The recognized commands for fvwm 2.5.28 (from cvs) as of 17-Mar-2009: # - Comment line (ignored) * - Module configuration line (no space after asterisk) + - Continue the last AddToFunc, AddToMenu or AddToDecor AddButtonStyle - Add to a button style (see ButtonStyle) AddTitleStyle - Add to a title style (see TitleStyle) AddToDecor - Add a decor definition (will be obsolete) AddToFunc - Add a function definition AddToMenu - Add a menu definition All - Operate on all windows matching the given condition AnimatedMove - Like Move, but uses animation to move windows Any - Operate if there is any window matching the condition Beep - Produce a bell BorderStyle - Define a window border look (will be reworked) Break - Stop executing the current (but not parent) function BugOpts - Set some application bug workarounds BusyCursor - Show/don't show the wait cursor in certain operations ButtonState - Disable some titlebar button states (not recommended) ButtonStyle - Define a window button look (will be reworked) ChangeDecor - Attach decor to a window (will be obsolete) ChangeMenuStyle - Attach menu style to a menu (see MenuStyle) CleanupColorsets - Reset all used colorsets with the default gray colors ClickTime - Set a time in milliseconds for click and double click Close - Try to Delete a window, if this fails, Destroy it ColorLimit - Set limit on colors used (obsolete) ColormapFocus - Change the colormap behaviour for low-depth X servers Colorset - Manage colors used like fg, bg, image bg, gradient bg CopyMenuStyle - Copy the existing menu style to new or existing one Current - Operate on the currently focused window CursorMove - Move the cursor pointer non interactively CursorStyle - Define different cursor pointer shapes and colors DefaultColors - Set colors for the feedback window (will be obsolete) DefaultColorset - Set colors for the Move/Resize feedback window DefaultFont - The default font to use (mainly for feedback window) DefaultIcon - The default icon to use for iconified windows DefaultLayers - Set StaysOnBottom, StaysPut, StaysOnTop layer numbers Delete - Try to delete a window using the X delete protocol Deschedule - Remove commands sheduled earlier using Schedule Desk - (obsolete, use GotoDesk instead) DesktopName - Define the desktop names used in WindowList, modules DesktopSize - Set virtual desktop size in units of physical pages Destroy - Kill a window without any warning to an application DestroyDecor - Delete decor defined by AddToDecor (will be obsolete) DestroyFunc - Delete function defined using AddToFunc DestroyMenu - Delete menu defined using AddToMenu DestroyMenuStyle - Delete menu style defined using MenuStyle DestroyModuleConfig - Delete matching module config lines defined using "*" DestroyStyle - Delete style defined using Style DestroyWindowStyle - Delete style defined using WindowStyle Direction - Operate on the next window in the specified direction Echo - Print message to stderr, mainly for debugging EchoFuncDefinition - Print the definion of a function EdgeCommand - Bind one or another screen edge to an fvwm action EdgeLeaveCommand - Bind one or another screen edge to an fvwm action EdgeResistance - Control viewport scrolling and window move over edge EdgeScroll - Control how much of the viewport is scrolled if any EdgeThickness - Control how closely to edge to run command/scrolling Emulate - Only used to position the position/size window EscapeFunc - Abort a wait or ModuleSynchonous command EwmhBaseStruts - Define restricted areas of the screen EwmhNumberOfDesktops - For ewmh pager, define number of desktops Exec - Execute an external command ExecUseShell - The shell to use to execute an external command FakeClick - Generate a mouse click FakeKeypress - Send a keyboard event to a window FlipFocus - Focus a window without rotating windowlist order Focus - Give focus to a window FocusStyle - Configure focus and raise policy for windows Function - Execute a user defined function, see AddToFunc GlobalOpts - (obsolete, use corresponding Style * instead) GnomeButton - Pass mouse button presses on root to GNOME program GnomeShowDesks - Limit GNOME pager to the number of desks GotoDesk - Switch viewport to another desk same page GotoDeskAndPage - Switch viewport to another desk and page GotoPage - Switch viewport to another page same desk HideGeometryWindow - Hide/show the position/size window HilightColor - (obsolete, use Style * HighlightFore/Back) HilightColorset - (obsolete, use Style * HighlightColorset) IconFont - (obsolete, use Style * IconFont) Iconify - Change iconification status of a window (minimize) IconPath - (obsolete, use ImagePath instead) IgnoreModifiers - Modifiers to ignore on mouse and key bindings ImagePath - Directories to search for images KeepRc - Do not modify the previous command return code Key - Bind or unbind a key to an fvwm action KillModule - Stops an fvwm module Layer - Change the layer of a window LocalePath - Directories/domains to search for locale data Lower - Lower a window within a layer Maximize - Toggle maximal-size status of a window Menu - Display (post) a