## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in.
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License.  As a special exception to the GNU General
# Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program
# that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under
# the same distribution terms as the rest of that program.
# Generated by gnulib-tool.
# Reproduce by: gnulib-tool --import --dir=gettext-tools --local-dir=gnulib-local --lib=libgnu --source-base=libgettextpo --m4-base=libgettextpo/gnulib-m4 --doc-base=doc --aux-dir=../build-aux --makefile_name=Makefile.gnulib --libtool --macro-prefix=gtpo basename c-ctype c-strcase c-strstr error error-progname exit fstrcmp fwriteerror gcd getline gettext-h gettext-tools-libgettextpo-misc hash iconv linebreak minmax pathname progname stdbool ucs4-utf8 unlocked-io utf16-ucs4 utf8-ucs4 vasprintf xalloc xallocsa xerror xstriconv xvasprintf

noinst_LTLIBRARIES += libgnu.la

libgnu_la_SOURCES =
libgnu_la_LIBADD = $(gtpo_LTLIBOBJS)
libgnu_la_DEPENDENCIES = $(gtpo_LTLIBOBJS)
libgnu_la_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS)
MOSTLYCLEANFILES += core *.stackdump

## begin gnulib module alloca-opt


# We need the following in order to create <alloca.h> when the system
# doesn't have one that works with the given compiler.
alloca.h: alloca_.h
	  cat $(srcdir)/alloca_.h; \
	} > $@-t
	mv -f $@-t $@
MOSTLYCLEANFILES += alloca.h alloca.h-t

EXTRA_DIST += alloca_.h

## end   gnulib module alloca-opt

## begin gnulib module allocsa

libgnu_la_SOURCES += allocsa.h allocsa.c

EXTRA_DIST += allocsa.valgrind

## end   gnulib module allocsa

## begin gnulib module basename

libgnu_la_SOURCES += basename.h basename.c

## end   gnulib module basename

## begin gnulib module c-ctype

libgnu_la_SOURCES += c-ctype.h c-ctype.c

## end   gnulib module c-ctype

## begin gnulib module c-strcase

libgnu_la_SOURCES += c-strcase.h c-strcasecmp.c c-strncasecmp.c

## end   gnulib module c-strcase

## begin gnulib module c-strstr

libgnu_la_SOURCES += c-strstr.h c-strstr.c

## end   gnulib module c-strstr

## begin gnulib module configmake

# Retrieve values of the variables through 'configure' followed by
# 'make', not directly through 'configure', so that a user who
# sets some of these variables consistently on the 'make' command
# line gets correct results.
# One advantage of this approach, compared to the classical
# approach of adding -DLIBDIR=\"$(libdir)\" etc. to AM_CPPFLAGS,
# is that it protects against the use of undefined variables.
# If, say, $(libdir) is not set in the Makefile, LIBDIR is not
# defined by this module, and code using LIBDIR gives a
# compilation error.
# Another advantage is that 'make' output is shorter.
# Listed in the same order as the GNU makefile conventions.
# The Automake-defined pkg* macros are appended, in the order
# listed in the Automake 1.10a+ documentation.
configmake.h: Makefile
	rm -f $@-t $@
	  echo '#define PREFIX "$(prefix)"'; \
	  echo '#define EXEC_PREFIX "$(exec_prefix)"'; \
	  echo '#define BINDIR "$(bindir)"'; \
	  echo '#define SBINDIR "$(sbindir)"'; \
	  echo '#define LIBEXECDIR "$(libexecdir)"'; \
	  echo '#define DATAROOTDIR "$(datarootdir)"'; \
	  echo '#define DATADIR "$(datadir)"'; \
	  echo '#define SYSCONFDIR "$(sysconfdir)"'; \
	  echo '#define SHAREDSTATEDIR "$(sharedstatedir)"'; \
	  echo '#define LOCALSTATEDIR "$(localstatedir)"'; \
	  echo '#define INCLUDEDIR "$(includedir)"'; \
	  echo '#define OLDINCLUDEDIR "$(oldincludedir)"'; \
	  echo '#define DOCDIR "$(docdir)"'; \
	  echo '#define INFODIR "$(infodir)"'; \
	  echo '#define HTMLDIR "$(htmldir)"'; \
	  echo '#define DVIDIR "$(dvidir)"'; \
	  echo '#define PDFDIR "$(pdfdir)"'; \
	  echo '#define PSDIR "$(psdir)"'; \
	  echo '#define LIBDIR "$(libdir)"'; \
	  echo '#define LISPDIR "$(lispdir)"'; \
	  echo '#define LOCALEDIR "$(localedir)"'; \
	  echo '#define MANDIR "$(mandir)"'; \
	  echo '#define MANEXT "$(manext)"'; \
	  echo '#define PKGDATADIR "$(pkgdatadir)"'; \
	  echo '#define PKGINCLUDEDIR "$(pkgincludedir)"'; \
	  echo '#define PKGLIBDIR "$(pkglibdir)"'; \
	  echo '#define PKGLIBEXECDIR "$(pkglibexecdir)"'; \
	} | sed '/""/d' > $@-t
	mv $@-t $@
BUILT_SOURCES += configmake.h
CLEANFILES += configmake.h configmake.h-t

