/* $NetBSD: hd64465pcmcia.c,v 1.35 2021/08/07 16:18:55 thorpej Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by UCHIYAMA Yasushi. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: hd64465pcmcia.c,v 1.35 2021/08/07 16:18:55 thorpej Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <sys/kmem.h> #include <sys/kthread.h> #include <sys/boot_flag.h> #include <sys/bus.h> #include <uvm/uvm_extern.h> #include <machine/intr.h> #include <dev/pcmcia/pcmciareg.h> #include <dev/pcmcia/pcmciavar.h> #include <dev/pcmcia/pcmciachip.h> #include <sh3/bscreg.h> #include <sh3/mmu.h> #include <hpcsh/dev/hd64465/hd64465reg.h> #include <hpcsh/dev/hd64465/hd64465var.h> #include <hpcsh/dev/hd64465/hd64465intcreg.h> #include <hpcsh/dev/hd64461/hd64461pcmciareg.h> #include "locators.h" #ifdef HD64465PCMCIA_DEBUG #define DPRINTF_ENABLE #define DPRINTF_DEBUG hd64465pcmcia_debug #endif #include <machine/debug.h> enum memory_window_16 { MEMWIN_16M_COMMON_0, MEMWIN_16M_COMMON_1, MEMWIN_16M_COMMON_2, MEMWIN_16M_COMMON_3, }; #define MEMWIN_16M_MAX 4 enum hd64465pcmcia_event_type { EVENT_NONE, EVENT_INSERT, EVENT_REMOVE, }; #define EVENT_QUEUE_MAX 5 struct hd64465pcmcia_softc; /* forward declaration */ struct hd64465pcmcia_window_cookie { bus_space_tag_t wc_tag; bus_space_handle_t wc_handle; int wc_size; int wc_window; }; struct hd64465pcmcia_channel { struct hd64465pcmcia_softc *ch_parent; device_t ch_pcmcia; int ch_channel; /* memory space */ bus_space_tag_t ch_memt; bus_space_handle_t ch_memh; bus_addr_t ch_membase_addr; bus_size_t ch_memsize; bus_space_tag_t ch_cmemt[MEMWIN_16M_MAX]; /* I/O space */ bus_space_tag_t ch_iot; bus_addr_t ch_iobase; bus_size_t ch_iosize; /* card interrupt */ int (*ch_ih_card_func)(void *); void *ch_ih_card_arg; int ch_attached; }; struct hd64465pcmcia_event { int __queued; enum hd64465pcmcia_event_type pe_type; struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *pe_ch; SIMPLEQ_ENTRY(hd64465pcmcia_event) pe_link; }; struct hd64465pcmcia_softc { device_t sc_dev; enum hd64465_module_id sc_module_id; int sc_shutdown; /* kv mapped Area 5, 6 */ vaddr_t sc_area5; vaddr_t sc_area6; /* CSC event */ lwp_t *sc_event_thread; struct hd64465pcmcia_event sc_event_pool[EVENT_QUEUE_MAX]; SIMPLEQ_HEAD (, hd64465pcmcia_event) sc_event_head; struct hd64465pcmcia_channel sc_ch[2]; }; STATIC int hd64465pcmcia_chip_mem_alloc(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, bus_size_t, struct pcmcia_mem_handle *); STATIC void hd64465pcmcia_chip_mem_free(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, struct pcmcia_mem_handle *); STATIC int hd64465pcmcia_chip_mem_map(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, int, bus_addr_t, bus_size_t, struct pcmcia_mem_handle *, bus_size_t *, int *); STATIC void hd64465pcmcia_chip_mem_unmap(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, int); STATIC int hd64465pcmcia_chip_io_alloc(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, bus_addr_t, bus_size_t, bus_size_t, struct pcmcia_io_handle *); STATIC void hd64465pcmcia_chip_io_free(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, struct pcmcia_io_handle *); STATIC int hd64465pcmcia_chip_io_map(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, int, bus_addr_t, bus_size_t, struct pcmcia_io_handle *, int *); STATIC void hd64465pcmcia_chip_io_unmap(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, int); STATIC void hd64465pcmcia_chip_socket_enable(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t); STATIC void