 * Copyright 2007 VMware, Inc.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
 * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
 * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
 * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
 * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
 * the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
 * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
 * of the Software.


#include "p_compiler.h"
#include "p_format.h"
#include "p_video_enums.h"
#include "p_defines.h"
#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

struct pipe_blend_color;
struct pipe_blend_state;
struct pipe_blit_info;
struct pipe_box;
struct pipe_clip_state;
struct pipe_constant_buffer;
struct pipe_debug_callback;
struct pipe_depth_stencil_alpha_state;
struct pipe_device_reset_callback;
struct pipe_draw_info;
struct pipe_draw_indirect_info;
struct pipe_draw_start_count_bias;
struct pipe_draw_vertex_state_info;
struct pipe_grid_info;
struct pipe_fence_handle;
struct pipe_framebuffer_state;
struct pipe_image_view;
struct pipe_query;
struct pipe_poly_stipple;
struct pipe_rasterizer_state;
struct pipe_resolve_info;
struct pipe_resource;
struct pipe_sampler_state;
struct pipe_sampler_view;
struct pipe_scissor_state;
struct pipe_shader_buffer;
struct pipe_shader_state;
struct pipe_stencil_ref;
struct pipe_stream_output_target;
struct pipe_surface;
struct pipe_transfer;
struct pipe_vertex_buffer;
struct pipe_vertex_element;
struct pipe_vertex_state;
struct pipe_video_buffer;
struct pipe_video_codec;
struct pipe_viewport_state;
struct pipe_compute_state;
union pipe_color_union;
union pipe_query_result;
struct u_log_context;
struct u_upload_mgr;

 * Gallium rendering context.  Basically:
 *  - state setting functions
 *  - VBO drawing functions
 *  - surface functions
struct pipe_context {
   struct pipe_screen *screen;

   void *priv;  /**< context private data (for DRI for example) */
   void *draw;  /**< private, for draw module (temporary?) */

    * Stream uploaders created by the driver. All drivers, gallium frontends, and
    * modules should use them.
    * Use u_upload_alloc or u_upload_data as many times as you want.
    * Once you are done, use u_upload_unmap.
   struct u_upload_mgr *stream_uploader; /* everything but shader constants */
   struct u_upload_mgr *const_uploader;  /* shader constants only */

   void (*destroy)( struct pipe_context * );

    * VBO drawing
    * Multi draw.
    * For indirect multi draws, num_draws is 1 and indirect->draw_count
    * is used instead.
    * Caps:
    * - Always supported: Direct multi draws
    * - PIPE_CAP_MULTI_DRAW_INDIRECT: Indirect multi draws
    * - PIPE_CAP_MULTI_DRAW_INDIRECT_PARAMS: Indirect draw count
    * Differences against glMultiDraw and glMultiMode:
    * - "info->mode" and "draws->index_bias" are always constant due to the lack
    *   of hardware support and CPU performance concerns. Only start and count
    *   vary.
    * - if "info->increment_draw_id" is false, draw_id doesn't change between
    *   draws
    * Direct multi draws are also generated by u_threaded_context, which looks
    * ahead in gallium command buffers and merges single draws.
    * \param pipe          context
    * \param info          draw info
    * \param drawid_offset offset to add for drawid param of each draw
    * \param indirect      indirect multi draws
    * \param draws         array of (start, count) pairs for direct draws
    * \param num_draws     number of direct draws; 1 for indirect multi draws
   void (*draw_vbo)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                    const struct pipe_draw_info *info,
                    unsigned drawid_offset,
                    const struct pipe_draw_indirect_info *indirect,
                    const struct pipe_draw_start_count_bias *draws,
                    unsigned num_draws);

