The Net::Z3950::UDDI library exists to provide a Z39.50-to-UDDI
gateway, implemented using Index Data's fine Net::Z3950::SimpleServer
module to provide the Z39.50 server component.  ("Z39.50" here
includes its descendent protocols SRU and SRW, thanks to the wonder of
the YAZ Generic Frontend Server.)

To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   sudo make install

Then you will be able to run


For more information, see the embedded POD documentation in
bin/z2uddi, lib/Net/Z3950/ and the other files.


The gateway can be run from its current location as follows:

   $ perl -I lib bin/z2uddi etc/config.yaml

And a client can be run against it as follows, to find and retrieve
business records from three different UDDI repositories:

  $ yaz-client
  Z> format xml
  Z> open localhost:9999/gbif
  Z> find @attr 1=4 geo%
  Z> show 1
  Z> base geoss
  Z> find @attr 1=4 %cl%
  Z> show 1
  Z> base ms
  Z> find @attr 1=4 microsoft
  Z> show 1

See the Net::Z3950::UDDI::Config documentation for information about
running and accessing an equivalent SRU service.


Copyright (C) 2007 by Mike Taylor.

I gratefully acknowledge the funding provided by the United States
Geological Survey (USGS) to create this software.

This library is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public
License, version 2.  A copy of the license is included in the file
"GPL-2" in this distribution.