hd64465pcmcia_chip_socket_disable(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t); STATIC void hd64465pcmcia_chip_socket_settype(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, int); STATIC void *hd64465pcmcia_chip_intr_establish(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, struct pcmcia_function *, int, int (*)(void *), void *); STATIC void hd64465pcmcia_chip_intr_disestablish(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t, void *); STATIC struct pcmcia_chip_functions hd64465pcmcia_functions = { hd64465pcmcia_chip_mem_alloc, hd64465pcmcia_chip_mem_free, hd64465pcmcia_chip_mem_map, hd64465pcmcia_chip_mem_unmap, hd64465pcmcia_chip_io_alloc, hd64465pcmcia_chip_io_free, hd64465pcmcia_chip_io_map, hd64465pcmcia_chip_io_unmap, hd64465pcmcia_chip_intr_establish, hd64465pcmcia_chip_intr_disestablish, hd64465pcmcia_chip_socket_enable, hd64465pcmcia_chip_socket_disable, hd64465pcmcia_chip_socket_settype, }; STATIC int hd64465pcmcia_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); STATIC void hd64465pcmcia_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); STATIC int hd64465pcmcia_print(void *, const char *); STATIC int hd64465pcmcia_submatch(device_t, cfdata_t, const int *, void *); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(hd64465pcmcia, sizeof(struct hd64465pcmcia_softc), hd64465pcmcia_match, hd64465pcmcia_attach, NULL, NULL); STATIC void hd64465pcmcia_attach_channel(struct hd64465pcmcia_softc *, int); /* hot plug */ STATIC void hd64465pcmcia_event_thread(void *); STATIC void __queue_event(struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *, enum hd64465pcmcia_event_type); /* interrupt handler */ STATIC int hd64465pcmcia_intr(void *); /* card status */ STATIC enum hd64465pcmcia_event_type __detect_card(int); STATIC void hd64465pcmcia_memory_window16_switch(int, enum memory_window_16); /* bus width */ STATIC void __sh_set_bus_width(int, int); /* bus space access */ STATIC int __sh_hd64465_map(vaddr_t, paddr_t, size_t, uint32_t); STATIC vaddr_t __sh_hd64465_map_2page(paddr_t); #define DELAY_MS(x) delay((x) * 1000) int hd64465pcmcia_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t cf, void *aux) { struct hd64465_attach_args *ha = aux; return (ha->ha_module_id == HD64465_MODULE_PCMCIA); } void hd64465pcmcia_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct hd64465_attach_args *ha = aux; struct hd64465pcmcia_softc *sc = device_private(self); int error; sc->sc_dev = self; sc->sc_module_id = ha->ha_module_id; printf("\n"); sc->sc_area5 = __sh_hd64465_map_2page(0x14000000); /* area 5 */ sc->sc_area6 = __sh_hd64465_map_2page(0x18000000); /* area 6 */ if (sc->sc_area5 == 0 || sc->sc_area6 == 0) { printf("%s: can't map memory.\n", device_xname(self)); if (sc->sc_area5) uvm_km_free(kernel_map, sc->sc_area5, 0x03000000, UVM_KMF_VAONLY); if (sc->sc_area6) uvm_km_free(kernel_map, sc->sc_area6, 0x03000000, UVM_KMF_VAONLY); return; } /* Channel 0/1 common CSC event queue */ SIMPLEQ_INIT (&sc->sc_event_head); error = kthread_create(PRI_NONE, 0, NULL, hd64465pcmcia_event_thread, sc, &sc->sc_event_thread, "%s", device_xname(self)); KASSERT(error == 0); hd64465pcmcia_attach_channel(sc, 0); hd64465pcmcia_attach_channel(sc, 1); } void hd64465pcmcia_event_thread(void *arg) { struct hd64465pcmcia_softc *sc = arg; struct hd64465pcmcia_event *pe; int s; while (!sc->sc_shutdown) { tsleep(sc, PWAIT, "CSC wait", 0); s = splhigh(); while ((pe = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&sc->sc_event_head))) { splx(s); switch (pe->pe_type) { default: printf("%s: unknown event.