    * Multi draw for display lists.
    * For more information, see pipe_vertex_state and
    * pipe_draw_vertex_state_info.
    * Explanation of partial_vertex_mask:
    * 1. pipe_vertex_state::input::elements have a monotonic logical index
    *    determined by pipe_vertex_state::input::full_velem_mask, specifically,
    *    the position of the i-th bit set is the logical index of the i-th
    *    vertex element, up to 31.
    * 2. pipe_vertex_state::input::partial_velem_mask is a subset of
    *    full_velem_mask where the bits set determine which vertex elements
    *    should be bound contiguously. The vertex elements corresponding to
    *    the bits not set in partial_velem_mask should be ignored.
    * Those two allow creating pipe_vertex_state that has more vertex
    * attributes than the vertex shader has inputs. The idea is that
    * pipe_vertex_state can be used with any vertex shader that has the same
    * number of inputs and same logical indices or less. This may sound like
    * an overly complicated way to bind a subset of vertex elements, but it
    * actually simplifies everything else:
    * - In st/mesa, full_velem_mask is exactly the mask of enabled vertex
    *   attributes (VERT_ATTRIB_x) in the display list VAO, while
    *   partial_velem_mask is exactly the inputs_read mask of the vertex
    *   shader (also VERT_ATTRIB_x).
    * - In the driver, some bit ops and popcnt is needed to assemble vertex
    *   elements very quickly.
   void (*draw_vertex_state)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                             struct pipe_vertex_state *state,
                             uint32_t partial_velem_mask,
                             struct pipe_draw_vertex_state_info info,
                             const struct pipe_draw_start_count_bias *draws,
                             unsigned num_draws);

    * Predicate subsequent rendering on occlusion query result
    * \param query  the query predicate, or NULL if no predicate
    * \param condition whether to skip on FALSE or TRUE query results
    * \param mode  one of PIPE_RENDER_COND_x
   void (*render_condition)( struct pipe_context *pipe,
                             struct pipe_query *query,
                             bool condition,
                             enum pipe_render_cond_flag mode );

    * Predicate subsequent rendering on a value in a buffer
    * \param buffer The buffer to query for the value
    * \param offset Offset in the buffer to query 32-bit
    * \param condition whether to skip on FALSE or TRUE query results
   void (*render_condition_mem)( struct pipe_context *pipe,
                                 struct pipe_resource *buffer,
                                 uint32_t offset,
                                 bool condition );
    * Query objects
   struct pipe_query *(*create_query)( struct pipe_context *pipe,
                                       unsigned query_type,
                                       unsigned index );

    * Create a query object that queries all given query types simultaneously.
    * This can only be used for those query types for which
    * get_driver_query_info indicates that it must be used. Only one batch
    * query object may be active at a time.
    * There may be additional constraints on which query types can be used
    * together, in particular those that are implied by
    * get_driver_query_group_info.
    * \param num_queries the number of query types
    * \param query_types array of \p num_queries query types
    * \return a query object, or NULL on error.
   struct pipe_query *(*create_batch_query)( struct pipe_context *pipe,
                                             unsigned num_queries,
                                             unsigned *query_types );

   void (*destroy_query)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                         struct pipe_query *q);

   bool (*begin_query)(struct pipe_context *pipe, struct pipe_query *q);
   bool (*end_query)(struct pipe_context *pipe, struct pipe_query *q);

    * Get results of a query.
    * \param wait  if true, this query will block until the result is ready
    * \return TRUE if results are ready, FALSE otherwise
   bool (*get_query_result)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                            struct pipe_query *q,
                            bool wait,
                            union pipe_query_result *result);

    * Get results of a query, storing into resource. Note that this may not
    * be used with batch queries.
    * \param wait  if true, this query will block until the result is ready
    * \param result_type  the type of the value being stored:
    * \param index  for queries that return multiple pieces of data, which
    *               item of that data to store (e.g. for
    *               When the index is -1, instead of the value of the query
    *               the driver should instead write a 1 or 0 to the appropriate
    *               location with 1 meaning that the query result is available.
   void (*get_query_result_resource)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                                     struct pipe_query *q,
                                     bool wait,
                                     enum pipe_query_value_type result_type,
                                     int index,
                                     struct pipe_resource *resource,
                                     unsigned offset);

    * Set whether all current non-driver queries except TIME_ELAPSED are
    * active or paused.
   void (*set_active_query_state)(struct pipe_context *pipe, bool enable);

    * INTEL Performance Query

   unsigned (*init_intel_perf_query_info)(struct pipe_context *pipe);

   void (*get_intel_perf_query_info)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                                     unsigned query_index,
                                     const char **name,
                                     uint32_t *data_size,
                                     uint32_t *n_counters,
                                     uint32_t *n_active);

   void (*get_intel_perf_query_counter_info)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                                             unsigned query_index,
                                             unsigned counter_index,
                                             const char **name,
                                             const char **desc,
                                             uint32_t *offset,
                                             uint32_t *data_size,
                                             uint32_t *type_enum,
                                             uint32_t *data_type_enum,
                                             uint64_t *raw_max);

   struct pipe_query *(*new_intel_perf_query_obj)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                                                 unsigned query_index);

   bool (*begin_intel_perf_query)(struct pipe_context *pipe, struct pipe_query *q);

   void (*end_intel_perf_query)(struct pipe_context *pipe, struct pipe_query *q);

   void (*delete_intel_perf_query)(struct pipe_context *pipe, struct pipe_query *q);

   void (*wait_intel_perf_query)(struct pipe_context *pipe, struct pipe_query *q);

   bool (*is_intel_perf_query_ready)(struct pipe_context *pipe, struct pipe_query *q);

   bool (*get_intel_perf_query_data)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                                     struct pipe_query *q,
                                     size_t data_size,
                                     uint32_t *data,
                                     uint32_t *bytes_written);


