/* $NetBSD: universe_pci.c,v 1.13 2018/12/09 11:14:02 jdolecek Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1999 * Matthias Drochner. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Common functions for PCI-VME-interfaces using the * Newbridge/Tundra Universe II chip (CA91C142). */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: universe_pci.c,v 1.13 2018/12/09 11:14:02 jdolecek Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <dev/pci/pcireg.h> #include <dev/pci/pcivar.h> /*#include <dev/pci/pcidevs.h>*/ #include <sys/bus.h> #include <dev/vme/vmereg.h> #include <dev/vme/vmevar.h> #include <dev/ic/universereg.h> #include <dev/pci/universe_pci_var.h> int univ_pci_intr(void *); #define read_csr_4(d, reg) \ bus_space_read_4(d->csrt, d->csrh, offsetof(struct universereg, reg)) #define write_csr_4(d, reg, val) \ bus_space_write_4(d->csrt, d->csrh, offsetof(struct universereg, reg), val) #define _pso(i) offsetof(struct universereg, __CONCAT(pcislv, i)) static int pcislvoffsets[8] = { _pso(0), _pso(1), _pso(2), _pso(3), _pso(4), _pso(5), _pso(6), _pso(7) }; #undef _pso #define read_pcislv(d, idx, reg) \ bus_space_read_4(d->csrt, d->csrh, \ pcislvoffsets[idx] + offsetof(struct universe_pcislvimg, reg)) #define write_pcislv(d, idx, reg, val) \ bus_space_write_4(d->csrt, d->csrh, \ pcislvoffsets[idx] + offsetof(struct universe_pcislvimg, reg), val) #define _vso(i) offsetof(struct universereg, __CONCAT(vmeslv, i)) static int vmeslvoffsets[8] = { _vso(0), _vso(1), _vso(2), _vso(3), _vso(4), _vso(5), _vso(6), _vso(7) }; #undef _vso #define read_vmeslv(d, idx, reg) \ bus_space_read_4(d->csrt, d->csrh, \ vmeslvoffsets[idx] + offsetof(struct universe_vmeslvimg, reg)) #define write_vmeslv(d, idx, reg, val) \ bus_space_write_4(d->csrt, d->csrh, \ vmeslvoffsets[idx] + offsetof(struct universe_vmeslvimg, reg), val) int univ_pci_attach(struct univ_pci_data *d, struct pci_attach_args *pa, const char *name, void (*inthdl)(void *, int, int), void *intcookie) { pci_chipset_tag_t pc = pa->pa_pc; pci_intr_handle_t ih; const char *intrstr = NULL; u_int32_t reg; int i; char intrbuf[PCI_INTRSTR_LEN]; d->pc = pc; strncpy(d->devname, name, sizeof(d->devname)); d->devname[sizeof(d->devname) - 1] = '\0'; if (pci_mapreg_map(pa, 0x10, PCI_MAPREG_TYPE_MEM | PCI_MAPREG_MEM_TYPE_32BIT, 0, &d->csrt, &d->csrh, NULL, NULL) && pci_mapreg_map(pa, 0x14, PCI_MAPREG_TYPE_MEM | PCI_MAPREG_MEM_TYPE_32BIT, 0, &d->csrt, &d->csrh, NULL, NULL) && pci_mapreg_map(pa, 0x10, PCI_MAPREG_TYPE_IO, 0, &d->csrt, &d->csrh, NULL, NULL) && pci_mapreg_map(pa, 0x14, PCI_MAPREG_TYPE_IO, 0, &d->csrt, &d->csrh, NULL, NULL)) return (-1); /* name sure the chip is in a sane state */ write_csr_4(d, lint_en, 0); /* mask all PCI interrupts */ write_csr_4(d, vint_en, 0); /* mask all VME interrupts */ write_csr_4(d, dgcs, 0x40000000); /* stop DMA activity */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { univ_pci_unmapvme(d, i); univ_pci_unmappci(d, i); } write_csr_4(d, slsi, 0); /* disable "special PCI slave image" */ /* enable DMA */ pci_conf_write(pc, pa->pa_tag, PCI_COMMAND_STATUS_REG, pci_conf_read(pc, pa->pa_tag, PCI_COMMAND_STATUS_REG) | PCI_COMMAND_MASTER_ENABLE); reg = read_csr_4(d, misc_ctl); aprint_normal("%s: ", name); if (reg & 0x00020000) /* SYSCON */ aprint_normal("VME bus controller, "); reg = read_csr_4(d, mast_ctl); aprint_normal("requesting at VME bus level %d\n", (reg >> 22) & 3); /* Map and establish the PCI interrupt. */ if (pci_intr_map(pa, &ih)) { aprint_error("%s: couldn't map interrupt\n", name); return (-1); } intrstr = pci_intr_string(pc, ih, intrbuf, sizeof(intrbuf)); /* * Use a low interrupt level (the lowest?). * We will raise before calling