Topdrawer-mode on Emacs T. Ohnishi Department of Physics University of Tokyo (English document: H. Okamura) "td.el" is an Emacs-Lisp to be used to invoke the topdrawer from within Emacs without saving buffers. It works with Topdrawer ver. 5.12 enhanced release 1.2 or later. Please make sure of it by typing % td -h and finding the option "-w : wait for signal" is supported. 1. INSTALL Move "td.el" to the directory specified by Emacs load-path, and insert the following line in your ~/.emacs: (load "td" nil nil nil) The default load-path is /usr/lib/emacs/19.xx/lisp:/usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp if you are using Emacs, or /usr/local/lib/mule/19.28/lisp:/usr/local/lib/mule/site-lisp if you are using Mule, Multi-Lingual Extension of emacs. In order to append your local directory, e.g. /home/userid/elisp, to load-path, insert the following line in your ~/.emacs: (setq load-path (append (list "/home/userid/elisp") load-path)) If the executable "td" is not located in the command PATH, insert a line like the following in your ~/.emacs to inform the complete path of the executable file: (setq topdrawer-command "/home/common/topdrwer/td") The default CASE control is compatible with the old SLAC version. If you prefer the Bonner Lab. CASE control, insert the following line in your ~/.emacs: (setq topdrawer-ugsoption t) 2. USAGE In case that the extension of the name of buffer is either ".top" or ".tdr", the "topdrawer-mode" is automatically activated. Oth- erwise, type "M-x topdrawer-mode" to activate it. A string "Topdrawer" will appear in the menu-bar and you can in- voke the following commands by clicking this with the mouse, as well as by typing keys bound to the command. o Output to X Window System The command "topdrawer-xwindow" is bound to "\C-t\C-d" by de- fault. The topdrawer is invoked by this command as a subprocess and pauses at the page break prompting "PAUSE:" in mini-buffer. The page break is caused by the "NEW_FRAME" (topdrawer) command or by the end of buffer. The execution is controlled by the following commands: continue-topdrawer-process (bound to "\C-t\C-f" by default) exit-topdrawer-process (bound to "\C-t\C-q" by default) o Output to PostScript file The command "topdrawer-ps" is bound to "\C-t\C-p" by default. The name of output file is inquired in mini-buffer, prompting the default name if the current buffer is named. If the extension of buffer name is either ".top" or ".tdr", it is changed to ".ps" to give the default output name. Otherwise the buffer name followed by ".ps" is used for the default name. Likewise, the command "topdrawer-eps" is bound to "\C-t\C-e" by default. The default extension is ".eps" in this case. In all above cases, the Emacs window is divided to show the mes- sage if any message is sent from the topdrawer subprocess. The message window is closed at the next page break if no message is sent since the previous page break.