/* Chi-squared test for mpfr_erandom Copyright 2011-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Charles Karney <charles@karney.com>, SRI International. This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library. The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "mpfr-test.h" /* Return Phi(x) = 1 - exp(-x), the cumulative probability function for the * exponential distribution. We only take differences of this function so the * offset doesn't matter; here Phi(0) = 0. */ static void exponential_cumulative (mpfr_t z, mpfr_t x, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) { mpfr_neg (z, x, rnd); mpfr_expm1 (z, z, rnd); mpfr_neg (z, z, rnd); } /* Given nu and chisqp, compute probability that chisq > chisqp. This uses, * A&S 26.4.16, * * Q(nu,chisqp) = * erfc( (3/2)*sqrt(nu) * ( cbrt(chisqp/nu) - 1 + 2/(9*nu) ) ) / 2 * * which is valid for nu > 30. This is the basis for the formula in Knuth, * TAOCP, Vol 2, 3.3.1, Table 1. It more accurate than the similar formula, * DLMF 8.11.10. */ static void chisq_prob (mpfr_t q, long nu, mpfr_t chisqp) { mpfr_t t; mpfr_rnd_t rnd; rnd = MPFR_RNDN; /* This uses an approx formula. Might as well use RNDN. */ mpfr_init2 (t, mpfr_get_prec (q)); mpfr_div_si (q, chisqp, nu, rnd); /* chisqp/nu */ mpfr_cbrt (q, q, rnd); /* (chisqp/nu)^(1/3) */ mpfr_sub_ui (q, q, 1, rnd); /* (chisqp/nu)^(1/3) - 1 */ mpfr_set_ui (t, 2, rnd); mpfr_div_si (t, t, 9*nu, rnd); /* 2/(9*nu) */ mpfr_add (q, q, t, rnd); /* (chisqp/nu)^(1/3) - 1 + 2/(9*nu) */ mpfr_sqrt_ui (t, nu, rnd); /* sqrt(nu) */ mpfr_mul_d (t, t, 1.5, rnd); /* (3/2)*sqrt(nu) */ mpfr_mul (q, q, t, rnd); /* arg to erfc */ mpfr_erfc (q, q, rnd); /* erfc(...) */ mpfr_div_ui (q, q, 2, rnd); /* erfc(...)/2 */ mpfr_clear (t); } /* The continuous chi-squared test on with a set of bins of equal width. * * A single precision is picked for sampling and the chi-squared calculation. * This should picked high enough so that binning in test doesn't need to be * accurately aligned with possible values of the deviates. Also we need the * precision big enough that chi-squared calculation itself is reliable. * * There's no particular benefit is testing with at very higher precisions; * because of the way terandom samples, this just adds additional barely * significant random bits to the deviates. So this chi-squared test with * continuous equal width bins isn't a good tool for finding problems here. * * The testing of low precision exponential deviates is done by * test_erandom_chisq_disc. */ static double test_erandom_chisq_cont (long num, mpfr_prec_t prec, int nu, double xmin, double xmax, int verbose) { mpfr_t x, a, b, dx, z, pa, pb, ps, t; long *counts; int i, inexact; long k; mpfr_rnd_t rnd, rndd; double Q, chisq; rnd = MPFR_RNDN; /* For chi-squared calculation */ rndd = MPFR_RNDD; /* For sampling and figuring the bins */ mpfr_inits2 (prec, x, a, b, dx, z, pa, pb, ps, t, (mpfr_ptr) 0); counts = (long *) tests_allocate ((nu + 1) * sizeof (long)); for (i = 0; i <= nu; i++) counts[i] = 0; /* a and b are bounds of nu equally spaced bins. Set dx = (b-a)/nu */ mpfr_set_d (a, xmin, rnd); mpfr_set_d (b, xmax, rnd); mpfr_sub (dx, b, a, rnd); mpfr_div_si (dx, dx, nu, rnd); for (k = 0; k < num; ++k) { inexact = mpfr_erandom (x, RANDS, rndd); if (inexact == 0) { /* one call in the loop pretended to return an exact number! */ printf ("Error: mpfr_erandom() returns a zero ternary value.