/* * Chat -- a program for automatic session establishment (i.e. dial * the phone and log in). * * Standard termination codes: * 0 - successful completion of the script * 1 - invalid argument, expect string too large, etc. * 2 - error on an I/O operation or fatal error condition. * 3 - timeout waiting for a simple string. * 4 - the first string declared as "ABORT" * 5 - the second string declared as "ABORT" * 6 - ... and so on for successive ABORT strings. * * This software is in the public domain. * * ----------------- * 22-May-99 added environment substitutuion, enabled with -E switch. * Andreas Arens <andras@cityweb.de>. * * 12-May-99 added a feature to read data to be sent from a file, * if the send string starts with @. Idea from gpk <gpk@onramp.net>. * * added -T and -U option and \T and \U substitution to pass a phone * number into chat script. Two are needed for some ISDN TA applications. * Keith Dart <kdart@cisco.com> * * * Added SAY keyword to send output to stderr. * This allows to turn ECHO OFF and to output specific, user selected, * text to give progress messages. This best works when stderr * exists (i.e.: pppd in nodetach mode). * * Added HANGUP directives to allow for us to be called * back. When HANGUP is set to NO, chat will not hangup at HUP signal. * We rely on timeouts in that case. * * Added CLR_ABORT to clear previously set ABORT string. This has been * dictated by the HANGUP above as "NO CARRIER" (for example) must be * an ABORT condition until we know the other host is going to close * the connection for call back. As soon as we have completed the * first stage of the call back sequence, "NO CARRIER" is a valid, non * fatal string. As soon as we got called back (probably get "CONNECT"), * we should re-arm the ABORT "NO CARRIER". Hence the CLR_ABORT command. * Note that CLR_ABORT packs the abort_strings[] array so that we do not * have unused entries not being reclaimed. * * In the same vein as above, added CLR_REPORT keyword. * * Allow for comments. Line starting with '#' are comments and are * ignored. If a '#' is to be expected as the first character, the * expect string must be quoted. * * * Francis Demierre <Francis@SwissMail.Com> * Thu May 15 17:15:40 MET DST 1997 * * * Added -r "report file" switch & REPORT keyword. * Robert Geer <bgeer@xmission.com> * * Added -s "use stderr" and -S "don't use syslog" switches. * June 18, 1997 * Karl O. Pinc <kop@meme.com> * * * Added -e "echo" switch & ECHO keyword * Dick Streefland <dicks@tasking.nl> * * * Considerable updates and modifications by * Al Longyear <longyear@pobox.com> * Paul Mackerras <paulus@cs.anu.edu.au> * * * The original author is: * * Karl Fox <karl@MorningStar.Com> * Morning Star Technologies, Inc. * 1760 Zollinger Road * Columbus, OH 43221 * (614)451-1883 * */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __RCSID("NetBSD: chat.c,v 1.2 2013/11/28 22:33:42 christos Exp "); #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <stdarg.h> #ifndef TERMIO #undef TERMIOS #define TERMIOS #endif #ifdef TERMIO #include <termio.h> #endif #ifdef TERMIOS #include <termios.h> #endif #define STR_LEN 1024 #ifndef SIGTYPE #define SIGTYPE void #endif #ifndef O_NONBLOCK #define O_NONBLOCK O_NDELAY #endif #ifdef SUNOS extern int sys_nerr; extern char *sys_errlist[]; #define memmove(to, from, n) bcopy(from, to, n) #define strerror(n) ((unsigned)(n) < sys_nerr? sys_errlist[(n)] :\ "unknown error") #endif char *program_name; #define BUFFER_SIZE 256 #define MAX_ABORTS 50 #define MAX_REPORTS 50 #define DEFAULT_CHAT_TIMEOUT 45 int echo = 0; int verbose = 0; int to_log = 1; int to_stderr = 0; int Verbose = 0; int quiet = 0; int report = 0; int use_env = 0; int exit_code = 