## end   gnulib module configmake

## begin gnulib module error

EXTRA_DIST += error.c error.h

## end   gnulib module error

## begin gnulib module error-progname

libgnu_la_SOURCES += error-progname.h error-progname.c

## end   gnulib module error-progname

## begin gnulib module exit

libgnu_la_SOURCES += exit.h

## end   gnulib module exit

## begin gnulib module exitfail

libgnu_la_SOURCES += exitfail.h exitfail.c

## end   gnulib module exitfail

## begin gnulib module fstrcmp

libgnu_la_SOURCES += fstrcmp.h fstrcmp.c

## end   gnulib module fstrcmp

## begin gnulib module fwriteerror

libgnu_la_SOURCES += fwriteerror.h fwriteerror.c

## end   gnulib module fwriteerror

## begin gnulib module gcd

libgnu_la_SOURCES += gcd.h gcd.c

## end   gnulib module gcd

## begin gnulib module getdelim

EXTRA_DIST += getdelim.c getdelim.h

## end   gnulib module getdelim

## begin gnulib module getline

EXTRA_DIST += getline.c getline.h

## end   gnulib module getline

## begin gnulib module gettext-h

libgnu_la_SOURCES += gettext.h

## end   gnulib module gettext-h

## begin gnulib module hash

libgnu_la_SOURCES += hash.h hash.c

## end   gnulib module hash

## begin gnulib module linebreak

libgnu_la_SOURCES += linebreak.h linebreak.c lbrkprop.h

## end   gnulib module linebreak

## begin gnulib module localcharset

libgnu_la_SOURCES += localcharset.h localcharset.c

# We need the following in order to install a simple file in $(libdir)
# which is shared with other installed packages. We use a list of referencing
# packages so that "make uninstall" will remove the file if and only if it
# is not used by another installed package.
# On systems with glibc-2.1 or newer, the file is redundant, therefore we
# avoid installing it.

all-local: charset.alias ref-add.sed ref-del.sed

charset_alias = $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.alias
charset_tmp = $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.tmp
install-exec-local: all-local
	test $(GLIBC21) != no || $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
	if test -f $(charset_alias); then \
	  sed -f ref-add.sed $(charset_alias) > $(charset_tmp) ; \
	  $(INSTALL_DATA) $(charset_tmp) $(charset_alias) ; \
	  rm -f $(charset_tmp) ; \
	else \
	  if test $(GLIBC21) = no; then \
	    sed -f ref-add.sed charset.alias > $(charset_tmp) ; \
	    $(INSTALL_DATA) $(charset_tmp) $(charset_alias) ; \
	    rm -f $(charset_tmp) ; \
	  fi ; \

uninstall-local: all-local
	if test -f $(charset_alias); then \
	  sed -f ref-del.sed $(charset_alias) > $(charset_tmp); \
	  if grep '^# Packages using this file: $$' $(charset_tmp) \
	      > /dev/null; then \
	    rm -f $(charset_alias); \
	  else \
	    $(INSTALL_DATA) $(charset_tmp) $(charset_alias); \
	  fi; \
	  rm -f $(charset_tmp); \

charset.alias: config.charset
	rm -f t-$@ $@
	$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/config.charset '$(host)' > t-$@
	mv t-$@ $@

SUFFIXES += .sed .sin
	rm -f t-$@ $@
	sed -e '/^#/d' -e 's/@''PACKAGE''@/$(PACKAGE)/g' $< > t-$@
	mv t-$@ $@

CLEANFILES += charset.alias ref-add.sed ref-del.sed

EXTRA_DIST += config.charset ref-add.sin ref-del.sin

## end   gnulib module localcharset

## begin gnulib module lock

libgnu_la_SOURCES += lock.h lock.c

## end   gnulib module lock

## begin gnulib module mbswidth

libgnu_la_SOURCES += mbswidth.h mbswidth.c

## end   gnulib module mbswidth

## begin gnulib module minmax

libgnu_la_SOURCES += minmax.h

## end   gnulib module minmax

## begin gnulib module obstack

EXTRA_DIST += obstack.c obstack.h

## end   gnulib module obstack

## begin gnulib module pathname

libgnu_la_SOURCES += pathname.h concatpath.c

## end   gnulib module pathname

## begin gnulib module progname

libgnu_la_SOURCES += progname.h progname.c

## end   gnulib module progname

## begin gnulib module relocatable

EXTRA_DIST += relocatable.c relocatable.h

## end   gnulib module relocatable

## begin gnulib module size_max

libgnu_la_SOURCES += size_max.h

## end   gnulib module size_max

## begin gnulib module stdbool


# We need the following in order to create <stdbool.h> when the system
# doesn't have one that works.
stdbool.h: stdbool_.h
	rm -f $@-t $@
	  sed -e 's/@''HAVE__BOOL''@/$(HAVE__BOOL)/g' < $(srcdir)/stdbool_.h; \
	} > $@-t
	mv $@-t $@
MOSTLYCLEANFILES += stdbool.h stdbool.h-t

