$! Given a DVI file, this command file carries out some of the steps $! needed to produce an A5 booklet suitable for folding and stapling. $! It is assumed the user has set up a page format suitable for A5 paper. $! The fancy pagination is done by Tom Rokicki's DVIDVI program. $! Note that 148mm = A5 width = half A4 height. $! $! We assume that the following symbols have been defined: $! a5booklet :== @disk$utils:[utilities.tex.dvidvi]a5booklet $! dvidvi :== $disk$utils:[utilities.tex.dvidvi]dvidvi $! $ if (p1 .nes. "") then goto file_given $ type sys$input Usage: a5booklet file[.dvi] $ exit $ $ file_given: $ on warning then exit $ dvidvi -m 4:-1,2(148mm,0mm) 'p1' part1 ! create part1.dvi $ dvidvi -m 4:-3,0(148mm,0mm) 'p1' part2 ! create part2.dvi $! $! Now explain how to preview or PSPRINT the new DVI files. $! $ type sys$input PART1.DVI and PART2.DVI have been created; each part contains the pages that must be printed on the same side of the paper. In both parts, each A4 page contains two side-by-side A5 pages from your original document. To preview these DVI files you need to tell DVItoVDU to display each page in a landscaped orientation; for example: $ dvitovdu /xsize=11.7in /ysize=8.3in part1 To create an A5 booklet suitable for folding and stapling, carry out the following steps (assuming you are using a LaserWriter): 1. $ psprint /land /nobanner /notify part1 2. When this job has finished, take the output and put it back into the input cassette without changing the orientation in any way. 3. $ psprint /land part2 4. Depending on the number of pages, the final output may not be collated. You may need to change the placement of the bottom sheet(s). $ exit