# Czech translations for GNU texinfo
# Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Vladimir Michl <Vladimir.Michl@seznam.cz>, 1997.
# Note: 2 messages untranslated, it's ok.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: texinfo 4.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-texinfo@gnu.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-12-21 16:20-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-10-31 15:17+01:00\n"
"Last-Translator: Vladimir Michl <Vladimir.Michl@seznam.cz>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <cs@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: info/echo-area.c:284 info/session.c:689
msgid "Move forward a character"
msgstr "Posun na n�sleduj�c� znak"

#: info/echo-area.c:296 info/session.c:705
msgid "Move backward a character"
msgstr "Posun na p�edch�zej�c� znak"

#: info/echo-area.c:308
msgid "Move to the start of this line"
msgstr "P�esun na za��tek tohoto ��dku"

#: info/echo-area.c:313
msgid "Move to the end of this line"
msgstr "P�esun na konec tohoto ��dku"

#: info/echo-area.c:321 info/session.c:723
msgid "Move forward a word"
msgstr "Posun na n�sleduj�c� slovo"

#: info/echo-area.c:361 info/session.c:772
msgid "Move backward a word"
msgstr "Posun na p�edch�zej�c� slovo"

#: info/echo-area.c:401
msgid "Delete the character under the cursor"
msgstr "Smaz�n� znaku pod kurzorem"

#: info/echo-area.c:431
msgid "Delete the character behind the cursor"
msgstr "Smaz�n� prvn�ho znaku vlevo od kurzoru"

#: info/echo-area.c:452
msgid "Cancel or quit operation"
msgstr "Zru�en� nebo p�eru�en� operace"

#: info/echo-area.c:467
msgid "Accept (or force completion of) this line"
msgstr "Akceptov�n� (nebo vnucen� dokon�en�) tohoto ��dku"

#: info/echo-area.c:472
msgid "Insert next character verbatim"
msgstr "Vlo�en� dal��ho znaku bez interpretace jeho funkce"

#: info/echo-area.c:480
msgid "Insert this character"
msgstr "Vlo�en� tohoto znaku"

#: info/echo-area.c:498
msgid "Insert a TAB character"
msgstr "Vlo�en� tabel�toru"

#: info/echo-area.c:505
msgid "Transpose characters at point"
msgstr "P�em�st�n� znaku na pozici"

#: info/echo-area.c:556
msgid "Yank back the contents of the last kill"
msgstr "Vlo�en� toho co bylo naposled smaz�no"

#: info/echo-area.c:563
msgid "Kill ring is empty"
msgstr "Kruhov� buffer smazan�ch oblast� je pr�zdn�"

#: info/echo-area.c:576
msgid "Yank back a previous kill"
msgstr "Vlo�en� naposledy smazan�ho �seku"

#: info/echo-area.c:609
msgid "Kill to the end of the line"
msgstr "Smaz�n� v�eho od kurzoru a� do konce ��dku"

#: info/echo-area.c:622
msgid "Kill to the beginning of the line"
msgstr "Smaz�n� v�eho od za��tku ��dku do kurzoru"

#: info/echo-area.c:634
msgid "Kill the word following the cursor"
msgstr "Smaz�n� slova, od kurzoru do konce slova"

#: info/echo-area.c:653
msgid "Kill the word preceding the cursor"
msgstr "Smaz�n� slova, od za��tku slova do kurzoru"

#: info/echo-area.c:868 info/echo-area.c:924
msgid "No completions"
msgstr "Dopln�n� neexistuj�"

#: info/echo-area.c:870
msgid "Not complete"
msgstr "Nekompletn�"

#: info/echo-area.c:911
msgid "List possible completions"
msgstr "Seznam mo�n�ch dopln�n�"

#: info/echo-area.c:928
msgid "Sole completion"
msgstr "Jedinn� dopln�n�"

#: info/echo-area.c:937
msgid "One completion:\n"
msgstr "Jedno dopln�n�:\n"

#: info/echo-area.c:938
#, c-format
msgid "%d completions:\n"
msgstr "%d dopln�n�:\n"

#: info/echo-area.c:1085
msgid "Insert completion"
msgstr "Vlo�en� dopln�n�"

#: info/echo-area.c:1220
msgid "Building completions..."
msgstr "Hled�m dopln�n�..."

#: info/echo-area.c:1340
msgid "Scroll the completions window"
msgstr "Odrolov�n� obsahu okna s dopln�n�mi"

#: info/footnotes.c:213
msgid "Footnotes could not be displayed"
msgstr "Pozn�mky pod �arou nelze zobrazit"

#: info/footnotes.c:239
msgid "Show the footnotes associated with this node in another window"
msgstr ""
"Zobrazen� pozn�mek pod �arou, vztahuj�c�ch se k tomuto uzlu, v jin�m okn�"

#: info/footnotes.h:26
#, fuzzy
msgid "---------- Footnotes ----------"
msgstr "---------------------\n"

#: info/indices.c:172
msgid "Look up a string in the index for this file"
msgstr "Vyhled�n� �et�zce v rejst��ku tohoto souboru"

#: info/indices.c:199
msgid "Finding index entries..."
msgstr "Jsou hled�ny polo�ky rejst��ku..."

#: info/indices.c:207
msgid "No indices found."
msgstr "��dn� rejst��k nebyl nalezen."

#: info/indices.c:217
msgid "Index entry: "
msgstr "Polo�ka rejst��ku: "

#: info/indices.c:325
msgid ""
"Go to the next matching index item from the last `\\[index-search]' command"
msgstr ""
"Posun na dal�� polo�ku rejst��ku, odpov�daj�c� �et�zci z minul�ho p��kazu `"

#: info/indices.c:335
msgid "No previous index search string."
msgstr "Nen� zad�n �et�zec, kter� se m� vyhled�vat v rejst��ku(c�ch)."

#: info/indices.c:342
msgid "No index entries."
msgstr "Nejsou polo�ky rejst��ku."

#: info/indices.c:375
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "No %sindex entries containing `%s'."
msgstr "Ji� nen� %spolo�ka rejst��ku, kter� obsahuje \"%s\"."

#: info/indices.c:376
msgid "more "
msgstr "dal�� "

#: info/indices.c:386
msgid "CAN'T SEE THIS"

#: info/indices.c:422
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Found `%s' in %s. (`\\[next-index-match]' tries to find next.)"
msgstr "Nalezeno \"%s\" v %s. (`\\[next-index-match]' - hled�n� dal��.)"

#: info/indices.c:541
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Scanning indices of `%s'..."
msgstr "Prohled�v�m tyto rejst��ky \"%s\"..."

#: info/indices.c:596
#, c-format
msgid "No available info files have `%s' in their indices."
msgstr ""

#: info/indices.c:622
msgid "Grovel all known info file's indices for a string and build a menu"
msgstr ""
"Vyhled�n� �et�zce ve v�ech zn�m�ch rejst��c�ch info soubor� a vytvo�en� menu"

#: info/indices.c:626
msgid "Index apropos: "
msgstr "Hledat v rejst��ku odkaz na:"

#: info/indices.c:654
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"* Menu: Nodes whose indices contain `%s':\n"
msgstr ""
"* Menu: Uzly jejich� rejst��ky obsahuj� \"%s\":\n"

#: info/info.c:275 info/infokey.c:899
#, c-format
msgid "Try --help for more information.\n"
msgstr "V�ce informac� m��ete z�skat pomoc� p�ep�na�e --help.\n"

#: info/info.c:295 makeinfo/makeinfo.c:766 util/install-info.c:1266
#: util/texindex.c:343
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"There is NO warranty.  You may redistribute this software\n"
"under the terms of the GNU General Public License.\n"
"For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.\n"
msgstr ""
"  Copyright (C) %s 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
"  Toto je voln� programov� vybaven�, kter� je zcela BEZ Z�RUKY. Podm�nky "
"kop�rov�n� a roz�i�ov�n� naleznete v Obecn� ve�ejn� licenci GNU (GNU "
"Public Licence). V�ce informac� z�sk�te ve zdrojov�ch textech v souboru\n"

#: info/info.c:498
#, c-format
msgid "no index entries found for `%s'\n"
msgstr "odpov�daj�c� polo�ky rejst��ku nebyly pro `%s' nalezeny\n"

#: info/info.c:590
msgid "  -b, --speech-friendly        be friendly to speech synthesizers.\n"
msgstr ""

#: info/info.c:597
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Usage: %s [OPTION]... [MENU-ITEM...]\n"
"Read documentation in Info format.\n"
"      --apropos=STRING         look up STRING in all indices of all "
"  -d, --directory=DIR          add DIR to INFOPATH.\n"
"      --dribble=FILENAME       remember user keystrokes in FILENAME.\n"
"  -f, --file=FILENAME          specify Info file to visit.\n"
"  -h, --help                   display this help and exit.\n"
"      --index-search=STRING    go to node pointed by index entry STRING.\n"
"  -n, --node=NODENAME          specify nodes in first visited Info file.\n"
"  -o, --output=FILENAME        output selected nodes to FILENAME.\n"
"  -R, --raw-escapes            output \"raw\" ANSI escapes (default).\n"
"      --no-raw-escapes         output escapes as literal text.\n"
"      --restore=FILENAME       read initial keystrokes from FILENAME.\n"
"  -O, --show-options, --usage  go to command-line options node.\n"
"%s      --subnodes               recursively output menu items.\n"
"  -w, --where, --location      print physical location of Info file.\n"
"      --vi-keys                use vi-like and less-like key bindings.\n"
"      --version                display version information and exit.\n"
"The first non-option argument, if present, is the menu entry to start from;\n"
"it is searched for in all `dir' files along INFOPATH.\n"
"If it is not present, info merges all `dir' files and shows the result.\n"
"Any remaining arguments are treated as the names of menu\n"
"items relative to the initial node visited.\n"
"  info                       show top-level dir menu\n"
"  info emacs                 start at emacs node from top-level dir\n"
"  info emacs buffers         start at buffers node within emacs manual\n"
"  info --show-options emacs  start at node with emacs' command line options\n"
"  info -f ./foo.info         show file ./foo.info, not searching dir\n"
msgstr ""
"Pou�it�: %s [P�EP�NA�]... [POLO�KA-MENU...]\n"
"  Umo��uje ��st dokumentaci v Info form�tu.\n"
"--apropos=SUBJEKT           hled� SUBJEKT ve v�ech odkazech v�ech manu�l�\n"
"--directory=ADRES��         krom� prom�nn� INFOPATH prohled�v� i tento\n"
"                            ADRES��\n"
"--dribble=SOUBOR            ulo�� kl�vesy, kter� stiskl u�ivatel do SOUBORu\n"
"--file=SOUBOR               zad�n� info souboru, kter� se m� prohl��et\n"
"--help                      vyp��e tuto n�pov�du a skon��\n"
"--index-search=�ET�ZEC      skok na uzel ur�en� v rejst��ku �ET�ZCEM\n"
"--node=JM�NO_UZLU           zad�n� uzl�, v prvn�m nav�t�ven�m info souboru\n"
"--output=SOUBOR             vyp��e nav�t�ven� uzly do SOUBORu\n"
"--restore=SOUBOR            kl�vesy, kter� maj� b�t automaticky po\n"
"                            spu�ten� infa stisknuty, �te ze SOUBORu\n"
"--show-options, --usage     zobrazuje p�ep�na�e p��kazov� ��dky\n"
"--subnodes                  rekurzivn� vyp��e polo�ky menu\n"
"%s --vi=keys                  pou�ije ovl�d�n� kl�vesami jako ve vi a less\n"
"--version                   vyp��e ozna�en� verze a skon��\n"
"  Prvn� nep�ep�na�ov� argument, jestli�e je zad�n, je polo�ka menu, kter�\n"
"m� b�t po spu�t�n� nav�t�vena; tato polo�ka je vyhled�v�na ve v�ech `dir'\n"
"souborech podle INFOPATH.\n"
"  Jestli�e tato polo�ka nen� zad�na, info spoj� v�echny `dir' soubory a "
"v�sledek. V�echny zb�vaj�c� argumenty jsou br�ny jako n�zvy polo�ek menu,\n"
"relativn� k prvn�mu nav�t�ven�mu uzlu.\n"
"  info                       zobraz� seznam dokumentace\n"
"  info emacs                 zobraz� uzel emacs ze seznamu dokumentace\n"
"  info emacs buffers         zobraz� uzel buffers z emacsov�ho manu�lu\n"
"  info --show-options emacs  zobraz� uzel s p�ep�na�i p��kazov�ho ��dku\n"
"                              pro emacs\n"
"  info -f ./foo.info         zobraz� soubor ./foo.info, nehled� v `dir' "
"  Chyby v programu oznamujte na adrese <bug-texinfo@gnu.org> (pouze "
"obecn� ot�zky sm��ujte na <help-texinfo@gnu.org>. P�ipom�nky k p�ekladu\n"
"zas�lejte na adresu <cs@li.org> (�esky).\n"

#: info/info.c:635 info/infokey.c:918 makeinfo/makeinfo.c:465
#: util/install-info.c:466 util/texindex.c:292
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Email bug reports to bug-texinfo@gnu.org,\n"
"general questions and discussion to help-texinfo@gnu.org.\n"
"Texinfo home page: http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/"
msgstr ""
"  Chyby v programu oznamujte na adrese <bug-texinfo@gnu.org> (pouze "
"obecn� ot�zky sm��ujte na <help-texinfo@gnu.org>. P�ipom�nky k p�ekladu\n"
"zas�lejte na <cs@li.org> (�esky).\n"

#: info/info.c:669
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot find node `%s'."
msgstr "Uzel `%s' nelze nal�zt."