EXTRA_DIST += stdbool_.h

## end   gnulib module stdbool

## begin gnulib module stdint


# We need the following in order to create <stdint.h> when the system
# doesn't have one that works with the given compiler.
stdint.h: stdint_.h
	rm -f $@-t $@
	  sed -e 's/@''HAVE_WCHAR_H''@/$(HAVE_WCHAR_H)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''HAVE_STDINT_H''@/$(HAVE_STDINT_H)/g' \
	      -e 's|@''ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H''@|$(ABSOLUTE_STDINT_H)|g' \
	      -e 's/@''HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H''@/$(HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''HAVE_INTTYPES_H''@/$(HAVE_INTTYPES_H)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''HAVE_SYS_INTTYPES_H''@/$(HAVE_SYS_INTTYPES_H)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''HAVE_SYS_BITYPES_H''@/$(HAVE_SYS_BITYPES_H)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT''@/$(HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX''@/$(PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''SIG_ATOMIC_T_SUFFIX''@/$(SIG_ATOMIC_T_SUFFIX)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''BITSIZEOF_SIZE_T''@/$(BITSIZEOF_SIZE_T)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''SIZE_T_SUFFIX''@/$(SIZE_T_SUFFIX)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''BITSIZEOF_WCHAR_T''@/$(BITSIZEOF_WCHAR_T)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''HAVE_SIGNED_WCHAR_T''@/$(HAVE_SIGNED_WCHAR_T)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''WCHAR_T_SUFFIX''@/$(WCHAR_T_SUFFIX)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''BITSIZEOF_WINT_T''@/$(BITSIZEOF_WINT_T)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''HAVE_SIGNED_WINT_T''@/$(HAVE_SIGNED_WINT_T)/g' \
	      -e 's/@''WINT_T_SUFFIX''@/$(WINT_T_SUFFIX)/g' \
	      < $(srcdir)/stdint_.h; \
	} > $@-t
	mv $@-t $@
MOSTLYCLEANFILES += stdint.h stdint.h-t

EXTRA_DIST += stdint_.h

## end   gnulib module stdint

## begin gnulib module stpcpy

EXTRA_DIST += stpcpy.c stpcpy.h

## end   gnulib module stpcpy

## begin gnulib module strdup

EXTRA_DIST += strdup.c strdup.h

## end   gnulib module strdup

## begin gnulib module striconv

libgnu_la_SOURCES += striconv.h striconv.c
libgnu_la_LDFLAGS += $(LTLIBICONV)

## end   gnulib module striconv

## begin gnulib module tls

libgnu_la_SOURCES += tls.h tls.c

## end   gnulib module tls

## begin gnulib module ucs4-utf8

libgnu_la_SOURCES += ucs4-utf8.h

## end   gnulib module ucs4-utf8

## begin gnulib module unlocked-io

EXTRA_DIST += unlocked-io.h

## end   gnulib module unlocked-io

## begin gnulib module utf16-ucs4

libgnu_la_SOURCES += utf16-ucs4.h

## end   gnulib module utf16-ucs4

## begin gnulib module utf8-ucs4

libgnu_la_SOURCES += utf8-ucs4.h

## end   gnulib module utf8-ucs4

## begin gnulib module vasprintf

EXTRA_DIST += vasprintf.c vasprintf.h

## end   gnulib module vasprintf

## begin gnulib module wcwidth

libgnu_la_SOURCES += wcwidth.h

## end   gnulib module wcwidth

## begin gnulib module xalloc

libgnu_la_SOURCES += xalloc.h xmalloc.c xstrdup.c

## end   gnulib module xalloc

## begin gnulib module xallocsa

libgnu_la_SOURCES += xallocsa.h xallocsa.c

## end   gnulib module xallocsa

## begin gnulib module xerror

libgnu_la_SOURCES += xerror.h xerror.c

## end   gnulib module xerror

## begin gnulib module xsize

libgnu_la_SOURCES += xsize.h

## end   gnulib module xsize

## begin gnulib module xstriconv

libgnu_la_SOURCES += xstriconv.h xstriconv.c

## end   gnulib module xstriconv

## begin gnulib module xvasprintf

libgnu_la_SOURCES += xvasprintf.h xvasprintf.c xasprintf.c

EXTRA_DIST += xalloc.h

## end   gnulib module xvasprintf

mostlyclean-local: mostlyclean-generic
	@for dir in '' $(MOSTLYCLEANDIRS); do \
	  if test -n "$$dir" && test -d $$dir; then \
	    echo "rmdir $$dir"; rmdir $$dir; \
	  fi; \