/* $NetBSD: rtsock_shared.c,v 2019/09/30 15:55:40 martin Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998 WIDE Project. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1988, 1991, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)rtsock.c 8.7 (Berkeley) 10/12/95 */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: rtsock_shared.c,v 2019/09/30 15:55:40 martin Exp $"); #ifdef _KERNEL_OPT #include "opt_inet.h" #include "opt_net_mpsafe.h" #endif #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/proc.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/socketvar.h> #include <sys/domain.h> #include <sys/protosw.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include <sys/kauth.h> #include <sys/kmem.h> #include <sys/intr.h> #include <sys/condvar.h> #include <sys/compat_stub.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <net/if_llatbl.h> #include <net/if_types.h> #include <net/route.h> #include <net/raw_cb.h> #include <netinet/in_var.h> #include <netinet/if_inarp.h> #include <netmpls/mpls.h> #include <compat/net/if.h> #include <compat/net/route.h> #ifdef COMPAT_RTSOCK /* * These are used when #include-d from compat/common/rtsock_50.c */ #define RTM_XVERSION RTM_OVERSION #define RTM_XNEWADDR RTM_ONEWADDR #define RTM_XDELADDR RTM_ODELADDR #define RTM_XCHGADDR RTM_OCHGADDR #define RT_XADVANCE(a,b) RT_OADVANCE(a,b) #define RT_XROUNDUP(n) RT_OROUNDUP(n) #define PF_XROUTE PF_OROUTE #define rt_xmsghdr rt_msghdr50 #define if_xmsghdr if_msghdr /* if_msghdr50 is for RTM_OIFINFO */ #define ifa_xmsghdr ifa_msghdr50 #define if_xannouncemsghdr if_announcemsghdr50 #define COMPATNAME(x) compat_50_ ## x #define DOMAINNAME "oroute" #define COMPATCALL(name, args) \ MODULE_HOOK_CALL_VOID(rtsock_ ## name ## _50_hook, args, __nothing); #define RTS_CTASSERT(x) __nothing CTASSERT(sizeof(struct ifa_xmsghdr) == 20); DOMAIN_DEFINE(compat_50_routedomain); /* forward declare and add to link set */ #else /* COMPAT_RTSOCK */ /* * These are used when #include-d from compat/common/rtsock_50.c */ #define RTM_XVERSION RTM_VERSION #define RTM_XNEWADDR RTM_NEWADDR #define RTM_XDELADDR RTM_DELADDR #define RTM_XCHGADDR RTM_CHGADDR #define RT_XADVANCE(a,b) RT_ADVANCE(a,b) #define RT_XROUNDUP(n) RT_ROUNDUP(n) #define PF_XROUTE PF_ROUTE #define rt_xmsghdr rt_msghdr #define if_xmsghdr if_msghdr #define ifa_xmsghdr ifa_msghdr #define if_xannouncemsghdr if_announcemsghdr #define COMPATNAME(x) x #define DOMAINNAME "route" #define COMPATCALL(name, args) __nothing; #define RTS_CTASSERT(x) CTASSERT(x) CTASSERT(sizeof(struct ifa_xmsghdr) == 32); DOMAIN_DEFINE(routedomain); /* forward declare and add to link set */ #endif /* COMPAT_RTSOCK */ #ifdef RTSOCK_DEBUG #define RT_IN_PRINT(info, b, a) (in_print((b), sizeof(b), \ &((const struct sockaddr_in *)(info)->rti_info[(a)])->sin_addr), (b)) #endif /* RTSOCK_DEBUG */ struct route_info COMPATNAME(route_info) = { .ri_dst = { .sa_len = 2, .sa_family = PF_XROUTE, }, .ri_src = { .sa_len = 2, .sa_family = PF_XROUTE, }, .ri_maxqlen = IFQ_MAXLEN, }; static void COMPATNAME(route_init)(void); static int COMPATNAME(route_output)(struct mbuf *, struct socket *); static int rt_xaddrs(u_char, const char *, const char *, struct rt_addrinfo *); static struct mbuf *rt_makeifannouncemsg(struct ifnet *, int, int, struct rt_addrinfo *); static int rt_msg2(int, struct rt_addrinfo *, void *, struct rt_walkarg *, int *); static void _rt_setmetrics(int, const struct rt_xmsghdr *, struct rtentry *); static void rtm_setmetrics(const struct rtentry *, struct rt_xmsghdr *); static void rt_adjustcount(int, int); static const struct protosw COMPATNAME(route_protosw)[]; struct routecb { struct rawcb rocb_rcb; unsigned int rocb_msgfilter; #define RTMSGFILTER(m) (1U << (m)) }; #define sotoroutecb(so) ((struct routecb *)(so)->so_pcb) static struct rawcbhead rt_rawcb; #ifdef NET_MPSAFE static kmutex_t *rt_so_mtx; static bool rt_updating = false; static kcondvar_t rt_update_cv; #endif static void rt_adjustcount(int af, int cnt) { struct route_cb * const cb = &COMPATNAME(route_info).ri_cb; cb->any_count += cnt; switch (af) { case AF_INET: cb->ip_count += cnt; return; #ifdef INET6 case AF_INET6: cb->ip6_count += cnt; return; #endif case AF_MPLS: cb->mpls_count += cnt; return; } } static int COMPATNAME(route_filter)(struct mbuf *m, struct sockproto *proto, struct rawcb *rp) { struct routecb *rop = (struct routecb *)rp; struct rt_xmsghdr *rtm; KASSERT(m != NULL); KASSERT(proto != NULL); KASSERT(rp != NULL); /* Wrong family for this socket. */ if (proto->sp_family != PF_ROUTE) return ENOPROTOOPT; /* If no filter set, just return. */ if (rop->rocb_msgfilter == 0) return 0; /* Ensure we can access rtm_type */ if (m->m_len < offsetof(struct rt_xmsghdr, rtm_type) + sizeof(rtm->rtm_type)) return EINVAL; rtm = mtod(m, struct rt_xmsghdr *); /* If the rtm type is filtered out, return a positive. */ if (!