/* -*-c-*- */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "config.h" #include "libs/fvwmlib.h" #include "libs/ColorUtils.h" #include "libs/Strings.h" #include "Tools.h" extern int fd[2]; /* * Fonction pour Swallow */ void DrawRelief(struct XObj *xobj) { XSegment segm[2]; int i; if (xobj->value!=0) { for (i=1;i<2;i++) { segm[0].x1=xobj->x-i; segm[0].y1=xobj->y-i; segm[0].x2=xobj->x+xobj->width+i-2; segm[0].y2=xobj->y-i; segm[1].x1=xobj->x-i; segm[1].y1=xobj->y-i; segm[1].x2=xobj->x-i; segm[1].y2=xobj->y+xobj->height+i-2; if (xobj->value==-1) XSetForeground( dpy,xobj->gc,xobj->TabColor[shad]); else XSetForeground( dpy,xobj->gc,xobj->TabColor[hili]); XDrawSegments(dpy,x11base->win,xobj->gc,segm,2); segm[0].x1=xobj->x-i; segm[0].y1=xobj->y+xobj->height+i-1; segm[0].x2=xobj->x+xobj->width+i-1; segm[0].y2=xobj->y+xobj->height+i-1; segm[1].x1=xobj->x+xobj->width+i-1; segm[1].y1=xobj->y-i; segm[1].x2=xobj->x+xobj->width+i-1; segm[1].y2=xobj->y+xobj->height+i-1; if (xobj->value==-1) XSetForeground( dpy,xobj->gc,xobj->TabColor[hili]); else XSetForeground( dpy,xobj->gc,xobj->TabColor[shad]); XDrawSegments(dpy,x11base->win,xobj->gc,segm,2); } } } void InitSwallow(struct XObj *xobj) { unsigned long mask; XSetWindowAttributes Attr; static char *my_sm_env = NULL; static char *orig_sm_env = NULL; static int len = 0; static Bool sm_initialized = False; static Bool session_manager = False; char *cmd; /* Enregistrement des couleurs et de la police */ if (xobj->colorset >= 0) { xobj->TabColor[fore] = Colorset[xobj->colorset].fg; xobj->TabColor[back] = Colorset[xobj->colorset].bg; xobj->TabColor[hili] = Colorset[xobj->colorset].hilite; xobj->TabColor[shad] = Colorset[xobj->colorset].shadow; } else { xobj->TabColor[fore] = GetColor(xobj->forecolor); xobj->TabColor[back] = GetColor(xobj->backcolor); xobj->TabColor[hili] = GetColor(xobj->hilicolor); xobj->TabColor[shad] = GetColor(xobj->shadcolor); } mask=0; xobj->win=XCreateWindow(dpy,*xobj->ParentWin, -1000,-1000,xobj->width,xobj->height,0, CopyFromParent,InputOutput,CopyFromParent, mask,&Attr); /* Redimensionnement du widget */ if (xobj->height<30) xobj->height=30; if (xobj->width<30) xobj->width=30; if (xobj->swallow == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error\n"); return; } if (!sm_initialized) { /* use sm only when needed */ sm_initialized = True; orig_sm_env = getenv("SESSION_MANAGER"); if (orig_sm_env && !StrEquals("", orig_sm_env)) { /* this set the new SESSION_MANAGER env */ session_manager = fsm_init(x11base->TabArg[0]); } } if (!session_manager) { SendText(fd, xobj->swallow, 0); return; } if (my_sm_env == NULL) { my_sm_env = getenv("SESSION_MANAGER"); len = 45 + strlen(my_sm_env) + strlen(orig_sm_env); } cmd = safemalloc(len + strlen(xobj->swallow)); sprintf( cmd, "FSMExecFuncWithSessionManagment \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"", my_sm_env, xobj->swallow, orig_sm_env); SendText(fd, cmd, 0); free (cmd); } void DestroySwallow(struct XObj *xobj) { /* Arrete le programme swallow */ if (xobj->win!=None) XKillClient(dpy, xobj->win); xobj->win = None; } void DrawSwallow(struct XObj *xobj, XEvent *evp) { DrawRelief(xobj); } void EvtMouseSwallow(struct XObj *xobj,XButtonEvent *EvtButton) { } void EvtKeySwallow(struct XObj *xobj,XKeyEvent *EvtKey) { } /* Recupere le pointeur de la fenetre Swallow */ void CheckForHangon(struct XObj *xobj,unsigned long *body) { char *cbody; cbody=(char*)calloc(strlen((char *)&body[3]) + 1,sizeof(char)); sprintf(cbody,"%s",(char *)&body[3]); if(strcmp(cbody,xobj->title)==0) { xobj->win = (Window)body[0]; free(xobj->title); xobj->title=(char*)calloc(sizeof(char),20); sprintf(xobj->title,"No window"); XUnmapWindow(dpy,xobj->win); XSetWindowBorderWidth(dpy,xobj->win,0); } free(cbody); } void swallow(struct XObj *xobj,unsigned long *body) { char cmd[256]; if(xobj->win == (Window)body[0]) { XReparentWindow( dpy,xobj->win,*xobj->ParentWin,xobj->x,xobj->y); XResizeWindow(dpy,xobj->win,xobj->width,xobj->height); XMapWindow(dpy,xobj->win); sprintf( cmd,"PropertyChange %u %u %lu %lu", MX_PROPERTY_CHANGE_SWALLOW, 1, xobj->win, (x11base->swallower_win)? x11base->swallower_win:x11base->win); SendText(fd,cmd,0); fsm_proxy(dpy, xobj->win, getenv("SESSION_MANAGER")); } } void ProcessMsgSwallow( struct XObj *xobj,unsigned long type,unsigned long *body) { switch(type) { case M_MAP: swallow(xobj,body); break; case M_WINDOW_NAME: case M_RES_NAME: case M_RES_CLASS: CheckForHangon(xobj,body); break; } }