0; FILE* report_fp = (FILE *) 0; char *report_file = (char *) 0; char *chat_file = (char *) 0; char *phone_num = (char *) 0; char *phone_num2 = (char *) 0; int timeout = DEFAULT_CHAT_TIMEOUT; int have_tty_parameters = 0; #ifdef TERMIO #define term_parms struct termio #define get_term_param(param) ioctl(0, TCGETA, param) #define set_term_param(param) ioctl(0, TCSETA, param) struct termio saved_tty_parameters; #endif #ifdef TERMIOS #define term_parms struct termios #define get_term_param(param) tcgetattr(0, param) #define set_term_param(param) tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, param) struct termios saved_tty_parameters; #endif char *abort_string[MAX_ABORTS], *fail_reason = (char *)0, fail_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; int n_aborts = 0, abort_next = 0, timeout_next = 0, echo_next = 0; int clear_abort_next = 0; char *report_string[MAX_REPORTS] ; char report_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE] ; int n_reports = 0, report_next = 0, report_gathering = 0 ; int clear_report_next = 0; int say_next = 0, hup_next = 0; void *dup_mem (void *b, size_t c); void *copy_of (char *s); char *grow (char *s, char **p, size_t len); void usage (void); void msgf (const char *fmt, ...); void fatal (int code, const char *fmt, ...); SIGTYPE sigalrm (int signo); SIGTYPE sigint (int signo); SIGTYPE sigterm (int signo); SIGTYPE sighup (int signo); void unalarm (void); void init (void); void set_tty_parameters (void); void echo_stderr (int); void break_sequence (void); void terminate (int status); void do_file (char *chat_file); int get_string (register char *string); int put_string (register char *s); int write_char (int c); int put_char (int c); int get_char (void); void chat_send (register char *s); char *character (int c); void chat_expect (register char *s); char *clean (register char *s, int sending); void break_sequence (void); void terminate (int status); void pack_array (char **array, int end); char *expect_strtok (char *, char *); int vfmtmsg (char *, int, const char *, va_list); /* vsprintf++ */ int main (int, char *[]); void *dup_mem(void *b, size_t c) { void *ans = malloc (c); if (!ans) fatal(2, "memory error!"); memcpy (ans, b, c); return ans; } void *copy_of (char *s) { return dup_mem (s, strlen (s) + 1); } /* grow a char buffer and keep a pointer offset */ char *grow(char *s, char **p, size_t len) { size_t l = *p - s; /* save p as distance into s */ s = realloc(s, len); if (!s) fatal(2, "memory error!"); *p = s + l; /* restore p */ return s; } /* * chat [ -v ] [ -E ] [ -T number ] [ -U number ] [ -t timeout ] [ -f chat-file ] \ * [ -r report-file ] \ * [...[[expect[-say[-expect...]] say expect[-say[-expect]] ...]]] * * Perform a UUCP-dialer-like chat script on stdin and stdout. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int option; int i; program_name = *argv; tzset(); while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, ":eEvVf:t:r:sST:U:")) != -1) { switch (option) { case 'e': ++echo; break; case 'E': ++use_env; break; case 'v': ++verbose; break; case 'V': ++Verbose; break; case 's': ++to_stderr; break; case 'S': to_log = 0; break; case 'f': if (optarg != NULL) chat_file = copy_of(optarg); else usage(); break; case 't': if (optarg != NULL) timeout = atoi(optarg); else usage(); break; case 'r': if (optarg) { if (report_fp != NULL) fclose (report_fp); report_file = copy_of (optarg); report_fp = fopen (report_file, "a"); if (report_fp != NULL) { if (verbose) fprintf (report_fp, "Opening \"%s\"...