The following is a demonstration of the iopattern program,

Here we run iopattern for a few seconds then hit Ctrl-C. There is a "dd"
command running on this system to intentionally create heavy sequential
disk activity,

   # iopattern
   %RAN %SEQ  COUNT    MIN    MAX    AVG     KR     KW
      1   99    465   4096  57344  52992  23916    148
      0  100    556  57344  57344  57344  31136      0
      0  100    634  57344  57344  57344  35504      0
      6   94    554    512  57344  54034  29184     49
      0  100    489  57344  57344  57344  27384      0
     21   79    568   4096  57344  46188  25576     44
      4   96    431   4096  57344  56118  23620      0

In the above output we can see that the disk activity is mostly sequential.
The disks are also pulling around 30 Mb during each sample, with a large
average event size.

The following demonstrates iopattern while running a "find" command to
cause random disk activity,

   # iopattern
   %RAN %SEQ  COUNT    MIN    MAX    AVG     KR     KW
     86   14    400   1024   8192   1543    603      0
     81   19    455   1024   8192   1606    714      0
     89   11    469    512   8192   1854    550    299
     83   17    463   1024   8192   1782    806      0
     87   13    394   1024   8192   1551    597      0
     85   15    348    512  57344   2835    808    155
     91    9    513    512  47616   2812    570    839
     76   24    317    512  35840   3755    562    600

In the above output, we can see from the percentages that the disk events
were mostly random. We can also see that the average event size is small - 
which makes sense if we are reading through many directory files.

iopattern has options. Here we print timestamps "-v" and measure every 10

   # iopattern -v 10
   TIME                 %RAN %SEQ  COUNT    MIN    MAX    AVG     KR     KW
   2005 Jul 25 20:40:55   97    3     33    512   8192   1163      8     29
   2005 Jul 25 20:41:05    0    0      0      0      0      0      0      0
   2005 Jul 25 20:41:15   84   16      6    512  11776   5973     22     13
   2005 Jul 25 20:41:25  100    0     26    512   8192   1496      8     30
   2005 Jul 25 20:41:35    0    0      0      0      0      0      0      0