Future::AsyncAwait::Hooks - scoped hook blocks that run extra code
    around await expressions


       use Future::AsyncAwait;
       use Future::AsyncAwait::Hooks;
       async sub do_work
          suspend { say "do_work is pausing here" }
          resume  { say "do_Work has woken up again" }
          my $result = (await inner_1()) + (await inner_2());
          return $result;


    This module provides two extra syntax keywords for inserting code that
    can observe the suspend and resume behaviour of await expressions
    within an async sub.

    These two keywords are lexically scoped. They affect await expressions
    later within their own scope, or scopes nested within it. They do not
    affect any await expressions in scopes outside of those in which they



       async sub {
          suspend { BLOCK }

    Inserts a block of code to run every time a subsequent await expression
    at this block level pauses execution of the async sub.


       async sub {
          resume { BLOCK }

    Inserts a block of code to run every time a subsequent await expression
    at this block level resumes execution of the async sub after a pause.


      * Implement blocks as true blocks, rather than anon subs wrapped in
      CVs. This will be slightly nontrivial as it has implications on how
      the optree fragment gets executed, and what it still sees of the pad
      while it runs.

      * Maybe work out why it doesn't appear to work on perls older than
      5.24. Or maybe nobody will be writing new code and needs it back that


    Paul Evans <>