Clean Metal Theme for AfterStep 1.7.142+ 25/10/99 ------------------------------------------------------- Clean Metal is a theme for AfterStep 1.7.142+. It looks similar to the Brushed Metal E Theme, except that it is using only gradients (except for wharf and titlebuttons) for all the textures. This makes it a lot faster than pixmap textures. The titlebars a modified from Brushed Metal. I used the same Wharf tile as in my other theme BlueSteel. I have also made a feel file for this theme which adds changes some options for interaction with the titlebar. To use this feel just copy it to your ~/GNUstep/Library/AfterStep/feels/ directory and update your start menu, then select it in |root menu|desktop| feels|. On title bars: Right click - brings up menu for common window ops. Double click - shades window. If you want the xmms skin I am using email me and I will send it to you. The licq skin I am using is dim which can be found on the licq homepage, The icons and the bottom-right panel are elements of GNOME, for more information visit ------------------------------------------------------ Made By: Daniel Rigos Background from: Titlebar buttons from: Modified from Brushed Metal E Theme All other textures made by: Daniel Rigos Lookfile based on one that comes with AS ------------------------------------------------------ Email: ------------------------------------------------------