\n"); exit (1); } if (mpfr_signbit (x)) { printf ("Error: mpfr_erandom() returns a negative deviate.\n"); exit (1); } mpfr_sub (x, x, a, rndd); mpfr_div (x, x, dx, rndd); i = mpfr_get_si (x, rndd); ++counts[i >= 0 && i < nu ? i : nu]; } mpfr_set (x, a, rnd); exponential_cumulative (pa, x, rnd); mpfr_add_ui (ps, pa, 1, rnd); mpfr_set_zero (t, 1); for (i = 0; i <= nu; ++i) { if (i < nu) { mpfr_add (x, x, dx, rnd); exponential_cumulative (pb, x, rnd); mpfr_sub (pa, pb, pa, rnd); /* prob for this bin */ } else mpfr_sub (pa, ps, pa, rnd); /* prob for last bin, i = nu */ /* Compute z = counts[i] - num * p; t += z * z / (num * p) */ mpfr_mul_ui (pa, pa, num, rnd); mpfr_ui_sub (z, counts[i], pa, rnd); mpfr_sqr (z, z, rnd); mpfr_div (z, z, pa, rnd); mpfr_add (t, t, z, rnd); mpfr_swap (pa, pb); /* i.e., pa = pb */ } chisq = mpfr_get_d (t, rnd); chisq_prob (t, nu, t); Q = mpfr_get_d (t, rnd); if (verbose) { printf ("num = %ld, equal bins in [%.2f, %.2f], nu = %d: chisq = %.2f\n", num, xmin, xmax, nu, chisq); if (Q < 0.05) printf (" WARNING: probability (less than 5%%) = %.2e\n", Q); } tests_free (counts, (nu + 1) * sizeof (long)); mpfr_clears (x, a, b, dx, z, pa, pb, ps, t, (mpfr_ptr) 0); return Q; } /* Return a sequential number for a positive low-precision x. x is altered by * this function. low precision means prec = 2, 3, or 4. High values of * precision will result in integer overflow. */ static long sequential (mpfr_t x) { long expt, prec; prec = mpfr_get_prec (x); expt = mpfr_get_exp (x); mpfr_mul_2si (x, x, prec - expt, MPFR_RNDN); return expt * (1 << (prec - 1)) + mpfr_get_si (x, MPFR_RNDN); } /* The chi-squared test on low precision exponential deviates. wprec is the * working precision for the chi-squared calculation. prec is the precision * for the sampling; choose this in [2,5]. The bins consist of all the * possible deviate values in the range [xmin, xmax] coupled with the value of * inexact. Thus with prec = 2, the bins are * ... * (7/16, 1/2) x = 1/2, inexact = +1 * (1/2 , 5/8) x = 1/2, inexact = -1 * (5/8 , 3/4) x = 3/4, inexact = +1 * (3/4 , 7/8) x = 3/4, inexact = -1 * (7/8 , 1 ) x = 1 , inexact = +1 * (1 , 5/4) x = 1 , inexact = -1 * (5/4 , 3/2) x = 3/2, inexact = +1 * (3/2 , 7/4) x = 3/2, inexact = -1 * ... * In addition, two bins are allocated for [0,xmin) and (xmax,inf). * * The sampling is with MPFR_RNDN. This is the rounding mode which elicits the * most information. trandom_deviate includes checks on the consistency of the * results extracted from a random_deviate with other rounding modes. */ static double test_erandom_chisq_disc (long num, mpfr_prec_t wprec, int prec, double xmin, double xmax, int verbose) { mpfr_t x, v, pa, pb, z, t; mpfr_rnd_t rnd; int i, inexact, nu; long *counts; long k, seqmin, seqmax, seq; double Q, chisq; rnd = MPFR_RNDN; mpfr_init2 (x, prec); mpfr_init2 (v, prec+1); mpfr_inits2 (wprec, pa, pb, z, t, (mpfr_ptr) 0); mpfr_set_d (x, xmin, rnd); xmin = mpfr_get_d (x, rnd); mpfr_set (v, x, rnd); seqmin = sequential (x); mpfr_set_d (x, xmax, rnd); xmax = mpfr_get_d (x, rnd); seqmax = sequential (x); /* Two bins for each sequential number (for inexact = +/- 1), plus 1 for u < * umin and 1 for u > umax, minus 1 for degrees of freedom */ nu = 2 * (seqmax - seqmin + 1) + 2 - 1; counts = (long *) tests_allocate ((nu + 1) * sizeof (long)); for (i = 0; i <= nu; i++) counts[i] = 0; for (k = 0; k < num; ++k) { inexact = mpfr_erandom (x, RANDS, rnd); if (mpfr_signbit (x)) { printf ("Error: mpfr_erandom() returns a negative deviate.\n"); exit (1); } /* Don't call sequential with small args to avoid undefined behavior with * zero and possibility of overflow. */ seq = mpfr_greaterequal_p (x, v) ? sequential (x) : seqmin - 1; ++counts[seq < seqmin ? 0 : seq <= seqmax ? 2 * (seq - seqmin) + 1 + (inexact > 0 ? 0 : 1) : nu]; } mpfr_set_zero (v, 1); exponential_cumulative (pa, v, rnd); /* Cycle through all the bin boundaries using mpfr_nextabove at precision * prec + 1 starting at mpfr_nextbelow (xmin) */ mpfr_set_d (x, xmin, rnd); mpfr_set (v, x, rnd); mpfr_nextbelow (v); mpfr_nextbelow (v); mpfr_set_zero (t, 1); for (i = 0; i <= nu; ++i) { if (i < nu) mpfr_nextabove (v); else mpfr_set_inf (v, 1); exponential_cumulative (pb, v, rnd); mpfr_sub (pa, pb, pa, rnd); /* Compute z = counts[i] - num * p; t += z * z / (num * p). */ mpfr_mul_ui (pa, pa, num, rnd); mpfr_ui_sub (z, counts[i], pa, rnd); mpfr_sqr (z, z, rnd); mpfr_div (z, z, pa, rnd); mpfr_add (t, t, z, rnd); mpfr_swap (pa, pb); /* i.e., pa = pb */ } chisq = mpfr_get_d (t, rnd); chisq_prob (t, nu, t); Q = mpfr_get_d (t, rnd); if (verbose) { printf ("num = %ld, discrete (prec = %d) bins in [%.6f, %.2f], " "nu = %d: chisq = %.2f\n", num, prec, xmin, xmax, nu, chisq); if (Q < 0.05) printf (" WARNING: probability (less than 5%%) = %.2e\n", Q); } tests_free (counts, (nu + 1) * sizeof (long)); mpfr_clears (x, v, pa, pb, z, t, (mpfr_ptr) 0); return Q; } static void run_chisq (double (*f)(long, mpfr_prec_t, int, double, double, int), long num, mpfr_prec_t prec, int bin, double xmin, double xmax, int verbose) { double Q, Qcum, Qbad, Qthresh; int i; Qcum = 1; Qbad = 1.e-9; Qthresh = 0.01; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Q = (*f)(num, prec, bin, xmin, xmax, verbose); Qcum *= Q; if (Q > Qthresh) return; else if (Q < Qbad) { printf ("Error: mpfr_erandom chi-squared failure " "(prob = %.2e < %.2e)\n", Q, Qbad); exit (1); } num *= 10; Qthresh /= 10; } if (Qcum < Qbad) /* Presumably this is true */ { printf ("Error: mpfr_erandom combined chi-squared failure " "(prob = %.2e)\n", Qcum); exit (1); } } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { long nbtests; int verbose; tests_start_mpfr (); verbose = 0; nbtests = 100000; if (argc > 1) { long a = atol (argv[1]); verbose = 1; if (a != 0) nbtests = a; } run_chisq (test_erandom_chisq_cont, nbtests, 64, 60, 0, 7, verbose); run_chisq (test_erandom_chisq_disc, nbtests, 64, 2, 0.002, 6, verbose); run_chisq (test_erandom_chisq_disc, nbtests, 64, 3, 0.02, 7, verbose); run_chisq (test_erandom_chisq_disc, nbtests, 64, 4, 0.04, 8, verbose); tests_end_mpfr (); return 0; }