(rop->rocb_msgfilter & RTMSGFILTER(rtm->rtm_type))) return EEXIST; /* Passed the filter. */ return 0; } static void rt_pr_init(void) { LIST_INIT(&rt_rawcb); } static int COMPATNAME(route_attach)(struct socket *so, int proto) { struct rawcb *rp; struct routecb *rop; int s, error; KASSERT(sotorawcb(so) == NULL); rop = kmem_zalloc(sizeof(*rop), KM_SLEEP); rp = &rop->rocb_rcb; rp->rcb_len = sizeof(*rop); so->so_pcb = rp; s = splsoftnet(); #ifdef NET_MPSAFE KASSERT(so->so_lock == NULL); mutex_obj_hold(rt_so_mtx); so->so_lock = rt_so_mtx; solock(so); #endif if ((error = raw_attach(so, proto, &rt_rawcb)) == 0) { rt_adjustcount(rp->rcb_proto.sp_protocol, 1); rp->rcb_laddr = &COMPATNAME(route_info).ri_src; rp->rcb_faddr = &COMPATNAME(route_info).ri_dst; rp->rcb_filter = COMPATNAME(route_filter); } splx(s); if (error) { kmem_free(rop, sizeof(*rop)); so->so_pcb = NULL; return error; } soisconnected(so); so->so_options |= SO_USELOOPBACK; KASSERT(solocked(so)); return error; } static void COMPATNAME(route_detach)(struct socket *so) { struct rawcb *rp = sotorawcb(so); int s; KASSERT(rp != NULL); KASSERT(solocked(so)); s = splsoftnet(); rt_adjustcount(rp->rcb_proto.sp_protocol, -1); raw_detach(so); splx(s); } static int COMPATNAME(route_accept)(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam) { KASSERT(solocked(so)); panic("route_accept"); return EOPNOTSUPP; } static int COMPATNAME(route_bind)(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam, struct lwp *l) { KASSERT(solocked(so)); return EOPNOTSUPP; } static int COMPATNAME(route_listen)(struct socket *so, struct lwp *l) { KASSERT(solocked(so)); return EOPNOTSUPP; } static int COMPATNAME(route_connect)(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam, struct lwp *l) { KASSERT(solocked(so)); return EOPNOTSUPP; } static int COMPATNAME(route_connect2)(struct socket *so, struct socket *so2) { KASSERT(solocked(so)); return EOPNOTSUPP; } static int COMPATNAME(route_disconnect)(struct socket *so) { struct rawcb *rp = sotorawcb(so); int s; KASSERT(solocked(so)); KASSERT(rp != NULL); s = splsoftnet(); soisdisconnected(so); raw_disconnect(rp); splx(s); return 0; } static int COMPATNAME(route_shutdown)(struct socket *so) { int s; KASSERT(solocked(so)); /* * Mark the connection as being incapable of further input. */ s = splsoftnet(); socantsendmore(so); splx(s); return 0; } static int COMPATNAME(route_abort)(struct socket *so) { KASSERT(solocked(so)); panic("route_abort"); return EOPNOTSUPP; } static int COMPATNAME(route_ioctl)(struct socket *so, u_long cmd, void *nam, struct ifnet * ifp) { return EOPNOTSUPP; } static int COMPATNAME(route_stat)(struct socket *so, struct stat *ub) { KASSERT(solocked(so)); return 0; } static int COMPATNAME(route_peeraddr)(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam) { struct rawcb *rp = sotorawcb(so); KASSERT(solocked(so)); KASSERT(rp != NULL); KASSERT(nam != NULL); if (rp->rcb_faddr == NULL) return ENOTCONN; raw_setpeeraddr(rp, nam); return 0; } static int COMPATNAME(route_sockaddr)(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam) { struct rawcb *rp = sotorawcb(so); KASSERT(solocked(so)); KASSERT(rp != NULL); KASSERT(nam != NULL); if (rp->rcb_faddr == NULL) return ENOTCONN; raw_setsockaddr(rp, nam); return 0; } static int COMPATNAME(route_rcvd)(struct socket *so, int flags, struct lwp *l) { KASSERT(solocked(so)); return EOPNOTSUPP; } static int COMPATNAME(route_recvoob)(struct socket *so, struct mbuf *m, int flags) { KASSERT(solocked(so)); return EOPNOTSUPP; } static int COMPATNAME(route_send)(struct socket *so, struct mbuf *m, struct sockaddr *nam, struct mbuf *control, struct lwp *l) { int error = 0; int s; KASSERT(solocked(so)); KASSERT(so->so_proto == &COMPATNAME(route_protosw)[0]); s = splsoftnet(); error = raw_send(so, m, nam, control, l, &COMPATNAME(route_output)); splx(s); return error; } static int COMPATNAME(route_sendoob)(struct socket *so, struct mbuf *m, struct mbuf *control) { KASSERT(solocked(so)); m_freem(m); m_freem(control); return EOPNOTSUPP; } static int COMPATNAME(route_purgeif)(struct socket *so, struct ifnet *ifp) { panic("route_purgeif"); return EOPNOTSUPP; } #if defined(INET) || defined(INET6) static int route_get_sdl_index(struct rt_addrinfo *info, int *sdl_index) { struct rtentry *nrt; int error; error = rtrequest1(RTM_GET, info, &nrt); if (error != 0) return error; /* * nrt->rt_ifp->if_index may not be correct * due to changing to ifplo0. */ *sdl_index = satosdl(nrt->rt_gateway)->sdl_index; rt_unref(nrt); return 0; } #endif static void route_get_sdl(const struct ifnet *ifp, const struct sockaddr *dst, struct sockaddr_dl *sdl, int *flags) { struct llentry *la; KASSERT(ifp != NULL); IF_AFDATA_RLOCK(ifp); switch (dst->sa_family) { case AF_INET: la = lla_lookup(LLTABLE(ifp), 0, dst); break; case AF_INET6: la = lla_lookup(LLTABLE6(ifp), 0, dst); break; default: la = NULL; KASSERTMSG(0, "Invalid AF=%d\n", dst->sa_family); break; } IF_AFDATA_RUNLOCK(ifp); void *a = (LLE_IS_VALID(la) && (la->la_flags & LLE_VALID) == LLE_VALID) ? &la->ll_addr : NULL; a = sockaddr_dl_init(sdl, sizeof(*sdl), ifp->if_index, ifp->if_type, NULL, 0, a, ifp->if_addrlen); KASSERT(a != NULL); if (la != NULL) { *flags = la->la_flags; LLE_RUNLOCK(la); } } static int route_output_report(struct rtentry *rt, struct rt_addrinfo *info, struct rt_xmsghdr *rtm, struct rt_xmsghdr **new_rtm) { int len, error; if (rtm->rtm_addrs & (RTA_IFP | RTA_IFA)) { const struct ifaddr *rtifa; const struct ifnet *ifp = rt->rt_ifp; info->rti_info[RTAX_IFP] = ifp->if_dl->ifa_addr; /* rtifa used to be simply rt->rt_ifa. * If rt->rt_ifa != NULL, then * rt_get_ifa() != NULL. So this * ought to still be safe. --dyoung */ rtifa = rt_get_ifa(rt); info->rti_info[RTAX_IFA] = rtifa->ifa_addr; #ifdef RTSOCK_DEBUG if (info->rti_info[RTAX_IFA]->sa_family == AF_INET) { char ibuf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; char abuf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; printf("%s: copying out RTAX_IFA %s " "for info->rti_info[RTAX_DST] %s " "ifa_getifa %p ifa_seqno %p\n", __func__, RT_IN_PRINT(info, ibuf, RTAX_IFA), RT_IN_PRINT(info, abuf, RTAX_DST), (void *)rtifa->ifa_getifa, rtifa->ifa_seqno); } #endif /* RTSOCK_DEBUG */ if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) info->rti_info[RTAX_BRD] = rtifa->ifa_dstaddr; else info->rti_info[RTAX_BRD] = NULL; rtm->rtm_index = ifp->if_index; } error = rt_msg2(rtm->rtm_type, info, NULL, NULL, &len); if (error) return error; if (len > rtm->rtm_msglen) { struct rt_xmsghdr *old_rtm = rtm; R_Malloc(*new_rtm, struct rt_xmsghdr *, len); if (*new_rtm == NULL) return ENOBUFS; (void)memcpy(*new_rtm, old_rtm, old_rtm->rtm_msglen); rtm = *new_rtm; } (void)rt_msg2(rtm->rtm_type, info, rtm, NULL, 0); rtm->rtm_flags = rt->rt_flags; rtm_setmetrics(rt, rtm); rtm->rtm_addrs = info->rti_addrs; return 0; } /*ARGSUSED*/ int COMPATNAME(route_output)(struct mbuf *m, struct socket *so) { struct sockproto proto = { .sp_family = PF_XROUTE, }; struct rt_xmsghdr *rtm = NULL; struct rt_xmsghdr *old_rtm = NULL, *new_rtm = NULL; struct rtentry *rt = NULL; struct rtentry *saved_nrt = NULL; struct rt_addrinfo info; int len, error = 0; sa_family_t family; struct sockaddr_dl sdl; int bound = curlwp_bind(); bool do_rt_free = false; struct sockaddr_storage netmask; #define senderr(e) do { error = e; goto flush;} while (/*CONSTCOND*/ 0) if (m == NULL || ((m->m_len < sizeof(int32_t)) && (m = m_pullup(m, sizeof(int32_t))) == NULL)) { error = ENOBUFS; goto out; } if ((m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) == 0) panic("%s", __func__); len = m->m_pkthdr.len; if (len < sizeof(*rtm) || len != mtod(m, struct rt_xmsghdr *)->rtm_msglen) { info.rti_info[RTAX_DST] = NULL; senderr(EINVAL); } R_Malloc(rtm, struct rt_xmsghdr *, len); if (rtm == NULL) { info.rti_info[RTAX_DST] = NULL; senderr(ENOBUFS); } m_copydata(m, 0, len, rtm); if (rtm->rtm_version != RTM_XVERSION) { info.rti_info[RTAX_DST] = NULL; senderr(EPROTONOSUPPORT); } rtm->rtm_pid = curproc->p_pid; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.rti_addrs = rtm->rtm_addrs; if (rt_xaddrs(rtm->rtm_type, (const char *)(rtm + 1), len + (char *)rtm, &info)) { senderr(EINVAL); } info.rti_flags = rtm->rtm_flags; #ifdef RTSOCK_DEBUG if (info.rti_info[RTAX_DST]->sa_family == AF_INET) { char abuf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; printf("%s: extracted info.rti_info[RTAX_DST] %s\n", __func__, RT_IN_PRINT(&info, abuf, RTAX_DST)); } #endif /* RTSOCK_DEBUG */ if (info.rti_info[RTAX_DST] == NULL || (info.rti_info[RTAX_DST]->sa_family >= AF_MAX)) { senderr(EINVAL); } if (info.rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY] != NULL && (info.rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY]->sa_family >= AF_MAX)) { senderr(EINVAL); } /* * Verify that the caller has the appropriate privilege; RTM_GET * is the only operation the non-superuser is allowed. */ if (kauth_authorize_network(curlwp->l_cred, KAUTH_NETWORK_ROUTE, 0, rtm, NULL, NULL) != 0) senderr(EACCES); /* * route(8) passes a sockaddr truncated with prefixlen. * The kernel doesn't expect such sockaddr and need to * use a buffer that is big enough for the sockaddr expected * (padded with 0's). We keep the original length of the sockaddr. */ if (info.rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK]) { /* * Use the family of RTAX_DST, because RTAX_NETMASK * can have a zero family if it comes from the radix * tree via rt_mask(). */ socklen_t sa_len = sockaddr_getsize_by_family( info.rti_info[RTAX_DST]->sa_family); socklen_t masklen = sockaddr_getlen( info.rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK]); if (sa_len != 0 && sa_len > masklen) { KASSERT(sa_len <= sizeof(netmask)); memcpy(&netmask, info.rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK], masklen); memset((char *)&netmask + masklen, 0, sa_len - masklen); info.rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK] = sstocsa(&netmask); } } switch (rtm->rtm_type) { case RTM_ADD: if (info.rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY] == NULL) { senderr(EINVAL); } #if defined(INET) || defined(INET6) /* support for new ARP/NDP code with keeping backcompat */ if (info.rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY]->sa_family == AF_LINK) { const struct sockaddr_dl *sdlp = satocsdl(info.rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY]); /* Allow routing requests by interface index */ if (sdlp->sdl_nlen == 0 && sdlp->sdl_alen == 0 && sdlp->sdl_slen == 0) goto fallback; /* * Old arp binaries don't set the sdl_index * so we have to complement it. */ int sdl_index = sdlp->sdl_index; if (sdl_index == 0) { error = route_get_sdl_index(&info, &sdl_index); if (error != 0) goto fallback; } else if ( info.rti_info[RTAX_DST]->sa_family == AF_INET) { /* * XXX workaround for SIN_PROXY case; proxy arp * entry should be in an interface that has * a network route including the destination, * not a local (link) route that may not be a * desired place, for example a tap. */ const struct sockaddr_inarp *sina = (const struct sockaddr_inarp *) info.rti_info[RTAX_DST]; if (sina->sin_other & SIN_PROXY) { error = route_get_sdl_index(&info, &sdl_index); if (error != 0) goto fallback; } } error = lla_rt_output(rtm->rtm_type, rtm->rtm_flags, rtm->rtm_rmx.rmx_expire, &info, sdl_index); break; } fallback: #endif /* defined(INET) || defined(INET6) */ error = rtrequest1(rtm->rtm_type, &info, &saved_nrt); if (error == 0) { _rt_setmetrics(rtm->rtm_inits, rtm, saved_nrt); rt_unref(saved_nrt); } break; case RTM_DELETE: #if defined(INET) || defined(INET6) /* support for new ARP/NDP code */ if (info.rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY] && (info.rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY]->sa_family == AF_LINK) && (rtm->rtm_flags & RTF_LLDATA) != 0) { const struct sockaddr_dl *sdlp = satocsdl(info.rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY]); error = lla_rt_output(rtm->rtm_type, rtm->rtm_flags, rtm->rtm_rmx.rmx_expire, &info, sdlp->sdl_index); rtm->rtm_flags &= ~RTF_UP; break; } #endif error = rtrequest1(rtm->rtm_type, &info, &saved_nrt); if (error != 0) break; rt = saved_nrt; do_rt_free = true; info.rti_info[RTAX_DST] = rt_getkey(rt); info.rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY] = rt->rt_gateway; info.rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK] = rt_mask(rt); info.rti_info[RTAX_TAG] = rt_gettag(rt); error = route_output_report(rt, &info, rtm, &new_rtm); if (error) senderr(error); if (new_rtm != NULL) { old_rtm = rtm; rtm = new_rtm; } break; case RTM_GET: case RTM_CHANGE: case RTM_LOCK: /* XXX This will mask info.rti_info[RTAX_DST] with * info.rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK] before * searching. It did not used to do that. --dyoung */ rt = NULL; error = rtrequest1(RTM_GET, &info, &rt); if (error != 0) senderr(error); if (rtm->rtm_type != RTM_GET) {/* XXX: too grotty */ if (memcmp(info.rti_info[RTAX_DST], rt_getkey(rt), info.rti_info[RTAX_DST]->sa_len) != 0) senderr(ESRCH); if (info.rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK] == NULL && rt_mask(rt) != NULL) senderr(ETOOMANYREFS); } /* * XXX if arp/ndp requests an L2 entry, we have to obtain * it from lltable while for the route command we have to * return a route as it is. How to distinguish them? * For newer arp/ndp, RTF_LLDATA flag set by arp/ndp * indicates an L2 entry is requested. For old arp/ndp * binaries, we check RTF_UP flag is NOT set; it works * by the fact that arp/ndp don't set it while the route * command sets it. */ if (((rtm->rtm_flags & RTF_LLDATA) != 0 || (rtm->rtm_flags & RTF_UP) == 0) && rtm->rtm_type == RTM_GET && sockaddr_cmp(rt_getkey(rt), info.rti_info[RTAX_DST]) != 0) { int ll_flags = 0; route_get_sdl(rt->rt_ifp, info.rti_info[RTAX_DST], &sdl, &ll_flags); info.rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY] = sstocsa(&sdl); error = route_output_report(rt, &info, rtm, &new_rtm); if (error) senderr(error); if (new_rtm != NULL) { old_rtm = rtm; rtm = new_rtm; } rtm->rtm_flags |= RTF_LLDATA; rtm->rtm_flags &= ~RTF_CONNECTED; rtm->rtm_flags |= (ll_flags & LLE_STATIC) ? RTF_STATIC : 0; break; } switch (rtm->rtm_type) { case RTM_GET: info.rti_info[RTAX_DST] = rt_getkey(rt); info.rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY] = rt->rt_gateway; info.rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK] = rt_mask(rt); info.rti_info[RTAX_TAG] = rt_gettag(rt); error = route_output_report(rt, &info, rtm, &new_rtm); if (error) senderr(error); if (new_rtm != NULL) { old_rtm = rtm; rtm = new_rtm; } break; case RTM_CHANGE: #ifdef NET_MPSAFE /* * Release rt_so_mtx to avoid a deadlock with route_intr * and also serialize updating routes to avoid another. */ if (rt_updating) { /* Release to allow the updater to proceed */ rt_unref(rt); rt = NULL; } while (rt_updating) { error = cv_wait_sig(&rt_update_cv, rt_so_mtx); if (error != 0) goto flush; } if (rt == NULL) { error = rtrequest1(RTM_GET, &info, &rt); if (error != 0) goto flush; } rt_updating = true; mutex_exit(rt_so_mtx); error = rt_update_prepare(rt); if (error == 0) { error = rt_update(rt, &info, rtm); rt_update_finish(rt); } mutex_enter(rt_so_mtx); rt_updating = false; cv_broadcast(&rt_update_cv); #else error = rt_update(rt, &info, rtm); #endif if (error != 0) goto flush; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case RTM_LOCK: rt->rt_rmx.rmx_locks &= ~(rtm->rtm_inits); rt->rt_rmx.rmx_locks |= (rtm->rtm_inits & rtm->rtm_rmx.rmx_locks); break; } break; default: senderr(EOPNOTSUPP); } flush: if (rtm) { if (error) rtm->rtm_errno = error; else rtm->rtm_flags |= RTF_DONE; } family = info.rti_info[RTAX_DST] ? info.rti_info[RTAX_DST]->sa_family : 0; /* We cannot free old_rtm until we have stopped using the * pointers in info, some of which may point to sockaddrs * in old_rtm. */ if (old_rtm != NULL) Free(old_rtm); if (rt) { if (do_rt_free) { #ifdef NET_MPSAFE /* * Release rt_so_mtx to avoid a deadlock with * route_intr. */ mutex_exit(rt_so_mtx); rt_free(rt); mutex_enter(rt_so_mtx); #else rt_free(rt); #endif } else rt_unref(rt); } { struct rawcb *rp = NULL; /* * Check to see if we don't want our own messages. */ if ((so->so_options & SO_USELOOPBACK) == 0) { if (COMPATNAME(route_info).ri_cb.any_count <= 1) { if (rtm) Free(rtm); m_freem(m); goto out; } /* There is another listener, so construct message */ rp = sotorawcb(so); } if (rtm) { m_copyback(m, 0, rtm->rtm_msglen, rtm); if (m->m_pkthdr.len < rtm->rtm_msglen) { m_freem(m); m = NULL; } else if (m->m_pkthdr.len > rtm->rtm_msglen) m_adj(m, rtm->rtm_msglen - m->m_pkthdr.len); Free(rtm); } if (rp) rp->rcb_proto.sp_family = 0; /* Avoid us */ if (family) proto.sp_protocol = family; if (m) raw_input(m, &proto, &COMPATNAME(route_info).ri_src, &COMPATNAME(route_info).ri_dst, &rt_rawcb); if (rp) rp->rcb_proto.sp_family = PF_XROUTE; } out: curlwp_bindx(bound); return error; } static int route_ctloutput(int op, struct socket *so, struct sockopt *sopt) { struct routecb *rop = sotoroutecb(so); int error = 0; unsigned char *rtm_type; size_t len; unsigned int msgfilter; KASSERT(solocked(so)); if (sopt->sopt_level != AF_ROUTE) { error = ENOPROTOOPT; } else switch (op) { case PRCO_SETOPT: switch (sopt->sopt_name) { case RO_MSGFILTER: msgfilter = 0; for (rtm_type = sopt->sopt_data, len = sopt->sopt_size; len != 0; rtm_type++, len -= sizeof(*rtm_type)) { /* Guard against overflowing our storage. */ if (*rtm_type >= sizeof(msgfilter) * CHAR_BIT) { error = EOVERFLOW; break; } msgfilter |= RTMSGFILTER(*rtm_type); } if (error == 0) rop->rocb_msgfilter = msgfilter; break; default: error = ENOPROTOOPT; break; } break; case PRCO_GETOPT: switch (sopt->sopt_name) { case RO_MSGFILTER: error = ENOTSUP; break; default: error = ENOPROTOOPT; break; } } return error; } static void _rt_setmetrics(int which, const struct rt_xmsghdr *in, struct rtentry *out) { #define metric(f, e) if (which & (f)) out->rt_rmx.e = in->rtm_rmx.e; metric(RTV_RPIPE, rmx_recvpipe); metric(RTV_SPIPE, rmx_sendpipe); metric(RTV_SSTHRESH, rmx_ssthresh); metric(RTV_RTT, rmx_rtt); metric(RTV_RTTVAR, rmx_rttvar); metric(RTV_HOPCOUNT, rmx_hopcount); metric(RTV_MTU, rmx_mtu); #undef metric if (which & RTV_EXPIRE) { out->rt_rmx.rmx_expire = in->rtm_rmx.rmx_expire ? time_wall_to_mono(in->rtm_rmx.rmx_expire) : 0; } } static void rtm_setmetrics(const struct rtentry *in, struct rt_xmsghdr *out) { #define metric(e) out->rtm_rmx.e = in->rt_rmx.e; metric(rmx_recvpipe); metric(rmx_sendpipe); metric(rmx_ssthresh); metric(rmx_rtt); metric(rmx_rttvar); metric(rmx_hopcount); metric(rmx_mtu); metric(rmx_locks); #undef metric out->rtm_rmx.rmx_expire = in->rt_rmx.rmx_expire ? time_mono_to_wall(in->rt_rmx.rmx_expire) : 0; } static int rt_xaddrs(u_char rtmtype, const char *cp, const char *cplim, struct rt_addrinfo *rtinfo) { const struct sockaddr *sa = NULL; /* Quell compiler warning */ int i; for (i = 0; i < RTAX_MAX && cp < cplim; i++) { if ((rtinfo->rti_addrs & (1 << i)) == 0) continue; rtinfo->rti_info[i] = sa = (const struct sockaddr *)cp; RT_XADVANCE(cp, sa); } /* * Check for extra addresses specified, except RTM_GET asking * for interface info. */ if (rtmtype == RTM_GET) { if (((rtinfo->rti_addrs & (~((1 << RTAX_IFP) | (1 << RTAX_IFA)))) & (~0U << i)) != 0) return 1; } else if ((rtinfo->rti_addrs & (~0U << i)) != 0) return 1; /* Check for bad data length. */ if (cp != cplim) { if (i == RTAX_NETMASK + 1 && sa != NULL && cp - RT_XROUNDUP(sa->sa_len) + sa->sa_len == cplim) /* * The last sockaddr was info.rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK]. * We accept this for now for the sake of old * binaries or third party softwares. */ ; else return 1; } return 0; } static int rt_getlen(int type) { RTS_CTASSERT(__alignof(struct ifa_msghdr) >= sizeof(uint64_t)); RTS_CTASSERT(__alignof(struct if_msghdr) >= sizeof(uint64_t)); RTS_CTASSERT(__alignof(struct if_announcemsghdr) >= sizeof(uint64_t)); RTS_CTASSERT(__alignof(struct