    * State functions (create/bind/destroy state objects)
   void * (*create_blend_state)(struct pipe_context *,
                                const struct pipe_blend_state *);
   void   (*bind_blend_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);
   void   (*delete_blend_state)(struct pipe_context *, void  *);

   void * (*create_sampler_state)(struct pipe_context *,
                                  const struct pipe_sampler_state *);
   void   (*bind_sampler_states)(struct pipe_context *,
                                 enum pipe_shader_type shader,
                                 unsigned start_slot, unsigned num_samplers,
                                 void **samplers);
   void   (*delete_sampler_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);

   void * (*create_rasterizer_state)(struct pipe_context *,
                                     const struct pipe_rasterizer_state *);
   void   (*bind_rasterizer_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);
   void   (*delete_rasterizer_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);

   void * (*create_depth_stencil_alpha_state)(struct pipe_context *,
                                        const struct pipe_depth_stencil_alpha_state *);
   void   (*bind_depth_stencil_alpha_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);
   void   (*delete_depth_stencil_alpha_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);

   void * (*create_fs_state)(struct pipe_context *,
                             const struct pipe_shader_state *);
   void   (*bind_fs_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);
   void   (*delete_fs_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);

   void * (*create_vs_state)(struct pipe_context *,
                             const struct pipe_shader_state *);
   void   (*bind_vs_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);
   void   (*delete_vs_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);

   void * (*create_gs_state)(struct pipe_context *,
                             const struct pipe_shader_state *);
   void   (*bind_gs_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);
   void   (*delete_gs_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);

   void * (*create_tcs_state)(struct pipe_context *,
                              const struct pipe_shader_state *);
   void   (*bind_tcs_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);
   void   (*delete_tcs_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);

   void * (*create_tes_state)(struct pipe_context *,
                              const struct pipe_shader_state *);
   void   (*bind_tes_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);
   void   (*delete_tes_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);

   void * (*create_vertex_elements_state)(struct pipe_context *,
                                          unsigned num_elements,
                                          const struct pipe_vertex_element *);
   void   (*bind_vertex_elements_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);
   void   (*delete_vertex_elements_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);


    * Parameter-like state (or properties)
   void (*set_blend_color)( struct pipe_context *,
                            const struct pipe_blend_color * );

   void (*set_stencil_ref)( struct pipe_context *,
                            const struct pipe_stencil_ref ref);

   void (*set_sample_mask)( struct pipe_context *,
                            unsigned sample_mask );

   void (*set_min_samples)( struct pipe_context *,
                            unsigned min_samples );

   void (*set_clip_state)( struct pipe_context *,
                            const struct pipe_clip_state * );

    * Set constant buffer
    * \param shader           Shader stage
    * \param index            Buffer binding slot index within a shader stage
    * \param take_ownership   The callee takes ownership of the buffer reference.
    *                         (the callee shouldn't increment the ref count)
    * \param buf              Constant buffer parameters
   void (*set_constant_buffer)( struct pipe_context *,
                                enum pipe_shader_type shader, uint index,
                                bool take_ownership,
                                const struct pipe_constant_buffer *buf );

    * Set inlinable constants for constant buffer 0.
    * These are constants that the driver would like to inline in the IR
    * of the current shader and recompile it. Drivers can determine which
    * constants they prefer to inline in finalize_nir and store that
    * information in shader_info::*inlinable_uniform*. When the state tracker
    * or frontend uploads constants to a constant buffer, it can pass
    * inlinable constants separately via this call.
    * Any set_constant_buffer call invalidates this state, so this function
    * must be called after it. Binding a shader also invalidates this state.
    * There is no PIPE_CAP for this. Drivers shouldn't set the shader_info
    * fields if they don't want this or if they don't implement this.
   void (*set_inlinable_constants)( struct pipe_context *,
                                    enum pipe_shader_type shader,
                                    uint num_values, uint32_t *values );

   void (*set_framebuffer_state)( struct pipe_context *,
                                  const struct pipe_framebuffer_state * );