#: info/info.c:670
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot find node `(%s)%s'."
msgstr "Uzel `(%s)%s' nelze nal�zt."

#: info/info.c:671
msgid "Cannot find a window!"
msgstr "Nelze nal�zt okno!"

#: info/info.c:672
msgid "Point doesn't appear within this window's node!"
msgstr "Bod se nevyskutuje v okn� tohoto uzlu!"

#: info/info.c:673
msgid "Cannot delete the last window."
msgstr "Posledn� okno nelze smazat."

#: info/info.c:674
msgid "No menu in this node."
msgstr "V tomto uzlu nen� menu."

#: info/info.c:675
msgid "No footnotes in this node."
msgstr "V tomto nejsou pozn�mky pod �arou."

#: info/info.c:676
msgid "No cross references in this node."
msgstr "V tomto uzlu nen� k���ov� odkaz."

#: info/info.c:677
#, c-format
msgid "No `%s' pointer for this node."
msgstr "Pro tento uzel nen� `%s' ukazatel."

#: info/info.c:678
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown Info command `%c'; try `?' for help."
msgstr "Nezn�m� Info p��kaz `%c'; zkuste `?' pro n�pov�du."

#: info/info.c:679
#, c-format
msgid "Terminal type `%s' is not smart enough to run Info."
msgstr "Typ termin�lu `%s' nen� dostate�n� inteligentn� pro provoz Infa."

#: info/info.c:680
msgid "You are already at the last page of this node."
msgstr "Ji� jste na posledn� str�nce tohoto uzlu."

#: info/info.c:681
msgid "You are already at the first page of this node."
msgstr "Ji� jste na prvn� str�nce tohoto uzlu."

#: info/info.c:682
msgid "Only one window."
msgstr "Pouze jedno okno."

#: info/info.c:683
msgid "Resulting window would be too small."
msgstr "V�sledn� okno by bylo p��li� mal�."

#: info/info.c:684
msgid "Not enough room for a help window, please delete a window."
msgstr "Nen� voln� m�sto pro okno n�pov�dy, pros�m sma�te n�kter� okno."

#: info/infodoc.c:46 info/infodoc.c:95
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Basic Commands in Info Windows\n"
msgstr "Z�kladn� p��kazy v Info oknech\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[quit-help]  Quit this help.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Ukon�en� prohl��en� n�pov�dy.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[quit]  Quit Info altogether.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Celkov� ukon�en� Infa.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:51
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[get-info-help-node]  Invoke the Info tutorial.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Vyvol�n� pr�vodce Infem.\n"

# Ud�lat patch na podtr�en�
#: info/infodoc.c:53 info/infodoc.c:102
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Selecting other nodes:\n"
msgstr "V�b�r dal��ch uzl�:\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:55
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[next-node]  Move to the \"next\" node of this node.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun na \"dal��\" uzel tohoto uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:56
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[prev-node]  Move to the \"previous\" node of this node.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun na \"p�edchoz�\" uzel tohoto uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:57
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[up-node]  Move \"up\" from this node.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun \"nahoru\" z aktu�ln�ho uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:58
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\\%-10[menu-item]  Pick menu item specified by name.\n"
"              Picking a menu item causes another node to be selected.\n"
msgstr "              Vyb�r�n� polo�ky menu zp�sob� zobrazen� tohoto uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:60
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\\%-10[xref-item]  Follow a cross reference.  Reads name of reference.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  N�sledov�n� k���ov�ho odkazu. �te n�zev odkazu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:61
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[history-node]  Move to the last node seen in this window.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun na posledn� uzel zobrazen� v tomto okn�.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:62
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\\%-10[move-to-next-xref]  Skip to next hypertext link within this node.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Skok na n�sleduj�c� hypertextov� odkaz v tomto uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:63
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\\%-10[move-to-prev-xref]  Skip to previous hypertext link within this "
msgstr "  %-10s  Skok na n�sleduj�c� hypertextov� odkaz v tomto uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:64
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\\%-10[select-reference-this-line]  Follow the hypertext link under cursor.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  N�sledov�n� hypertextov�ho odkazu pod kurzorem.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:65
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\\%-10[dir-node]  Move to the `directory' node.  Equivalent to `\\[goto-"
"node] (DIR)'.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun do `adres��ov�ho' uzlu. Rovnocenn� s `g (DIR)'.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:66
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\\%-10[top-node]  Move to the Top node.  Equivalent to `\\[goto-node] Top'.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun do nejvy���ho (Top) uzlu. Rovnocenn� s `g Top'.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:68 info/infodoc.c:116
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Moving within a node:\n"
msgstr "P�esun uvnit� uzlu:\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:70
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[beginning-of-node]  Go to the beginning of this node.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun na za��tek aktu�ln�ho uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:71
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[end-of-node]  Go to the end of this node.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun na konec tohoto uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:72
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[next-line]  Scroll forward 1 line.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Posun o jeden ��dek dop�edu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:73
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[prev-line]  Scroll backward 1 line.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Posun o jeden ��dek dozadu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:74
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[scroll-forward]  Scroll forward a page.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  N�sleduj�c� str�nka.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:75
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[scroll-backward]  Scroll backward a page.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�edchoz� str�nka.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:77 info/infodoc.c:125
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Other commands:\n"
msgstr "Dal�� p��kazy:\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:79
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[menu-digit]  Pick first ... ninth item in node's menu.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  V�b�r prvn� ... dev�t� polo�ky menu uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:80
#, fuzzy
msgid "\\%-10[last-menu-item]  Pick last item in node's menu.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Zobrazen� posledn� polo�ky menu uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:81
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\\%-10[index-search]  Search for a specified string in the index entries of "
"this Info\n"
"              file, and select the node referenced by the first entry "
msgstr "              uzlu, na kter� ukazuje prvn� nalezen� polo�ka.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:83
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\\%-10[goto-node]  Move to node specified by name.\n"
"              You may include a filename as well, as in (FILENAME)NODENAME.\n"
msgstr "              Tak� m��ete zadat jm�no souboru ve tvaru (SOUBOR)UZEL.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:85
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\\%-10[search]  Search forward for a specified string\n"
"              and select the node in which the next occurrence is found.\n"
msgstr ""
"      a zobrazen� uzlu, ve kter�m je nalezen dal�� v�skyt tohoto �et�zce.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:87
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\\%-10[search-backward]  Search backward for a specified string\n"
"              and select the node in which the previous occurrence is "
msgstr ""
"      a zobrazen� uzlu, ve kter�m je nalezen dal�� v�skyt tohoto �et�zce.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:98
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Quit this help.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Ukon�en� prohl��en� n�pov�dy.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:99
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Quit Info altogether.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Celkov� ukon�en� Infa.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:100
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Invoke the Info tutorial.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Vyvol�n� pr�vodce Infem.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:104
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Move to the `next' node of this node.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun na \"dal��\" uzel tohoto uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:105
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Move to the `previous' node of this node.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun na \"p�edchoz�\" uzel tohoto uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Move `up' from this node.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun \"nahoru\" z aktu�ln�ho uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Pick menu item specified by name.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Vybr�n� polo�ky menu zadan� pomoc� n�zvu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:108
msgid "              Picking a menu item causes another node to be selected.\n"
msgstr "              Vyb�r�n� polo�ky menu zp�sob� zobrazen� tohoto uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:109
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Follow a cross reference.  Reads name of reference.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  N�sledov�n� k���ov�ho odkazu. �te n�zev odkazu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:110
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Move to the last node seen in this window.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun na posledn� uzel zobrazen� v tomto okn�.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:111
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Skip to next hypertext link within this node.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Skok na n�sleduj�c� hypertextov� odkaz v tomto uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:112
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Follow the hypertext link under cursor.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  N�sledov�n� hypertextov�ho odkazu pod kurzorem.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:113
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Move to the `directory' node.  Equivalent to `g (DIR)'.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun do `adres��ov�ho' uzlu. Rovnocenn� s `g (DIR)'.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:114
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Move to the Top node.  Equivalent to `g Top'.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun do nejvy���ho (Top) uzlu. Rovnocenn� s `g Top'.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:118
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Scroll forward a page.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  N�sleduj�c� str�nka.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:119
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Scroll backward a page.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�edchoz� str�nka.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:120
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Go to the beginning of this node.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun na za��tek aktu�ln�ho uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:121
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Go to the end of this node.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun na konec tohoto uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:122
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Scroll forward 1 line.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Posun o jeden ��dek dop�edu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:123
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Scroll backward 1 line.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Posun o jeden ��dek dozadu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:127
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Pick first ... ninth item in node's menu.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  V�b�r prvn� ... dev�t� polo�ky menu uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:128
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Pick last item in node's menu.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Zobrazen� posledn� polo�ky menu uzlu.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:129
#, c-format
msgid ""
"  %-10s  Search for a specified string in the index entries of this Info\n"
msgstr ""
"  %-10s  Hled�n� zadan�ho �et�zce v rejst��ku tohoto Info souboru a v�b�r\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:130
msgid ""
"              file, and select the node referenced by the first entry "
msgstr "              uzlu, na kter� ukazuje prvn� nalezen� polo�ka.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Move to node specified by name.\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  P�esun na uzel zadan� pomoc� jm�na.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:132
msgid ""
"              You may include a filename as well, as in (FILENAME)NODENAME.\n"
msgstr "              Tak� m��ete zadat jm�no souboru ve tvaru (SOUBOR)UZEL.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:133
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Search forward for a specified string,\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Hled�n� zadan�ho �et�zce v tomto Info souboru.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:134 info/infodoc.c:136
msgid ""
"              and select the node in which the next occurrence is found.\n"
msgstr ""
"      a zobrazen� uzlu, ve kter�m je nalezen dal�� v�skyt tohoto �et�zce.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:135
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "  %-10s  Search backward for a specified string\n"
msgstr "  %-10s  Hled�n� zadan�ho �et�zce v tomto Info souboru.\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:316
msgid "The current search path is:\n"
msgstr "Aktu�ln� hledac� cesta je:\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:320
msgid ""
"Commands available in Info windows:\n"
msgstr "P��kazy dostupn� v Info oknech:\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:324
msgid ""
"Commands available in the echo area:\n"
msgstr "P��kazy dostupn� v zobrazovac�m poli:\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:347
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The following commands can only be invoked via %s:\n"
msgstr ""
"N�sleduj�c� p��kazy mohou b�t vykon�ny pouze pomoc� M-x:\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:351
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The following commands cannot be invoked at all:\n"
msgstr ""
"N�sleduj�c� p��kazy mohou b�t vykon�ny pouze pomoc� M-x:\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:375
msgid "--- Use `\\[history-node]' or `\\[kill-node]' to exit ---\n"
msgstr ""
"--- Pou�ijte `\\[history-node]' nebo `\\[kill-node]' pro ukon�en� ---\n"

#: info/infodoc.c:485
msgid "Display help message"
msgstr "Zobrazen� n�pov�dy"

#: info/infodoc.c:503
msgid "Visit Info node `(info)Help'"
msgstr "Zobrazen� Info uzlu `(info)Help'"

#: info/infodoc.c:641
msgid "Print documentation for KEY"
msgstr "Zobrazen� dokumentace ke KL�VESE"

#: info/infodoc.c:653
#, c-format
msgid "Describe key: %s"
msgstr "Popis kl�vesy: %s"

#: info/infodoc.c:664
#, c-format
msgid "ESC %s is undefined."
msgstr "ESC %s je nedefinov�no."

#: info/infodoc.c:680 info/infodoc.c:709
#, c-format
msgid "%s is undefined."
msgstr "%s je nedefinov�no."

#: info/infodoc.c:730
#, c-format
msgid "%s is defined to %s."
msgstr "Kl�vesa %s je definov�na pro p��kaz %s."

#: info/infodoc.c:1153
msgid "Show what to type to execute a given command"
msgstr "Uk�z�n� co napsat pro spu�t�n� dan�ho p��kazu"

#: info/infodoc.c:1157
msgid "Where is command: "
msgstr "Kde je p��kaz: "

#: info/infodoc.c:1179
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' is not on any keys"
msgstr "P��kaz `%s' nen� na ��dn� kl�vese"

#: info/infodoc.c:1186
#, c-format
msgid "%s can only be invoked via %s."
msgstr "P��kaz %s m��e b�t vyvol�n pouze pomoc� %s."