a subdevice's handler. */ d->ih = pci_intr_establish_xname(pc, ih, IPL_BIO, univ_pci_intr, d, name); if (d->ih == NULL) { aprint_error("%s: couldn't establish interrupt", name); if (intrstr != NULL) aprint_error(" at %s", intrstr); aprint_error("\n"); return (-1); } aprint_normal("%s: interrupting at %s\n", name, intrstr); /* handle all VME interrupts (XXX should be configurable) */ d->vmeinthandler = inthdl; d->vmeintcookie = intcookie; write_csr_4(d, lint_stat, 0x00ff37ff); /* ack all pending IRQs */ write_csr_4(d, lint_en, 0x000000fe); /* enable VME IRQ 1..7 */ return (0); } int univ_pci_mapvme(struct univ_pci_data *d, int wnd, vme_addr_t vmebase, u_int32_t len, vme_am_t am, vme_datasize_t datawidth, u_int32_t pcibase) { u_int32_t ctl = 0x80000000; switch (am & VME_AM_ADRSIZEMASK) { case VME_AM_A32: ctl |= 0x00020000; break; case VME_AM_A24: ctl |= 0x00010000; break; case VME_AM_A16: break; default: return (EINVAL); } if (am & VME_AM_SUPER) ctl |= 0x00001000; if ((am & VME_AM_MODEMASK) == VME_AM_PRG) ctl |= 0x00004000; if (datawidth & VME_D32) ctl |= 0x00800000; else if (datawidth & VME_D16) ctl |= 0x00400000; else if (!(datawidth & VME_D8)) return (EINVAL); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG printf("%s: wnd %d, map VME %x-%x to %x, ctl=%x\n", d->devname, wnd, vmebase, vmebase + len, pcibase, ctl); #endif write_pcislv(d, wnd, lsi_bs, pcibase); write_pcislv(d, wnd, lsi_bd, pcibase + len); write_pcislv(d, wnd, lsi_to, vmebase - pcibase); write_pcislv(d, wnd, lsi_ctl, ctl); return (0); } void univ_pci_unmapvme(struct univ_pci_data *d, int wnd) { #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG printf("%s: unmap VME wnd %d\n", d->devname, wnd); #endif write_pcislv(d, wnd, lsi_ctl, 0); } int univ_pci_mappci(struct univ_pci_data *d, int wnd, u_int32_t pcibase, u_int32_t len, vme_addr_t vmebase, vme_am_t am) { u_int32_t ctl = 0x80000000; switch (am & VME_AM_ADRSIZEMASK) { case VME_AM_A32: ctl |= 0x00020000; break; case VME_AM_A24: ctl |= 0x00010000; break; case VME_AM_A16: break; default: return (EINVAL); } if (am & VME_AM_SUPER) ctl |= 0x00200000; else ctl |= 0x00300000; /* both */ if ((am & VME_AM_MODEMASK) == VME_AM_PRG) ctl |= 0x00800000; else ctl |= 0x00c00000; /* both */ #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG printf("%s: wnd %d, map PCI %x-%x to %x, ctl=%x\n", d->devname, wnd, pcibase, pcibase + len, vmebase, ctl); #endif write_vmeslv(d, wnd, vsi_bs, vmebase); write_vmeslv(d, wnd, vsi_bd, vmebase + len); write_vmeslv(d, wnd, vsi_to, pcibase - vmebase); write_vmeslv(d, wnd, vsi_ctl, ctl); return (0); } void univ_pci_unmappci(struct univ_pci_data *d, int wnd) { #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG printf("%s: unmap PCI wnd %d\n", d->devname, wnd); #endif write_vmeslv(d, wnd, vsi_ctl, 0); } int univ_pci_vmebuserr(struct univ_pci_data *d, int clear) { u_int32_t pcicsr; pcicsr = read_csr_4(d, pci_csr); if ((pcicsr & 0xf8000000) && clear) write_csr_4(d, pci_csr, pcicsr | 0xf8000000); return (pcicsr & 0x08000000); /* target abort */ } int univ_pci_intr(void *v) { struct univ_pci_data *d = v; u_int32_t intcsr; int i, vec; intcsr = read_csr_4(d, lint_stat) & 0xffffff; if (!intcsr) return (0); /* ack everything */ write_csr_4(d, lint_stat, intcsr); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG printf("%s: intr, lint_stat=%x\n", d->devname, intcsr); #endif if (intcsr & 0x000000fe) { /* VME interrupt */ for (i = 7; i >= 1; i--) { if (!(intcsr & (1 << i))) continue; vec = read_csr_4(d, v_statid[i - 1]); if (vec & 0x100) { printf("%s: err irq %d\n", d->devname, i); continue; } if (d->vmeinthandler) (*d->vmeinthandler)(d->vmeintcookie, i, vec); } } return (1); }