    * Set the sample locations used during rasterization. When NULL or sized
    * zero, the default locations are used.
    * Note that get_sample_position() still returns the default locations.
    * The samples are accessed with
    * locations[(pixel_y*grid_w+pixel_x)*ms+i],
    * where:
    * ms      = the sample count
    * grid_w  = the pixel grid width for the sample count
    * grid_w  = the pixel grid height for the sample count
    * pixel_x = the window x coordinate modulo grid_w
    * pixel_y = the window y coordinate modulo grid_w
    * i       = the sample index
    * This gives a result with the x coordinate as the low 4 bits and the y
    * coordinate as the high 4 bits. For each coordinate 0 is the left or top
    * edge of the pixel's rectangle and 16 (not 15) is the right or bottom edge.
    * Out of bounds accesses are return undefined values.
    * The pixel grid is used to vary sample locations across pixels and its
    * size can be queried with get_sample_pixel_grid().
   void (*set_sample_locations)( struct pipe_context *,
                                 size_t size, const uint8_t *locations );

   void (*set_polygon_stipple)( struct pipe_context *,
                                const struct pipe_poly_stipple * );

   void (*set_scissor_states)( struct pipe_context *,
                               unsigned start_slot,
                               unsigned num_scissors,
                               const struct pipe_scissor_state * );

   void (*set_window_rectangles)( struct pipe_context *,
                                  bool include,
                                  unsigned num_rectangles,
                                  const struct pipe_scissor_state * );

   void (*set_viewport_states)( struct pipe_context *,
                                unsigned start_slot,
                                unsigned num_viewports,
                                const struct pipe_viewport_state *);

   void (*set_sampler_views)(struct pipe_context *,
                             enum pipe_shader_type shader,
                             unsigned start_slot, unsigned num_views,
                             unsigned unbind_num_trailing_slots,
                             bool take_ownership,
                             struct pipe_sampler_view **views);

   void (*set_tess_state)(struct pipe_context *,
                          const float default_outer_level[4],
                          const float default_inner_level[2]);

    * Set the number of vertices per input patch for tessellation.
   void (*set_patch_vertices)(struct pipe_context *ctx, uint8_t patch_vertices);

    * Sets the debug callback. If the pointer is null, then no callback is
    * set, otherwise a copy of the data should be made.
   void (*set_debug_callback)(struct pipe_context *,
                              const struct pipe_debug_callback *);

    * Bind an array of shader buffers that will be used by a shader.
    * Any buffers that were previously bound to the specified range
    * will be unbound.
    * \param shader     selects shader stage
    * \param start_slot first buffer slot to bind.
    * \param count      number of consecutive buffers to bind.
    * \param buffers    array of pointers to the buffers to bind, it
    *                   should contain at least \a count elements
    *                   unless it's NULL, in which case no buffers will
    *                   be bound.
    * \param writable_bitmask  If bit i is not set, buffers[i] will only be
    *                          used with loads. If unsure, set to ~0.
   void (*set_shader_buffers)(struct pipe_context *,
                              enum pipe_shader_type shader,
                              unsigned start_slot, unsigned count,
                              const struct pipe_shader_buffer *buffers,
                              unsigned writable_bitmask);

    * Bind an array of hw atomic buffers for use by all shaders.
    * And buffers that were previously bound to the specified range
    * will be unbound.
    * \param start_slot first buffer slot to bind.
    * \param count      number of consecutive buffers to bind.
    * \param buffers    array of pointers to the buffers to bind, it
    *                   should contain at least \a count elements
    *                   unless it's NULL, in which case no buffers will
    *                   be bound.
   void (*set_hw_atomic_buffers)(struct pipe_context *,
                                 unsigned start_slot, unsigned count,
                                 const struct pipe_shader_buffer *buffers);

    * Bind an array of images that will be used by a shader.
    * Any images that were previously bound to the specified range
    * will be unbound.
    * \param shader     selects shader stage
    * \param start_slot first image slot to bind.
    * \param count      number of consecutive images to bind.
    * \param unbind_num_trailing_slots  number of images to unbind after
    *                                   the bound slot
    * \param buffers    array of the images to bind, it
    *                   should contain at least \a count elements
    *                   unless it's NULL, in which case no images will
    *                   be bound.
   void (*set_shader_images)(struct pipe_context *,
                             enum pipe_shader_type shader,
                             unsigned start_slot, unsigned count,
                             unsigned unbind_num_trailing_slots,
                             const struct pipe_image_view *images);