rt_msghdr) >= sizeof(uint64_t)); switch (type) { case RTM_ODELADDR: case RTM_ONEWADDR: case RTM_OCHGADDR: if (rtsock_iflist_70_hook.hooked) return sizeof(struct ifa_msghdr70); else { #ifdef RTSOCK_DEBUG printf("%s: unsupported RTM type %d\n", __func__, type); #endif return -1; } case RTM_DELADDR: case RTM_NEWADDR: case RTM_CHGADDR: return sizeof(struct ifa_xmsghdr); case RTM_OOIFINFO: if (rtsock_iflist_14_hook.hooked) return sizeof(struct if_msghdr14); else { #ifdef RTSOCK_DEBUG printf("%s: unsupported RTM type RTM_OOIFINFO\n", __func__); #endif return -1; } case RTM_OIFINFO: if (rtsock_iflist_50_hook.hooked) return sizeof(struct if_msghdr50); else { #ifdef RTSOCK_DEBUG printf("%s: unsupported RTM type RTM_OIFINFO\n", __func__); #endif return -1; } case RTM_IFINFO: return sizeof(struct if_xmsghdr); case RTM_IFANNOUNCE: case RTM_IEEE80211: return sizeof(struct if_xannouncemsghdr); default: return sizeof(struct rt_xmsghdr); } } struct mbuf * COMPATNAME(rt_msg1)(int type, struct rt_addrinfo *rtinfo, void *data, int datalen) { struct rt_xmsghdr *rtm; struct mbuf *m; int i; const struct sockaddr *sa; int len, dlen; m = m_gethdr(M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA); if (m == NULL) return m; MCLAIM(m, &COMPATNAME(routedomain).dom_mowner); if ((len = rt_getlen(type)) == -1) goto out; if (len > MHLEN + MLEN) panic("%s: message too long", __func__); else if (len > MHLEN) { m->m_next = m_get(M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA); if (m->m_next == NULL) goto out; MCLAIM(m->m_next, m->m_owner); m->m_pkthdr.len = len; m->m_len = MHLEN; m->m_next->m_len = len - MHLEN; } else { m->m_pkthdr.len = m->m_len = len; } m_reset_rcvif(m); m_copyback(m, 0, datalen, data); if (len > datalen) (void)memset(mtod(m, char *) + datalen, 0, len - datalen); rtm = mtod(m, struct rt_xmsghdr *); for (i = 0; i < RTAX_MAX; i++) { if ((sa = rtinfo->rti_info[i]) == NULL) continue; rtinfo->rti_addrs |= (1 << i); dlen = RT_XROUNDUP(sa->sa_len); m_copyback(m, len, sa->sa_len, sa); if (dlen != sa->sa_len) { /* * Up to 7 + 1 nul's since roundup is to * sizeof(uint64_t) (8 bytes) */ m_copyback(m, len + sa->sa_len, dlen - sa->sa_len, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"); } len += dlen; } if (m->m_pkthdr.len != len) goto out; rtm->rtm_msglen = len; rtm->rtm_version = RTM_XVERSION; rtm->rtm_type = type; return m; out: m_freem(m); return NULL; } /* * rt_msg2 * * fills 'cp' or 'w'.w_tmem with the routing socket message and * returns the length of the message in 'lenp'. * * if walkarg is 0, cp is expected to be 0 or a buffer large enough to hold * the message * otherwise walkarg's w_needed is updated and if the user buffer is * specified and w_needed indicates space exists the information is copied * into the temp space (w_tmem). w_tmem is [re]allocated if necessary, * if the allocation fails ENOBUFS is returned. */ static int rt_msg2(int type, struct rt_addrinfo *rtinfo, void *cpv, struct rt_walkarg *w, int *lenp) { int i; int len, dlen, second_time = 0; char *cp0, *cp = cpv; rtinfo->rti_addrs = 0; again: if ((len = rt_getlen(type)) == -1) return EINVAL; if ((cp0 = cp) != NULL) cp += len; for (i = 0; i < RTAX_MAX; i++) { const struct sockaddr *sa; if ((sa = rtinfo->rti_info[i]) == NULL) continue; rtinfo->rti_addrs |= (1 << i); dlen = RT_XROUNDUP(sa->sa_len); if (cp) { int diff = dlen - sa->sa_len; (void)memcpy(cp, sa, (size_t)sa->sa_len); cp += sa->sa_len; if (diff > 0) { (void)memset(cp, 0, (size_t)diff); cp += diff; } } len += dlen; } if (cp == NULL && w != NULL && !second_time) { struct rt_walkarg *rw = w; rw->w_needed += len; if (rw->w_needed <= 0 && rw->w_where) { if (rw->w_tmemsize < len) { if (rw->w_tmem) kmem_free(rw->w_tmem, rw->w_tmemsize); rw->w_tmem = kmem_zalloc(len, KM_SLEEP); rw->w_tmemsize = len; } if (rw->w_tmem) { cp = rw->w_tmem; second_time = 1; goto again; } else { rw->w_tmemneeded = len; return ENOBUFS; } } } if (cp) { struct rt_xmsghdr *rtm = (struct rt_xmsghdr *)cp0; rtm->rtm_version = RTM_XVERSION; rtm->rtm_type = type; rtm->rtm_msglen = len; } if (lenp) *lenp = len; return 0; } /* * This routine is called to generate a message from the routing * socket indicating that a redirect has occurred, a routing lookup * has failed, or that a protocol has detected timeouts to a particular * destination. */ void COMPATNAME(rt_missmsg)(int type, const struct rt_addrinfo *rtinfo, int flags, int error) { struct rt_xmsghdr rtm; struct mbuf *m; const struct sockaddr *sa = rtinfo->rti_info[RTAX_DST]; struct rt_addrinfo info = *rtinfo; COMPATCALL(rt_missmsg, (type, rtinfo, flags, error)); if (COMPATNAME(route_info).ri_cb.any_count == 0) return; memset(&rtm, 0, sizeof(rtm)); rtm.rtm_pid = curproc->p_pid; rtm.rtm_flags = RTF_DONE | flags; rtm.rtm_errno = error; m = COMPATNAME(rt_msg1)(type, &info, &rtm, sizeof(rtm)); if (m == NULL) return; mtod(m, struct rt_xmsghdr *)->rtm_addrs = info.rti_addrs; COMPATNAME(route_enqueue)(m, sa ? sa->sa_family : 0); } /* * This