#: info/infodoc.c:1190
#, c-format
msgid "%s can be invoked via %s."
msgstr "P��kaz %s m��e b�t vyvol�n pomoc� %s."

#: info/infodoc.c:1195
#, c-format
msgid "There is no function named `%s'"
msgstr "Funkce `%s' nen� zn�ma"

#: info/infokey.c:145
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Copyright (C) %s Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
"There is NO warranty.  You may redistribute this software\n"
"under the terms of the GNU General Public License.\n"
"For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.\n"
msgstr ""
"  Copyright (C) %s 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
"  Toto je voln� programov� vybaven�, kter� je zcela BEZ Z�RUKY. Podm�nky "
"kop�rov�n� a roz�i�ov�n� naleznete v Obecn� ve�ejn� licenci GNU (GNU "
"Public Licence). V�ce informac� z�sk�te ve zdrojov�ch textech v souboru\n"

#: info/infokey.c:170
msgid "incorrect number of arguments"
msgstr ""

#: info/infokey.c:201
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot open input file `%s'"
msgstr "Rouru do `%s' nelze otev��t."

#: info/infokey.c:215
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot create output file `%s'"
msgstr "V�stupn� soubor `%s' nelze vytvo�it."

#: info/infokey.c:226
#, c-format
msgid "error writing to `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: info/infokey.c:232
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "error closing output file `%s'"
msgstr "V�stupn� soubor `%s' nelze vytvo�it."

#: info/infokey.c:450
msgid "key sequence too long"
msgstr ""

#: info/infokey.c:529
msgid "missing key sequence"
msgstr ""

#: info/infokey.c:610
msgid "NUL character (\\000) not permitted"
msgstr ""

#: info/infokey.c:641
#, c-format
msgid "NUL character (^%c) not permitted"
msgstr ""

#: info/infokey.c:665
#, fuzzy
msgid "missing action name"
msgstr "%c%s chyb�j�c� uzav�rac� z�vorka"

#: info/infokey.c:681 info/infokey.c:756
msgid "section too long"
msgstr ""

#: info/infokey.c:688
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unknown action `%s'"
msgstr "Nezn�m� p��kaz `%s'"

#: info/infokey.c:698
msgid "action name too long"
msgstr ""

#: info/infokey.c:712
#, c-format
msgid "extra characters following action `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: info/infokey.c:723
#, fuzzy
msgid "missing variable name"
msgstr "%s: chyb� argument jm�na souboru.\n"

#: info/infokey.c:733
msgid "missing `=' immediately after variable name"
msgstr ""

#: info/infokey.c:741
msgid "variable name too long"
msgstr ""

#: info/infokey.c:765
msgid "value too long"
msgstr ""

#: info/infokey.c:890
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\", line %u: "
msgstr ""

#: info/infokey.c:906
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Usage: %s [OPTION]... [INPUT-FILE]\n"
"Compile infokey source file to infokey file.  Reads INPUT-FILE (default\n"
"$HOME/.infokey) and writes compiled key file to (by default) $HOME/.info.\n"
"  --output FILE        output to FILE instead of $HOME/.info\n"
"  --help               display this help and exit.\n"
"  --version            display version information and exit.\n"
msgstr ""

#: info/infomap.c:1500
#, c-format
msgid "Ignoring invalid infokey file `%s' - too small"
msgstr ""

#: info/infomap.c:1503
#, c-format
msgid "Ignoring invalid infokey file `%s' - too big"
msgstr ""

#: info/infomap.c:1516
#, c-format
msgid "Error reading infokey file `%s' - short read"
msgstr ""

#: info/infomap.c:1535
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid infokey file `%s' (bad magic numbers) -- run infokey to update it"
msgstr ""

#: info/infomap.c:1544
#, c-format
msgid "Your infokey file `%s' is out of date -- run infokey to update it"
msgstr ""

#: info/infomap.c:1560
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid infokey file `%s' (bad section length) -- run infokey to update it"
msgstr ""

#: info/infomap.c:1581
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid infokey file `%s' (bad section code) -- run infokey to update it"
msgstr ""

#: info/infomap.c:1716
msgid "Bad data in infokey file -- some key bindings ignored"
msgstr ""

#: info/infomap.c:1766
msgid "Bad data in infokey file -- some var settings ignored"
msgstr ""

#: info/m-x.c:69
msgid "Read the name of an Info command and describe it"
msgstr "Zad�n� jm�na p��kazu a n�sledn� zobrazen� jeho popisu"

#: info/m-x.c:73
msgid "Describe command: "
msgstr "Popis p��kazu: "

#: info/m-x.c:96
msgid "Read a command name in the echo area and execute it"
msgstr "Zad�n� jm�na p��kazu v zobrazovac�m poli a jeho vykon�n�"

#: info/m-x.c:140
msgid "Cannot execute an `echo-area' command here."
msgstr "P��kaz zobrazovac�ho pole nelze vykonat zde."

#: info/m-x.c:154
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Undefined command: %s"
msgstr "Nezn�m� p��kaz `%s'"

#: info/m-x.c:160
msgid "Set the height of the displayed window"
msgstr "Nastaven� v��ky obrazovky"

#: info/m-x.c:173
#, c-format
msgid "Set screen height to (%d): "
msgstr "V��ka obrazovky (%d): "

#: info/makedoc.c:162 info/makedoc.c:170
#, c-format
msgid ""
"   Source files groveled to make this file include:\n"
msgstr ""
"P�i zpracov�n� zdrojov�ho souboru jsou vkl�d�ny tyto soubory:\n"

#: info/makedoc.c:550
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't manipulate the file %s.\n"
msgstr "Se souborem %s nelze pracovat.\n"

#: info/nodemenu.c:31
msgid ""
"* Menu:\n"
"  (File)Node                        Lines   Size   Containing File\n"
"  ----------                        -----   ----   ---------------"
msgstr ""
"* Menu:\n"
"  (Soubor)Uzel                      ��dk�   Velikost Soubor\n"
"  ------------                      -----   -------- ------"

#: info/nodemenu.c:202
msgid ""
"Here is the menu of nodes you have recently visited.\n"
"Select one from this menu, or use `\\[history-node]' in another window.\n"
msgstr ""
"  Zde je seznam uzl�, kter� jste posledn� dobou nav�t�vil. Vyberte jeden\n"
"z tohoto menu, nebo u�ijte `\\[history-node]' v tomto okn�.\n"

#: info/nodemenu.c:224
msgid "Make a window containing a menu of all of the currently visited nodes"
msgstr "Vytvo�en� okna obsahuj�c�ho menu v�ech aktu�ln� nav�t�ven�ch uzl�"

#: info/nodemenu.c:304
msgid "Select a node which has been previously visited in a visible window"
msgstr "Zobrazen� uzlu, kter� byl zobrazen p�ed t�mto"

#: info/nodemenu.c:317
msgid "Select visited node: "
msgstr "Vyberte nav�t�ven� uzel: "

#: info/nodemenu.c:337 info/session.c:2264
#, c-format
msgid "The reference disappeared! (%s)."
msgstr "Odkaz se ztratil! (%s)."

#: info/session.c:162
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Welcome to Info version %s. Type \\[get-help-window] for help, \\[menu-item] "
"for menu item."
msgstr ""
"V�tejte v programu Info verze %s. Stiskn�te \\[get-help-window] pro "
"n�pov�du, \\[menu-item] pro polo�ku menu."

#: info/session.c:620
msgid "Move down to the next line"
msgstr "Posun dol� na dal�� ��dek"

#: info/session.c:635
msgid "Move up to the previous line"
msgstr "Posun nahoru na p�edchoz� ��dek"

#: info/session.c:650
msgid "Move to the end of the line"
msgstr "P�esun na konec ��dku"

#: info/session.c:670
msgid "Move to the start of the line"
msgstr "P�esun na za��tek ��dku"

#: info/session.c:860 makeinfo/node.c:1424
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Dal��"

#: info/session.c:863
msgid "Following Next node..."
msgstr "P�echod na dal�� uzel..."

#: info/session.c:881
msgid "Selecting first menu item..."
msgstr "Zobrazov�n� prvn� polo�ky menu..."

#: info/session.c:893
msgid "Selecting Next node..."
msgstr "Zobrazov�n� dal��ho uzlu..."

#: info/session.c:964
#, c-format
msgid "Moving Up %d time(s), then Next."
msgstr "P�esouv�n� %d kr�t nahoru, potom na dal��."

#: info/session.c:988
msgid "No more nodes within this document."
msgstr "V tomto dokumentu ji� nejsou dal�� uzly."

#: info/session.c:1011
msgid "No `Prev' for this node."
msgstr "Pro tento uzel nen� p�edchoz� uzel."

#: info/session.c:1014 info/session.c:1073
msgid "Moving Prev in this window."
msgstr "P�esun na p�edchoz� uzel v tomto okn�."

#: info/session.c:1030
msgid "No `Prev' or `Up' for this node within this document."
msgstr "V tomto dokumentu nen� pro tento uzel p�edchoz� nebo vy��� uzel."

#: info/session.c:1034
msgid "Moving Up in this window."
msgstr "P�esun nahoru v tomto okn�."

#: info/session.c:1084
msgid "Moving to `Prev's last menu item."
msgstr "P�esun na posledn� polo�ku menu p�edchoz�ho uzlu."

#: info/session.c:1095
msgid "Move forwards or down through node structure"
msgstr "P�esun na n�sleduj�c� uzel nebo na prvn� ni��� v uzlov� struktu�e"

#: info/session.c:1111
msgid "Move backwards or up through node structure"
msgstr "P�esun na p�edchoz� uzel nebo na prvn� vy��� v uzlov� struktu�e"

#: info/session.c:1205
msgid "Scroll forward in this window"
msgstr "Posun o str�nku dol� v tomto okn�"

#: info/session.c:1213
msgid "Scroll forward in this window and set default window size"
msgstr "Posun dop�edu v tomto okn� a nastaven� implicitn� velikosti okna"

#: info/session.c:1221
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scroll forward in this window staying within node"
msgstr "Posun o str�nku dol� v tomto okn�"

#: info/session.c:1229
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Scroll forward in this window staying within node and set default window size"
msgstr "Posun dop�edu v tomto okn� a nastaven� implicitn� velikosti okna"

#: info/session.c:1237
msgid "Scroll backward in this window"
msgstr "Posun o str�nku nahoru v tomto okn�"

#: info/session.c:1245
msgid "Scroll backward in this window and set default window size"
msgstr "Posun dozadu v tomto okn� a nastaven� implicitn� velikosti okna"

#: info/session.c:1254
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scroll backward in this window staying within node"
msgstr "Posun o str�nku nahoru v tomto okn�"

#: info/session.c:1262
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Scroll backward in this window staying within node and set default window "
msgstr "Posun dozadu v tomto okn� a nastaven� implicitn� velikosti okna"

#: info/session.c:1270
msgid "Move to the start of this node"
msgstr "Posun na za��tek tohoto uzlu"

#: info/session.c:1277
msgid "Move to the end of this node"
msgstr "Posun na konec tohoto uzlu"

#: info/session.c:1284
msgid "Scroll down by lines"
msgstr "Posun dol� po ��dc�ch"

#: info/session.c:1301
msgid "Scroll up by lines"
msgstr "Posun nahoru po ��dc�ch"

#: info/session.c:1319
msgid "Scroll down by half screen size"
msgstr "Posun dol� o polovinu velikosti obrazovky"

#: info/session.c:1345
msgid "Scroll up by half screen size"
msgstr "Posun nahoru o polovinu velikosti obrazovky"

#: info/session.c:1374
msgid "Select the next window"
msgstr "V�b�r n�sleduj�c�ho okna"

#: info/session.c:1413
msgid "Select the previous window"
msgstr "V�b�r p�edchoz�ho okna"

#: info/session.c:1464
msgid "Split the current window"
msgstr "Rozd�len� aktu�ln�ho okna"

#: info/session.c:1545
msgid "Delete the current window"
msgstr "Smaz�n� aktu�ln�ho okna"

#: info/session.c:1553
msgid "Cannot delete a permanent window"
msgstr "Permanentn� okno nelze smazat"

#: info/session.c:1585
msgid "Delete all other windows"
msgstr "Smaz�n� v�ech ostatn�ch oknen"

#: info/session.c:1631
msgid "Scroll the other window"
msgstr "Posun druh�ho okna o str�nku dol�"

#: info/session.c:1652
msgid "Scroll the other window backward"
msgstr "Posun druh�ho okna o str�nku zp�t"

#: info/session.c:1658
msgid "Grow (or shrink) this window"
msgstr "Zm�na velikosti okna"

#: info/session.c:1669
msgid "Divide the available screen space among the visible windows"
msgstr "Zv�t�en� nebo zmen�en� oken na obrazovce tak, aby byla stejn� velk�"