    * Bind an array of vertex buffers to the specified slots.
    * \param start_slot      first vertex buffer slot
    * \param count           number of consecutive vertex buffers to bind.
    * \param unbind_num_trailing_slots  unbind slots after the bound slots
    * \param take_ownership the caller holds buffer references and they
    *                        should be taken over by the callee. This means
    *                        that drivers shouldn't increment reference counts.
    * \param buffers         array of the buffers to bind
   void (*set_vertex_buffers)( struct pipe_context *,
                               unsigned start_slot,
                               unsigned num_buffers,
                               unsigned unbind_num_trailing_slots,
                               bool take_ownership,
                               const struct pipe_vertex_buffer * );


    * Stream output functions.

   struct pipe_stream_output_target *(*create_stream_output_target)(
                        struct pipe_context *,
                        struct pipe_resource *,
                        unsigned buffer_offset,
                        unsigned buffer_size);

   void (*stream_output_target_destroy)(struct pipe_context *,
                                        struct pipe_stream_output_target *);

   void (*set_stream_output_targets)(struct pipe_context *,
                              unsigned num_targets,
                              struct pipe_stream_output_target **targets,
                              const unsigned *offsets);

   uint32_t (*stream_output_target_offset)(struct pipe_stream_output_target *target);


    * INTEL_blackhole_render

   void (*set_frontend_noop)(struct pipe_context *,
                             bool enable);


    * Resource functions for blit-like functionality
    * If a driver supports multisampling, blit must implement color resolve.

    * Copy a block of pixels from one resource to another.
    * The resource must be of the same format.
    * Resources with nr_samples > 1 are not allowed.
   void (*resource_copy_region)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                                struct pipe_resource *dst,
                                unsigned dst_level,
                                unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty, unsigned dstz,
                                struct pipe_resource *src,
                                unsigned src_level,
                                const struct pipe_box *src_box);

   /* Optimal hardware path for blitting pixels.
    * Scaling, format conversion, up- and downsampling (resolve) are allowed.
   void (*blit)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                const struct pipe_blit_info *info);


    * Clear the specified set of currently bound buffers to specified values.
    * The entire buffers are cleared (no scissor, no colormask, etc).
    * \param buffers  bitfield of PIPE_CLEAR_* values.
    * \param scissor_state  the scissored region to clear
    * \param color  pointer to a union of fiu array for each of r, g, b, a.
    * \param depth  depth clear value in [0,1].
    * \param stencil  stencil clear value
   void (*clear)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                 unsigned buffers,
                 const struct pipe_scissor_state *scissor_state,
                 const union pipe_color_union *color,
                 double depth,
                 unsigned stencil);

    * Clear a color rendertarget surface.
    * \param color  pointer to an union of fiu array for each of r, g, b, a.
   void (*clear_render_target)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                               struct pipe_surface *dst,
                               const union pipe_color_union *color,
                               unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty,
                               unsigned width, unsigned height,
                               bool render_condition_enabled);

    * Clear a depth-stencil surface.
    * \param clear_flags  bitfield of PIPE_CLEAR_DEPTH/STENCIL values.
    * \param depth  depth clear value in [0,1].
    * \param stencil  stencil clear value
   void (*clear_depth_stencil)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                               struct pipe_surface *dst,
                               unsigned clear_flags,
                               double depth,
                               unsigned stencil,
                               unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty,
                               unsigned width, unsigned height,
                               bool render_condition_enabled);

    * Clear the texture with the specified texel. Not guaranteed to be a
    * renderable format. Data provided in the resource's format.
   void (*clear_texture)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                         struct pipe_resource *res,
                         unsigned level,
                         const struct pipe_box *box,
                         const void *data);

    * Clear a buffer. Runs a memset over the specified region with the element
    * value passed in through clear_value of size clear_value_size.
   void (*clear_buffer)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                        struct pipe_resource *res,
                        unsigned offset,
                        unsigned size,
                        const void *clear_value,
                        int clear_value_size);

    * If a depth buffer is rendered with different sample location state than
    * what is current at the time of reading, the values may differ because
    * depth buffer compression can depend the sample locations.
    * This function is a hint to decompress the current depth buffer to avoid
    * such problems.
   void (*evaluate_depth_buffer)(struct pipe_context *pipe);