routine is called to generate a message from the routing * socket indicating that the status of a network interface has changed. */ void COMPATNAME(rt_ifmsg)(struct ifnet *ifp) { struct if_xmsghdr ifm; struct mbuf *m; struct rt_addrinfo info; COMPATCALL(rt_ifmsg, (ifp)); if (COMPATNAME(route_info).ri_cb.any_count == 0) return; (void)memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); (void)memset(&ifm, 0, sizeof(ifm)); ifm.ifm_index = ifp->if_index; ifm.ifm_flags = ifp->if_flags; ifm.ifm_data = ifp->if_data; ifm.ifm_addrs = 0; m = COMPATNAME(rt_msg1)(RTM_IFINFO, &info, &ifm, sizeof(ifm)); if (m == NULL) return; COMPATNAME(route_enqueue)(m, 0); MODULE_HOOK_CALL_VOID(rtsock_oifmsg_14_hook, (ifp), __nothing); MODULE_HOOK_CALL_VOID(rtsock_oifmsg_50_hook, (ifp), __nothing); } /* * This is called to generate messages from the routing socket * indicating a network interface has had addresses associated with it. * if we ever reverse the logic and replace messages TO the routing * socket indicate a request to configure interfaces, then it will * be unnecessary as the routing socket will automatically generate * copies of it. */ static void COMPATNAME(rt_addrmsg0)(int cmd, struct ifaddr *ifa, int error, struct rtentry *rt, const struct sockaddr *src) { #define cmdpass(__cmd, __pass) (((__cmd) << 2) | (__pass)) struct rt_addrinfo info; const struct sockaddr *sa; int pass; struct mbuf *m; struct ifnet *ifp; struct rt_xmsghdr rtm; struct ifa_xmsghdr ifam; int ncmd; KASSERT(ifa != NULL); KASSERT(ifa->ifa_addr != NULL); ifp = ifa->ifa_ifp; if (cmd == RTM_ADD && vec_sctp_add_ip_address != NULL) { (*vec_sctp_add_ip_address)(ifa); } else if (cmd == RTM_DELETE && vec_sctp_delete_ip_address != NULL) { (*vec_sctp_delete_ip_address)(ifa); } COMPATCALL(rt_addrmsg_rt, (cmd, ifa, error, rt)); if (COMPATNAME(route_info).ri_cb.any_count == 0) return; for (pass = 1; pass < 3; pass++) { memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); switch (cmdpass(cmd, pass)) { case cmdpass(RTM_ADD, 1): case cmdpass(RTM_CHANGE, 1): case cmdpass(RTM_DELETE, 2): case cmdpass(RTM_NEWADDR, 1): case cmdpass(RTM_DELADDR, 1): case cmdpass(RTM_CHGADDR, 1): switch (cmd) { case RTM_ADD: ncmd = RTM_XNEWADDR; break; case RTM_DELETE: ncmd = RTM_XDELADDR; break; case RTM_CHANGE: ncmd = RTM_XCHGADDR; break; case RTM_NEWADDR: ncmd = RTM_XNEWADDR; break; case RTM_DELADDR: ncmd = RTM_XDELADDR; break; case RTM_CHGADDR: ncmd = RTM_XCHGADDR; break; default: panic("%s: unknown command %d", __func__, cmd); } MODULE_HOOK_CALL_VOID(rtsock_newaddr_70_hook, (ncmd, ifa), __nothing); info.rti_info[RTAX_IFA] = sa = ifa->ifa_addr; KASSERT(ifp->if_dl != NULL); info.rti_info[RTAX_IFP] = ifp->if_dl->ifa_addr; info.rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK] = ifa->ifa_netmask; info.rti_info[RTAX_BRD] = ifa->ifa_dstaddr; info.rti_info[RTAX_AUTHOR] = src; memset(&ifam, 0, sizeof(ifam)); ifam.ifam_index = ifp->if_index; ifam.ifam_metric = ifa->ifa_metric; ifam.ifam_flags = ifa->ifa_flags; #ifndef COMPAT_RTSOCK ifam.ifam_pid = curproc->p_pid; ifam.ifam_addrflags = if_addrflags(ifa); #endif m = COMPATNAME(rt_msg1)(ncmd, &info, &ifam, sizeof(ifam)); if (m == NULL) continue; mtod(m, struct ifa_xmsghdr *)->ifam_addrs = info.rti_addrs; break; case cmdpass(RTM_ADD, 2): case cmdpass(RTM_CHANGE, 2): case cmdpass(RTM_DELETE, 1): if (rt == NULL) continue; info.rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK] = rt_mask(rt); info.rti_info[RTAX_DST] = sa = rt_getkey(rt); info.rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY] = rt->rt_gateway; memset(&rtm, 0, sizeof(rtm)); rtm.rtm_pid = curproc->p_pid; rtm.rtm_index = ifp->if_index; rtm.rtm_flags |= rt->rt_flags; rtm.rtm_errno = error; m = COMPATNAME(rt_msg1)(cmd, &info, &rtm, sizeof(rtm)); if (m == NULL) continue; mtod(m, struct rt_xmsghdr *)->rtm_addrs = info.rti_addrs; break; default: continue; } KASSERTMSG(m != NULL, "called with wrong command"); COMPATNAME(route_enqueue)(m, sa ? sa->sa_family : 0); } #undef cmdpass } void COMPATNAME(rt_addrmsg)(int cmd, struct ifaddr *ifa) { COMPATNAME(rt_addrmsg0)(cmd, ifa, 0, NULL, NULL); } void COMPATNAME(rt_addrmsg_rt)(int cmd, struct ifaddr *ifa, int error, struct rtentry *rt) { COMPATNAME(rt_addrmsg0)(cmd, ifa, error, rt, NULL); } void COMPATNAME(rt_addrmsg_src)(int cmd, struct ifaddr *ifa, const struct sockaddr *src) { COMPATNAME(rt_addrmsg0)(cmd, ifa, 0, NULL, src); } static struct mbuf * rt_makeifannouncemsg(struct ifnet *ifp, int type, int what, struct rt_addrinfo *info) { struct if_xannouncemsghdr ifan; memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); memset(&ifan, 0, sizeof(ifan)); ifan.ifan_index = ifp->if_index; strlcpy(ifan.ifan_name, ifp->if_xname, sizeof(ifan.ifan_name)); ifan.ifan_what = what; return COMPATNAME(rt_msg1)(type, info, &ifan, sizeof(ifan)); } /* * This is called to generate routing socket messages indicating * network interface arrival and departure. */ void COMPATNAME(rt_ifannouncemsg)(struct