/* $NetBSD: pci_machdep.h,v 1.18 2020/02/13 00:02:21 jmcneill Exp $ */ /* * Modified for arm32 by Mark Brinicombe * * from: sys/arch/alpha/pci/pci_machdep.h * * Copyright (c) 1996 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Chris G. Demetriou * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #ifndef _ARM_PCI_MACHDEP_H_ #define _ARM_PCI_MACHDEP_H_ /* * Machine-specific definitions for PCI autoconfiguration. */ #ifdef __aarch64__ #define _PCI_HAVE_DMA64 #endif #define __HAVE_PCI_GET_SEGMENT #include <sys/errno.h> /* * Types provided to machine-independent PCI code */ typedef struct arm32_pci_chipset *pci_chipset_tag_t; typedef u_long pcitag_t; typedef uint64_t pci_intr_handle_t; /* * pci_intr_handle_t fields */ #define ARM_PCI_INTR_MSI_VEC 0x000007ff00000000ULL #define ARM_PCI_INTR_MPSAFE 0x0000000080000000ULL #define ARM_PCI_INTR_MSIX 0x0000000040000000ULL #define ARM_PCI_INTR_MSI 0x0000000020000000ULL #define ARM_PCI_INTR_FRAME 0x0000000000ff0000ULL #define ARM_PCI_INTR_IRQ 0x000000000000ffffULL #ifdef __HAVE_PCI_MSI_MSIX /* * PCI MSI/MSI-X support */ typedef enum { PCI_INTR_TYPE_INTX = 0, PCI_INTR_TYPE_MSI, PCI_INTR_TYPE_MSIX, PCI_INTR_TYPE_SIZE, } pci_intr_type_t; #endif /* __HAVE_PCI_MSI_MSIX */ /* * Forward declarations. */ struct pci_attach_args; /* * arm32-specific PCI structure and type definitions. * NOT TO BE USED DIRECTLY BY MACHINE INDEPENDENT CODE. */ struct arm32_pci_chipset { void *pc_conf_v; void (*pc_attach_hook)(device_t, device_t, struct pcibus_attach_args *); int (*pc_bus_maxdevs)(void *, int); pcitag_t (*pc_make_tag)(void *, int, int, int); void (*pc_decompose_tag)(void *, pcitag_t, int *, int *, int *); u_int (*pc_get_segment)(void *); uint32_t (*pc_get_devid)(void *, uint32_t); uint32_t (*pc_get_frameid)(void *, uint32_t); pcireg_t (*pc_conf_read)(void *, pcitag_t, int); void (*pc_conf_write)(void *, pcitag_t, int, pcireg_t); void *pc_intr_v; int (*pc_intr_map)(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t *); const char *(*pc_intr_string)(void *, pci_intr_handle_t, char *, size_t); const struct evcnt *(*pc_intr_evcnt)(void *, pci_intr_handle_t); int (*pc_intr_setattr)(void *, pci_intr_handle_t *, int, uint64_t); void *(*pc_intr_establish)(void *, pci_intr_handle_t, int, int (*)(void *), void *, const char *); void (*pc_intr_disestablish)(void *, void *); #ifdef __HAVE_PCI_CONF_HOOK int (*pc_conf_hook)(void *, int, int, int, pcireg_t); #endif void (*pc_conf_interrupt)(void *, int, int, int, int, int *); #ifdef __HAVE_PCI_MSI_MSIX void *pc_msi_v; pci_intr_type_t (*pc_intr_type)(void *, pci_intr_handle_t); int (*pc_intr_alloc)(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **, int *, pci_intr_type_t); void (*pc_intr_release)(void *, pci_intr_handle_t *, int); int (*pc_intx_alloc)(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **); int (*pc_msi_alloc)(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **, int *); int (*pc_msi_alloc_exact)(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **, int); int (*pc_msix_alloc)(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **, int *); int (*pc_msix_alloc_exact)(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **, int); int (*pc_msix_alloc_map)(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **, u_int *, int); #endif uint32_t pc_cfg_cmd; }; /* * Functions provided to machine-independent PCI code. */ #define pci_attach_hook(p, s, pba) \ (*(pba)->pba_pc->pc_attach_hook)((p), (s), (pba)) #define pci_bus_maxdevs(c, b) \ (*(c)->pc_bus_maxdevs)((c)->pc_conf_v, (b)) #define pci_make_tag(c, b, d, f) \ (*(c)->pc_make_tag)((c)->pc_conf_v, (b), (d), (f)) #define pci_decompose_tag(c, t, bp, dp, fp) \ (*(c)->pc_decompose_tag)((c)->pc_conf_v, (t), (bp), (dp), (fp)) #define pci_get_segment(c) \ ((c)->pc_get_segment ? (*(c)->pc_get_segment)((c)->pc_conf_v) : 0) #define pci_get_devid(c, d) \ ((c)->pc_get_devid ? (*(c)->pc_get_devid)((c)->pc_conf_v, (d)) : (d)) #define pci_get_frameid(c, d) \ ((c)->pc_get_frameid ? (*(c)->pc_get_frameid)((c)->pc_conf_v, (d)) : 0) #define pci_conf_read(c, t, r) \ (*(c)->pc_conf_read)((c)->pc_conf_v, (t), (r)) #define pci_conf_write(c, t, r, v) \ (*(c)->pc_conf_write)((c)->pc_conf_v, (t), (r), (v)) #define pci_intr_map(pa, ihp) \ (*(pa)->pa_pc->pc_intr_map)((pa), (ihp)) #define pci_intr_string(c, ih, buf, len) \ (*(c)->pc_intr_string)((c)->pc_intr_v, (ih), (buf), (len)) #define pci_intr_evcnt(c, ih) \ (*(c)->pc_intr_evcnt)((c)->pc_intr_v, (ih)) #define pci_intr_establish(c, ih, l, h, a) \ (*(c)->pc_intr_establish)((c)->pc_intr_v, (ih), (l), (h), (a), NULL) #define pci_intr_disestablish(c, iv) \ (*(c)->pc_intr_disestablish)((c)->pc_intr_v, (iv)) #ifdef __HAVE_PCI_CONF_HOOK #define pci_conf_hook(c, b, d, f, id) \ (*(c)->pc_conf_hook)((c)->pc_conf_v, (b), (d), (f), (id)) #endif #define pci_conf_interrupt(c, b, d, i, s, p) \ (*(c)->pc_conf_interrupt)((c)->pc_conf_v, (b), (d), (i), (s), (p)) static inline int pci_intr_setattr(pci_chipset_tag_t pc, pci_intr_handle_t *ihp, int attr, uint64_t data) { if (!pc->pc_intr_setattr) return ENODEV; return pc->pc_intr_setattr(pc, ihp, attr, data); } static inline void * pci_intr_establish_xname(pci_chipset_tag_t pc, pci_intr_handle_t ih, int level, int (*func)(void *), void *arg, const char *xname) { return pc->pc_intr_establish(pc->pc_intr_v, ih, level, func, arg, xname); } #ifdef __HAVE_PCI_MSI_MSIX pci_intr_type_t pci_intr_type(pci_chipset_tag_t, pci_intr_handle_t); int pci_intr_alloc(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **, int *, pci_intr_type_t); void pci_intr_release(pci_chipset_tag_t, pci_intr_handle_t *, int); int pci_intx_alloc(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **); int pci_msi_alloc(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **, int *); int pci_msi_alloc_exact(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **, int); int pci_msix_alloc(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **, int *); int pci_msix_alloc_exact(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **, int); int pci_msix_alloc_map(const struct pci_attach_args *, pci_intr_handle_t **, u_int *, int); #endif /* __HAVE_PCI_MSI_MSIX */ #endif /* _ARM_PCI_MACHDEP_H_ */