[](https://github.com/bojanra/AnyEvent-SNMP-TrapReceiver/actions) # NAME AnyEvent::SNMP::TrapReceiver - SNMP trap receiver by help of AnyEvent # SYNOPSIS use AnyEvent::SNMP::TrapReceiver; my $cond = AnyEvent->condvar; my $echo_server = AnyEvent::SNMP::TrapReceiver->new( bind => ['', 162], cb => sub { my ( $trap) = @_; }, ); my $done = $cond->recv; # DESCRIPTION This is a wrapper for the AnyEvent::Handle::UDP with embedded SNMP trap decoder. Currently only v1 and v2c traps are supported. The trap decoder code was copied from Net::SNMPTrapd by Michael Vincent. # ATTRIBUTES ## bind The IP address and port to bind the UDP listener/handle. ## cb The codeblock to be called when a trap is received. # LICENSE Copyright (C) Bojan Ramšak. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Bojan Ramšak <bojanr@gmx.net>