# # Our build-time options # # # Define options # These can be set at the command line; e.g., "cmake -DUSE_JPEG=OFF" # option(USE_XPM "Enable XPM support" ON ) option(USE_JPEG "Enable libjpeg support" ON ) option(USE_M4 "Enable m4 support" ON ) option(USE_RPLAY "Enable librplay sound support" OFF) option(USE_SREGEX "Use regex from libc" ON ) option(USE_EWMH "Support some Extended Window Manager Hints" ON ) # # Now check what's set, make sure we can find stuff, and configure bits # up. # # Hard to imagine xpm not being around or somebody not wanting it, but... if(USE_XPM) if(NOT X11_Xpm_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Couldn't find XPM libs") endif(NOT X11_Xpm_FOUND) list(APPEND CTWMLIBS ${X11_Xpm_LIB}) list(APPEND CTWMSRC image_xpm.c) message(STATUS "Enabling XPM support: ${X11_Xpm_LIB}") # DATADIR should already be defined; guard against me being stupid # when I change something if(NOT DATADIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Internal error: DATADIR not defined!") endif(NOT DATADIR) endif(USE_XPM) # libjpeg is pretty common if(USE_JPEG) find_package(JPEG) if(NOT JPEG_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Couldn't find libjpeg") endif() include_directories(${JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR}) list(APPEND CTWMLIBS ${JPEG_LIBRARIES}) list(APPEND CTWMSRC image_jpeg.c) message(STATUS "Enabling libjpeg support.") endif(USE_JPEG) # m4 is on by default too if(USE_M4) if(NOT M4_CMD) find_program(M4_CMD m4 gm4) endif(NOT M4_CMD) if(NOT M4_CMD) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find m4 program: try setting M4_CMD.") endif(NOT M4_CMD) list(APPEND CTWMSRC parse_m4.c) message(STATUS "Enabling m4 support (${M4_CMD}).") endif(USE_M4) # rplay off by default if(USE_SOUND) message(WARNING "USE_SOUND is deprecated; use USE_RPLAY instead.") set(USE_RPLAY YES) endif(USE_SOUND) if(USE_RPLAY) find_library(LIBRPLAY NAMES rplay PATHS ${LIBSEARCH}) if(NOT LIBRPLAY) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find librplay lib.") endif(NOT LIBRPLAY) find_path(LIBRPLAY_INCLUDE_DIR NAME rplay.h PATHS ${INCSEARCH}) if(NOT LIBRPLAY_INCLUDE_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find rplay.h.") endif(NOT LIBRPLAY_INCLUDE_DIR) list(APPEND CTWMSRC sound.c) list(APPEND CTWMLIBS ${LIBRPLAY}) include_directories(${LIBRPLAY_INCLUDE_DIR}) message(STATUS "Enabling librplay sound support.") endif(USE_RPLAY) # Check if the user wants EWMH support built in. if(USE_EWMH) # Hand-build ewmh_atoms.[ch] set(ewmh_atoms ewmh_atoms.h ewmh_atoms.c) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${ewmh_atoms} DEPENDS ewmh_atoms.in ${TOOLS}/mk_atoms.sh COMMAND ${TOOLS}/mk_atoms.sh ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ewmh_atoms.in ewmh_atoms EWMH ) list(APPEND CTWMSRC ewmh.c ewmh_atoms.c) message(STATUS "Enabling Extended Window Manager Hints support.") else() message(STATUS "Disabling Extended Window Manager Hints support.") endif(USE_EWMH) # System provides regex stuff in libc? if(USE_SREGEX) check_include_files(regex.h HAS_REGEX_H) check_function_exists(regexec HAS_REGEXEC) if(NOT HAS_REGEX_H) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find regex.h") endif(NOT HAS_REGEX_H) if(NOT HAS_REGEXEC) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find regexec()") endif(NOT HAS_REGEXEC) message(STATUS "Enabling libc regex usage.") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "USE_SREGEX=OFF no longer supported.") endif(USE_SREGEX)