menu MenuStyle - Control appearance and behavior of a menu Module - Invoke an fvwm module ModuleListenOnly - Invoke an fvwm module ModulePath - Modify the directories to search for an fvwm module ModuleSynchronous - Invoke an fvwm module synchronously ModuleTimeout - Set timeout value for response from module Mouse - Bind or unbind a mouse button press to an fvwm action Move - Move a window MoveThreshold - Set number of pixels in a click and a hold vs. a drag MoveToDesk - Move a window to another desk same page MoveToPage - Move a window to another page same desk MoveToScreen - Move a window to another Xinerama screen Next - Operate on the next window matching conditions None - Perform command if no window matches conditions Nop - Do nothing (used internally) NoWindow - Prefix that runs a command without a window context OpaqueMoveSize - Set maximum size window fvwm should move opaquely Pick - Prefix to force a window context, prompted if needed PipeRead - Exec system command interpret output as fvwm commands PixmapPath - (obsolete, use ImagePath instead) PlaceAgain - Replace a window using initial window placement logic PointerKey - Bind an action to a key based on pointer not focus PointerWindow - Operate on window under pointer if it meets conditions Popup - Display (pop-up) a menu, see also Menu Prev - Operate on the precious window matching conditions PrintInfo - Print information about the state of fvwm PropertyChange - Internal, used for inter-module communication Quit - Exit fvwm QuitScreen - Stop managing the specified screen QuitSession - Ask session manager to shut down itself and fvwm Raise - Raise a window in a layer RaiseLower - Alternately raise or lower a window in a layer Read - Read fvwm commands from a file ReadWriteColors - Used for colorset speed hacks (will be removed?) Recapture - Reapply styles to all windows (will be obsolete) RecaptureWindow - Reapply styles to one window (will be obsolete) Refresh - Cause all windows to redraw themselves RefreshWindow - Cause one window to redraw itself Repeat - Repeat (very unreliably) the last command, don't use Resize - Cause a window to be resized ResizeMaximize - Resize a window and mark window as maximized ResizeMove - Resize and move in one operation ResizeMoveMaximize - Resize and move in one operation and mark maximized RestackTransients - Regroup the window transients in the stack Restart - Restart itself or replace with another window manager SaveQuitSession - Cause session manager to save and shutdown fvwm SaveSession - Cause session manager to save the session ScanForWindow - Operate on the matching window in the given direction Schedule - Run an fvwm command after a delay Scroll - Scroll the desktop viewport Send_ConfigInfo - Internal, used for module communication Send_Reply - Internal, used for module communication Send_WindowList - Internal, used for module communication SendToModule - Send a string (action) to a module set_mask - Internal, used for module communication set_nograb_mask - Internal, used for module communication set_sync_mask - Internal, used for module communication SetAnimation - Control animated moves and menus SetEnv - Set an environment variable Silent - Suppress errors on command, avoid window selection SnapAttraction - Control attraction of windows during move SnapGrid - Control grid used with SnapAttraction State - Control user defined window states Stick - Change window stickyness StickAcrossDesks - Change window stickyness on a desk basis StickAcrossPages - Change window stickyness on a page basis Stroke - Bind a stroke to an fvwm action StrokeFunc - Record stroke and execute corresponding stroke action Style - Set attributes of windows that match a pattern TearMenuOff - Convert a menu to a window, for use in menu items Test - Execute command if conditions are met TestRc - Conditional switch (may be changed) ThisWindow - Operate on the context window if it meets conditions Title - Insert title into a menu TitleStyle - Control window title UnsetEnv - Remove an environment variable UpdateDecor - Update window decor (obsolete and not needed anymore) UpdateStyles - Cause styles to update while still in a function Wait - Pause until a matching window appears WarpToWindow - Warp the pointer to a window WindowFont - (obsolete, use Style * Font) WindowId - Execute command for window matching the windowid WindowList - Display the window list as a menu to select a window WindowShade - Shade/unshade a window WindowShadeAnimate - (obsolete, use Style * WindowShadeSteps) WindowStyle - Set styles on the selected window Xinerama - Control Xinerama support XineramaPrimaryScreen - Identify Xinerama primary screen XineramaSls - Control single logical screen support XineramaSlsScreens - Configure layout for single logical screen XineramaSlsSize - Configure layout for single logical screen sizes XorPixmap - Use a pixmap for move/resize rubber-band XorValue - Change bits used for move/resize rubber-band XSync - For debugging, send all pending requests to X server XSynchronize - For debugging, cause all X requests to be synchronous