\n", __func__); break; case EVENT_INSERT: DPRINTF("insert event.\n"); pcmcia_card_attach(pe->pe_ch->ch_pcmcia); break; case EVENT_REMOVE: DPRINTF("remove event.\n"); pcmcia_card_detach(pe->pe_ch->ch_pcmcia, DETACH_FORCE); break; } s = splhigh(); SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&sc->sc_event_head, pe_link); pe->__queued = 0; } splx(s); } /* NOTREACHED */ } int hd64465pcmcia_print(void *arg, const char *pnp) { if (pnp) aprint_normal("pcmcia at %s", pnp); return (UNCONF); } int hd64465pcmcia_submatch(device_t parent, cfdata_t cf, const int *ldesc, void *aux) { struct pcmciabus_attach_args *paa = aux; struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *ch = (struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *)paa->pch; if (ch->ch_channel == 0) { if (cf->cf_loc[PCMCIABUSCF_CONTROLLER] != PCMCIABUSCF_CONTROLLER_DEFAULT && cf->cf_loc[PCMCIABUSCF_CONTROLLER] != 0) return 0; } else { if (cf->cf_loc[PCMCIABUSCF_CONTROLLER] != PCMCIABUSCF_CONTROLLER_DEFAULT && cf->cf_loc[PCMCIABUSCF_CONTROLLER] != 1) return 0; } paa->pct = (pcmcia_chipset_tag_t)&hd64465pcmcia_functions; return (config_match(parent, cf, aux)); } void hd64465pcmcia_attach_channel(struct hd64465pcmcia_softc *sc, int channel) { device_t parent = sc->sc_dev; struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *ch = &sc->sc_ch[channel]; struct pcmciabus_attach_args paa; bus_addr_t baseaddr; uint8_t r; int i; ch->ch_parent = sc; ch->ch_channel = channel; /* * Continuous 16-MB Area Mode */ /* set Continuous 16-MB Area Mode */ r = hd64465_reg_read_1(HD64461_PCCGCR(channel)); r &= ~HD64461_PCCGCR_MMOD; r |= HD64461_PCCGCR_MMOD_16M; hd64465_reg_write_1(HD64461_PCCGCR(channel), r); /* Attibute/Common memory extent */ baseaddr = (channel == 0) ? sc->sc_area6 : sc->sc_area5; ch->ch_memt = bus_space_create(0, "PCMCIA attribute memory", baseaddr, 0x01000000); /* 16MB */ bus_space_alloc(ch->ch_memt, 0, 0x00ffffff, 0x0001000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0, &ch->ch_membase_addr, &ch->ch_memh); /* Common memory space extent */ ch->ch_memsize = 0x01000000; for (i = 0; i < MEMWIN_16M_MAX; i++) { ch->ch_cmemt[i] = bus_space_create(0, "PCMCIA common memory", baseaddr + 0x01000000, ch->ch_memsize); } /* I/O port extent */ ch->ch_iobase = 0; ch->ch_iosize = 0x01000000; ch->ch_iot = bus_space_create(0, "PCMCIA I/O port", baseaddr + 0x01000000 * 2, ch->ch_iosize); /* Interrupt */ hd64465_intr_establish(channel ? HD64465_PCC1 : HD64465_PCC0, IST_LEVEL, IPL_TTY, hd64465pcmcia_intr, ch); paa.paa_busname = "pcmcia"; paa.pch = (pcmcia_chipset_handle_t)ch; ch->ch_pcmcia = config_found(parent, &paa, hd64465pcmcia_print, CFARGS(.submatch = hd64465pcmcia_submatch)); if (ch->ch_pcmcia && (__detect_card(ch->ch_channel) == EVENT_INSERT)) { ch->ch_attached = 1; pcmcia_card_attach(ch->ch_pcmcia); } } int hd64465pcmcia_intr(void *arg) { struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *ch = (struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *)arg; uint32_t cscr; uint8_t r; int ret = 0; cscr = HD64461_PCCCSCR(ch->ch_channel); r = hd64465_reg_read_1(cscr); /* clear interrtupt (don't change power switch select) */ hd64465_reg_write_1(cscr, r & ~0x40); if (r & (0x60 | 0x04/* for memory mapped mode*/)) { if (ch->ch_ih_card_func) { ret = (*ch->ch_ih_card_func)(ch->ch_ih_card_arg); } else { DPRINTF("spurious IREQ interrupt.