#: info/session.c:1676
msgid "Toggle the state of line wrapping in the current window"
msgstr ""
"Zm�na stavu zalamov�n� v aktu�ln�m okn� (zapnuto->vypni, vypnuto->zapni)"

#: info/session.c:1848
msgid "Select the Next node"
msgstr "Zobrazen� n�sleduj�c�ho uzlu"

#: info/session.c:1856
msgid "Select the Prev node"
msgstr "Zobrazen� p�edchoz�ho uzlu"

#: info/session.c:1864
msgid "Select the Up node"
msgstr "Zobrazen� vy���ho uzlu"

#: info/session.c:1871
msgid "Select the last node in this file"
msgstr "Zobrazen� posledn�ho uzlu v tomto souboru"

#: info/session.c:1898 info/session.c:1931
msgid "This window has no additional nodes"
msgstr "Toto okno nem� v�ce dal��ch uzl�"

#: info/session.c:1904
msgid "Select the first node in this file"
msgstr "Zobrazen� prvn�ho uzlu v tomto souboru"

#: info/session.c:1938
msgid "Select the last item in this node's menu"
msgstr "Zobrazen� posledn� polo�ky menu tohoto uzlu"

#: info/session.c:1944
msgid "Select this menu item"
msgstr "Zobrazen� t�to polo�ky menu"

#: info/session.c:1977
#, c-format
msgid "There aren't %d items in this menu."
msgstr "V tomto menu nen� %d. polo�ka"

#: info/session.c:2171 info/session.c:2172
#, c-format
msgid "Menu item (%s): "
msgstr "Polo�ka menu (%s): "

#: info/session.c:2175
msgid "Menu item: "
msgstr "Polo�ka menu: "

#: info/session.c:2182 info/session.c:2183
#, c-format
msgid "Follow xref (%s): "
msgstr "N�sledov�n� k���ov�ho odkazu (%s): "

#: info/session.c:2186
msgid "Follow xref: "
msgstr "N�sledov�n� k���ov�ho odkazu: "

#: info/session.c:2315
msgid "Read a menu item and select its node"
msgstr "Zad�n� jm�na polo�ky menu a n�sledn� zobrazen�"

#: info/session.c:2323
msgid "Read a footnote or cross reference and select its node"
msgstr ""
"Zad�n� jm�na pozn�mky pod �arou nebo k���ov�ho odkazu a n�sledn� zobrazen�"

#: info/session.c:2329
msgid "Move to the start of this node's menu"
msgstr "P�esun na za��tek menu tohoto uzlu"

#: info/session.c:2353
msgid "Visit as many menu items at once as possible"
msgstr ""
"Nav�t�ven� tolika polo�ek menu, kolik je mo�no. Ka�d� polo�ka v jin�m okn�."

#: info/session.c:2381
msgid "Read a node name and select it"
msgstr "Zad�n� jm�na uzlu a jeho n�sledn� zobrazen�"

#: info/session.c:2436 info/session.c:2441
msgid "Goto node: "
msgstr "P�esun na uzel: "

#: info/session.c:2505
#, c-format
msgid "No menu in node `%s'."
msgstr "V uzlu `%s' nen� menu."

#: info/session.c:2551
#, c-format
msgid "No menu item `%s' in node `%s'."
msgstr "Polo�ka menu `%s' v uzlu `%s' nen�."

#: info/session.c:2581
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find node referenced by `%s' in `%s'."
msgstr "Uzel, na kter� se odkazuje `%s' v `%s', nelze naj�t."

#: info/session.c:2631
msgid "Read a list of menus starting from dir and follow them"
msgstr "�ten� seznamu menu za��naj�ce v adres��i a pokra�uj�ce d�le"

#: info/session.c:2633
msgid "Follow menus: "
msgstr "N�sledov�n� menu: "

#: info/session.c:2826
msgid "Find the node describing program invocation"
msgstr "Nalezen� uzlu popisuj�c�ho p�ep�na�e programu"

#: info/session.c:2828
#, c-format
msgid "Find Invocation node of [%s]: "
msgstr "Nalezen� uzlu s p�ep�na�i programu [%s]: "

#: info/session.c:2866
msgid "Read a manpage reference and select it"
msgstr "Zad�n� jm�na manu�lov� str�nky a n�sledn� zobrazen�"

#: info/session.c:2870
msgid "Get Manpage: "
msgstr "Manu�lov� str�nka: "

#: info/session.c:2900
msgid "Select the node `Top' in this file"
msgstr "Zobrazen� nejvy���ho uzlu v tomto souboru"

#: info/session.c:2906
msgid "Select the node `(dir)'"
msgstr "Zobrazen� uzlu `(dir)'"

#: info/session.c:2923 info/session.c:2925
#, c-format
msgid "Kill node (%s): "
msgstr "Zru�en� uzlu (%s): "

#: info/session.c:2977
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot kill node `%s'"
msgstr "Uzel `%s' nelze zru�it"

#: info/session.c:2987
msgid "Cannot kill the last node"
msgstr "Posledn� uzel nelze zru�it"

#: info/session.c:3073
msgid "Select the most recently selected node"
msgstr "Zobrazen� posledn� dobou nejv�ce nav�t�vovan�ch uzl�"

#: info/session.c:3079
msgid "Kill this node"
msgstr "Zru�en� tohoto uzlu"

#: info/session.c:3087
msgid "Read the name of a file and select it"
msgstr "Zad�n� jm�na souboru a jeho n�sledn� zobrazen�"

#: info/session.c:3091
msgid "Find file: "
msgstr "Nalezen� souboru: "

#: info/session.c:3108
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot find `%s'."
msgstr "Nelze naj�t `%s'."

#: info/session.c:3151 info/session.c:3269
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create output file `%s'."
msgstr "V�stupn� soubor `%s' nelze vytvo�it."

#: info/session.c:3165 info/session.c:3287 info/session.c:3347
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Dokon�eno."

#: info/session.c:3220
#, c-format
msgid "Writing node %s..."
msgstr "Zapisov�n� uzlu %s..."

#: info/session.c:3296
msgid "Pipe the contents of this node through INFO_PRINT_COMMAND"
msgstr "Posl�n� obsahu tohoto uzlu p��kazu INFO_PRINT_COMMAND"

#: info/session.c:3331
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot open pipe to `%s'."
msgstr "Rouru do `%s' nelze otev��t."

#: info/session.c:3337
#, c-format
msgid "Printing node %s..."
msgstr "Prob�h� tisk uzlu %s..."

#: info/session.c:3567
#, c-format
msgid "Searching subfile %s ..."
msgstr "Prob�h� hled�n� podsouboru %s..."

#: info/session.c:3619
msgid "Read a string and search for it case-sensitively"
msgstr "P�e�ten� �et�zce a jeho vyhled�n� (z�le�� na velikosti p�smen)"

#: info/session.c:3626
msgid "Read a string and search for it"
msgstr "P�e�ten� �et�zce a jeho vyhled�n�"

#: info/session.c:3634
msgid "Read a string and search backward for it"
msgstr "P�e�ten� �et�zce a jeho vyhled�n� (zp�tn�)"

#: info/session.c:3670 info/session.c:3677
#, c-format
msgid "%s%sfor string [%s]: "
msgstr "%s%s�et�zce [%s]: "

#: info/session.c:3671 info/session.c:3678
msgid "Search backward"
msgstr "Zp�tn� hled�n�"

#: info/session.c:3672 info/session.c:3678
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Hled�n�"

#: info/session.c:3673 info/session.c:3679
msgid " case-sensitively "
msgstr " (velikost rozhoduje)"

#: info/session.c:3674 info/session.c:3679
msgid " "
msgstr " "

#: info/session.c:3718
msgid "Search failed."
msgstr "Nebylo nalezeno."

#: info/session.c:3736
msgid "Repeat last search in the same direction"
msgstr "Opakov�n� posledn�ho hled�n� t�m sam�m sm�rem"

#: info/session.c:3739 info/session.c:3749
msgid "No previous search string"
msgstr "Nen� p�edchoz� hledan� �et�zec"

#: info/session.c:3746
msgid "Repeat last search in the reverse direction"
msgstr "Opakov�n� posledn�ho hled�n� opa�n�m sm�rem"

#: info/session.c:3765 info/session.c:3771
msgid "Search interactively for a string as you type it"
msgstr "Vyhled�v�n� zad�van�ho �et�zce hned p�i zad�v�n�"

#: info/session.c:3851
msgid "I-search backward: "
msgstr "zp�tn� interaktivn� hled�n�: "

#: info/session.c:3853
msgid "I-search: "
msgstr "interaktivn� hled�n�: "

#: info/session.c:3878 info/session.c:3880
msgid "Failing "
msgstr "Bezv�sledn� "

#: info/session.c:4340
msgid "Move to the previous cross reference"
msgstr "P�esun na p�edch�zej�c� k���ov� odkaz"

#: info/session.c:4349
msgid "Move to the next cross reference"
msgstr "P�esun na n�sleduj�c� k���ov� odkaz"

#: info/session.c:4359
msgid "Select reference or menu item appearing on this line"
msgstr "Zobrazen� odkazu nebo polo�ky menu, kter� je na tomto ��dku"

#: info/session.c:4382
msgid "Cancel current operation"
msgstr "Zru�en� aktu�ln� operace"

#: info/session.c:4389
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Ukon�en� operace"

#: info/session.c:4398
msgid "Move the cursor to a specific line of the window"
msgstr "P�esun kurzoru na zadan� ��dek okna"

#: info/session.c:4430
msgid "Redraw the display"
msgstr "P�ekreslen� obrazovky"

#: info/session.c:4467
msgid "Quit using Info"
msgstr "Ukon�en� Infa"

#: info/session.c:4480
msgid "Run command bound to this key's lowercase variant"
msgstr ""

#: info/session.c:4491
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown command (%s)."
msgstr "Nezn�m� p��kaz (%s)."

#: info/session.c:4494
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" is invalid"
msgstr "Sekvence kl�ves \"%s\" je neplatn�"

#: info/session.c:4495
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' is invalid"
msgstr "Sekvence kl�ves \"%s\" je neplatn�"

#: info/session.c:4709
msgid "Add this digit to the current numeric argument"
msgstr "P�id�n� t�to ��slice do aktu�ln�ho ��seln�ho argumentu"

#: info/session.c:4718
msgid "Start (or multiply by 4) the current numeric argument"
msgstr "Za��tek (nebo d�len� �ty�mi) aktu�ln�ho ��seln�ho argumentu"

#: info/session.c:4733
msgid "Internally used by \\[universal-argument]"
msgstr "Vnit�n� u��v�no funkc� \\[universal-argument]"

#: info/tilde.c:338
#, c-format
msgid "readline: Out of virtual memory!\n"
msgstr "readline: Nedostatek virtu�ln� pam�ti!\n"

#: info/variables.c:37
msgid "When \"On\", footnotes appear and disappear automatically"
msgstr "Je-li zapnuto, pak se pozn�mky pod �arou objevuj� a miz� automaticky"

#: info/variables.c:41
msgid "When \"On\", creating or deleting a window resizes other windows"
msgstr "Je-li zapnuto, vytvo�en� a smaz�n� okna, m�n� velikost ostatn�ch oken"

#: info/variables.c:45
msgid "When \"On\", flash the screen instead of ringing the bell"
msgstr "Je-li zapnuto, pak m�sto varovn�ho p�pnut� blikne obrazovka"

#: info/variables.c:49
msgid "When \"On\", errors cause the bell to ring"
msgstr "Je-li zapnuto, pak chyby zp�sob� varovn� p�pnut�"

#: info/variables.c:53
msgid "When \"On\", Info garbage collects files which had to be uncompressed"
msgstr ""
"Je-li zapnuto, pak Info zapom�n� odkomprimovanou ��st komprimovan�ch soubor�"

#: info/variables.c:56
msgid "When \"On\", the portion of the matched search string is highlighted"
msgstr "Je-li zapnuto, pak je hledan� �et�zec v nalezen�m v�razu zv�razn�n"

#: info/variables.c:60
msgid "Controls what happens when scrolling is requested at the end of a node"
msgstr "��d� co se stane, kdy� je po�adov�n posun o stranu na konci uzlu"

#: info/variables.c:64
msgid "The number lines to scroll when the cursor moves out of the window"
msgstr ""
"Po�et ��dk�, o kter� posunout okno, kdy� se kurzor dostane mimo viditelnou "

#: info/variables.c:68
msgid "When \"On\", Info accepts and displays ISO Latin characters"
msgstr "Je-li zapnuto, pak Info akceptuje a zobrazuje znaky z normy ISO Latin"

#: info/variables.c:74
msgid "Explain the use of a variable"
msgstr "Zobrazen� popisu prom�nn�"

#: info/variables.c:80
msgid "Describe variable: "
msgstr "Popis prom�nn�: "

#: info/variables.c:99
msgid "Set the value of an Info variable"
msgstr "Nastaven� hodnoty Info prom�nn�"

