/* $NetBSD: libdm_netbsd.c,v 1.8 2019/12/14 09:05:30 mlelstv Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Adam Hamsik. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include <err.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <dm.h> #include <dev/dm/netbsd-dm.h> #include <dm-ioctl.h> #include "lib.h" #include "libdm-netbsd.h" #define DMI_SIZE 16 * 1024 static int dm_list_versions(libdm_task_t, struct dm_ioctl *); static int dm_list_devices(libdm_task_t, struct dm_ioctl *); static int dm_dev_deps(libdm_task_t, struct dm_ioctl *); static int dm_table_status(libdm_task_t, struct dm_ioctl *); int nbsd_get_dm_major(uint32_t *major, int type) { size_t val_len,i; struct kinfo_drivers *kd; if (sysctlbyname("kern.drivers",NULL,&val_len,NULL,0) < 0) { printf("sysctlbyname failed"); return 0; } if ((kd = malloc (val_len)) == NULL){ printf("malloc kd info error\n"); return 0; } if (sysctlbyname("kern.drivers", kd, &val_len, NULL, 0) < 0) { printf("sysctlbyname failed kd"); return 0; } for (i = 0, val_len /= sizeof(*kd); i < val_len; i++) { if (strncmp(kd[i].d_name,DM_NAME,strlen(kd[i].d_name)) == 0) { if (type == DM_CHAR_MAJOR) /* Set major to dm-driver char major number. */ *major = kd[i].d_cmajor; else if (type == DM_BLOCK_MAJOR) *major = kd[i].d_bmajor; free(kd); return 1; } } free(kd); return 0; } struct dm_ioctl* nbsd_dm_dict_to_dmi(libdm_task_t task, const int cmd) { struct dm_ioctl *dmi; int r; char *name, *uuid; uint32_t major,minor; name = NULL; uuid = NULL; minor = 0; nbsd_get_dm_major(&major, DM_BLOCK_MAJOR); if (!(dmi = dm_malloc(DMI_SIZE))) return NULL; memset(dmi, 0, DMI_SIZE); dmi->open_count = libdm_task_get_open_num(task); dmi->event_nr = libdm_task_get_event_num(task); dmi->flags = libdm_task_get_flags(task); dmi->target_count = libdm_task_get_target_num(task); minor = libdm_task_get_minor(task); if (minor != 0) dmi->dev = MKDEV(major, minor); else dmi->dev = 0; name = libdm_task_get_name(task); uuid = libdm_task_get_uuid(task); /* Copy name and uuid to dm_ioctl. */ if (name != NULL) strlcpy(dmi->name, name, DM_NAME_LEN); else dmi->name[0] = '\0'; if (uuid != NULL) strlcpy(dmi->uuid, uuid, DM_UUID_LEN); else dmi->uuid[0] = '\0'; /* dmi parsing values, size of dmi block and offset to data. */ dmi->data_size = DMI_SIZE; dmi->data_start = sizeof(struct dm_ioctl); libdm_task_get_cmd_version(task, dmi->version, 3); switch (cmd){ case DM_LIST_VERSIONS: r = dm_list_versions(task, dmi); if (r >= 0) dmi->target_count = r; break; case DM_LIST_DEVICES: r = dm_list_devices(task, dmi); if (r >= 0) dmi->target_count = r; break; case DM_TABLE_STATUS: r = dm_table_status(task, dmi); if (r >= 0) dmi->target_count = r; break; case DM_TABLE_DEPS: r = dm_dev_deps(task, dmi); if (r >= 0) dmi->target_count = r; break; } return dmi; } /* * Parse dm_dict when targets command was called and fill dm_ioctl buffer with it. * * Return number of targets or if failed <0 error. */ static int dm_list_versions(libdm_task_t task, struct dm_ioctl *dmi) { struct dm_target_versions *dmtv,*odmtv; libdm_cmd_t cmd; libdm_iter_t iter; libdm_target_t target; uint32_t ver[3]; char *name; size_t j,i,slen,rec_size; odmtv = NULL; name = NULL; j = 0; dmtv = (struct dm_target_versions *)((uint8_t *)dmi + dmi->data_start); /* printf("dmi: vers: %d.%d.%d data_size: %d data_start: %d name: %s t_count: %d\n", dmi->version[0],dmi->version[1],dmi->version[2],dmi->data_size,dmi->data_start, dmi->name,dmi->target_count); printf("dmi: size: %d -- %p --- %p \n",sizeof(struct dm_ioctl),dmi,dmi+dmi->data_start); printf("dmtv: size: %p --- %p\n",dmtv,(struct dm_target_versions *)(dmi+312));*/ /* get prop_array of target_version dictionaries */ if ((cmd = libdm_task_get_cmd(task)) == NULL) return -ENOENT; iter = libdm_cmd_iter_create(cmd); while((target = libdm_cmd_get_target(iter)) != NULL){ j++; name = libdm_target_get_name(target); slen = strlen(name) + 1; rec_size = sizeof(struct dm_target_versions) + slen + 1; if (rec_size > dmi->data_size) return -ENOMEM; libdm_target_get_version(target, dmtv->version, sizeof(ver)); dmtv->next = rec_size; strlcpy(dmtv->name,name,slen); odmtv = dmtv; dmtv =(struct dm_target_versions *)((uint8_t *)dmtv + rec_size); libdm_target_destroy(target); } if (odmtv != NULL) odmtv->next = 0; libdm_iter_destroy(iter); return j; } /* * List all available dm devices in system. */ static int dm_list_devices(libdm_task_t task, struct dm_ioctl *dmi) { struct dm_name_list *dml,*odml; libdm_cmd_t cmd; libdm_iter_t iter; libdm_dev_t dev; uint32_t minor; uint32_t major; char *name; size_t j,slen,rec_size; odml = NULL; name = NULL; minor = 0; j = 0; nbsd_get_dm_major(&major, DM_BLOCK_MAJOR); dml = (struct dm_name_list *)((uint8_t *)dmi + dmi->data_start); if ((cmd = libdm_task_get_cmd(task)) == NULL) return -ENOENT; iter = libdm_cmd_iter_create(cmd); while((dev = libdm_cmd_get_dev(iter)) != NULL){ name = libdm_dev_get_name(dev); minor = libdm_dev_get_minor(dev); dml->dev = MKDEV(major, minor); slen = strlen(name) + 1; rec_size = sizeof(struct dm_name_list) + slen + 1; if (rec_size > dmi->data_size) return -ENOMEM; dml->next = rec_size; strlcpy(dml->name, name, slen); odml = dml; dml =(struct dm_name_list *)((uint8_t *)dml + rec_size); j++; libdm_dev_destroy(dev); } if (odml != NULL) odml->next = 0; libdm_iter_destroy(iter); return j; } /* * Print status of each table, target arguments, start sector, * size and target name. */ static int dm_table_status(libdm_task_t task, struct dm_ioctl *dmi) { struct dm_target_spec *dmts, *odmts; libdm_cmd_t cmd; libdm_table_t table; libdm_iter_t iter; uint32_t flags; char *type, *params, *params_start; size_t j, plen, rec_size, next; j = next = rec_size = 0; params = NULL; odmts = NULL; plen = -1; dmts = (struct dm_target_spec *)((uint8_t *)dmi + dmi->data_start); if ((cmd = libdm_task_get_cmd(task)) == NULL) return ENOENT; iter = libdm_cmd_iter_create(cmd); while ((table = libdm_cmd_get_table(iter)) != NULL) { dmts->sector_start = libdm_table_get_start(table); dmts->length = libdm_table_get_length(table); dmts->status = libdm_table_get_status(table); type = libdm_table_get_target(table); params = libdm_table_get_params(table); if (params == NULL) params = ""; plen = strlen(params) + 1; rec_size = sizeof(struct dm_target_spec) + plen; /* * In linux when copying table status from kernel next is * number of bytes from the start of the first dm_target_spec * structure. I don't know why but, it has to be done this way. */ next += rec_size; if (rec_size > dmi->data_size) { libdm_table_destroy(table); libdm_iter_destroy(iter); return -ENOMEM; } dmts->next = next; strlcpy(dmts->target_type, type, DM_MAX_TYPE_NAME); params_start = (char *)dmts + sizeof(struct dm_target_spec); strlcpy(params_start, params, plen); odmts = dmts; dmts = (struct dm_target_spec *)((uint8_t *)dmts + rec_size); j++; libdm_table_destroy(table); } if (odmts != NULL) odmts->next = 0; libdm_iter_destroy(iter); return j; } /* * Print dm device dependiences, get minor/major number for * devices. From kernel I will receive major:minor number of * block device used with target. I have to translate it to * raw device numbers and use them, because all other parts of lvm2 * uses raw devices internally. */ static int dm_dev_deps(libdm_task_t task, struct dm_ioctl *dmi) { struct dm_target_deps *dmtd; struct kinfo_drivers *kd; libdm_cmd_t cmd; libdm_iter_t iter; dev_t dev_deps; uint32_t major; size_t val_len, i, j; dev_deps = 0; j = 0; i = 0; if (sysctlbyname("kern.drivers",NULL,&val_len,NULL,0) < 0) { printf("sysctlbyname failed"); return 0; } if ((kd = malloc(val_len)) == NULL){ printf("malloc kd info error\n"); return 0; } if (sysctlbyname("kern.drivers", kd, &val_len, NULL, 0) < 0) { printf("sysctlbyname failed kd"); return 0; } dmtd = (struct dm_target_deps *)((uint8_t *)dmi + dmi->data_start); if ((cmd = libdm_task_get_cmd(task)) == NULL) return -ENOENT; iter = libdm_cmd_iter_create(cmd); while((dev_deps = libdm_cmd_get_deps(iter)) != 0) { for (i = 0, val_len /= sizeof(*kd); i < val_len; i++){ if (kd[i].d_bmajor == MAJOR(dev_deps)) { major = kd[i].d_cmajor; break; } } dmtd->dev[j] = MKDEV(major, MINOR(dev_deps)); j++; } dmtd->count = j; libdm_iter_destroy(iter); free(kd); return j; }