    * Flush draw commands.
    * This guarantees that the new fence (if any) will finish in finite time,
    * unless PIPE_FLUSH_DEFERRED is used.
    * Subsequent operations on other contexts of the same screen are guaranteed
    * to execute after the flushed commands, unless PIPE_FLUSH_ASYNC is used.
    * NOTE: use screen->fence_reference() (or equivalent) to transfer
    * new fence ref to **fence, to ensure that previous fence is unref'd
    * \param fence  if not NULL, an old fence to unref and transfer a
    *    new fence reference to
    * \param flags  bitfield of enum pipe_flush_flags values.
   void (*flush)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                 struct pipe_fence_handle **fence,
                 unsigned flags);

    * Create a fence from a fd.
    * This is used for importing a foreign/external fence fd.
    * \param fence  if not NULL, an old fence to unref and transfer a
    *    new fence reference to
    * \param fd     fd representing the fence object
    * \param type   indicates which fence types backs fd
   void (*create_fence_fd)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                           struct pipe_fence_handle **fence,
                           int fd,
                           enum pipe_fd_type type);

    * Insert commands to have GPU wait for fence to be signaled.
   void (*fence_server_sync)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                             struct pipe_fence_handle *fence);

    * Insert commands to have the GPU signal a fence.
   void (*fence_server_signal)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                               struct pipe_fence_handle *fence);

    * Create a view on a texture to be used by a shader stage.
   struct pipe_sampler_view * (*create_sampler_view)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                                                     struct pipe_resource *texture,
                                                     const struct pipe_sampler_view *templat);

    * Destroy a view on a texture.
    * \param ctx the current context
    * \param view the view to be destroyed
    * \note The current context may not be the context in which the view was
    *       created (view->context). However, the caller must guarantee that
    *       the context which created the view is still alive.
   void (*sampler_view_destroy)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                                struct pipe_sampler_view *view);

    * Get a surface which is a "view" into a resource, used by
    * render target / depth stencil stages.
   struct pipe_surface *(*create_surface)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                                          struct pipe_resource *resource,
                                          const struct pipe_surface *templat);

   void (*surface_destroy)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                           struct pipe_surface *);

    * Map a resource.
    * Transfers are (by default) context-private and allow uploads to be
    * interleaved with rendering.
    * out_transfer will contain the transfer object that must be passed
    * to all the other transfer functions. It also contains useful
    * information (like texture strides for texture_map).
   void *(*buffer_map)(struct pipe_context *,
		       struct pipe_resource *resource,
		       unsigned level,
		       unsigned usage,  /* a combination of PIPE_MAP_x */
		       const struct pipe_box *,
		       struct pipe_transfer **out_transfer);

   /* If transfer was created with WRITE|FLUSH_EXPLICIT, only the
    * regions specified with this call are guaranteed to be written to
    * the resource.
   void (*transfer_flush_region)( struct pipe_context *,
				  struct pipe_transfer *transfer,
				  const struct pipe_box *);

   void (*buffer_unmap)(struct pipe_context *,
			struct pipe_transfer *transfer);

   void *(*texture_map)(struct pipe_context *,
			struct pipe_resource *resource,
			unsigned level,
			unsigned usage,  /* a combination of PIPE_MAP_x */
			const struct pipe_box *,
			struct pipe_transfer **out_transfer);

   void (*texture_unmap)(struct pipe_context *,
			 struct pipe_transfer *transfer);

   /* One-shot transfer operation with data supplied in a user
    * pointer.
   void (*buffer_subdata)(struct pipe_context *,
                          struct pipe_resource *,
                          unsigned usage, /* a combination of PIPE_MAP_x */
                          unsigned offset,
                          unsigned size,
                          const void *data);

   void (*texture_subdata)(struct pipe_context *,
                           struct pipe_resource *,
                           unsigned level,
                           unsigned usage, /* a combination of PIPE_MAP_x */
                           const struct pipe_box *,
                           const void *data,
                           unsigned stride,
                           unsigned layer_stride);

    * Flush any pending framebuffer writes and invalidate texture caches.
   void (*texture_barrier)(struct pipe_context *, unsigned flags);

    * Flush caches according to flags.
   void (*memory_barrier)(struct pipe_context *, unsigned flags);