\n"); } } if (r & HD64461_PCC0CSCR_P0CDC) __queue_event(ch, __detect_card(ch->ch_channel)); return (ret); } void __queue_event(struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *ch, enum hd64465pcmcia_event_type type) { struct hd64465pcmcia_event *pe, *pool; struct hd64465pcmcia_softc *sc = ch->ch_parent; int i; int s = splhigh(); if (type == EVENT_NONE) goto out; pe = 0; pool = sc->sc_event_pool; for (i = 0; i < EVENT_QUEUE_MAX; i++) { if (!pool[i].__queued) { pe = &pool[i]; break; } } if (pe == 0) { printf("%s: event FIFO overflow (max %d).\n", __func__, EVENT_QUEUE_MAX); goto out; } if ((ch->ch_attached && (type == EVENT_INSERT)) || (!ch->ch_attached && (type == EVENT_REMOVE))) { DPRINTF("spurious CSC interrupt.\n"); goto out; } ch->ch_attached = (type == EVENT_INSERT); pe->__queued = 1; pe->pe_type = type; pe->pe_ch = ch; SIMPLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(&sc->sc_event_head, pe, pe_link); wakeup(sc); out: splx(s); } /* * Interface for pcmcia driver. */ /* * Interrupt. */ void * hd64465pcmcia_chip_intr_establish(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, struct pcmcia_function *pf, int ipl, int (*ih_func)(void *), void *ih_arg) { struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *ch = (struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *)pch; int channel = ch->ch_channel; bus_addr_t cscier = HD64461_PCCCSCIER(channel); uint8_t r; int s = splhigh(); hd6446x_intr_priority(ch->ch_channel == 0 ? HD64465_PCC0 : HD64465_PCC1, ipl); ch->ch_ih_card_func = ih_func; ch->ch_ih_card_arg = ih_arg; /* Enable card interrupt */ r = hd64465_reg_read_1(cscier); /* set level mode */ r &= ~HD64461_PCC0CSCIER_P0IREQE_MASK; r |= HD64461_PCC0CSCIER_P0IREQE_LEVEL; hd64465_reg_write_1(cscier, r); splx(s); return (void *)ih_func; } void hd64465pcmcia_chip_intr_disestablish(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, void *ih) { struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *ch = (struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *)pch; int channel = ch->ch_channel; bus_addr_t cscier = HD64461_PCCCSCIER(channel); int s = splhigh(); uint8_t r; hd6446x_intr_priority(ch->ch_channel == 0 ? HD64465_PCC0 : HD64465_PCC1, IPL_TTY); /* Disable card interrupt */ r = hd64465_reg_read_1(cscier); r &= ~HD64461_PCC0CSCIER_P0IREQE_MASK; r |= HD64461_PCC0CSCIER_P0IREQE_NONE; hd64465_reg_write_1(cscier, r); ch->ch_ih_card_func = 0; splx(s); } /* * Bus resources. */ int hd64465pcmcia_chip_mem_alloc(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, bus_size_t size, struct pcmcia_mem_handle *pcmhp) { struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *ch = (struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *)pch; pcmhp->memt = ch->ch_memt; pcmhp->addr = ch->ch_membase_addr; pcmhp->memh = ch->ch_memh; pcmhp->size = size; pcmhp->realsize = size; DPRINTF("base 0x%08lx size %#lx\n", pcmhp->addr, size); return (0); } void hd64465pcmcia_chip_mem_free(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, struct pcmcia_mem_handle *pcmhp) { /* NO-OP */ } int hd64465pcmcia_chip_mem_map(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, int kind, bus_addr_t card_addr, bus_size_t size, struct pcmcia_mem_handle *pcmhp, bus_size_t *offsetp, int *windowp) { struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *ch = (struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *)pch; struct hd64465pcmcia_window_cookie *cookie; bus_addr_t ofs; cookie = kmem_zalloc(sizeof(struct hd64465pcmcia_window_cookie), KM_SLEEP); KASSERT(cookie); /* Address */ if ((kind & ~PCMCIA_WIDTH_MEM_MASK) == PCMCIA_MEM_ATTR) { cookie->wc_tag = ch->ch_memt; if (bus_space_subregion(ch->ch_memt, ch->ch_memh, card_addr, size, &cookie->wc_handle) != 0) goto bad; *offsetp = card_addr; cookie->wc_window = -1; } else { int window = card_addr / ch->ch_memsize; KASSERT(window < MEMWIN_16M_MAX); cookie->wc_tag = ch->ch_cmemt[window]; ofs = card_addr - window * ch->ch_memsize; if (bus_space_map(cookie->wc_tag, ofs, size, 0, &cookie->wc_handle) != 0) goto bad; /* XXX bogus. check window per common memory access. */ hd64465pcmcia_memory_window16_switch(ch->ch_channel, window); *offsetp = ofs + 0x01000000; /* skip attribute area */ cookie->wc_window = window; } cookie->wc_size = size; *windowp = (int)cookie; DPRINTF("(%s) %#lx+%#lx-> %#lx+%#lx\n", kind == PCMCIA_MEM_ATTR ? "attribute" : "common", ch->ch_memh, card_addr, *offsetp, size); return (0); bad: DPRINTF("%#lx-%#lx map failed.\n", card_addr, size); kmem_free(cookie, sizeof(*cookie)); return (1); } void hd64465pcmcia_chip_mem_unmap(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, int window) { struct hd64465pcmcia_window_cookie *cookie = (void *)window; if (cookie->wc_window != -1) bus_space_unmap(cookie->wc_tag, cookie->wc_handle, cookie->wc_size); DPRINTF("%#lx-%#x\n", cookie->wc_handle, cookie->wc_size); kmem_free(cookie, sizeof(*cookie)); } int hd64465pcmcia_chip_io_alloc(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, bus_addr_t start, bus_size_t size, bus_size_t align, struct pcmcia_io_handle *pcihp) { struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *ch = (struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *)pch; if (start) { if (bus_space_map(ch->ch_iot, start, size, 0, &pcihp->ioh)) { DPRINTF("couldn't map %#lx+%#lx\n", start, size); return (1); } pcihp->addr = pcihp->ioh; DPRINTF("map %#lx+%#lx\n", start, size); } else { if (bus_space_alloc(ch->ch_iot, ch->ch_iobase, ch->ch_iobase + ch->ch_iosize - 1, size, align, 0, 0, &pcihp->addr, &pcihp->ioh)) { DPRINTF("couldn't allocate %#lx\n", size); return (1); } pcihp->flags = PCMCIA_IO_ALLOCATED; } DPRINTF("%#lx from %#lx\n", size, pcihp->addr); pcihp->iot = ch->ch_iot; pcihp->size = size; return (0); } int hd64465pcmcia_chip_io_map(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, int width, bus_addr_t offset, bus_size_t size, struct pcmcia_io_handle *pcihp, int *windowp) { struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *ch = (struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *)pch; #ifdef HD64465PCMCIA_DEBUG static const char *width_names[] = { "auto", "io8", "io16" }; #endif __sh_set_bus_width(ch->ch_channel, width); DPRINTF("%#lx:%#lx+%#lx %s\n", pcihp->ioh, offset, size, width_names[width]); return (0); } void hd64465pcmcia_chip_io_free(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, struct pcmcia_io_handle *pcihp) { if (pcihp->flags & PCMCIA_IO_ALLOCATED) bus_space_free(pcihp->iot, pcihp->ioh, pcihp->size); else bus_space_unmap(pcihp->iot, pcihp->ioh, pcihp->size); DPRINTF("%#lx+%#lx\n", pcihp->ioh, pcihp->size); } void hd64465pcmcia_chip_io_unmap(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, int window) { /* nothing to do */ } /* * Enable/Disable */ void hd64465pcmcia_chip_socket_enable(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch) { struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *ch = (struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *)pch; int channel = ch->ch_channel; bus_addr_t gcr; uint8_t r; DPRINTF("enable channel %d\n", channel); gcr = HD64461_PCCGCR(channel); r = hd64465_reg_read_1(gcr); r &= ~HD64461_PCC0GCR_P0PCCT; hd64465_reg_write_1(gcr, r); /* Set Common memory area #0. */ hd64465pcmcia_memory_window16_switch(channel, MEMWIN_16M_COMMON_0); DPRINTF("OK.