
If you came here by accident, and you have never heard about things
like test driven development or unit testing, you probably want to
read the pod of Test::Unit respectively the manpage Test::Unit(3pm)

GTestRunner is a Gtk+ based testrunner module for Perl, inspired by 
JUnit, but with a slightly different user interface and functionality.
If you were not satisfied with the Tk based graphical frontend that
ships with Test-Unit, then GTestRunner is probably the tool of choice
when you want to do test driven development in Perl.

It also offers some improvements over the other test runner modules
that ship with Test-Unit.  You can browse through the tree of test
suites, and select individual test suites, test cases and even
individual tests to run.

You can use this module in two different ways.  Most users will just
want to run the script "gtestrunner" to run their test suites.  If
you want to integrate unit testing into your own software, you
will probably use the module Test::Unit::GTestRunner.

Some stupid test suites and test cases are included with this
package.  Try

    gtestrunner Suites/TS_TopLevel.pm


    gtestrunner Suites::TS_TopLevel

to see gtestrunner in action.  The test suites fails five times,
and you have probably guessed that this is intentionally, so that
you can see all features.

GTestRunner is fully internationalized.  See the file README-NLS
for details.  See the file TRANSLATIONS for information about
the currently available languages.  Feel free to contact the author
if you want to contribute a translation for your own native

$Id: README,v 1.1 2005/10/26 15:44:35 guido Exp $