    * Change the commitment status of a part of the given resource, which must
    * have been created with the PIPE_RESOURCE_FLAG_SPARSE bit.
    * \param level The texture level whose commitment should be changed.
    * \param box The region of the resource whose commitment should be changed.
    * \param commit Whether memory should be committed or un-committed.
    * \return false if out of memory, true on success.
   bool (*resource_commit)(struct pipe_context *, struct pipe_resource *,
                           unsigned level, struct pipe_box *box, bool commit);

    * Creates a video codec for a specific video format/profile
   struct pipe_video_codec *(*create_video_codec)( struct pipe_context *context,
                                                   const struct pipe_video_codec *templat );

    * Creates a video buffer as decoding target
   struct pipe_video_buffer *(*create_video_buffer)( struct pipe_context *context,
                                                     const struct pipe_video_buffer *templat );

    * Compute kernel execution
    * Define the compute program and parameters to be used by
    * pipe_context::launch_grid.
   void *(*create_compute_state)(struct pipe_context *context,
				 const struct pipe_compute_state *);
   void (*bind_compute_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);
   void (*delete_compute_state)(struct pipe_context *, void *);

    * Bind an array of shader resources that will be used by the
    * compute program.  Any resources that were previously bound to
    * the specified range will be unbound after this call.
    * \param start      first resource to bind.
    * \param count      number of consecutive resources to bind.
    * \param resources  array of pointers to the resources to bind, it
    *                   should contain at least \a count elements
    *                   unless it's NULL, in which case no new
    *                   resources will be bound.
   void (*set_compute_resources)(struct pipe_context *,
                                 unsigned start, unsigned count,
                                 struct pipe_surface **resources);

    * Bind an array of buffers to be mapped into the address space of
    * the GLOBAL resource.  Any buffers that were previously bound
    * between [first, first + count - 1] are unbound after this call.
    * \param first      first buffer to map.
    * \param count      number of consecutive buffers to map.
    * \param resources  array of pointers to the buffers to map, it
    *                   should contain at least \a count elements
    *                   unless it's NULL, in which case no new
    *                   resources will be bound.
    * \param handles    array of pointers to the memory locations that
    *                   will be updated with the address each buffer
    *                   will be mapped to.  The base memory address of
    *                   each of the buffers will be added to the value
    *                   pointed to by its corresponding handle to form
    *                   the final address argument.  It should contain
    *                   at least \a count elements, unless \a
    *                   resources is NULL in which case \a handles
    *                   should be NULL as well.
    * Note that the driver isn't required to make any guarantees about
    * the contents of the \a handles array being valid anytime except
    * during the subsequent calls to pipe_context::launch_grid.  This
    * means that the only sensible location handles[i] may point to is
    * somewhere within the INPUT buffer itself.  This is so to
    * accommodate implementations that lack virtual memory but
    * nevertheless migrate buffers on the fly, leading to resource
    * base addresses that change on each kernel invocation or are
    * unknown to the pipe driver.
   void (*set_global_binding)(struct pipe_context *context,
                              unsigned first, unsigned count,
                              struct pipe_resource **resources,
                              uint32_t **handles);

    * Launch the compute kernel starting from instruction \a pc of the
    * currently bound compute program.
   void (*launch_grid)(struct pipe_context *context,
                       const struct pipe_grid_info *info);

    * SVM (Share Virtual Memory) helpers
    * Migrate range of virtual address to device or host memory.
    * \param to_device - true if the virtual memory is migrated to the device
    *                    false if the virtual memory is migrated to the host
    * \param migrate_content - whether the content should be migrated as well
   void (*svm_migrate)(struct pipe_context *context, unsigned num_ptrs,
                       const void* const* ptrs, const size_t *sizes,
                       bool to_device, bool migrate_content);

    * Get the default sample position for an individual sample point.
    * \param sample_count - total number of samples
    * \param sample_index - sample to get the position values for
    * \param out_value - return value of 2 floats for x and y position for
    *                    requested sample.
   void (*get_sample_position)(struct pipe_context *context,
                               unsigned sample_count,
                               unsigned sample_index,
                               float *out_value);

    * Query a timestamp in nanoseconds.  This is completely equivalent to
    * pipe_screen::get_timestamp() but takes a context handle for drivers
    * that require a context.
   uint64_t (*get_timestamp)(struct pipe_context *);

    * Flush the resource cache, so that the resource can be used
    * by an external client. Possible usage:
    * - flushing a resource before presenting it on the screen
    * - flushing a resource if some other process or device wants to use it
    * This shouldn't be used to flush caches if the resource is only managed
    * by a single pipe_screen and is not shared with another process.
    * (i.e. you shouldn't use it to flush caches explicitly if you want to e.g.
    * use the resource for texturing)
   void (*flush_resource)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                          struct pipe_resource *resource);

