#! /bin/sh # $OpenLDAP$ ## This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. ## ## Copyright 1998-2016 The OpenLDAP Foundation. ## All rights reserved. ## ## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP ## Public License. ## ## A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the ## top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at ## <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. . $SRCDIR/scripts/defines.sh TB="" TN="" if test -t 1 ; then TB=`$SHTOOL echo -e "%B" 2>/dev/null` TN=`$SHTOOL echo -e "%b" 2>/dev/null` fi FAILCOUNT=0 SKIPCOUNT=0 SLEEPTIME=10 echo ">>>>> Executing all LDAP tests for $BACKEND" if [ -n "$NOEXIT" ]; then echo "Result Test" > $TESTWD/results fi for CMD in ${SCRIPTDIR}/test*; do case "$CMD" in *~) continue;; *.bak) continue;; *.orig) continue;; *.sav) continue;; *) test -f "$CMD" || continue;; esac # remove cruft from prior test if test $PRESERVE = yes ; then /bin/rm -rf $TESTDIR/db.* else /bin/rm -rf $TESTDIR fi if test $BACKEND = ndb ; then mysql --user root <<EOF drop database if exists db_1; drop database if exists db_2; drop database if exists db_3; drop database if exists db_4; drop database if exists db_5; drop database if exists db_6; EOF fi BCMD=`basename $CMD` if [ -x "$CMD" ]; then echo ">>>>> Starting ${TB}$BCMD${TN} for $BACKEND..." $CMD RC=$? if test $RC -eq 0 ; then echo ">>>>> $BCMD completed ${TB}OK${TN} for $BACKEND." else echo ">>>>> $BCMD ${TB}failed${TN} for $BACKEND" FAILCOUNT=`expr $FAILCOUNT + 1` if [ -n "$NOEXIT" ]; then echo "Continuing." else echo "(exit $RC)" exit $RC fi fi else echo ">>>>> Skipping ${TB}$BCMD${TN} for $BACKEND." SKIPCOUNT=`expr $SKIPCOUNT + 1` RC="-" fi if [ -n "$NOEXIT" ]; then echo "$RC $BCMD" >> $TESTWD/results fi # echo ">>>>> waiting $SLEEPTIME seconds for things to exit" # sleep $SLEEPTIME echo "" done if [ -n "$NOEXIT" ]; then if [ "$FAILCOUNT" -gt 0 ]; then cat $TESTWD/results echo "$FAILCOUNT tests for $BACKEND ${TB}failed${TN}. Please review the test log." else echo "All executed tests for $BACKEND ${TB}succeeded${TN}." fi fi echo "$SKIPCOUNT tests for $BACKEND were ${TB}skipped${TN}."