/* * mod_dav_svn.h: public header for the DAV/SVN Apache module * * ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 CollabNet. All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms * are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html. * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a * newer version instead, at your option. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision * history and logs, available at http://subversion.tigris.org/. * ==================================================================== */ #ifndef MOD_DAV_SVN_H #define MOD_DAV_SVN_H #include <httpd.h> #include <mod_dav.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Given an apache request R, a URI, and a ROOT_PATH to the svn location block, process URI and return many things, allocated in r->pool: * CLEANED_URI: the uri with duplicate and trailing slashes removed. * TRAILING_SLASH: Whether the uri had a trailing slash on it. Three special substrings of the uri are returned for convenience: * REPOS_NAME: The single path component that is the directory which contains the repository. * RELATIVE_PATH: The remaining imaginary path components. * REPOS_PATH: The actual path within the repository filesystem, or NULL if no part of the uri refers to a path in the repository. (e.g. "!svn/vcc/default" or "!svn/bln/25") So for example, consider the uri /svn/repos/proj1/!svn/blah/13//A/B/alpha In the SVNPath case, this function would receive a ROOT_PATH of '/svn/repos/proj1', and in the SVNParentPath case would receive a ROOT_PATH of '/svn/repos'. But either way, we would get back: * CLEANED_URI: /svn/repos/proj1/!svn/blah/13/A/B/alpha * REPOS_NAME: proj1 * RELATIVE_PATH: /!svn/blah/13/A/B/alpha * REPOS_PATH: A/B/alpha * TRAILING_SLASH: FALSE */ AP_MODULE_DECLARE(dav_error *) dav_svn_split_uri(request_rec *r, const char *uri, const char *root_path, const char **cleaned_uri, int *trailing_slash, const char **repos_name, const char **relative_path, const char **repos_path); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* MOD_DAV_SVN_H */