\n", report_file); report = 1; } } break; case 'T': if (optarg != NULL) phone_num = copy_of(optarg); else usage(); break; case 'U': if (optarg != NULL) phone_num2 = copy_of(optarg); else usage(); break; default: usage(); break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; /* * Default the report file to the stderr location */ if (report_fp == NULL) report_fp = stderr; if (to_log) { #ifdef ultrix openlog("chat", LOG_PID); #else openlog("chat", LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_LOCAL2); if (verbose) setlogmask(LOG_UPTO(LOG_INFO)); else setlogmask(LOG_UPTO(LOG_WARNING)); #endif } init(); if (chat_file != NULL) { if (argc) usage(); else do_file (chat_file); } else { for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { chat_expect(argv[i]); if (++i < argc) chat_send(argv[i]); } } terminate(0); return 0; } /* * Process a chat script when read from a file. */ void do_file (char *chat_file) { int linect, sendflg; char *sp, *arg, quote; char buf [STR_LEN]; FILE *cfp; cfp = fopen (chat_file, "r"); if (cfp == NULL) fatal(1, "%s -- open failed: %m", chat_file); linect = 0; sendflg = 0; while (fgets(buf, STR_LEN, cfp) != NULL) { sp = strchr (buf, '\n'); if (sp) *sp = '\0'; linect++; sp = buf; /* lines starting with '#' are comments. If a real '#' is to be expected, it should be quoted .... */ if ( *sp == '#' ) continue; while (*sp != '\0') { if (*sp == ' ' || *sp == '\t') { ++sp; continue; } if (*sp == '"' || *sp == '\'') { quote = *sp++; arg = sp; while (*sp != quote) { if (*sp == '\0') fatal(1, "unterminated quote (line %d)", linect); if (*sp++ == '\\') { if (*sp != '\0') ++sp; } } } else { arg = sp; while (*sp != '\0' && *sp != ' ' && *sp != '\t') ++sp; } if (*sp != '\0') *sp++ = '\0'; if (sendflg) chat_send (arg); else chat_expect (arg); sendflg = !sendflg; } } fclose (cfp); } /* * We got an error parsing the command line. */ void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "\ Usage: %s [-e] [-E] [-v] [-V] [-t timeout] [-r report-file]\n\ [-T phone-number] [-U phone-number2] {-f chat-file | chat-script}\n", program_name); exit(1); } char line[1024]; /* * Send a message to syslog and/or stderr. */ void msgf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vfmtmsg(line, sizeof(line), fmt, args); va_end(args); if (to_log) syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s", line); if (to_stderr) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", line); va_end(args); } /* * Print an error message and terminate. */ void fatal(int code, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vfmtmsg(line, sizeof(line), fmt, args); va_end(args); if (to_log) syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s", line); if (to_stderr) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", line); va_end(args); terminate(code); } int alarmed = 0; SIGTYPE sigalrm(int signo) { int flags; alarm(1); alarmed = 1; /* Reset alarm to avoid race window */ signal(SIGALRM, sigalrm); /* that can cause hanging in read() */ if ((flags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1) fatal(2, "Can't get file mode flags on stdin: %m"); if (fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) fatal(2, "Can't set file mode flags on stdin: %m"); if (verbose) msgf("alarm"); } void unalarm(void) { int flags; if ((flags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1) fatal(2, "Can't get file mode flags on stdin: %m"); if (fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK) == -1) fatal(2, "Can't set file mode flags on stdin: %m"); } SIGTYPE sigint(int signo) { fatal(2, "SIGINT"); } SIGTYPE sigterm(int signo) { fatal(2, "SIGTERM"); } SIGTYPE sighup(int signo) { fatal(2, "SIGHUP"); } void init(void) { signal(SIGINT, sigint); signal(SIGTERM, sigterm); signal(SIGHUP, sighup); set_tty_parameters(); signal(SIGALRM, sigalrm); alarm(0); alarmed = 0; } void set_tty_parameters(void) { #if defined(get_term_param) term_parms t; if (get_term_param (&t) < 0) fatal(2, "Can't get terminal parameters: %m"); saved_tty_parameters = t; have_tty_parameters = 1; t.c_iflag |= IGNBRK | ISTRIP | IGNPAR; t.c_oflag |= OPOST | ONLCR; t.c_lflag = 0; t.c_cc[VERASE] = t.c_cc[VKILL] = 0; t.