############################################################################## # # Theme.Fallen: Original Sin # By Semyaza # AfterStep Version Required: 1.7.x # 28 January 1999 # ############################################################################## I. Theme Inspiration While the graphic background is a bit risque, it's the perfect image of the fallen angel, Sammael, tempting Eve. So you'll all have to bear with the softporn :). II. To Make it Work Lathi's theme.handler (makeastheme.pl) was used to create the theme. I used version 3.2 of the theme.handler scripts, so you might need that ver to install the theme. It should install by following the directions in the theme.handler README. In short, untar/gzip -dc to ~/G/L/A/desktop/themes and then run: installastheme.pl --theme theme.Fallen and that should do it. III. Upcoming Themes For all those who are curious as to the upcoming themes, here's the what you've been waiting for. I'm converting all the old themes (theme.Semyaza, theme.wood, theme.grass, theme.forWavePoet, theme.forLeddy, theme.forAllanon, theme.forLathi, and theme.fire (under reconstruction). As for as yet unreleased themes, up and coming is theme.Golf, theme.Pi, theme.Wallace&Gromit, and maybe some others floating around in my head. IV. Thanks and Greetings Allanon: for being the Man WavePoet: for keeping #AfterStep alive and kicking, and for the inspiration for this theme.Fallen theme. ish: for the commentary nwanua: for the dislike of the background pic. fuf: for calling me the theme MASTER when I make a theme, and for the buttons (cause I modded his kick-ass stuff) THA END....