#: info/variables.c:105
msgid "Set variable: "
msgstr "Nastaven� prom�nn�: "

#: info/variables.c:123
#, c-format
msgid "Set %s to value (%d): "
msgstr "Nastaven� prom�nn� %s na hodnotu (%d): "

#: info/variables.c:164
#, c-format
msgid "Set %s to value (%s): "
msgstr "Nastaven� prom�nn� %s na hodnotu (%s): "

#: info/window.c:1138
msgid "--*** Tags out of Date ***"
msgstr "--*** Zna�ky jsou zastatal� ***"

#: info/window.c:1149
msgid "-----Info: (), lines ----, "
msgstr "-----Info: (), ��dk� ----, "

#: info/window.c:1156
#, c-format
msgid "-%s---Info: %s, %d lines --%s--"
msgstr "-%s---Info: %s, ��dk�: %d --%s--"

#: info/window.c:1160
#, c-format
msgid "-%s%s-Info: (%s)%s, %d lines --%s--"
msgstr "-%s%s-Info: (%s)%s, ��dk�: %d --%s--"

#: info/window.c:1167
#, c-format
msgid " Subfile: %s"
msgstr " Podsoubor: %s"

#: lib/getopt.c:551 lib/getopt.c:570
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option `%s' is ambiguous\n"
msgstr "%s: p�ep�na� `%s' nen� jednozna�n�\n"

#: lib/getopt.c:603 lib/getopt.c:607
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument\n"
msgstr "%s: p�ep�na� `--%s' mus� b�t zad�n bez argumentu\n"

#: lib/getopt.c:616 lib/getopt.c:621
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument\n"
msgstr "%s: p�ep�na� `%c%s' mus� b�t zad�n bez argumentu\n"

#: lib/getopt.c:667 lib/getopt.c:689 lib/getopt.c:1020 lib/getopt.c:1042
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option `%s' requires an argument\n"
msgstr "%s: p�ep�na� `%s' vy�aduje argument\n"

#: lib/getopt.c:727 lib/getopt.c:730
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unrecognized option `--%s'\n"
msgstr "%s: nezn�m� p�ep�na� `--%s'\n"

#: lib/getopt.c:738 lib/getopt.c:741
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unrecognized option `%c%s'\n"
msgstr "%s: nezn�m� p�ep�na� `%c%s'\n"

#: lib/getopt.c:796 lib/getopt.c:799
#, c-format
msgid "%s: illegal option -- %c\n"
msgstr "%s: nezn�m� p�ep�na� -- %c\n"

#: lib/getopt.c:805 lib/getopt.c:808
#, c-format
msgid "%s: invalid option -- %c\n"
msgstr "%s: nezn�m� p�ep�na� -- %c\n"

#: lib/getopt.c:863 lib/getopt.c:882 lib/getopt.c:1095 lib/getopt.c:1116
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option requires an argument -- %c\n"
msgstr "%s: p�ep�na� vy�aduje argument -- %c\n"

#: lib/getopt.c:935 lib/getopt.c:954
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous\n"
msgstr "%s: p�ep�na� `-W %s' nen� jednozna�n�\n"

#: lib/getopt.c:978 lib/getopt.c:999
#, c-format
msgid "%s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument\n"
msgstr "%s: p�ep�na� `-W %s' mus� b�t zad�n bez argumentu\n"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:520 makeinfo/cmds.c:542
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "arguments to @%s ignored"
msgstr "�patn� argument pro %c%s"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:585
msgid "January"
msgstr "Leden"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:585
msgid "February"
msgstr "�nor"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:585
msgid "March"
msgstr "B�ezen"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:585
msgid "April"
msgstr "Duben"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:585
msgid "May"
msgstr "Kv�ten"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:586
msgid "June"
msgstr "�erven"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:586
msgid "July"
msgstr "�ervenec"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:586
msgid "August"
msgstr "Srpen"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:586
msgid "September"
msgstr "Z���"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:586
msgid "October"
msgstr "��jen"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:587
msgid "November"
msgstr "Listopad"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:587
msgid "December"
msgstr "Prosinec"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:936
#, c-format
msgid "unlikely character %c in @var"
msgstr "nepravd�podobn� znak %c ve @var"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:979
msgid "@sc argument all uppercase, thus no effect"
msgstr "@sc argument je cel� velk�mi p�smeny, zbyte�n�"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:1034
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`{' expected, but saw `%c'"
msgstr "`@end' vy�aduje `%s', ale vid� `%s'"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:1074
msgid "end of file inside verb block"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:1082
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`}' expected, but saw `%c'"
msgstr "`@end' vy�aduje `%s', ale vid� `%s'"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:1112
msgid ""
"@strong{Note...} produces a spurious cross-reference in Info; reword to "
"avoid that"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:1305
#, c-format
msgid "%c%s is obsolete"
msgstr "P��kaz %c%s je zastaral�"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:1414
#, c-format
msgid "@sp requires a positive numeric argument, not `%s'"
msgstr "@sp vy�aduje kladn� ��seln� argument a ne `%s'"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:1763 makeinfo/cmds.c:1819 makeinfo/footnote.c:82
#, c-format
msgid "Bad argument to %c%s"
msgstr "�patn� argument pro %c%s"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:1773 makeinfo/makeinfo.c:4142
msgid "asis"
msgstr "asis"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:1775 makeinfo/cmds.c:1805 makeinfo/makeinfo.c:4144
msgid "none"
msgstr "none"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:1789
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Bad argument to @%s"
msgstr "�patn� argument pro %c%s"

#: makeinfo/cmds.c:1803
msgid "insert"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/defun.c:84
msgid "Missing `}' in @def arg"
msgstr "Chyb�j�c� `}' v argumentu @def"

#: makeinfo/defun.c:403
msgid "Function"
msgstr "Funkce"

#: makeinfo/defun.c:406
msgid "Macro"
msgstr "Makro"

#: makeinfo/defun.c:409
msgid "Special Form"
msgstr "Speci�ln� forma"

#: makeinfo/defun.c:413
msgid "Variable"
msgstr "Prom�nn�"

#: makeinfo/defun.c:416
msgid "User Option"
msgstr "U�ivatelsk� volba"

#: makeinfo/defun.c:420
msgid "Instance Variable"
msgstr "Instance prom�nn�"

#: makeinfo/defun.c:424
msgid "Method"
msgstr "Metoda"

#: makeinfo/defun.c:500 makeinfo/defun.c:505 makeinfo/defun.c:545
#: makeinfo/defun.c:644 makeinfo/xml.c:2229
msgid "of"
msgstr "z"

#: makeinfo/defun.c:509 makeinfo/defun.c:513 makeinfo/defun.c:517
#: makeinfo/defun.c:551 makeinfo/defun.c:650 makeinfo/xml.c:2234
msgid "on"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/defun.c:711
#, c-format
msgid "Must be in `@%s' environment to use `@%s'"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/files.c:435
#, c-format
msgid "%s: getwd: %s, %s\n"
msgstr "%s: getwd: %s, %s\n"

#: makeinfo/files.c:638
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' omitted before output filename"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/files.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' omitted since writing to stdout"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/files.c:694
msgid "Output buffer not empty."
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/footnote.c:150
#, c-format
msgid "`%c%s' needs an argument `{...}', not just `%s'"
msgstr "`%c%s' pot�ebuje argument `{...}' a ne pouze `%s'"

#: makeinfo/footnote.c:165
#, c-format
msgid "No closing brace for footnote `%s'"
msgstr "Chyb� uzav�rac� z�vorka pro pozn�mku pod �arou `%s'"

#: makeinfo/footnote.c:198
msgid "Footnote defined without parent node"
msgstr "Pozn�mka pod �arou definov�na bez rodi�ovsk�ho uzlu"

#: makeinfo/footnote.c:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "Footnotes inside footnotes are not allowed"
msgstr "Pozn�mka pod �arou definov�na bez rodi�ovsk�ho uzlu"

#: makeinfo/footnote.c:302 makeinfo/index.c:189
msgid "Footnotes"
msgstr "Pozn�mky pod �arou"

#: makeinfo/html.c:87
#, c-format
msgid "%s: could not open --css-file: %s"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/html.c:172
#, c-format
msgid "%s:%d: --css-file ended in comment"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/html.c:207
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Neozna�eno"

#: makeinfo/html.c:422
msgid "[unexpected] no html tag to pop"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/html.c:752
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "[unexpected] invalid node name: `%s'"
msgstr "%s: nezn�m� p�ep�na� `--%s'\n"

#: makeinfo/index.c:169
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown index `%s'"
msgstr "Nezn�m� rejst��k `%s'"

#: makeinfo/index.c:234
#, c-format
msgid "Info cannot handle `:' in index entry `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/index.c:412
#, c-format
msgid "Index `%s' already exists"
msgstr "Rejst��k `%s' ji� existuje"

#: makeinfo/index.c:455
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown index `%s' and/or `%s' in @synindex"
msgstr "Nezn�m� rejst��k `%s' a/nebo `%s' v @synindex"

#: makeinfo/index.c:661
msgid "(line )"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/index.c:669
#, c-format
msgid "(line %*d)"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/index.c:750
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown index `%s' in @printindex"
msgstr "Nezn�m� rejst��k `%s' v @printindex"

#: makeinfo/index.c:819
#, c-format
msgid "Entry for index `%s' outside of any node"
msgstr "Polo�ka pro rejst��k `%s' je mimo v�echny uzly"

#: makeinfo/index.c:822 makeinfo/index.c:858
msgid "(outside of any node)"
msgstr "(mimo v�echny uzly)"

#: makeinfo/index.c:919 makeinfo/index.c:925
msgid "See "
msgstr "Viz"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:160
msgid "@item not allowed in argument to @itemize"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:238
msgid "Broken-Type in insertion_type_pname"
msgstr "Chybn� typ v insertion_type_pname"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:334
msgid "Enumeration stack overflow"
msgstr "V�po�etn� z�sobn�k p�etekl"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:366
#, c-format
msgid "lettering overflow, restarting at %c"
msgstr "p�smenkov�n� p�eteklo, znovu za��n�m na %c"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:631
#, c-format
msgid "%s requires an argument: the formatter for %citem"
msgstr "%s vy�aduje argument : form�tova� pro %citem"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:719
#, c-format
msgid "%cfloat environments cannot be nested"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:973
#, c-format
msgid "`@end' expected `%s', but saw `%s'"
msgstr "`@end' vy�aduje `%s', ale vid� `%s'"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:1337
#, c-format
msgid "No matching `%cend %s'"
msgstr "Chyb� odpov�daj�c� `%cend %s'"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:1592
#, c-format
msgid "%s requires letter or digit"
msgstr "%s vy�aduje p�smeno nebo ��slici"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:1687
msgid "end of file inside verbatim block"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:1913
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "@%s not meaningful outside `@float' environment"
msgstr "@%s nen� mysliteln� uvnit� `@%s' bloku"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:1949
msgid "@menu seen before first @node, creating `Top' node"
msgstr "@menu spat�eno p�ed prvn�m @node, vytvo�en uzel `Top'"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:1950
msgid ""
"perhaps your @top node should be wrapped in @ifnottex rather than @ifinfo?"
msgstr ""
"proto�e v� uzel @top by m�l b�t uzav�en v @ifnottex sp��e ne� v @ifinfo?"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:1962
msgid "@detailmenu seen before first node, creating `Top' node"
msgstr "@detailmenu spat�eno p�ed prvn�m uzlem, vytvo�en uzel `Top'"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:2018
#, c-format
msgid "@%s not meaningful outside `@titlepage' and `@quotation' environments"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:2032
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "@%s not meaningful outside `@titlepage' environment"
msgstr "@%s nen� mysliteln� uvnit� `@%s' bloku"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:2063
#, c-format
msgid "Unmatched `%c%s'"
msgstr "Nep�rov� `%c%s'"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:2068
#, c-format
msgid "`%c%s' needs something after it"
msgstr "`%c%s' pot�ebuje n�jak� argument"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:2074
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Bad argument `%s' to `@%s', using `%s'"
msgstr "Chybn� argument pro `%s', `%s', pou��v�m `%s'"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:2171
#, c-format
msgid "@%s not meaningful inside `@%s' block"
msgstr "@%s nen� mysliteln� uvnit� `@%s' bloku"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:2180
#, c-format
msgid "@itemx not meaningful inside `%s' block"
msgstr "@itemx nen� mysliteln� uvnit� `%s' bloku"

#: makeinfo/insertion.c:2356
#, c-format
msgid "%c%s found outside of an insertion block"
msgstr "%c%s nalezen mimo vkl�dan� blok"

#: makeinfo/lang.c:580
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a valid ISO 639 language code"
msgstr "%s nen� platn� k�d jazyka (podle ISO 639)"

#: makeinfo/lang.c:655
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unrecognized encoding name `%s'"
msgstr "%s: nezn�m� p�ep�na� `--%s'\n"