ifnet *ifp, int what) { struct mbuf *m; struct rt_addrinfo info; COMPATCALL(rt_ifannouncemsg, (ifp, what)); if (COMPATNAME(route_info).ri_cb.any_count == 0) return; m = rt_makeifannouncemsg(ifp, RTM_IFANNOUNCE, what, &info); if (m == NULL) return; COMPATNAME(route_enqueue)(m, 0); } /* * This is called to generate routing socket messages indicating * IEEE80211 wireless events. * XXX we piggyback on the RTM_IFANNOUNCE msg format in a clumsy way. */ void COMPATNAME(rt_ieee80211msg)(struct ifnet *ifp, int what, void *data, size_t data_len) { struct mbuf *m; struct rt_addrinfo info; COMPATCALL(rt_ieee80211msg, (ifp, what, data, data_len)); if (COMPATNAME(route_info).ri_cb.any_count == 0) return; m = rt_makeifannouncemsg(ifp, RTM_IEEE80211, what, &info); if (m == NULL) return; /* * Append the ieee80211 data. Try to stick it in the * mbuf containing the ifannounce msg; otherwise allocate * a new mbuf and append. * * NB: we assume m is a single mbuf. */ if (data_len > M_TRAILINGSPACE(m)) { struct mbuf *n = m_get(M_NOWAIT, MT_DATA); if (n == NULL) { m_freem(m); return; } (void)memcpy(mtod(n, void *), data, data_len); n->m_len = data_len; m->m_next = n; } else if (data_len > 0) { (void)memcpy(mtod(m, uint8_t *) + m->m_len, data, data_len); m->m_len += data_len; } if (m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) m->m_pkthdr.len += data_len; mtod(m, struct if_xannouncemsghdr *)->ifan_msglen += data_len; COMPATNAME(route_enqueue)(m, 0); } /* * Routing message software interrupt routine */ static void COMPATNAME(route_intr)(void *cookie) { struct sockproto proto = { .sp_family = PF_XROUTE, }; struct route_info * const ri = &COMPATNAME(route_info); struct mbuf *m; SOFTNET_KERNEL_LOCK_UNLESS_NET_MPSAFE(); for (;;) { IFQ_LOCK(&ri->ri_intrq); IF_DEQUEUE(&ri->ri_intrq, m); IFQ_UNLOCK(&ri->ri_intrq); if (m == NULL) break; proto.sp_protocol = M_GETCTX(m, uintptr_t); #ifdef NET_MPSAFE mutex_enter(rt_so_mtx); #endif raw_input(m, &proto, &ri->ri_src, &ri->ri_dst, &rt_rawcb); #ifdef NET_MPSAFE mutex_exit(rt_so_mtx); #endif } SOFTNET_KERNEL_UNLOCK_UNLESS_NET_MPSAFE(); } /* * Enqueue a message to the software interrupt routine. */ void COMPATNAME(route_enqueue)(struct mbuf *m, int family) { struct route_info * const ri = &COMPATNAME(route_info); int wasempty; IFQ_LOCK(&ri->ri_intrq); if (IF_QFULL(&ri->ri_intrq)) { printf("%s: queue full, dropped message\n", __func__); IF_DROP(&ri->ri_intrq); IFQ_UNLOCK(&ri->ri_intrq); m_freem(m); } else { wasempty = IF_IS_EMPTY(&ri->ri_intrq); M_SETCTX(m, (uintptr_t)family); IF_ENQUEUE(&ri->ri_intrq, m); IFQ_UNLOCK(&ri->ri_intrq); if (wasempty) { kpreempt_disable(); softint_schedule(ri->ri_sih); kpreempt_enable(); } } } static void COMPATNAME(route_init)(void) { struct route_info * const ri = &COMPATNAME(route_info); #ifndef COMPAT_RTSOCK rt_init(); #ifdef NET_MPSAFE rt_so_mtx = mutex_obj_alloc(MUTEX_DEFAULT, IPL_NONE); cv_init(&rt_update_cv, "rtsock_cv"); #endif sysctl_net_route_setup(NULL, PF_ROUTE, "rtable"); #endif ri->ri_intrq.ifq_maxlen = ri->ri_maxqlen; ri->ri_sih = softint_establish(SOFTINT_NET | SOFTINT_MPSAFE, COMPATNAME(route_intr), NULL); IFQ_LOCK_INIT(&ri->ri_intrq); #ifdef MBUFTRACE MOWNER_ATTACH(&COMPATNAME(routedomain).dom_mowner); #endif } /* * Definitions of protocols supported in the ROUTE domain. */ #ifndef COMPAT_RTSOCK PR_WRAP_USRREQS(route); #else PR_WRAP_USRREQS(compat_50_route); #endif static const struct pr_usrreqs route_usrreqs = { .pr_attach = COMPATNAME(route_attach_wrapper), .pr_detach = COMPATNAME(route_detach_wrapper), .pr_accept = COMPATNAME(route_accept_wrapper), .pr_bind = COMPATNAME(route_bind_wrapper), .pr_listen = COMPATNAME(route_listen_wrapper), .pr_connect = COMPATNAME(route_connect_wrapper), .pr_connect2 = COMPATNAME(route_connect2_wrapper), .pr_disconnect = COMPATNAME(route_disconnect_wrapper), .pr_shutdown = COMPATNAME(route_shutdown_wrapper), .pr_abort = COMPATNAME(route_abort_wrapper), .pr_ioctl = COMPATNAME(route_ioctl_wrapper), .pr_stat = COMPATNAME(route_stat_wrapper), .pr_peeraddr = COMPATNAME(route_peeraddr_wrapper), .pr_sockaddr = COMPATNAME(route_sockaddr_wrapper), .pr_rcvd = COMPATNAME(route_rcvd_wrapper), .pr_recvoob = COMPATNAME(route_recvoob_wrapper), .pr_send = COMPATNAME(route_send_wrapper), .pr_sendoob = COMPATNAME(route_sendoob_wrapper), .pr_purgeif = COMPATNAME(route_purgeif_wrapper), }; static const struct protosw COMPATNAME(route_protosw)[] = { { .pr_type = SOCK_RAW, .pr_domain = &COMPATNAME(routedomain), .pr_flags = PR_ATOMIC|PR_ADDR, .pr_ctlinput = raw_ctlinput, .pr_ctloutput = route_ctloutput, .pr_usrreqs = &route_usrreqs, .pr_init = rt_pr_init, }, }; struct domain COMPATNAME(routedomain) = { .dom_family = PF_XROUTE, .dom_name = DOMAINNAME, .dom_init = COMPATNAME(route_init), .dom_protosw = COMPATNAME(route_protosw), .dom_protoswNPROTOSW = &COMPATNAME(route_protosw)[__arraycount(COMPATNAME(route_protosw))], #ifdef MBUFTRACE .dom_mowner = MOWNER_INIT("route", "rtm"), #endif };