REM 20191224 echo off set prgcin=C:\Program Files (x86) set xcp="\Windows\System32\xcopy" if not exist "%prgcin%\Cinderella" ( set prgcin=C:\Program Files ) NET SESSION > NUL 2>&1 if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( echo Running as administator set admin="y" ) else ( echo Not running as administator, so will quit echo Right-click and rerun as adminstrator set admin="n" pause exit ) set /P pathT="Path of TeX (ex) C:\texlive\2019: " set /P bin="Path of bin (ex) bin\win32: " set /P texmf="Path of scripts/doc/style (ex) texmf-dist: " set /P homehead="Path of home head (ex) C:\Users: " echo Path of TeX ; %pathT% echo bin : %bin% echo scripts : %texmf%\scripts\ketcindy echo style : %texmf%\tex\latex\ketcindy echo doc : %texmf%\doc\support\ketcindy echo Head of home : %homehead% set /P ans="Are the above paths OK (y/n): " if "%ans%" == "n" ( echo Edit paths pause exit ) cd %~dp0 if not exist "ketcindyfolder" ( cd ../ketcindyfolder ) echo ketcindyfolder is cd if exist "%pathT%\%texmf%\scripts\ketcindy\." ( echo Deleting "%pathT%\%texmf%\scripts\ketcindy" rd /s "%pathT%\%texmf%\scripts\ketcindy" ) echo Copying ketcindy to "%pathT%\%texmf%\scripts\ketcindy" %xcp% /Y /Q /S /E /R "scripts\*.*" "%pathT%\%texmf%\scripts\ketcindy\" if exist "%pathT%\%texmf%\doc\support\ketcindy\." ( echo Deleting docs to "%pathT%\%texmf%\doc\support\ketcindy" rd /s "%pathT%\%texmf%\doc\support\ketcindy" ) echo Copying doc to "%pathT%\%texmf%\doc\support\ketcindy" set docsrc=doc %xcp% /Y /Q /S /E /R "%docsrc%\*.*" "%pathT%\%texmf%\doc\support\ketcindy\" if exist "%pathT%\tex\latex\ketcind\." ( echo Deleting "%pathT%\tex\latex\ketcindy" rd /s "%pathT%\tex\latex\ketcindy" ) echo Copying ketcindy styles to "%pathT%\tex\latex\ketcindy" set stylesrc=style %xcp% /Y /Q /S /E /R "%stylesrc%\*.*" "%pathT%\tex\latex\ketcindy\" rem "%pathT%%bin%\mktexlsr" set cindyplug=%prgcin%\Cinderella\Plugins echo Setting of "%cindyplug%\" cd "%pathT%%scripts%" copy /Y "ketjava\KetCindyPlugin.jar" "%cindyplug%\" cd "%cindyplug%" rem 20190616from set newfile=y if exist ketcindy.ini ( set newfile=n echo Contentes of ketcindy.ini : echo. type ketcindy.ini echo. set /P remake="Do you want to remake ketindy.ini? (y/n): " ) if "%newfile%"=="y" ( set remake=y ) if "%remake%"=="y" ( echo ketcindy.ini will be made/remade ) else ( echo "Finished" pause exit ) rem 20190616to echo PathThead="%pathT%\%bin%\"; > ketcindy.ini echo Homehead="%homehead%"; >> ketcindy.ini echo Dirhead="%pathT%\%texmf%\scripts\ketcindy"; >> ketcindy.ini echo setdirectory(Dirhead); >> ketcindy.ini echo import("setketcindy.txt"); >> ketcindy.ini rem 20191224from set /P STR_INPUT="Language for Help (j/e) :" echo Langhelp="%STR_INPUT%"; >> ketcindy.ini rem 20191224to echo import("ketoutset.txt"); >> ketcindy.ini echo Setting of TeX, R, Maxima echo p=platex u=uplatex l=latex x=xelatex pd=pdflatex lu=lualatex set /P STR_INPUT="---- Choose TeX from above with 1st(+2nd) character :" if "%STR_INPUT%" == "p" ( set tex=platex ) if "%STR_INPUT%" == "u" ( set tex=uplatex ) if "%STR_INPUT%" == "l" ( set tex=latex ) if "%STR_INPUT%" == "x" ( set tex=xelatex ) if "%STR_INPUT%" == "pd" ( set tex=pdflatex ) if "%STR_INPUT%" == "lu" ( set tex=lualatex ) echo PathT=PathThead+"%tex%"; >> ketcindy.ini set /P STR_INPUT="Number of default graphics (1=tpic 2=pict2e 3=tikz) : " if "%STR_INPUT%" == "1" ( set gc=tpic ) if "%STR_INPUT%" == "2" ( set gc=pict2e ) if "%STR_INPUT%" == "3" ( set gc=tikz ) echo Usegraphics("%gc%"); >> ketcindy.ini set prgSm=C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe if not exist "%prgSm%" ( set prgSm=C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe ) echo Pathpdf="%prgSm%"; >> ketcindy.ini set /P STR_INPUT="Input version of R (ex)3.5.0 :" set verR=%STR_INPUT% set prg=C:\Program Files if exist "%prg%\R\R-%verR%\bin\" ( echo PathR="%prg%\R\R-%verR%\bin"; >> ketcindy.ini ) else ( if exist "%prg% (x86)\R\R-%verR%\bin\" ( echo "%prg% (x86)\R\R-%verR%\bin"; >> ketcindy.ini ) else ( echo "R-%verR% not found" ) ) set /P STR_INPUT="Input version of Maxima (ex)5.39.0 :" set verM=%STR_INPUT% echo %verM% set prg=C:\maxima-%verM%\bin\maxima.bat if exist "%prg%" ( echo PathM="%prg%"; >> ketcindy.ini ) else ( echo "Maxima-%verM% not found" set prg=C:\maxima-x.xx.x\bin\maxima.bat echo // PathM="%prg%"; >> ketcindy.ini ) ) echo "Plugins of Cindy has been set" pause