Examples - Script demos, screenshots, and how to read the output

   This directory contains an example file per script in the DTraceToolkit.

   When I hear of a new performance tool or what not, the first thing I want
   to see are screenshots. They illustrate,

   	- generally what the tool is for
	- many details and features, since the output is (supposed to be)
	  as intuitive as possible
	- how to use the tool (command line usage)

   It is a rapid way to get a handle on what a tool generally is, and how
   to start using it. The files in this directory serve that purpose.

   These are especially important now that the DTraceToolkit has over 200
   scripts. Flicking through these files and seeing the screenshots may
   be the quickest way to find what you are after.

   Of course, don't forget to read the man pages and notes files too :)