec_o:w}
%   The arcsecant of $\pm 0$ raises an invalid operation exception.  The
%   arcsecant of $\pm\infty$ is $\pi / 2$ (in degrees,~$90$).  The
%   arcosecant of \nan{} is itself.  Otherwise, do some more tests,
%   keeping the function name \texttt{asec} (or \texttt{asecd}) as an
%   argument for invalid operation exceptions, and a
%   \cs{@@_reverse_args:Nww} following precisely that appearing in
%   \cs{@@_acos_o:w}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_asec_o:w #1 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2#3\@@_sep: @
    \if_case:w #2 \exp_stop_f:
        { \@@_invalid_operation_o:fw { #1 { asec } { asecd } } }
          \@@_acsc_normal_o:NfwNnw #1 { #1 { asec } { asecd } }
    \or:   \@@_case_use:nw { \@@_atan_inf_o:NNNw #1 0 4 }
    \else: \@@_case_return_same_o:w
    \s_@@ \@@_chk:w #2 #3\@@_sep:
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}[EXP]{\@@_acsc_normal_o:NfwNnw}
%   If the exponent is non-positive, the operand is less than~$1$ in
%   absolute value, which is always an invalid operation: complain.
%   Otherwise, compute the inverse of the operand, and feed it to
%   \cs{@@_asin_auxi_o:NnNww} (with all the appropriate arguments).  This
%   computes what we want thanks to
%   $\operatorname{acsc}(x)=\operatorname{asin}(1/x)$ and
%   $\operatorname{asec}(x)=\operatorname{acos}(1/x)$.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\cs_new:Npn \@@_acsc_normal_o:NfwNnw #1#2#3 \s_@@ \@@_chk:w 1#4#5#6\@@_sep:
    \int_compare:nNnTF {#5} < 1
        \@@_invalid_operation_o:fw {#2}
          \s_@@ \@@_chk:w 1#4{#5}#6\@@_sep:
        { \@@_asin_auxi_o:NnNww #1 {#3} #4 }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{implementation}
% \PrintChanges
% \PrintIndex