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; t.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; if (set_term_param (&t) < 0) fatal(2, "Can't set terminal parameters: %m"); #endif } void break_sequence(void) { #ifdef TERMIOS tcsendbreak (0, 0); #endif } void terminate(int status) { static int terminating = 0; if (terminating) exit(status); terminating = 1; echo_stderr(-1); /* * Allow the last of the report string to be gathered before we terminate. */ if (report_gathering) { int c, rep_len; rep_len = strlen(report_buffer); while (rep_len < sizeof(report_buffer) - 1) { alarm(1); c = get_char(); alarm(0); if (c < 0 || iscntrl(c)) break; report_buffer[rep_len] = c; ++rep_len; } report_buffer[rep_len] = 0; fprintf (report_fp, "chat: %s\n", report_buffer); } if (report_file != (char *) 0 && report_fp != (FILE *) NULL) { if (verbose) fprintf (report_fp, "Closing \"%s\".\n", report_file); fclose (report_fp); report_fp = (FILE *) NULL; } #if defined(get_term_param) if (have_tty_parameters) { if (set_term_param (&saved_tty_parameters) < 0) fatal(2, "Can't restore terminal parameters: %m"); } #endif exit(status); } /* * 'Clean up' this string. */ char *clean(register char *s, int sending) /* set to 1 when sending (putting) this string. */ { char cur_chr; char *s1, *p, *phchar; int add_return = sending; size_t len = strlen(s) + 3; /* see len comments below */ #define isoctal(chr) (((chr) >= '0') && ((chr) <= '7')) #define isalnumx(chr) ((((chr) >= '0') && ((chr) <= '9')) \ || (((chr) >= 'a') && ((chr) <= 'z')) \ || (((chr) >= 'A') && ((chr) <= 'Z')) \ || (chr) == '_') p = s1 = malloc(len); if (!p) fatal(2, "memory error!"); while (*s) { cur_chr = *s++; if (cur_chr == '^') { cur_chr = *s++; if (cur_chr == '\0') { *p++ = '^'; break; } cur_chr &= 0x1F; if (cur_chr != 0) { *p++ = cur_chr; } continue; } if (use_env && cur_chr == '$') { /* ARI */ char c; phchar = s; while (isalnumx(*s)) s++; c = *s; /* save */ *s = '\0'; phchar = getenv(phchar); *s = c; /* restore */ if (phchar) { len += strlen(phchar); s1 = grow(s1, &p, len); while (*phchar) *p++ = *phchar++; } continue; } if (cur_chr != '\\') { *p++ = cur_chr; continue; } cur_chr = *s++; if (cur_chr == '\0') { if (sending) { *p++ = '\\'; *p++ = '\\'; /* +1 for len */ } break; } switch (cur_chr) { case 'b': *p++ = '\b'; break; case 'c': if (sending && *s == '\0') add_return = 0; else *p++ = cur_chr; break; case '\\': case 'K': case 'p': case 'd': if (sending) *p++ = '\\'; *p++ = cur_chr; break; case 'T': if (sending && phone_num) { len += strlen(phone_num); s1 = grow(s1, &p, len); for (phchar = phone_num; *phchar != '\0'; phchar++) *p++ = *phchar; } else { *p++ = '\\'; *p++ = 'T'; } break; case 'U': if (sending && phone_num2) { len += strlen(phone_num2); s1 = grow(s1, &p, len); for (phchar = phone_num2; *phchar != '\0'; phchar++) *p++ = *phchar; } else { *p++ = '\\'; *p++ = 'U'; } break; case 'q': quiet = 1; break; case 'r': *p++ = '\r'; break; case 'n': *p++ = '\n'; break; case 's': *p++ = ' '; break; case 't': *p++ = '\t'; break; case 'N': if (sending) { *p++ = '\\'; *p++ = '\0'; } else *p++ = 'N'; break; case '$': /* ARI */ if (use_env) { *p++ = cur_chr; break; } /* FALL THROUGH */ default: if (isoctal (cur_chr)) { cur_chr &= 0x07; if (isoctal (*s)) { cur_chr <<= 3; cur_chr |= *s++ - '0'; if (isoctal (*s)) { cur_chr <<= 3; cur_chr |= *s++ - '0'; } } if (cur_chr != 0 || sending) { if (sending && (cur_chr == '\\' || cur_chr == 0)) *p++ = '\\'; *p++ = cur_chr; } break; } if (sending) *p++ = '\\'; *p++ = cur_chr; break; } } if (add_return) *p++ = '\r'; /* +2 for len */ *p = '\0'; /* +3 for len */ return s1; } /* * A modified version of 'strtok'. This version skips \ sequences. */ char *expect_strtok (char *s, char *term) { static char *str = ""; int escape_flag = 0; char *result; /* * If a string was specified then do initial processing. */ if (s) str = s; /* * If this is the escape flag then reset it and ignore the character. */ if (*str) result = str; else result = (char *) 0; while (*str) { if (escape_flag) { escape_flag = 0; ++str; continue; } if (*str == '\\') { ++str; escape_flag = 1; continue; } /* * If this is not in the termination string, continue. */ if (strchr (term, *str) == (char *) 0) { ++str; continue; } /* * This is the terminator. Mark the end of the string and stop. */ *str++ = '\0'; break; } return (result); } /* * Process the expect string */ void chat_expect (char *s) { char *expect; char *reply; if (strcmp(s, "HANGUP") == 0) { ++hup_next; return; } if (strcmp(s, "ABORT") == 0) { ++abort_next; return; } if (strcmp(s, "CLR_ABORT") == 0) { ++clear_abort_next; return; } if (strcmp(s, "REPORT") == 0) { ++report_next; return; } if (strcmp(s, "CLR_REPORT") == 0) { ++clear_report_next; return; } if (strcmp(s, "TIMEOUT") == 0) { ++timeout_next; return; } if (strcmp(s, "ECHO") == 0) { ++echo_next; return; } if (strcmp(s, "SAY") == 0) { ++say_next; return; } /* * Fetch the expect and reply string. */ for (;;) { expect = expect_strtok (s, "-"); s = (char *) 0; if (expect == (char *) 0) return; reply = expect_strtok (s, "-"); /* * Handle the expect string. If successful then exit. */ if (get_string (expect)) return; /* * If there is a sub-reply string then send it. Otherwise any condition * is terminal. */ if (reply == (char *) 0 || exit_code != 3) break; chat_send (reply); } /* * The expectation did not occur. This is terminal. */ if (fail_reason) msgf("Failed (%s)", fail_reason); else msgf("Failed"); terminate(exit_code); } /* * Translate the input character to the appropriate string for printing * the data. */ char *character(int c) { static char string[10]; char *meta; meta = (c & 0x80) ? "M-" : ""; c &= 0x7F; if (c < 32) snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "%s^%c", meta, (int)c + '@'); else if (c == 127) snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "%s^?", meta); else snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "%s%c", meta, c); return (string); } /* * process the reply string */ void chat_send (register char *s) { char file_data[STR_LEN]; if (say_next) { say_next = 0; s = clean(s, 1); write(2, s, strlen(s)); free(s); return; } if (hup_next) { hup_next = 0; if (strcmp(s, "OFF") == 0) signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); else signal(SIGHUP, sighup); return; } if (echo_next) { echo_next = 0; echo = (strcmp(s, "ON") == 0); return; } if (abort_next) { char *s1; abort_next = 0; if (n_aborts >= MAX_ABORTS) fatal(2, "Too many ABORT strings"); s1 = clean(s, 0); if (strlen(s1) > strlen(s) || strlen(s1) + 1 > sizeof(fail_buffer)) fatal(1, "Illegal or too-long ABORT string ('%v')", s); abort_string[n_aborts++] = s1; if (verbose) msgf("abort on (%v)", s); return; } if (clear_abort_next) { char *s1; int i; int old_max; int pack = 0; clear_abort_next = 0; s1 = clean(s, 0); if (strlen(s1) > strlen(s) || strlen(s1) + 1 > sizeof(fail_buffer)) fatal(1, "Illegal or too-long CLR_ABORT string ('%v')", s); old_max = n_aborts; for (i=0; i < n_aborts; i++) { if ( strcmp(s1,abort_string[i]) == 0 ) { free(abort_string[i]); abort_string[i] = NULL; pack++; n_aborts--; if (verbose) msgf("clear abort on (%v)", s); } } free(s1); if (pack) pack_array(abort_string,old_max); return; } if (report_next) { char *s1; report_next = 0; if (n_reports >= MAX_REPORTS) fatal(2, "Too many REPORT strings"); s1 = clean(s, 0); if (strlen(s1) > strlen(s) || strlen(s1) + 1 > sizeof(fail_buffer)) fatal(1, "Illegal or too-long REPORT string ('%v')", s); report_string[n_reports++] = s1; if (verbose) msgf("report (%v)", s); return; } if (clear_report_next) { char *s1; int i; int old_max; int pack = 0; clear_report_next = 0; s1 = clean(s, 0); if (strlen(s1) > strlen(s) || strlen(s1) + 1 > sizeof(fail_buffer)) fatal(1, "Illegal or too-long REPORT string ('%v')", s); old_max = n_reports; for (i=0; i < n_reports; i++) { if ( strcmp(s1,report_string[i]) == 0 ) { free(report_string[i]); report_string[i] = NULL; pack++; n_reports--; if (verbose) msgf("clear report (%v)", s); } } free(s1); if (pack) pack_array(report_string,old_max); return; } if (timeout_next) { timeout_next = 0; s = clean(s, 0); timeout = atoi(s); free(s); if (timeout <= 0) timeout = DEFAULT_CHAT_TIMEOUT; if (verbose) msgf("timeout set to %d seconds", timeout); return; } /* * The syntax @filename means read the string to send from the * file `filename'. */ if (s[0] == '@') { /* skip the @ and any following white-space */ char *fn = s; while (*++fn == ' ' || *fn == '\t') ; if (*fn != 0) { FILE *f; int n = 0; /* open the file and read until STR_LEN-1 bytes or end-of-file */ f = fopen(fn, "r"); if (f == NULL) fatal(1, "%s -- open failed: %m", fn); while (n < STR_LEN - 1) { int nr = fread(&file_data[n], 1, STR_LEN - 1 - n, f); if (nr < 0) fatal(1, "%s -- read error", fn); if (nr == 0) break; n += nr; } fclose(f); /* use the string we got as the string to send, but trim off the final newline if any. */ if (n > 0 && file_data[n-1] == '\n') --n; file_data[n] = 0; s = file_data; } } if (strcmp(s, "EOT") == 0) s = "^D\\c"; else if (strcmp(s, "BREAK") == 0) s = "\\K\\c"; if (!put_string(s)) fatal(1, "Failed"); } int get_char(void) { int status; char c; status = read(0, &c, 1); switch (status) { case 1: return ((int)c & 0x7F); default: msgf("warning: read() on stdin returned %d", status); case -1: if ((status = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1) fatal(2, "Can't get file mode flags on stdin: %m"); if (fcntl(0, F_SETFL, status & ~O_NONBLOCK) == -1) fatal(2, "Can't set file mode flags on stdin: %m"); return (-1); } } int put_char(int c) { int status; char ch = c; usleep(10000); /* inter-character typing delay (?) */ status = write(1, &ch, 1); switch (status) { case 1: return (0); default: msgf("warning: write() on stdout returned %d", status); case -1: if ((status = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1) fatal(2, "Can't get file mode flags on stdin, %m"); if (fcntl(0, F_SETFL, status & ~O_NONBLOCK) == -1) fatal(2, "Can't set file mode flags on stdin: %m"); return (-1); } } int write_char(int c) { if (alarmed || put_char(c) < 0) { alarm(0); alarmed = 0; if (verbose) { if (errno == EINTR || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) msgf(" -- write timed out"); else msgf(" -- write failed: %m"); } return (0); } return (1); } int put_string(register char *s) { char *ss; quiet = 0; s = ss = clean(s, 1); if (verbose) { if (quiet) msgf("send (?????