    * Invalidate the contents of the resource. This is used to
    * (1) implement EGL's semantic of undefined depth/stencil
    * contents after a swapbuffers.  This allows a tiled renderer (for
    * example) to not store the depth buffer.
    * (2) implement GL's InvalidateBufferData. For backwards compatibility,
    * you must only rely on the usability for this purpose when
   void (*invalidate_resource)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                               struct pipe_resource *resource);

    * Return information about unexpected device resets.
   enum pipe_reset_status (*get_device_reset_status)(struct pipe_context *ctx);

    * Sets the reset status callback. If the pointer is null, then no callback
    * is set, otherwise a copy of the data should be made.
   void (*set_device_reset_callback)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                                     const struct pipe_device_reset_callback *cb);

    * Dump driver-specific debug information into a stream. This is
    * used by debugging tools.
    * \param ctx        pipe context
    * \param stream     where the output should be written to
    * \param flags      a mask of PIPE_DUMP_* flags
   void (*dump_debug_state)(struct pipe_context *ctx, FILE *stream,
                            unsigned flags);

    * Set the log context to which the driver should write internal debug logs
    * (internal states, command streams).
    * The caller must ensure that the log context is destroyed and reset to
    * NULL before the pipe context is destroyed, and that log context functions
    * are only called from the driver thread.
    * \param ctx pipe context
    * \param log logging context
   void (*set_log_context)(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct u_log_context *log);

    * Emit string marker in cmdstream
   void (*emit_string_marker)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                              const char *string,
                              int len);

    * Generate mipmap.
    * \return TRUE if mipmap generation succeeds, FALSE otherwise
   bool (*generate_mipmap)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                           struct pipe_resource *resource,
                           enum pipe_format format,
                           unsigned base_level,
                           unsigned last_level,
                           unsigned first_layer,
                           unsigned last_layer);

    * Create a 64-bit texture handle.
    * \param ctx        pipe context
    * \param view       pipe sampler view object
    * \param state      pipe sampler state template
    * \return           a 64-bit texture handle if success, 0 otherwise
   uint64_t (*create_texture_handle)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                                     struct pipe_sampler_view *view,
                                     const struct pipe_sampler_state *state);

    * Delete a texture handle.
    * \param ctx        pipe context
    * \param handle     64-bit texture handle
   void (*delete_texture_handle)(struct pipe_context *ctx, uint64_t handle);

    * Make a texture handle resident.
    * \param ctx        pipe context
    * \param handle     64-bit texture handle
    * \param resident   TRUE for resident, FALSE otherwise
   void (*make_texture_handle_resident)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                                        uint64_t handle, bool resident);

    * Create a 64-bit image handle.
    * \param ctx        pipe context
    * \param image      pipe image view template
    * \return           a 64-bit image handle if success, 0 otherwise
   uint64_t (*create_image_handle)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                                   const struct pipe_image_view *image);

    * Delete an image handle.
    * \param ctx        pipe context
    * \param handle     64-bit image handle
   void (*delete_image_handle)(struct pipe_context *ctx, uint64_t handle);

    * Make an image handle resident.
    * \param ctx        pipe context
    * \param handle     64-bit image handle
    * \param access     GL_READ_ONLY, GL_WRITE_ONLY or GL_READ_WRITE
    * \param resident   TRUE for resident, FALSE otherwise
   void (*make_image_handle_resident)(struct pipe_context *ctx, uint64_t handle,
                                      unsigned access, bool resident);

    * Call the given function from the driver thread.
    * This is set by threaded contexts for use by debugging wrappers.
    * \param asap if true, run the callback immediately if there are no pending
    *             commands to be processed by the driver thread
   void (*callback)(struct pipe_context *ctx, void (*fn)(void *), void *data,
                    bool asap);

    * Set a context parameter See enum pipe_context_param for more details.
   void (*set_context_param)(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                             enum pipe_context_param param,
                             unsigned value);

    * Creates a video buffer as decoding target, with modifiers.
   struct pipe_video_buffer *(*create_video_buffer_with_modifiers)(struct pipe_context *context,
                                                                   const struct pipe_video_buffer *templat,
                                                                   const uint64_t *modifiers,
                                                                   unsigned int modifiers_count);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* PIPE_CONTEXT_H */