#: makeinfo/lang.c:663
#, c-format
msgid "sorry, encoding `%s' not supported"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/lang.c:715
#, c-format
msgid "invalid encoded character `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/lang.c:1009
#, c-format
msgid "%c%s expects `i' or `j' as argument, not `%c'"
msgstr "%c%s vy�aduje `i' nebo `j' jako argument, ne `%c'"

#: makeinfo/lang.c:1013
#, c-format
msgid "%c%s expects a single character `i' or `j' as argument"
msgstr "%c%s vy�aduje jeden znak `i' nebo `j' jako argument"

#: makeinfo/macro.c:128
#, c-format
msgid "macro `%s' previously defined"
msgstr "makro `%s' ji� bylo definov�no"

#: makeinfo/macro.c:132
#, c-format
msgid "here is the previous definition of `%s'"
msgstr "zde je p�edchoz� definice `%s'"

#: makeinfo/macro.c:355
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "\\ in macro expansion followed by `%s' instead of parameter name"
msgstr "\\ p�i expanzi makra n�sledov�no `%s' m�sto \\ nebo jm�na parametru"

#: makeinfo/macro.c:401
#, c-format
msgid "Macro `%s' called on line %d with too many args"
msgstr "Makro `%s' volan� na ��dku %d s p��li� mnoha argumenty"

#: makeinfo/macro.c:586
#, c-format
msgid "%cend macro not found"
msgstr "%cend makro nebylo nalezeno"

#: makeinfo/macro.c:624
msgid "@quote-arg only useful for single-argument macros"
msgstr "@quote-arg je u�ite�n� pouze pro jedno-argumentov� makra"

#: makeinfo/macro.c:660
#, c-format
msgid "mismatched @end %s with @%s"
msgstr "pom�chan� @end %s s @%s"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:184
#, c-format
msgid "Too many errors!  Gave up.\n"
msgstr "P��li� mnoho chyb!  Konec.\n"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:302
#, c-format
msgid "%s:%d: warning: "
msgstr "%s:%d: varov�n�: "

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:321 makeinfo/makeinfo.c:2260
#, c-format
msgid "Misplaced %c"
msgstr "�patn� um�st�n� znak %c"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:340
#, c-format
msgid "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n"
msgstr "V�ce informac� z�sk�te p��kazem `%s --help'.\n"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:343
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]... TEXINFO-FILE...\n"
msgstr "Pou�it�: %s [P�EP�NA�]... SOUBOR...\n"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:346
msgid ""
"Translate Texinfo source documentation to various other formats, by default\n"
"Info files suitable for reading online with Emacs or standalone GNU Info.\n"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:350
#, c-format
msgid ""
"General options:\n"
"      --error-limit=NUM       quit after NUM errors (default %d).\n"
"      --force                 preserve output even if errors.\n"
"      --help                  display this help and exit.\n"
"      --no-validate           suppress node cross-reference validation.\n"
"      --no-warn               suppress warnings (but not errors).\n"
"      --reference-limit=NUM   warn about at most NUM references (default %"
"  -v, --verbose               explain what is being done.\n"
"      --version               display version information and exit.\n"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:364
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Output format selection (default is to produce Info):\n"
"      --docbook             output Docbook XML rather than Info.\n"
"      --html                output HTML rather than Info.\n"
"      --xml                 output Texinfo XML rather than Info.\n"
"      --plaintext           output plain text rather than Info.\n"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:372
msgid ""
"General output options:\n"
"  -E, --macro-expand FILE   output macro-expanded source to FILE.\n"
"                            ignoring any @setfilename.\n"
"      --no-headers          suppress node separators, Node: lines, and "
"                              from Info output (thus producing plain text)\n"
"                              or from HTML (thus producing shorter output);\n"
"                              also, write to standard output by default.\n"
"      --no-split            suppress splitting of Info or HTML output,\n"
"                            generate only one output file.\n"
"      --number-sections     output chapter and sectioning numbers.\n"
"  -o, --output=FILE         output to FILE (directory if split HTML),\n"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:386
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Options for Info and plain text:\n"
"      --enable-encoding       output accented and special characters in\n"
"                                Info output based on @documentencoding.\n"
"      --fill-column=NUM       break Info lines at NUM characters (default %"
"      --footnote-style=STYLE  output footnotes in Info according to STYLE:\n"
"                                `separate' to put them in their own node;\n"
"                                `end' to put them at the end of the node\n"
"                                  in which they are defined (default).\n"
"      --paragraph-indent=VAL  indent Info paragraphs by VAL spaces (default %"
"                                If VAL is `none', do not indent; if VAL is\n"
"                                `asis', preserve existing indentation.\n"
"      --split-size=NUM        split Info files at size NUM (default %d).\n"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:403
msgid ""
"Options for HTML:\n"
"      --css-include=FILE        include FILE in HTML <style> output;\n"
"                                  read stdin if FILE is -.\n"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:409
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Options for XML and Docbook:\n"
"      --output-indent=VAL       indent XML elements by VAL spaces (default %"
"                                  If VAL is 0, ignorable whitespace is "
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:416
msgid ""
"Input file options:\n"
"      --commands-in-node-names  allow @ commands in node names.\n"
"  -D VAR                        define the variable VAR, as with @set.\n"
"  -I DIR                        append DIR to the @include search path.\n"
"  -P DIR                        prepend DIR to the @include search path.\n"
"  -U VAR                        undefine the variable VAR, as with @clear.\n"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:425
msgid ""
"Conditional processing in input:\n"
"  --ifdocbook       process @ifdocbook and @docbook even if\n"
"                      not generating Docbook.\n"
"  --ifhtml          process @ifhtml and @html even if not generating HTML.\n"
"  --ifinfo          process @ifinfo even if not generating Info.\n"
"  --ifplaintext     process @ifplaintext even if not generating plain text.\n"
"  --iftex           process @iftex and @tex; implies --no-split.\n"
"  --ifxml           process @ifxml and @xml.\n"
"  --no-ifdocbook    do not process @ifdocbook and @docbook text.\n"
"  --no-ifhtml       do not process @ifhtml and @html text.\n"
"  --no-ifinfo       do not process @ifinfo text.\n"
"  --no-ifplaintext  do not process @ifplaintext text.\n"
"  --no-iftex        do not process @iftex and @tex text.\n"
"  --no-ifxml        do not process @ifxml and @xml text.\n"
"  Also, for the --no-ifFORMAT options, do process @ifnotFORMAT text.\n"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:444
msgid ""
"  The defaults for the @if... conditionals depend on the output format:\n"
"  if generating HTML, --ifhtml is on and the others are off;\n"
"  if generating Info, --ifinfo is on and the others are off;\n"
"  if generating plain text, --ifplaintext is on and the others are off;\n"
"  if generating XML, --ifxml is on and the others are off.\n"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"  makeinfo foo.texi                     write Info to foo's @setfilename\n"
"  makeinfo --html foo.texi              write HTML to @setfilename\n"
"  makeinfo --xml foo.texi               write Texinfo XML to @setfilename\n"
"  makeinfo --docbook foo.texi           write DocBook XML to @setfilename\n"
"  makeinfo --no-headers foo.texi        write plain text to standard output\n"
"  makeinfo --html --no-headers foo.texi write html without node lines, "
"  makeinfo --number-sections foo.texi   write Info with numbered sections\n"
"  makeinfo --no-split foo.texi          write one Info file however big\n"
msgstr ""
"  Implicitn� nastaven� pro podm�nky @if... z�le�� na v�stupn�m form�tu:\n"
"p�i generov�n� HTML je zapnut p�ep�na� --ifhtml a ostatn� jsou vypnuty;\n"
"p�i generov�n� Info souboru nebo �ist�ho textu je zapnut p�ep�na� --ifinfo\n"
"a ostatn� jsou vypnuty.\n"
"  makeinfo foo.texi                    zap��e Info do souboru ur�en�ho\n"
"                                        pomoc� @setfilename ve foo.texi\n"
"  makeinfo --html foo.texi             zap��e HTML do souboru ur�en�ho\n"
"                                        pomoc� @setfilename ve foo.texi\n"
"  makeinfo --no-headers -o - foo.texi  vyp��e �ist� text na standardn� "
"  makeinfo --number-sections foo.texi  zap��e Info s ��slovan�mi sekcemi\n"
"  makeinfo --no-split foo.texi         zap��e jeden Info soubor jakkoliv "
"  Chyby v programu oznamujte na adrese <bug-texinfo@gnu.org> (pouze "
"obecn� ot�zky sm��ujte na <help-texinfo@gnu.org>. P�ipom�nky k p�ekladu\n"
"zas�lejte na <cs@li.org> (�esky)."

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:603
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Ignoring unrecognized TEXINFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT value `%s'.\n"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:647 makeinfo/makeinfo.c:673 makeinfo/makeinfo.c:692
#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:722 makeinfo/makeinfo.c:743
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s arg must be numeric, not `%s'.\n"
msgstr "%s: %s argument mus� b�t ��slo ne `%s'.\n"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:660
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: could not open macro expansion output `%s'"
msgstr "V�stup %s pro expanzi makra nelze otev��t"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:665
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: ignoring second macro expansion output `%s'.\n"
msgstr "V�stup %s pro expanzi makra nelze otev��t"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:707
#, c-format
msgid "%s: --paragraph-indent arg must be numeric/`none'/`asis', not `%s'.\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: argument pro --paragraph-indent mus� b�t ��slo|`none'|`asis', ale ne `%"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:732
#, c-format
msgid "%s: --footnote-style arg must be `separate' or `end', not `%s'.\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: argument k --footnote-style mus� b�t `separate'|`end', ale ne `%s'.\n"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:806
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing file argument.\n"
msgstr "%s: chyb� argument jm�na souboru.\n"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:997 makeinfo/makeinfo.c:3991
#, c-format
msgid "Multiline command %c%s used improperly"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:1000
#, c-format
msgid "Expected `%s'"
msgstr "O�ek�v�no `%s'"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:1479
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create directory `%s': %s"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:1525
#, c-format
msgid "No `%s' found in `%s'"
msgstr "Soubor `%s' nenalezen v `%s'"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:1605
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Skipping macro expansion to stdout as Info output is going there.\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: Vynech�v�m expanzi makra na stdout a expanze jde jako Info v�stup.\n"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:1638
#, c-format
msgid "Making %s file `%s' from `%s'.\n"
msgstr "Vytv���m %s soubor `%s' ze souboru `%s'.\n"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:1673
#, c-format
msgid "This is %s, produced by makeinfo version %s from %s.\n"
msgstr ""
"Toto je Info soubor %s, produkov�n programem makeinfo verze %s ze souboru %"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:1709
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: Removing macro output file `%s' due to errors; use --force to preserve.\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: V�stupn� soubor maker `%s' byl odstran�n, proto�e byly nalezeny chyby;\n"
"u�ijte p�ep�na� --force k ponech�n� souboru.\n"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:1773
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Removing output file `%s' due to errors; use --force to preserve.\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: V�stupn� soubor `%s' byl odstran�n, proto�e byly nalezeny chyby;\n"
"u�ijte p�ep�na� --force k ponech�n� souboru.\n"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:2034
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown command `%s'"
msgstr "Nezn�m� p��kaz `%s'"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:2056
#, c-format
msgid "Use braces to give a command as an argument to @%s"
msgstr "Pou�ijte z�vorky k zad�n� p��kazu jako argumentu @%s"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:2314
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%c%s expected braces"
msgstr "%c%s o�ek�v�no `{...}'"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:2327
msgid "Unmatched }"
msgstr "Nep�rov� }"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:2375
msgid "NO_NAME!"
msgstr "Funkce neexistuje!"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:2396
#, c-format
msgid "%c%s missing close brace"
msgstr "%c%s chyb�j�c� uzav�rac� z�vorka"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:3309
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "@image file `%s' (for HTML) not readable: %s"
msgstr "soubor `%s' v p��kazu @image je ne�iteln�: %s"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:3315
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "No such file `%s'"
msgstr "Soubor `%s' nenalezen v `%s'"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:3447
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "@image file `%s' (for text) unreadable: %s"
msgstr "soubor `%s' v p��kazu @image je ne�iteln�: %s"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:3456
msgid "@image missing filename argument"
msgstr "p��kaz @image postr�d� jm�no souboru"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:3675
#, c-format
msgid "undefined flag: %s"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:3676
#, c-format
msgid "{No value for `%s'}"
msgstr "{Pro `%s' nen� hodnota}"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:3728
#, c-format
msgid "%c%s requires a name"
msgstr "%c%s po�aduje jm�no"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:3834
#, c-format
msgid "Reached eof before matching @end %s"
msgstr "Vstupn� soubor skon�il a p��kaz `@end %s' nebyl nalezen"

#: makeinfo/makeinfo.c:4082
#, c-format
msgid "`%.40s...' is too long for expansion; not expanded"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/multi.c:116
msgid "Missing } in @multitable template"
msgstr "Chyb�j�c� } v @multitable vzoru"

