A simple "spellchecking" program is included in this distribution.
It is a perl program named "spellcheck".  It simply prints the
analysis of the input text; it provides no way to modify the text. 
It is simply given as a demonstration of the module.  Type 
    spellcheck -h
for a usage summary.  If no input files are specified, it will
read from stdin.  After each line of input, it will print the
analysis of the terms.  By default, it only gives output for
terms which are "incorrect".  Give it the -v option to have it
report on the "correct" terms as well.

'make test' currently does nothing.  To test the installation,
try out the "spellcheck" program provided. 


NAME - a module encapsulating access to the
     Ispell program.

     Note: this module was previously known as Text::Ispell; if
     you have Text::Ispell installed on your system, it is now
     obsolete and should be replaced by Lingua::Ispell.

     ispell, when reporting on misspelled words, indicates the
     string it was unable to verify, as well as its starting
     offset in the input line. No such information is returned
     for words which are deemed to be correctly spelled.  For
     example, in a line like "Can't buy a thrill", ispell simply
     reports that the line contained four correctly spelled

     Lingua::Ispell would like to identify which substrings of
     the input line are words -- correctly spelled or otherwise.
     It used to attempt to split the input line into words
     according to the same rules ispell uses; but that has proven
     to be very difficult, resulting in both slow and error-prone


     Lingua::Ispell now operates only in "terse" mode. In this
     mode, only misspelled words are reported. Words which
     ispell verifies as correctly spelled are silently accepted.

     In the report structures returned by spellcheck(), the
     'term' member is now always identical to the 'original'
     member; of the two, you should probably use the 'term'
     member.  (Also consider the 'offset' member.)  ispell does
     not report this information for correctly spelled words; if
     at some point in the future this capability is added to
     ispell, Lingua::Ispell will be updated to take advantage of

     Use of the $word_chars variable has been removed; setting it
     no longer has any effect.

     terse_mode() now does nothing.

      # Brief:
      use Lingua::Ispell;
      Lingua::Ispell::spellcheck( $string );
      # or
      use Lingua::Ispell qw( spellcheck ); # import the function
      spellcheck( $string );

      # Useful:
      use Lingua::Ispell qw( :all );  # import all symbols
      for my $r ( spellcheck( "hello hacking perl shrdlu 42" ) ) {
 print "$r->{'type'}: $r->{'term'}\n";

     Lingua::Ispell::spellcheck() takes one argument.  It must be
     a string, and it should contain only printable characters.
     One allowable exception is a terminal newline, which will be
     chomped off anyway.  The line is fed to a coprocess running
     ispell for analysis.  ispell parses the line into "terms"
     according to the language-specific rules in effect.

     The result of ispell's analysis of each term is a
     categorization of the term into one of six types: ok,
     compound, root, miss, none, and guess.  Some of these carry
     additional information.  The first three types are
     "correctly" spelled terms, and the last three are for
     "incorrectly" spelled terms.

     Lingua::Ispell::spellcheck returns a list of objects, each
     corresponding to a term in the spellchecked string.  Each
     object is a hash (hash-ref) with at least two entries:
     'term' and 'type'.  The former contains the term ispell is
     reporting on, and the latter is ispell's determination of
     that term's type (see above).  For types 'ok' and 'none',
     that is all the information there is.  For the type 'root',
     an additional hash entry is present: 'root'.  Its value is
     the word which ispell identified in the dictionary as being
     the likely root of the current term.  For the type 'miss',
     an additional hash entry is present: 'misses'.  Its value is
     an ref to an array of words which ispell identified as being
     "near-misses" of the current term, when scanning the


     As mentioned above, Lingua::Ispell::spellcheck() currently
     only reports on misspelled terms.


      use Lingua::Ispell qw( spellcheck );
      for my $r ( spellcheck( "hello hacking perl salmoning fruithammer shrdlu 42" ) ) {
 if ( $r->{'type'} eq 'ok' ) {
   # as in the case of 'hello'
   print "'$r->{'term'}' was found in the dictionary.\n";
 elsif ( $r->{'type'} eq 'root' ) {
   # as in the case of 'hacking'
   print "'$r->{'term'}' can be formed from root '$r->{'root'}'\n";
 elsif ( $r->{'type'} eq 'miss' ) {
   # as in the case of 'perl'
   print "'$r->{'term'}' was not found in the dictionary;\n";
   print "Near misses: @{$r->{'misses'}}\n";
 elsif ( $r->{'type'} eq 'guess' ) {
   # as in the case of 'salmoning'
   print "'$r->{'term'}' was not found in the dictionary;\n";
   print "Root/affix Guesses: @{$r->{'guesses'}}\n";
 elsif ( $r->{'type'} eq 'compound' ) {
   # as in the case of 'fruithammer'
   print "'$r->{'term'}' is a valid compound word.\n";
 elsif ( $r->{'type'} eq 'none' ) {
   # as in the case of 'shrdlu'
   print "No match for term '$r->{'term'}'\n";
 # and numbers are skipped entirely, as in the case of 42.


