Bundle::Gnome2 - CPAN Bundle for the Gtk2 and Gnome2 modules.

Version 0.01 - 2003-10-17
Bundled by: Gavin Brown <gavin.brown@uk.com>

To install this Bundle file locally:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make install

Then, for a full list of the modules which this bundle
installs, use:

	perldoc Bundle::Gnome2

Finally, to install the Gnome2 modules which the bundle lists:

	perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Gnome2'

This bundle gathers together those Gnome2-related modules on CPAN,
including the Gtk2 and Glib modules.

$Id: README,v 2003/10/17 14:57:21 jodrell Exp $