#: makeinfo/multi.c:254
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring stray text `%s' after @multitable"
msgstr "ignoruji zbloudil� text `%s' po p��kazu @multitable"

#: makeinfo/multi.c:393
#, c-format
msgid "Too many columns in multitable item (max %d)"
msgstr "P��li� mnoho sloupc� v multitabulkov� polo�ce (max %d)"

#: makeinfo/multi.c:555
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "[unexpected] cannot select column #%d in multitable"
msgstr "sloupec #%d v multitabulce nelze vybrat"

#: makeinfo/multi.c:584
msgid "ignoring @tab outside of multitable"
msgstr "p��kaz `@tab' ignorov�n, je mimo multitabulku"

#: makeinfo/multi.c:632
#, c-format
msgid "** Multicolumn output from last row:\n"
msgstr "** V�cesloupcov� v�stup z posledn�ho ��dku:\n"

#: makeinfo/multi.c:635
#, c-format
msgid "* column #%d: output = %s\n"
msgstr "* sloupec #%d: v�stup = %s\n"

#: makeinfo/node.c:280
#, c-format
msgid "Node `%s' previously defined at line %d"
msgstr "Uzel `%s' ji� byl definov�n na ��dku %d"

#: makeinfo/node.c:648
#, c-format
msgid "Formatting node %s...\n"
msgstr "Form�tov�n� uzlu %s...\n"

#: makeinfo/node.c:716
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Node `%s' requires a sectioning command (e.g., %c%s)"
msgstr "Uzel `%s' vy�aduje p��kaz na vytv��en� sekc� (t�eba %c%s)"

#: makeinfo/node.c:879
#, c-format
msgid "No node name specified for `%c%s' command"
msgstr "P��kazu `%c%s' nebyl zad�n n�zev uzlu"

#: makeinfo/node.c:920 makeinfo/node.c:1151
#, c-format
msgid "Anchor `%s' and node `%s' map to the same file name"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/node.c:923
msgid "This @anchor command ignored; references to it will not work"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/node.c:925 makeinfo/node.c:1154
msgid "Rename this anchor or use the `--no-split' option"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/node.c:955
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected string at end of split-HTML file `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/node.c:991
msgid "Next:"
msgstr "Dal��:"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1007
msgid "Previous:"
msgstr "P�edchoz�:"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1021
msgid "Up:"
msgstr "Nahoru:"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1148
#, c-format
msgid "Anchors `%s' and `%s' map to the same file name"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/node.c:1153
msgid "@anchor command ignored; references to it will not work"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/node.c:1347
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s reference to nonexistent node `%s' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?)"
msgstr "%s se odkazuje na neexistuj�c� uzel `%s'"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1363
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Menu"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1365
msgid "Cross"
msgstr "Odkaz"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1447
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Next field of node `%s' not pointed to (perhaps incorrect sectioning?)"
msgstr "N�sleduj�c� uzel uzlu `%s' neukazuje na tento"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1450
#, c-format
msgid "This node (%s) has the bad Prev"
msgstr "Tento uzel (%s) m� chybn� odkaz na p�edchoz� uzel"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1462
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "P�edchoz�"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1505
#, c-format
msgid "Prev field of node `%s' not pointed to"
msgstr "P�edchoz� uzel uzlu `%s' neukazuje na tento"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1509
#, c-format
msgid "This node (%s) has the bad Next"
msgstr "Tento uzel (%s) m� chybn� odkaz na n�sleduj�c� uzel"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1521
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' has no Up field (perhaps incorrect sectioning?)"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/node.c:1524
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Nahoru"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1590
#, c-format
msgid "Node `%s' lacks menu item for `%s' despite being its Up target"
msgstr ""
"Uzel `%s' postr�d� polo�ku menu pro `%s' navzdory tomu, �e je jeho vy���m "

#: makeinfo/node.c:1619
#, c-format
msgid "node `%s' has been referenced %d times"
msgstr "na uzel `%s' se bylo odkazov�no %d kr�t"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1633
#, c-format
msgid "unreferenced node `%s'"
msgstr "uzel `%s' - nesm��uje na n�j ��dn� odkaz"

#: makeinfo/node.c:1723
#, c-format
msgid "Removing %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: makeinfo/node.c:1727
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't remove file `%s': %s"
msgstr "V�stupn� soubor `%s' nelze vytvo�it."

#: makeinfo/sectioning.c:122
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Appendix %c"
msgstr "Dodatek %c "

#: makeinfo/sectioning.c:467
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Internal error (search_sectioning) `%s'!"
msgstr "Intern� chyba (hled�n� sekc�) \"%s\"!"

#: makeinfo/sectioning.c:562
#, c-format
msgid "Internal error (search_sectioning) \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Intern� chyba (hled�n� sekc�) \"%s\"!"

#: makeinfo/sectioning.c:623
#, c-format
msgid "%c%s is obsolete; use %c%s instead"
msgstr "%c%s je zastaral�; pou�ijte %c%s"

#: makeinfo/sectioning.c:639
#, c-format
msgid "Node with %ctop as a section already exists"
msgstr "Uzel s %ctop jako sekc� ji� existuje"

#: makeinfo/sectioning.c:647
#, c-format
msgid "Here is the %ctop node"
msgstr "Ji� zde je nejvy��� (%ctop) uzel"

#: makeinfo/sectioning.c:663
#, c-format
msgid "%ctop used before %cnode, defaulting to %s"
msgstr "%ctop je pou�it p�ed %cnode, p�esm�rov�no na %s"

#: makeinfo/toc.c:197 makeinfo/toc.c:271 makeinfo/toc.c:273
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Obsah"

#: makeinfo/toc.c:304 makeinfo/toc.c:337 makeinfo/toc.c:339
msgid "Short Contents"
msgstr "Kr�tk� obsah"

#: makeinfo/xml.c:1605
#, c-format
msgid "@image file `%s' unreadable: %s"
msgstr "soubor `%s' v p��kazu @image je ne�iteln�: %s"

#: makeinfo/xml.c:2097
msgid ""
"@headitem as the last item of @multitable produces invalid Docbook documents"
msgstr ""

#: util/install-info.c:154
#, c-format
msgid "%s: warning: "
msgstr "%s: varov�n�: "

#: util/install-info.c:203
#, c-format
msgid " for %s"
msgstr " pro %s"

#: util/install-info.c:426
#, c-format
msgid "\tTry `%s --help' for a complete list of options.\n"
msgstr "V�ce informac� z�sk�te p��kazem `%s --help'.\n"

#: util/install-info.c:434
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Usage: %s [OPTION]... [INFO-FILE [DIR-FILE]]\n"
"Install or delete dir entries from INFO-FILE in the Info directory file\n"
" --delete          delete existing entries for INFO-FILE from DIR-FILE;\n"
"                     don't insert any new entries.\n"
" --dir-file=NAME   specify file name of Info directory file.\n"
"                     This is equivalent to using the DIR-FILE argument.\n"
" --entry=TEXT      insert TEXT as an Info directory entry.\n"
"                     TEXT should have the form of an Info menu item line\n"
"                     plus zero or more extra lines starting with "
"                     If you specify more than one entry, they are all "
"                     If you don't specify any entries, they are determined\n"
"                     from information in the Info file itself.\n"
" --help            display this help and exit.\n"
" --info-file=FILE  specify Info file to install in the directory.\n"
"                     This is equivalent to using the INFO-FILE argument.\n"
" --info-dir=DIR    same as --dir-file=DIR/dir.\n"
" --item=TEXT       same as --entry TEXT.\n"
"                     An Info directory entry is actually a menu item.\n"
" --quiet           suppress warnings.\n"
" --remove          same as --delete.\n"
" --section=SEC     put this file's entries in section SEC of the directory.\n"
"                     If you specify more than one section, all the entries\n"
"                     are added in each of the sections.\n"
"                     If you don't specify any sections, they are determined\n"
"                     from information in the Info file itself.\n"
" --version         display version information and exit.\n"
msgstr ""
"Pou�it�: %s [P�EP�NA�]... [INFO-SOUBOR [DIR-SOUBOR]]\n"
"Instaluje nebo ma�e polo�ky ze souboru INFO-SOUBOR v Info adres��i DIR-"
"--delete           sma�e existuj�c� polo�ky INFO-SOUBORu z DIR-SOUBORU;\n"
"                   nevkl�d� ��dn� nov�.\n"
"--dir-file=JM�NO   zad�n� jm�na adres��ov�ho souboru Infa. Rovnocenn�\n"
"                   s pou�it�m argumentu DIR-SOUBOR.\n"
"--entry=TEXT       vlo�� text jako polo�ku Info adres��e. TEXT mus� m�t "
"                   jako ��dek polo�ky Info menu, plus nula nebo v�ce extra\n"
"                   ��dk� za��naj�c�ch mezerou. Jestli�e zad�te v�ce ne� "
"                   polo�ku, budou p�id�ny v�echny. Jestli�e nezad�te ��dnou\n"
"                   polo�ku, budou z�sk�ny z informac� v Info souboru.\n"
"--help             vyp��e tuto n�pov�du a skon��\n"
"--info-file=SOUBOR zad�n� Info souboru pro instalaci do Info adres��e.\n"
"                   Rovnocenn� s argumentem INFO-SOUBOR.\n"
"--info-dir=ADRES�� stejn� jako --dir-file=ADRES��/dir.\n"
"--item=TEXT        stejn� jako --entry=TEXT.\n"
"                   Polo�ka Info adres��e je aktu�ln� polo�ka menu.\n"
"--quiet            potla�� varov�n�.\n"
"--remove           stejn� jako --delete.\n"
"--section=SEKCE    vlo�� polo�ky adres��e do sekce SEKCE Info adres��e.\n"
"                   Jestli�e je zad�no v�ce sekc�, jsou v�echny polo�ky\n"
"                   p�id�ny do v�ech zadan�ch sekc�. Jestli�e nejsou zad�ny\n"
"                   ��dn� sekce, pak jsou sekce z�sk�ny z Info souboru.\n"
"--version          vyp��e ozna�en� verze a skon��.\n"
"  Chyby v programu oznamujte na adrese <bug-texinfo@gnu.org> (pouze "
"obecn� ot�zky sm��ujte na <help-texinfo@gnu.org>. P�ipom�nky\n"
"k p�ekladu zas�lejte na <cs@li.org> (�esky).\n"

#: util/install-info.c:488
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This is the file .../info/dir, which contains the\n"
"topmost node of the Info hierarchy, called (dir)Top.\n"
"The first time you invoke Info you start off looking at this node.\n"
"%s\tThis is the top of the INFO tree\n"
"  This (the Directory node) gives a menu of major topics.\n"
"  Typing \"q\" exits, \"?\" lists all Info commands, \"d\" returns here,\n"
"  \"h\" gives a primer for first-timers,\n"
"  \"mEmacs<Return>\" visits the Emacs manual, etc.\n"
"  In Emacs, you can click mouse button 2 on a menu item or cross reference\n"
"  to select it.\n"
msgstr ""
"  Toto je soubor .../info/dir, kter� obsahuje nejvy��� uzly hierarchie\n"
"Info dokument� a je naz�v�n (dir)Top. Kdy� poprv� spust�te Info dostanete\n"
"se do tohoto uzlu.\n"
"%s      Toto je vrchol INFO stromu\n"
"    Tento (Adres��ov� uzel) obsahuje menu hlavn�ch t�mat.\n"
"  Stiskem \"q\" Info ukon��te, stiskem \"?\" z�sk�te seznam v�ech Info "
"  stiskem \"d\" se vr�t�te sem, stiskem \"h\" z�sk�te n�pov�du pro "
"  naps�n�m \"mEmacs\" si zobraz�te manu�l k Emacsu, atd.\n"
"    Pokud chcete v Emacsu zobrazit obsah polo�ky menu nebo n�sledovat "
"  odkaz, m��ete to prov�st kliknut�m prost�edn�m tla��tkem my�i.\n"
"* Menu:\n"

#: util/install-info.c:513
#, c-format
msgid "%s: could not read (%s) and could not create (%s)\n"
msgstr "%s: %s nelze ��st a %s nelze vytvo�it\n"

#: util/install-info.c:600
#, c-format
msgid "%s: empty file"
msgstr "%s: pr�zdn� soubor"

#: util/install-info.c:913 util/install-info.c:953
msgid "START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY without matching END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY"
msgstr "START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY bez odpov�daj�c�ho END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY"

#: util/install-info.c:948
msgid "END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY without matching START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY"
msgstr "END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY bez p�edchoz�ho START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY"

#: util/install-info.c:1191 util/install-info.c:1201
#, c-format
msgid "%s: already have dir file: %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: util/install-info.c:1236
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Specify the Info file only once.\n"
msgstr "%s: Info soubor zadejte pouze jednou.\n"

#: util/install-info.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "excess command line argument `%s'"
msgstr "nadbyte�n� argument `%s' v p��kazov�m ��dku"

#: util/install-info.c:1288
msgid "No input file specified; try --help for more information."
msgstr ""
"Vstupn� soubor nezad�n; pou�it�m p�ep�na�e --help z�sk�te bli��� informace."