\n"); } void hd64465pcmcia_chip_socket_settype(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch, int type) { struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *ch = (struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *)pch; int channel = ch->ch_channel; bus_addr_t gcr; uint8_t r; DPRINTF("settype channel %d\n", channel); gcr = HD64461_PCCGCR(channel); /* Set the card type */ r = hd64465_reg_read_1(gcr); if (type == PCMCIA_IFTYPE_IO) r |= HD64461_PCC0GCR_P0PCCT; else r &= ~HD64461_PCC0GCR_P0PCCT; hd64465_reg_write_1(gcr, r); DPRINTF("OK.\n"); } void hd64465pcmcia_chip_socket_disable(pcmcia_chipset_handle_t pch) { struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *ch = (struct hd64465pcmcia_channel *)pch; int channel = ch->ch_channel; /* dont' disable CSC interrupt */ hd64465_reg_write_1(HD64461_PCCCSCIER(channel), HD64461_PCCCSCIER_CDE); hd64465_reg_write_1(HD64461_PCCCSCR(channel), 0); } /* * Card detect */ enum hd64465pcmcia_event_type __detect_card(int channel) { uint8_t r; r = hd64465_reg_read_1(HD64461_PCCISR(channel)) & (HD64461_PCCISR_CD2 | HD64461_PCCISR_CD1); if (r == (HD64461_PCCISR_CD2 | HD64461_PCCISR_CD1)) { DPRINTF("remove\n"); return EVENT_REMOVE; } if (r == 0) { DPRINTF("insert\n"); return EVENT_INSERT; } DPRINTF("transition\n"); return (EVENT_NONE); } /* * Memory window access ops. */ void hd64465pcmcia_memory_window16_switch(int channel, enum memory_window_16 window) { bus_addr_t a = HD64461_PCCGCR(channel); uint8_t r; r = hd64465_reg_read_1(a); r &= ~(HD64461_PCCGCR_PA25 | HD64461_PCCGCR_PA24); switch (window) { case MEMWIN_16M_COMMON_0: break; case MEMWIN_16M_COMMON_1: r |= HD64461_PCCGCR_PA24; break; case MEMWIN_16M_COMMON_2: r |= HD64461_PCCGCR_PA25; break; case MEMWIN_16M_COMMON_3: r |= (HD64461_PCCGCR_PA25 | HD64461_PCCGCR_PA24); break; } hd64465_reg_write_1(a, r); } /* * SH interface. */ void __sh_set_bus_width(int channel, int width) { uint16_t r16; r16 = _reg_read_2(SH4_BCR2); #ifdef HD64465PCMCIA_DEBUG dbg_bit_print_msg(r16, "BCR2"); #endif if (channel == 0) { r16 &= ~((1 << 13)|(1 << 12)); r16 |= 1 << (width == PCMCIA_WIDTH_IO8 ? 12 : 13); } else { r16 &= ~((1 << 11)|(1 << 10)); r16 |= 1 << (width == PCMCIA_WIDTH_IO8 ? 10 : 11); } _reg_write_2(SH4_BCR2, r16); } vaddr_t __sh_hd64465_map_2page(paddr_t pa) { static const uint32_t mode[] = { _PG_PCMCIA_ATTR16, _PG_PCMCIA_MEM16, _PG_PCMCIA_IO }; vaddr_t va, v; int i; /* allocate kernel virtual */ v = va = uvm_km_alloc(kernel_map, 0x03000000, 0, UVM_KMF_VAONLY); if (va == 0) { PRINTF("can't allocate virtual for paddr 0x%08x\n", (unsigned)pa); return (0); } /* map to physical addreess with specified memory type. */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++, pa += 0x01000000, va += 0x01000000) { if (__sh_hd64465_map(va, pa, 0x2000, mode[i]) != 0) { pmap_kremove(v, 0x03000000); uvm_km_free(kernel_map, v, 0x03000000, UVM_KMF_VAONLY); return (0); } } return (v); } int __sh_hd64465_map(vaddr_t va, paddr_t pa, size_t sz, uint32_t flags) { pt_entry_t *pte; paddr_t epa; KDASSERT(((pa & PAGE_MASK) == 0) && ((va & PAGE_MASK) == 0) && ((sz & PAGE_MASK) == 0)); epa = pa + sz; while (pa < epa) { pmap_kenter_pa(va, pa, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE, 0); pte = __pmap_kpte_lookup(va); KDASSERT(pte); *pte |= flags; /* PTEA PCMCIA assistant bit */ sh_tlb_update(0, va, *pte); pa += PAGE_SIZE; va += PAGE_SIZE; } return (0); }