From Slashdot: In reference to the Propaganda IRC Party held on 1999-10-30 (See Bowie's IRC Chat (Score:4) by Jason W (65940) on Saturday April 01, 2000 @03:28PM (#1157288) For those who missed it, Bowie had an IRC chat [] after he turned over the project. I couldn't find complete logs, so here is my copy of his speech: Bowie| I'll make this short and sweet.. I dont like long drawley boring thank yous, and theres much fun to be had.. :) Rahga| Annoucements from Bowie, followed by punch an pie! Bowie| 10 months ago..I sat down on the corner of Park and Speedway infront of a Subway restaraunt royally pissed off. Bowie| Just rampantly pissed. Bowie| Met up with my best friend for lunch that day, and talked about what the hell I was gonna do.. I needed something to occupy myself with. Bowie| That guy is Nach0, by the way. /msg him and tell him he kicks royal carpeted and jeweled ass. Bowie| ...anyway.. :) Bowie| Bri said to me.. Bowie| "You know...You should just pick one thing and do it." Bowie| "Cuz if you dont.." Bowie| "...You're gonna forget what its like to complete anything." Bowie| And so I did. :) Bowie| Propaganda was originally launched on a 56K modem with a dynamic IP host..Every 8 hours, the IP would chnace because i'd get kicked off my ISP, and the DNS would have to propogate before anyone could get on the site. Bowie| I worked, and I worked, and I worked. Bowie| Got a lucky break for Christmas last year.. Rob and Hemos (who doesnt suck) announced the opening of my site, which kept the Tx light on my modem locked solid for 3 days straight. :) Bowie| Well, to sum it up.. Bowie| 14 volumes, 730+ images, a quarter of a million visitors and an estimate *half billion* tiles in distribution later...... Bowie| (yes, 500,000,000 tiles plus) Bowie| its time for me to stop. :) Bowie| Give somebody else a chance. Bowie| Pass the tradition along.. :) Bowie| While Propaganda is still my project..and always will be my little pet.. the creative control behind the project is now in the hands of Naru Sundar at CalTech..Asmodean to many of you. :) Bowie| I wouldnt dare hand over the project if I felt it was going to suck the instant I let it go. I've seen that me. :) Bowie| This aint the case. :) You're gonna se *alot* of new things come out of Propaganda soon, and the tradition will continue. :) Bowie| That 730 figure should top out over a thousand before the end of the year..hehe Bowie| Anyway.. Bowie| I know i'm forgetting alot of people...Rob, Hemos, Scoop, Trae, David and all the other guys at t.o/VA who've helped me.. Bri, Kristen, my folks. Bowie| Its the community that makes it work, not me. Bowie| Thanks a shitload, guys. :) Its been one hell of a run. :) Bowie| Nuff with the smalltalk. Lets see some goodies. :)