/* $NetBSD: shellutil.c,v 2019/08/10 06:17:21 martin Exp $ */ /* shellutil.c - common routines useful when building shell-based backends */ /* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * Copyright 1998-2019 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ /* Portions Copyright (c) 1995 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given * to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. This software * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. */ /* ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: * This work was originally developed by the University of Michigan * (as part of U-MICH LDAP). */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __RCSID("$NetBSD: shellutil.c,v 2019/08/10 06:17:21 martin Exp $"); #include "portable.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <ac/stdlib.h> #include <ac/stdarg.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <ac/ctype.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include <lber.h> #include <ldap.h> #include "shellutil.h" int debugflg; char *progname; static struct inputparams ips[] = { IP_TYPE_SUFFIX, "suffix", IP_TYPE_BASE, "base", IP_TYPE_SCOPE, "scope", IP_TYPE_ALIASDEREF, "deref", IP_TYPE_SIZELIMIT, "sizelimit", IP_TYPE_TIMELIMIT, "timelimit", IP_TYPE_FILTER, "filter", IP_TYPE_ATTRS, "attrs", IP_TYPE_ATTRSONLY, "attrsonly", 0, NULL }; void write_result( FILE *fp, int code, char *matched, char *info ) { fprintf( fp, "RESULT\ncode: %d\n", code ); debug_printf( ">> RESULT\n" ); debug_printf( ">> code: %d\n", code ); if ( matched != NULL ) { fprintf( fp, "matched: %s\n", matched ); debug_printf( ">> matched: %s\n", matched ); } if ( info != NULL ) { fprintf( fp, "info: %s\n", info ); debug_printf( ">> info: %s\n", info ); } } void write_entry( struct ldop *op, struct ldentry *entry, FILE *ofp ) { struct ldattr **app; char **valp; fprintf( ofp, "dn: %s\n", entry->lde_dn ); for ( app = entry->lde_attrs; *app != NULL; ++app ) { if ( attr_requested( (*app)->lda_name, op )) { for ( valp = (*app)->lda_values; *valp != NULL; ++valp ) { fprintf( ofp, "%s: %s\n", (*app)->lda_name, *valp ); } } } fputc( '\n', ofp ); } int test_filter( struct ldop *op, struct ldentry *entry ) { return ((random() & 0x07 ) == 0x07) /* XXX random for now */ ? LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE : LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; } int attr_requested( char *name, struct ldop *op ) { char **ap; if ( op->ldop_srch.ldsp_attrs == NULL ) { /* special case */ return( 1 ); } for ( ap = op->ldop_srch.ldsp_attrs; *ap != NULL; ++ap ) { if ( strcasecmp( name, *ap ) == 0 ) { return( 1 ); } } return( 0 ); } void free_entry( struct ldentry *entry ) { struct ldattr **app; char **valp; free( entry->lde_dn ); for ( app = entry->lde_attrs; *app != NULL; ++app ) { for ( valp = (*app)->lda_values; *valp != NULL; ++valp ) { free( *valp ); } free( (*app)->lda_values ); free( (*app)->lda_name ); } free( entry->lde_attrs ); free( entry ); } int parse_input( FILE *ifp, FILE *ofp, struct ldop *op ) { char *p, *args, line[ MAXLINELEN + 1 ]; struct inputparams *ip; if ( fgets( line, MAXLINELEN, ifp ) == NULL ) { write_result( ofp, LDAP_OTHER, NULL, "Empty Input" ); } line[ strlen( line ) - 1 ] = '\0'; if ( strncasecmp( line, STR_OP_SEARCH, sizeof( STR_OP_SEARCH ) - 1 ) != 0 ) { write_result( ofp, LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, NULL, "Operation Not Supported" ); return( -1 ); } op->ldop_op = LDOP_SEARCH; while ( fgets( line, MAXLINELEN, ifp ) != NULL ) { line[ strlen( line ) - 1 ] = '\0'; debug_printf( "<< %s\n", line ); args = line; if (( ip = find_input_tag( &args )) == NULL ) { debug_printf( "ignoring %s\n", line ); continue; } switch( ip->ip_type ) { case IP_TYPE_SUFFIX: add_strval( &op->ldop_suffixes, args ); break; case IP_TYPE_BASE: op->ldop_dn = estrdup( args ); break; case IP_TYPE_SCOPE: if ( lutil_atoi( &op->ldop_srch.ldsp_scope, args ) != 0 || ( op->ldop_srch.ldsp_scope != LDAP_SCOPE_BASE && op->ldop_srch.ldsp_scope != LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL && op->ldop_srch.ldsp_scope != LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE ) ) { write_result( ofp, LDAP_OTHER, NULL, "Bad scope" ); return( -1 ); } break; case IP_TYPE_ALIASDEREF: if ( lutil_atoi( &op->ldop_srch.ldsp_aliasderef, args ) != 0 ) { write_result( ofp, LDAP_OTHER, NULL, "Bad alias deref" ); return( -1 ); } break; case IP_TYPE_SIZELIMIT: if ( lutil_atoi( &op->ldop_srch.ldsp_sizelimit, args ) != 0 ) { write_result( ofp, LDAP_OTHER, NULL, "Bad size limit" ); return( -1 ); } break; case IP_TYPE_TIMELIMIT: if ( lutil_atoi( &op->ldop_srch.ldsp_timelimit, args ) != 0 ) { write_result( ofp, LDAP_OTHER, NULL, "Bad time limit" ); return( -1 ); } break; case IP_TYPE_FILTER: op->ldop_srch.ldsp_filter = estrdup( args ); break; case IP_TYPE_ATTRSONLY: op->ldop_srch.ldsp_attrsonly = ( *args != '0' ); break; case IP_TYPE_ATTRS: if ( strcmp( args, "all" ) == 0 ) { op->ldop_srch.ldsp_attrs = NULL; } else { while ( args != NULL ) { if (( p = strchr( args, ' ' )) != NULL ) { *p++ = '\0'; while ( isspace( (unsigned char) *p )) { ++p; } } add_strval( &op->ldop_srch.ldsp_attrs, args ); args = p; } } break; } } if ( op->ldop_suffixes == NULL || op->ldop_dn == NULL || op->ldop_srch.ldsp_filter == NULL ) { write_result( ofp, LDAP_OTHER, NULL, "Required suffix:, base:, or filter: missing" ); return( -1 ); } return( 0 ); } struct inputparams * find_input_tag( char **linep ) /* linep is set to start of args */ { int i; char *p; if (( p = strchr( *linep, ':' )) == NULL || p == *linep ) { return( NULL ); } for ( i = 0; ips[ i ].ip_type != 0; ++i ) { if ( strncasecmp( *linep, ips[ i ].ip_tag, p - *linep ) == 0 ) { while ( isspace( (unsigned char) *(++p) )) { ; } *linep = p; return( &ips[ i ] ); } } return( NULL ); } void add_strval( char ***sp, char *val ) { int i; char **vallist; vallist = *sp; if ( vallist == NULL ) { i = 0; } else { for ( i = 0; vallist[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { ; } } vallist = (char **)erealloc( vallist, ( i + 2 ) * sizeof( char * )); vallist[ i ] = estrdup( val ); vallist[ ++i ] = NULL; *sp = vallist; } char * estrdup( char *s ) { char *p; if (( p = strdup( s )) == NULL ) { debug_printf( "strdup failed\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } return( p ); } void * erealloc( void *s, unsigned size ) { char *p; if ( s == NULL ) { p = malloc( size ); } else { p = realloc( s, size ); } if ( p == NULL ) { debug_printf( "realloc( p, %d ) failed\n", size ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } return( p ); } char * ecalloc( unsigned nelem, unsigned elsize ) { char *p; if (( p = calloc( nelem, elsize )) == NULL ) { debug_printf( "calloc( %d, %d ) failed\n", nelem, elsize ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } return( p ); } #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG /* VARARGS */ void debug_printf( const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list ap; if ( debugflg ) { va_start( ap, fmt ); fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", progname ); vfprintf( stderr, fmt, ap ); va_end( ap ); } } void dump_ldop( struct ldop *op ) { if ( !debugflg ) { return; } debug_printf( "SEARCH operation\n" ); if ( op->ldop_suffixes == NULL ) { debug_printf( " suffix: NONE\n" ); } else { int i; for ( i = 0; op->ldop_suffixes[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { debug_printf( " suffix: <%s>\n", op->ldop_suffixes[ i ] ); } } debug_printf( " dn: <%s>\n", op->ldop_dn ); debug_printf( " scope: <%d>\n", op->ldop_srch.ldsp_scope ); debug_printf( " filter: <%s>\n", op->ldop_srch.ldsp_filter ); debug_printf( "aliasderef: <%d>\n", op->ldop_srch.ldsp_aliasderef ); debug_printf( " sizelimit: <%d>\n", op->ldop_srch.ldsp_sizelimit ); debug_printf( " timelimit: <%d>\n", op->ldop_srch.ldsp_timelimit ); debug_printf( " attrsonly: <%d>\n", op->ldop_srch.ldsp_attrsonly ); if ( op->ldop_srch.ldsp_attrs == NULL ) { debug_printf( " attrs: ALL\n" ); } else { int i; for ( i = 0; op->ldop_srch.ldsp_attrs[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { debug_printf( " attrs: <%s>\n", op->ldop_srch.ldsp_attrs[ i ] ); } } } #endif /* LDAP_DEBUG */