\?)"); else msgf("send (%v)", s); } alarm(timeout); alarmed = 0; while (*s) { char c = *s++; if (c != '\\') { if (!write_char (c)) { free(ss); return 0; } continue; } c = *s++; switch (c) { case 'd': sleep(1); break; case 'K': break_sequence(); break; case 'p': usleep(10000); /* 1/100th of a second (arg is microseconds) */ break; default: if (!write_char (c)) { free(ss); return 0; } break; } } alarm(0); alarmed = 0; free(ss); return (1); } /* * Echo a character to stderr. * When called with -1, a '\n' character is generated when * the cursor is not at the beginning of a line. */ void echo_stderr(int n) { static int need_lf; char *s; switch (n) { case '\r': /* ignore '\r' */ break; case -1: if (need_lf == 0) break; /* fall through */ case '\n': write(2, "\n", 1); need_lf = 0; break; default: s = character(n); write(2, s, strlen(s)); need_lf = 1; break; } } /* * 'Wait for' this string to appear on this file descriptor. */ int get_string(register char *string) { char temp[STR_LEN]; int c, len, minlen; char *s = temp, *end = s + STR_LEN; char *logged = temp; fail_reason = (char *)0; string = clean(string, 0); len = strlen(string); minlen = (len > sizeof(fail_buffer)? len: sizeof(fail_buffer)) - 1; if (verbose) msgf("expect (%v)", string); if (len > STR_LEN) { msgf("expect string is too long"); exit_code = 1; free(string); return 0; } if (len == 0) { if (verbose) msgf("got it"); free(string); return (1); } alarm(timeout); alarmed = 0; while ( ! alarmed && (c = get_char()) >= 0) { int n, abort_len, report_len; if (echo) echo_stderr(c); if (verbose && c == '\n') { if (s == logged) msgf(""); /* blank line */ else msgf("%0.*v", s - logged, logged); logged = s + 1; } *s++ = c; if (verbose && s >= logged + 80) { msgf("%0.*v", s - logged, logged); logged = s; } if (Verbose) { if (c == '\n') fputc( '\n', stderr ); else if (c != '\r') fprintf( stderr, "%s", character(c) ); } if (!report_gathering) { for (n = 0; n < n_reports; ++n) { if ((report_string[n] != (char*) NULL) && s - temp >= (report_len = strlen(report_string[n])) && strncmp(s - report_len, report_string[n], report_len) == 0) { time_t time_now = time ((time_t*) NULL); struct tm* tm_now = localtime (&time_now); strftime (report_buffer, 20, "%b %d %H:%M:%S ", tm_now); strcat (report_buffer, report_string[n]); strlcat(report_buffer, report_string[n], sizeof(report_buffer)); report_string[n] = (char *) NULL; report_gathering = 1; break; } } } else { if (!iscntrl (c)) { int rep_len = strlen (report_buffer); report_buffer[rep_len] = c; report_buffer[rep_len + 1] = '\0'; } else { report_gathering = 0; fprintf (report_fp, "chat: %s\n", report_buffer); } } if (s - temp >= len && c == string[len - 1] && strncmp(s - len, string, len) == 0) { if (verbose) { if (s > logged) msgf("%0.*v", s - logged, logged); msgf(" -- got it\n"); } alarm(0); alarmed = 0; free(string); return (1); } for (n = 0; n < n_aborts; ++n) { if (s - temp >= (abort_len = strlen(abort_string[n])) && strncmp(s - abort_len, abort_string[n], abort_len) == 0) { if (verbose) { if (s > logged) msgf("%0.*v", s - logged, logged); msgf(" -- failed"); } alarm(0); alarmed = 0; exit_code = n + 4; strlcpy(fail_buffer, abort_string[n], sizeof(fail_buffer)); fail_reason = fail_buffer; free(string); return (0); } } if (s >= end) { if (logged < s - minlen) { if (verbose) msgf("%0.*v", s - logged, logged); logged = s; } s -= minlen; memmove(temp, s, minlen); logged = temp + (logged - s); s = temp + minlen; } if (alarmed && verbose) msgf("warning: alarm synchronization problem"); } alarm(0); exit_code = 3; alarmed = 0; free(string); return (0); } /* * Gross kludge to handle Solaris versions >= 2.6 having usleep. */ #ifdef SOL2 #include <sys/param.h> #if MAXUID > 65536 /* then this is Solaris 2.6 or later */ #undef NO_USLEEP #endif #endif /* SOL2 */ #ifdef NO_USLEEP #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> /* usleep -- support routine for 4.2BSD system call emulations last edit: 29-Oct-1984 D A Gwyn */ extern int select(); /* returns 0 if ok, else -1 */ int usleep(long usec) /* delay in microseconds */ { static struct { /* `timeval' */ long tv_sec; /* seconds */ long tv_usec; /* microsecs */ } delay; /* _select() timeout */ delay.tv_sec = usec / 1000000L; delay.tv_usec = usec % 1000000L; return select(0, (long *)0, (long *)0, (long *)0, &delay); } #endif void pack_array ( char **array, /* The address of the array of string pointers */ int end) /* The index of the next free entry before CLR_ */ { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < end; i++) { if (array[i] == NULL) { for (j = i+1; j < end; ++j) if (array[j] != NULL) array[i++] = array[j]; for (; i < end; ++i) array[i] = NULL; break; } } } /* * vfmtmsg - format a message into a buffer. Like vsprintf except we * also specify the length of the output buffer, and we handle the * %m (error message) format. * Doesn't do floating-point formats. * Returns the number of chars put into buf. */ #define OUTCHAR(c) (buflen > 0? (--buflen, *buf++ = (c)): 0) int vfmtmsg(char *buf, int buflen, const char *fmt, va_list args) { int c, i, n; int width, prec, fillch; int base, len, neg, quoted; unsigned long val = 0; char *str, *buf0; const char *f; unsigned char *p; char num[32]; static char hexchars[] = "0123456789abcdef"; buf0 = buf; --buflen; while (buflen > 0) { for (f = fmt; *f != '%' && *f != 0; ++f) ; if (f > fmt) { len = f - fmt; if (len > buflen) len = buflen; memcpy(buf, fmt, len); buf += len; buflen -= len; fmt = f; } if (*fmt == 0) break; c = *++fmt; width = prec = 0; fillch = ' '; if (c == '0') { fillch = '0'; c = *++fmt; } if (c == '*') { width = va_arg(args, int); c = *++fmt; } else { while (isdigit(c)) { width = width * 10 + c - '0'; c = *++fmt; } } if (c == '.') { c = *++fmt; if (c == '*') { prec = va_arg(args, int); c = *++fmt; } else { while (isdigit(c)) { prec = prec * 10 + c - '0'; c = *++fmt; } } } str = 0; base = 0; neg = 0; ++fmt; switch (c) { case 'd': i = va_arg(args, int); if (i < 0) { neg = 1; val = -i; } else val = i; base = 10; break; case 'o': val = va_arg(args, unsigned int); base = 8; break; case 'x': val = va_arg(args, unsigned int); base = 16; break; case 'p': val = (unsigned long) va_arg(args, void *); base = 16; neg = 2; break; case 's': str = va_arg(args, char *); break; case 'c': num[0] = va_arg(args, int); num[1] = 0; str = num; break; case 'm': str = strerror(errno); break; case 'v': /* "visible" string */ case 'q': /* quoted string */ quoted = c == 'q'; p = va_arg(args, unsigned char *); if (fillch == '0' && prec > 0) { n = prec; } else { n = strlen((char *)p); if (prec > 0 && prec < n) n = prec; } while (n > 0 && buflen > 0) { c = *p++; --n; if (!quoted && c >= 0x80) { OUTCHAR('M'); OUTCHAR('-'); c -= 0x80; } if (quoted && (c == '"' || c == '\\')) OUTCHAR('\\'); if (c < 0x20 || (0x7f <= c && c < 0xa0)) { if (quoted) { OUTCHAR('\\'); switch (c) { case '\t': OUTCHAR('t'); break; case '\n': OUTCHAR('n'); break; case '\b': OUTCHAR('b'); break; case '\f': OUTCHAR('f'); break; default: OUTCHAR('x'); OUTCHAR(hexchars[c >> 4]); OUTCHAR(hexchars[c & 0xf]); } } else { if (c == '\t') OUTCHAR(c); else { OUTCHAR('^'); OUTCHAR(c ^ 0x40); } } } else OUTCHAR(c); } continue; default: *buf++ = '%'; if (c != '%') --fmt; /* so %z outputs %z etc. */ --buflen; continue; } if (base != 0) { str = num + sizeof(num); *--str = 0; while (str > num + neg) { *--str = hexchars[val % base]; val = val / base; if (--prec <= 0 && val == 0) break; } switch (neg) { case 1: *--str = '-'; break; case 2: *--str = 'x'; *--str = '0'; break; } len = num + sizeof(num) - 1 - str; } else { len = strlen(str); if (prec > 0 && len > prec) len = prec; } if (width > 0) { if (width > buflen) width = buflen; if ((n = width - len) > 0) { buflen -= n; for (; n > 0; --n) *buf++ = fillch; } } if (len > buflen) len = buflen; memcpy(buf, str, len); buf += len; buflen -= len; } *buf = 0; return buf - buf0; }