     Lingua::Ispell::spellcheck() starts the ispell coprocess if
     the coprocess seems not to exist. Ordinarily this is simply
     the first time it's called.

     ispell is spawned via the Open2::open2() function, which
     throws an exception (i.e. dies) if the spawn fails.  The
     caller should be prepared to catch this exception -- unless,
     of course, the default behavior of die is acceptable.

     Nota Bene

     The full location of the ispell executable is stored in the
     variable $Lingua::Ispell::path.  The default value is
     /usr/local/bin/ispell.  If your ispell executable has some
     name other than this, then you must set
     $Lingua::Ispell::path accordingly before you call
     Lingua::Ispell::spellcheck() (or any other function in the
     module) for the first time!


     Adds a word to the personal dictionary.  Be careful of
     capitalization.  If you want the word to be added "case-
     insensitively", you should call add_word_lc()


     Adds a word to the personal dictionary, in lower-case form.
     This allows ispell to match it in a case-insensitive manner.


     Similar to adding a word to the dictionary, in that it
     causes ispell to accept the word as valid, but it does not
     actually add it to the dictionary.  Presumably the effects
     of this only last for the current ispell session, which will
     mysteriously end if any of the coprocess-restarting
     functions are called...


     Causes ispell to parse subsequent input lines according to
     the specified formatter.  As of ispell v. 3.1.20, only 'tex'
     and 'nroff' are supported.


     Causes ispell to set its internal operational parameters
     according to the given language.  Legal arguments to this
     function, and its effects, are currently unknown by the
     author of Lingua::Ispell.


     Causes ispell to save the current state of the dictionary to
     its disk file.  Presumably ispell would ordinarily only do
     this upon exit.


     NOTE: This function has been disabled! Lingua::Ispell now
     always operates in terse mode.

     In terse mode, ispell will not produce reports for "correct"
     words.  This means that the calling program will not receive
     results of the types 'ok', 'root', and 'compound'.

     The following functions cause the current ispell coprocess,
     if any, to terminate. This means that all the changes to the
     state of ispell made by the above functions will be lost,
     and their respective values reset to their defaults.  The
     only function above whose effect is persistent is

     Perhaps in the future we will figure out a good way to make
     this state information carry over from one instantiation of
     the coprocess to the next.


     When this value is set to True, compound words are accepted
     as legal -- as long as both words are found in the
     dictionary; more than two words are always illegal.  When
     this value is set to False, run-together words are
     considered spelling errors.

     The default value of this setting is dictionary-dependent,
     so the caller should set it explicitly if it really matters.


     This setting controls when ispell makes "wild" guesses.

     If False, ispell only makes "sane" guesses, i.e.  possible
     root/affix combinations that match the current dictionary;
     only if it can find none will it make "wild" guesses, which
     don't match the dictionary, and might in fact be illegal

     If True, wild guesses are always made, along with any "sane"
     guesses. This feature can be useful if the dictionary has a
     limited word list, or a word list with few suffixes.

     The default value of this setting is dictionary-dependent,
     so the caller should set it explicitly if it really matters.


     Specifies what dictionary to use instead of the default.
     Dictionary names are actually file names, and are searched
     for according to the following rule: if the name does not
     contain a slash, it is looked for in the directory
     containing the default dictionary, typically /usr/local/lib.
     Otherwise, it is used as is: if it does not begin with a
     slash, it is construed from the current directory.

     If no argument is given, the default dictionary will be


     Specifies what personal dictionary to use instead of the

     Dictionary names are actually file names, and are searched
     for according to the following rule:  if the name begins
     with a slash, it is used as is (i.e. it is an absolute path
     name). Otherwise, it is construed as relative to the user's
     home directory ($HOME).

     If no argument is given, the default personal dictionary
     will be used.

     ispell options:

       -w chars
       Specify additional characters that can be part of a word.

     Lingua::Ispell uses the external program ispell, which is
     the "International Ispell", available at

     as well as various archives and mirrors, such as

     This is a very popular program, and may already be installed
     on your system.

     Lingua::Ispell also uses the standard perl modules
     FileHandle, IPC::Open2, and Carp.

AUTHOR (John Porter)

     This module is free software; you may redistribute it and/or
     modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.