#: util/install-info.c:1291
msgid "No dir file specified; try --help for more information."
msgstr ""
"Adres�� nebyl zad�n; pou�it�m p�ep�na�e `--help' z�sk�te bli��� informace"

#: util/install-info.c:1313
#, c-format
msgid "no info dir entry in `%s'"
msgstr "v Info adres��i `%s' nen� ��dn� polo�ka"

#: util/install-info.c:1426
#, c-format
msgid "menu item `%s' already exists, for file `%s'"
msgstr "polo�ka menu `%s' ji� pro soubor `%s' existuje"

#: util/install-info.c:1449
#, c-format
msgid "no entries found for `%s'; nothing deleted"
msgstr "pro `%s' nebyly nalezeny ��dn� polo�ky"

#: util/texindex.c:252
msgid "display this help and exit"
msgstr "vyp��e tuto n�pov�du a skon��"

#: util/texindex.c:254
msgid "keep temporary files around after processing"
msgstr "zanech� do�asn� soubory po ukon�en�"

#: util/texindex.c:256
msgid "do not keep temporary files around after processing (default)"
msgstr "nezanech� do�asn� soubory po ukon�en�"

#: util/texindex.c:258
msgid "send output to FILE"
msgstr "zap��e v�stup do SOUBORu"

#: util/texindex.c:260
msgid "display version information and exit"
msgstr "vyp��e ozna�en� verze a skon��"

#: util/texindex.c:270
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILE...\n"
msgstr "Pou�it�: %s [P�EP�NA�]... SOUBOR...\n"

#: util/texindex.c:271
#, c-format
msgid "Generate a sorted index for each TeX output FILE.\n"
msgstr "Generuje se�azen� rejst��k pro ka�d� TeXovsk� v�stupn� SOUBOR.\n"

#: util/texindex.c:274
#, c-format
msgid "Usually FILE... is specified as `foo.%c%c' for a document `foo.texi'.\n"
msgstr "SOUBOR... je obvykle `foo.%c%c' pro dokument `foo.texi'.\n"

#: util/texindex.c:276
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: util/texindex.c:876 util/texindex.c:910 util/texindex.c:983
#: util/texindex.c:1011
#, c-format
msgid "%s: not a texinfo index file"
msgstr "%s: nen� texinfovsk� rejst��k"

#: util/texindex.c:968
#, c-format
msgid "failure reopening %s"
msgstr "soubor %s nepovedlo se znovu otev��t"

#: util/texindex.c:1218
#, c-format
msgid "No page number in %s"
msgstr "Na %s nen� ��slo str�nky"

#: util/texindex.c:1291
#, c-format
msgid "entry %s follows an entry with a secondary name"
msgstr "polo�ka %s n�sleduje za polo�kou se sekund�rn�m jm�nem"

#~ msgid "%s: Specify the Info directory only once.\n"
#~ msgstr "%s: Info adres�� zadejte pouze jednou.\n"

#~ msgid "\"\" is invalid"
#~ msgstr "Sekvence kl�ves \"\" je neplatn�"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%s is an invalid ISO code, using %c"
#~ msgstr "%s nen� platn� k�d jazyka (podle ISO 639)"

#~ msgid "Cannot specify more than one macro expansion output"
#~ msgstr "Pro expanzi makra nelze zadat v�ce ne� jeden v�stup"

#~ msgid "see "
#~ msgstr "viz"

#~ msgid "`.' or `,' must follow cross reference, not %c"
#~ msgstr "`.' nebo `,' mus� n�sledovat za k���ov�m odkazem, ale ne za %c"

#~ msgid "Node:"
#~ msgstr "Uzel:"

#~ msgid "%s: TOC should be here, but it was not found"
#~ msgstr "%s: Obsah b�l b�t zde, ale nebyl nalezen"

#~ msgid "virtual memory exhausted"
#~ msgstr "virtu�ln� pam� vy�erp�na"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No `%s.png' or `.jpg', and no extension supplied"
#~ msgstr "��dn� .png nebo .jpg soubor pro `%s'"

#~ msgid "%s; for file `%s'.\n"
#~ msgstr "%s; pro soubor `%s'.\n"

#~ msgid "`%s' has no Up field"
#~ msgstr "`%s' nem� zad�n vy��� uzel"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "\\%-10[scroll-forward]  Scroll forward 1 line.\n"
#~ msgstr "  %-10s  Posun o jeden ��dek dop�edu.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "\\%-10[scroll-backward]  Scroll backward 1 line.\n"
#~ msgstr "  %-10s  Posun o jeden ��dek dozadu.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Email bug reports to bug-texinfo@gnu.org,\n"
#~ "general questions and discussion to help-texinfo@gnu.org."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "  Chyby v programu oznamujte na adrese <bug-texinfo@gnu.org> (pouze "
#~ "anglicky),\n"
#~ "obecn� ot�zky sm��ujte na <help-texinfo@gnu.org>. P�ipom�nky k p�ekladu\n"
#~ "zas�lejte na <cs@li.org> (�esky).\n"

#~ msgid "******************************\n"
#~ msgstr "******************************\n"

#~ msgid "---------------------\n"
#~ msgstr "---------------------\n"

#~ msgid "----------------------\n"
#~ msgstr "----------------------\n"

#~ msgid "---------------\n"
#~ msgstr "---------------\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Usage: %s [OPTION]... TEXINFO-FILE...\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Translate Texinfo source documentation to various other formats:\n"
#~ "Info files suitable for reading online with Emacs or standalone GNU Info\n"
#~ "(by default); plain text (with --no-headers); or HTML (with --html).\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Options:\n"
#~ " --commands-in-node-names  allow @ commands in node names.\n"
#~ " -D VAR                    define a variable, as with @set.\n"
#~ "--docbook                  output DocBook rather than Info format.\n"
#~ " -E, --macro-expand FILE   output macro-expanded source to FILE.\n"
#~ " --error-limit=NUM         quit after NUM errors (default %d).\n"
#~ " --fill-column=NUM         break Info lines at NUM characters (default %"
#~ "d).\n"
#~ " --footnote-style=STYLE    output footnotes according to STYLE:\n"
#~ "                            `separate' to place footnotes in their own "
#~ "node,\n"
#~ "                            `end' to place the footnotes at the end of "
#~ "the\n"
#~ "                             node in which they are defined (the "
#~ "default).\n"
#~ " --force                   preserve output even if errors.\n"
#~ " --help                    display this help and exit.\n"
#~ " --html                    output HTML rather than Info format.\n"
#~ " -I DIR                    append DIR to the @include search path.\n"
#~ " --ifhtml                  process @ifhtml and @html text even when not\n"
#~ "                            generating HTML.\n"
#~ " --ifinfo                  process @ifinfo text even when generating "
#~ "HTML.\n"
#~ " --iftex                   process @iftex and @tex text.\n"
#~ "                            implies --no-split.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pou�it�: %s [P�EP�NA�]... TEXINFO-SOUBOR...\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "  P�ekl�d� Texinfov� zdrojov� soubor to mnoha r�zn�ch form�t�:\n"
#~ "Info soubory vhodn� pro on-line �ten� Emacsem nebo samostatn�m GNU Info\n"
#~ "prohl��e�em (implicitn�); �ist� text (p�ep�na�em --no-headers); nebo "
#~ "HTML\n"
#~ "(p�ep�na�em --html).\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "P�ep�na�e:\n"
#~ "--commands-in-node-names  dovoluje @ p��kazy v n�zvech uzl�\n"
#~ "-D PROM�NN�               definuje prom�nnou, jako p��kaz @set\n"
#~ "-E, --macro-expand SOUBOR v�stup zdrojov�ch text� s expandovan�mi makry\n"
#~ "                           do SOUBORu\n"
#~ "--error-limit=��SLO       ukon�i se po ��SLO chyb�ch (implicitn� %d)\n"
#~ "--fill-column=��SLO       zalamov�n� na ��SLO znak� (implicitn� %d)\n"
#~ "--footnote-style=STYL     um�st�n� pozn�mek pod �arou podle STYLu:\n"
#~ "                           `separate' um�st�n� pozn�mek pod �arou do\n"
#~ "                            samostatn�ho uzlu;\n"
#~ "                           `end' um�st�n� pozn�mek pod �arou na konec "
#~ "uzlu,\n"
#~ "                            ve kter�m jsou definov�ny (implicitn�);\n"
#~ "--force                   zanech� v�stup dokonce i p�i chyb�ch\n"
#~ "--help                  vyp��e tuto n�pov�du a skon��\n"
#~ "--html                  v�stup v HTML form�tu\n"
#~ "-I ADRES��              p�id� ADRES�� na konec seznamu adres���, ve "
#~ "kter�ch\n"
#~ "                        jsou hled�ny soubory pro @include\n"
#~ "--ifhtml                zp�sob� zpracov�n� @ifhtml a @html, i kdy� nen�\n"
#~ "                         v�stupem form�t HTML\n"
#~ "--ifinfo                zp�sob� zpracov�n� @ifinfo, i kdy� je v�stupem "
#~ "HTML\n"
#~ "--iftex                 zp�sob� zpracov�n� @iftex a @tex textu\n"
#~ "                         zahrnuje --no-split.\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ " --no-headers              suppress Info node separators and Node: "
#~ "lines;\n"
#~ "                            write to standard output without --output.\n"
#~ " --no-ifhtml               do not process @ifhtml and @html text.\n"
#~ " --no-ifinfo               do not process @ifinfo text.\n"
#~ " --no-iftex                do not process @iftex and @tex text.\n"
#~ " --no-split                suppress splitting of Info or HTML output,\n"
#~ "                            generate only one output file.\n"
#~ " --no-validate             suppress node cross-reference validation.\n"
#~ " --no-warn                 suppress warnings (but not errors).\n"
#~ " --number-sections         include chapter, section, etc. numbers in "
#~ "output.\n"
#~ " -o, --output=FILE         output to FILE (directory if split HTML),\n"
#~ "                            ignoring any @setfilename.\n"
#~ " -P DIR                    prepend DIR to the @include search path.\n"
#~ " --paragraph-indent=VAL    indent Info paragraphs by VAL spaces (default %"
#~ "d).\n"
#~ "                            if VAL is `none', do not indent;\n"
#~ "                            if VAL is `asis', preserve existing "
#~ "indentation.\n"
#~ " --reference-limit=NUM     warn about at most NUM references (default %"
#~ "d).\n"
#~ " --split-size=NUM          split into files at NUM size. (default %d).\n"
#~ " -U VAR                    undefine a variable, as with @clear.\n"
#~ " -v, --verbose             explain what is being done.\n"
#~ " --version                 display version information and exit.\n"
#~ " --xml                     output XML (TexinfoML) rather than Info "
#~ "format.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "--no-headers            potla�� odd�lova�e uzl� a jejich hlavi�ky a "
#~ "zap��e \n"
#~ "                        v�stup na standardn� v�stup (nen�-li zad�no --"
#~ "output)\n"
#~ "--no-ifhtml             zp�sob� nezpracov�n� @ifhtml a @html textu\n"
#~ "--no-ifinfo             zp�sob� nezpracov�n� @ifinfo textu\n"
#~ "--no-iftex              zp�sob� nezpracov�n� @iftex a @tex textu\n"
#~ "--no-split              potla�� rozd�lov�n� velk�ch v�stupn�ch info "
#~ "soubor�\n"
#~ "                         nebo generov�n� jednoho HTML souboru na uzel\n"
#~ "--no-validate           potla�� kontrolu k���ov�ch odkaz�\n"
#~ "--no-warn               potla�� v�pis varov�n� (ne v�ak chyb)\n"
#~ "-o, --output=SOUB       v�stup do SOUBoru, ignoruje p��kaz @setfilename\n"
#~ "-P ADRES��              p�id� ADRES�� na za��tek seznamu adres���, ve "
#~ "kter�ch\n"
#~ "                        jsou hled�ny soubory pro @include\n"
#~ "--paragraph-indent=HODN odsad� odstavce HODN mezerami (implicitn� %d).\n"
#~ "                         jestli�e je HODN `none' neodsazuje;\n"
#~ "                         jestli�e je HODN `asis' zanech� existuj�c� "
#~ "odsazen�.\n"
#~ "--reference-limit=��SLO ozn�m�, bude-li k���ov�ch odkaz� v�ce ne� ��SLO\n"
#~ "                         (implicitn� %d).\n"
#~ "-U PROM�NN�             oddefinuje prom�nnou, jako p��kazem @clear\n"
#~ "-v, --verbose           vypisuje bli��� informace o zpracov�v�n�\n"
#~ "--version               vyp��e ozna�en� verze a skon��\n"