NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::CascadingConfig - Perl-ish configuration plugin that loads and merges config files in order STATUS SYNOPSIS # myapp.conf for production mode { # Just a value foo => 'bar', # Nested data structures are fine too baz => ['♥'], # You have full access to the application music_dir => app->home->child('music'), } # myapp.development.conf for development mode { foo => 'not_bar', } # myapp.staging.conf for staging mode { baz => ['♫'], } # Mojolicious in production mode my $config = $app->plugin('CascadingConfig'); say $config->{foo}; # says 'bar' say $config->{baz}; # says '♥' # Mojolicious::Lite my $config = plugin 'Config'; say $config->{foo}; # says 'bar' # foo.html.ep %= $config->{foo} # evaluates to 'bar' # The configuration is available application-wide my $config = app->config; say $config->{foo}; # says 'bar' # Mojolicious in development mode say $config->{foo}; # says 'not_bar' say $config->{baz}; # says '♥' # Mojolicious in staging mode say $config->{foo}; # says 'not_bar'; say $config->{baz}; # says '♫' DESCRIPTION Mojolicious::Plugin::CascadingConfig is a Perl-ish configuration plugin that loads and merges config files in order, based on Mojolicious::Plugin::Config. This plugin will load configs in the order specified by "modes" (ending with the current app mode if it is not listed in "modes"), with each new config adding to the previous config and overwriting any config key/value pairs that existed before. Once the config file is read for the mode matching mode, the config will be returned. A file must be found for each mode specified in "modes". Config filenames are expected to be in the form of "$moniker.$mode.conf". production is a special mode where the form should be "$moniker.conf". The application object can be accessed via $app or the app function in the config. strict, warnings, utf8 and Perl 5.10 features are automatically enabled. If the configuration value config_override has been set in "config" in Mojolicious when this plugin is loaded, it will not do anything. OPTIONS modes # Mojolicious::Lite # ['production', 'development'] is the default. # If staging is the current active mode for the app, the config for staging is not required since # it is not explicitly listed in modes. plugin CascadingConfig => {modes => ['production', 'development']}; # Here a staging config file is required because it is listed in modes. plugin CascadingConfig => {modes => ['production', 'development', 'staging']}; Modes in the order that their config files should be loaded and merged. Any config file that is reached for a mode in "modes" must exist. In addition to the modes listed, the current app mode will be loaded if a config file for it is present once all config files have been loaded for each mode in "modes". The config file for the current app mode is optional only if it is not in "modes". The default is ['production', 'development']. METHODS register my $config = $plugin->register($app); my $config = $plugin->register($app, {modes => ['prod', 'dev', 'stage', 'qa']}); Register plugin in Mojolicious application and merge configuration. AUTHOR Adam Hopkins <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2019- Adam Hopkins LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO * Mojolicious::Plugin::Config * Mojolicious * Mojolicious::Guides *