/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by glX_proto_recv.py (from Mesa) script */ /* * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2005 * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * IBM, * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include <inttypes.h> #include "glxserver.h" #include "indirect_size.h" #include "indirect_size_get.h" #include "indirect_dispatch.h" #include "glxbyteorder.h" #include "indirect_util.h" #include "singlesize.h" #define __GLX_PAD(x) (((x) + 3) & ~3) typedef struct { __GLX_PIXEL_3D_HDR; } __GLXpixel3DHeader; extern GLboolean __glXErrorOccured(void); extern void __glXClearErrorOccured(void); static const unsigned dummy_answer[2] = { 0, 0 }; int __glXDisp_NewList(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { glNewList(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4)); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_EndList(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { glEndList(); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_CallList(GLbyte * pc) { glCallList(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_CallLists(GLbyte * pc) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); const GLenum type = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLvoid *lists = (const GLvoid *) (pc + 8); lists = (const GLvoid *) (pc + 8); glCallLists(n, type, lists); } int __glXDisp_DeleteLists(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { glDeleteLists(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4)); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GenLists(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLuint retval; retval = glGenLists(*(GLsizei *) (pc + 0)); __glXSendReply(cl->client, dummy_answer, 0, 0, GL_FALSE, retval); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_ListBase(GLbyte * pc) { glListBase(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Begin(GLbyte * pc) { glBegin(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Bitmap(GLbyte * pc) { const GLubyte *const bitmap = (const GLubyte *) ((pc + 44)); __GLXpixelHeader *const hdr = (__GLXpixelHeader *) (pc); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, hdr->lsbFirst); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (GLint) hdr->rowLength); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, (GLint) hdr->skipRows); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, (GLint) hdr->skipPixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint) hdr->alignment); glBitmap(*(GLsizei *) (pc + 20), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 24), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 28), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 32), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 36), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 40), bitmap); } void __glXDisp_Color3bv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor3bv((const GLbyte *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color3dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 24); pc -= 4; } #endif glColor3dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color3fv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor3fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color3iv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor3iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color3sv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor3sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color3ubv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor3ubv((const GLubyte *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color3uiv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor3uiv((const GLuint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color3usv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor3usv((const GLushort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color4bv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor4bv((const GLbyte *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color4dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 32); pc -= 4; } #endif glColor4dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color4fv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor4fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color4iv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor4iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color4sv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor4sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color4ubv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor4ubv((const GLubyte *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color4uiv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor4uiv((const GLuint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Color4usv(GLbyte * pc) { glColor4usv((const GLushort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_EdgeFlagv(GLbyte * pc) { glEdgeFlagv((const GLboolean *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_End(GLbyte * pc) { glEnd(); } void __glXDisp_Indexdv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 8); pc -= 4; } #endif glIndexdv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Indexfv(GLbyte * pc) { glIndexfv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Indexiv(GLbyte * pc) { glIndexiv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Indexsv(GLbyte * pc) { glIndexsv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Normal3bv(GLbyte * pc) { glNormal3bv((const GLbyte *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Normal3dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 24); pc -= 4; } #endif glNormal3dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Normal3fv(GLbyte * pc) { glNormal3fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Normal3iv(GLbyte * pc) { glNormal3iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Normal3sv(GLbyte * pc) { glNormal3sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_RasterPos2dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 16); pc -= 4; } #endif glRasterPos2dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_RasterPos2fv(GLbyte * pc) { glRasterPos2fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_RasterPos2iv(GLbyte * pc) { glRasterPos2iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_RasterPos2sv(GLbyte * pc) { glRasterPos2sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_RasterPos3dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 24); pc -= 4; } #endif glRasterPos3dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_RasterPos3fv(GLbyte * pc) { glRasterPos3fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_RasterPos3iv(GLbyte * pc) { glRasterPos3iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_RasterPos3sv(GLbyte * pc) { glRasterPos3sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_RasterPos4dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 32); pc -= 4; } #endif glRasterPos4dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_RasterPos4fv(GLbyte * pc) { glRasterPos4fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_RasterPos4iv(GLbyte * pc) { glRasterPos4iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_RasterPos4sv(GLbyte * pc) { glRasterPos4sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Rectdv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 32); pc -= 4; } #endif glRectdv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 16)); } void __glXDisp_Rectfv(GLbyte * pc) { glRectfv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_Rectiv(GLbyte * pc) { glRectiv((const GLint *) (pc + 0), (const GLint *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_Rectsv(GLbyte * pc) { glRectsv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord1dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 8); pc -= 4; } #endif glTexCoord1dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord1fv(GLbyte * pc) { glTexCoord1fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord1iv(GLbyte * pc) { glTexCoord1iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord1sv(GLbyte * pc) { glTexCoord1sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord2dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 16); pc -= 4; } #endif glTexCoord2dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord2fv(GLbyte * pc) { glTexCoord2fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord2iv(GLbyte * pc) { glTexCoord2iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord2sv(GLbyte * pc) { glTexCoord2sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord3dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 24); pc -= 4; } #endif glTexCoord3dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord3fv(GLbyte * pc) { glTexCoord3fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord3iv(GLbyte * pc) { glTexCoord3iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord3sv(GLbyte * pc) { glTexCoord3sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord4dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 32); pc -= 4; } #endif glTexCoord4dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord4fv(GLbyte * pc) { glTexCoord4fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord4iv(GLbyte * pc) { glTexCoord4iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexCoord4sv(GLbyte * pc) { glTexCoord4sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Vertex2dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 16); pc -= 4; } #endif glVertex2dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Vertex2fv(GLbyte * pc) { glVertex2fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Vertex2iv(GLbyte * pc) { glVertex2iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Vertex2sv(GLbyte * pc) { glVertex2sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Vertex3dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 24); pc -= 4; } #endif glVertex3dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Vertex3fv(GLbyte * pc) { glVertex3fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Vertex3iv(GLbyte * pc) { glVertex3iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Vertex3sv(GLbyte * pc) { glVertex3sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Vertex4dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 32); pc -= 4; } #endif glVertex4dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Vertex4fv(GLbyte * pc) { glVertex4fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Vertex4iv(GLbyte * pc) { glVertex4iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Vertex4sv(GLbyte * pc) { glVertex4sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_ClipPlane(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 36); pc -= 4; } #endif glClipPlane(*(GLenum *) (pc + 32), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_ColorMaterial(GLbyte * pc) { glColorMaterial(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_CullFace(GLbyte * pc) { glCullFace(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Fogf(GLbyte * pc) { glFogf(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_Fogfv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLfloat *params; params = (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4); glFogfv(pname, params); } void __glXDisp_Fogi(GLbyte * pc) { glFogi(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_Fogiv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLint *params; params = (const GLint *) (pc + 4); glFogiv(pname, params); } void __glXDisp_FrontFace(GLbyte * pc) { glFrontFace(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Hint(GLbyte * pc) { glHint(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_Lightf(GLbyte * pc) { glLightf(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_Lightfv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLfloat *params; params = (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8); glLightfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_Lighti(GLbyte * pc) { glLighti(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_Lightiv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLint *params; params = (const GLint *) (pc + 8); glLightiv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_LightModelf(GLbyte * pc) { glLightModelf(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_LightModelfv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLfloat *params; params = (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4); glLightModelfv(pname, params); } void __glXDisp_LightModeli(GLbyte * pc) { glLightModeli(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_LightModeliv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLint *params; params = (const GLint *) (pc + 4); glLightModeliv(pname, params); } void __glXDisp_LineStipple(GLbyte * pc) { glLineStipple(*(GLint *) (pc + 0), *(GLushort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_LineWidth(GLbyte * pc) { glLineWidth(*(GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Materialf(GLbyte * pc) { glMaterialf(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_Materialfv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLfloat *params; params = (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8); glMaterialfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_Materiali(GLbyte * pc) { glMateriali(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_Materialiv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLint *params; params = (const GLint *) (pc + 8); glMaterialiv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_PointSize(GLbyte * pc) { glPointSize(*(GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_PolygonMode(GLbyte * pc) { glPolygonMode(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_PolygonStipple(GLbyte * pc) { const GLubyte *const mask = (const GLubyte *) ((pc + 20)); __GLXpixelHeader *const hdr = (__GLXpixelHeader *) (pc); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, hdr->lsbFirst); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (GLint) hdr->rowLength); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, (GLint) hdr->skipRows); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, (GLint) hdr->skipPixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint) hdr->alignment); glPolygonStipple(mask); } void __glXDisp_Scissor(GLbyte * pc) { glScissor(*(GLint *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 8), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 12)); } void __glXDisp_ShadeModel(GLbyte * pc) { glShadeModel(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexParameterf(GLbyte * pc) { glTexParameterf(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_TexParameterfv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLfloat *params; params = (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8); glTexParameterfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_TexParameteri(GLbyte * pc) { glTexParameteri(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_TexParameteriv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLint *params; params = (const GLint *) (pc + 8); glTexParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_TexImage1D(GLbyte * pc) { const GLvoid *const pixels = (const GLvoid *) ((pc + 52)); __GLXpixelHeader *const hdr = (__GLXpixelHeader *) (pc); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, hdr->swapBytes); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, hdr->lsbFirst); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (GLint) hdr->rowLength); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, (GLint) hdr->skipRows); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, (GLint) hdr->skipPixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint) hdr->alignment); glTexImage1D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 20), *(GLint *) (pc + 24), *(GLint *) (pc + 28), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 32), *(GLint *) (pc + 40), *(GLenum *) (pc + 44), *(GLenum *) (pc + 48), pixels); } void __glXDisp_TexImage2D(GLbyte * pc) { const GLvoid *const pixels = (const GLvoid *) ((pc + 52)); __GLXpixelHeader *const hdr = (__GLXpixelHeader *) (pc); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, hdr->swapBytes); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, hdr->lsbFirst); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (GLint) hdr->rowLength); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, (GLint) hdr->skipRows); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, (GLint) hdr->skipPixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint) hdr->alignment); glTexImage2D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 20), *(GLint *) (pc + 24), *(GLint *) (pc + 28), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 32), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 36), *(GLint *) (pc + 40), *(GLenum *) (pc + 44), *(GLenum *) (pc + 48), pixels); } void __glXDisp_TexEnvf(GLbyte * pc) { glTexEnvf(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_TexEnvfv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLfloat *params; params = (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8); glTexEnvfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_TexEnvi(GLbyte * pc) { glTexEnvi(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_TexEnviv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLint *params; params = (const GLint *) (pc + 8); glTexEnviv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_TexGend(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 16); pc -= 4; } #endif glTexGend(*(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLenum *) (pc + 12), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexGendv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLdouble *params; #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 const GLuint compsize = __glTexGendv_size(pname); const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 8)) - 4; if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, cmdlen); pc -= 4; } #endif params = (const GLdouble *) (pc + 8); glTexGendv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_TexGenf(GLbyte * pc) { glTexGenf(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_TexGenfv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLfloat *params; params = (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8); glTexGenfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_TexGeni(GLbyte * pc) { glTexGeni(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_TexGeniv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLint *params; params = (const GLint *) (pc + 8); glTexGeniv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_InitNames(GLbyte * pc) { glInitNames(); } void __glXDisp_LoadName(GLbyte * pc) { glLoadName(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_PassThrough(GLbyte * pc) { glPassThrough(*(GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_PopName(GLbyte * pc) { glPopName(); } void __glXDisp_PushName(GLbyte * pc) { glPushName(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_DrawBuffer(GLbyte * pc) { glDrawBuffer(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Clear(GLbyte * pc) { glClear(*(GLbitfield *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_ClearAccum(GLbyte * pc) { glClearAccum(*(GLfloat *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 8), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 12)); } void __glXDisp_ClearIndex(GLbyte * pc) { glClearIndex(*(GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_ClearColor(GLbyte * pc) { glClearColor(*(GLclampf *) (pc + 0), *(GLclampf *) (pc + 4), *(GLclampf *) (pc + 8), *(GLclampf *) (pc + 12)); } void __glXDisp_ClearStencil(GLbyte * pc) { glClearStencil(*(GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_ClearDepth(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 8); pc -= 4; } #endif glClearDepth(*(GLclampd *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_StencilMask(GLbyte * pc) { glStencilMask(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_ColorMask(GLbyte * pc) { glColorMask(*(GLboolean *) (pc + 0), *(GLboolean *) (pc + 1), *(GLboolean *) (pc + 2), *(GLboolean *) (pc + 3)); } void __glXDisp_DepthMask(GLbyte * pc) { glDepthMask(*(GLboolean *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_IndexMask(GLbyte * pc) { glIndexMask(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Accum(GLbyte * pc) { glAccum(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_Disable(GLbyte * pc) { glDisable(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Enable(GLbyte * pc) { glEnable(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_PopAttrib(GLbyte * pc) { glPopAttrib(); } void __glXDisp_PushAttrib(GLbyte * pc) { glPushAttrib(*(GLbitfield *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_MapGrid1d(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 20); pc -= 4; } #endif glMapGrid1d(*(GLint *) (pc + 16), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 0), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_MapGrid1f(GLbyte * pc) { glMapGrid1f(*(GLint *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_MapGrid2d(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 40); pc -= 4; } #endif glMapGrid2d(*(GLint *) (pc + 32), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 0), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 36), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 16), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 24)); } void __glXDisp_MapGrid2f(GLbyte * pc) { glMapGrid2f(*(GLint *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 16), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 20)); } void __glXDisp_EvalCoord1dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 8); pc -= 4; } #endif glEvalCoord1dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_EvalCoord1fv(GLbyte * pc) { glEvalCoord1fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_EvalCoord2dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 16); pc -= 4; } #endif glEvalCoord2dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_EvalCoord2fv(GLbyte * pc) { glEvalCoord2fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_EvalMesh1(GLbyte * pc) { glEvalMesh1(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_EvalPoint1(GLbyte * pc) { glEvalPoint1(*(GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_EvalMesh2(GLbyte * pc) { glEvalMesh2(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLint *) (pc + 16)); } void __glXDisp_EvalPoint2(GLbyte * pc) { glEvalPoint2(*(GLint *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_AlphaFunc(GLbyte * pc) { glAlphaFunc(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLclampf *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_BlendFunc(GLbyte * pc) { glBlendFunc(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_LogicOp(GLbyte * pc) { glLogicOp(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_StencilFunc(GLbyte * pc) { glStencilFunc(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLuint *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_StencilOp(GLbyte * pc) { glStencilOp(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_DepthFunc(GLbyte * pc) { glDepthFunc(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_PixelZoom(GLbyte * pc) { glPixelZoom(*(GLfloat *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_PixelTransferf(GLbyte * pc) { glPixelTransferf(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_PixelTransferi(GLbyte * pc) { glPixelTransferi(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4)); } int __glXDisp_PixelStoref(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { glPixelStoref(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_PixelStorei(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { glPixelStorei(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4)); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_PixelMapfv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLsizei mapsize = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); glPixelMapfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), mapsize, (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_PixelMapuiv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLsizei mapsize = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); glPixelMapuiv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), mapsize, (const GLuint *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_PixelMapusv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLsizei mapsize = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); glPixelMapusv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), mapsize, (const GLushort *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_ReadBuffer(GLbyte * pc) { glReadBuffer(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_CopyPixels(GLbyte * pc) { glCopyPixels(*(GLint *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 8), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 12), *(GLenum *) (pc + 16)); } void __glXDisp_DrawPixels(GLbyte * pc) { const GLvoid *const pixels = (const GLvoid *) ((pc + 36)); __GLXpixelHeader *const hdr = (__GLXpixelHeader *) (pc); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, hdr->swapBytes); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, hdr->lsbFirst); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (GLint) hdr->rowLength); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, (GLint) hdr->skipRows); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, (GLint) hdr->skipPixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint) hdr->alignment); glDrawPixels(*(GLsizei *) (pc + 20), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 24), *(GLenum *) (pc + 28), *(GLenum *) (pc + 32), pixels); } int __glXDisp_GetBooleanv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLuint compsize = __glGetBooleanv_size(pname); GLboolean answerBuffer[200]; GLboolean *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 1); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetBooleanv(pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 1, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetClipPlane(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLdouble equation[4]; glGetClipPlane(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), equation); __glXSendReply(cl->client, equation, 4, 8, GL_TRUE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetDoublev(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLuint compsize = __glGetDoublev_size(pname); GLdouble answerBuffer[200]; GLdouble *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 8, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 8); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetDoublev(pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 8, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetError(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLenum retval; retval = glGetError(); __glXSendReply(cl->client, dummy_answer, 0, 0, GL_FALSE, retval); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetFloatv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLuint compsize = __glGetFloatv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetFloatv(pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetIntegerv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLuint compsize = __glGetIntegerv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetIntegerv(pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetLightfv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetLightfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetLightfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetLightiv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetLightiv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetLightiv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetMapdv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum target = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLenum query = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetMapdv_size(target, query); GLdouble answerBuffer[200]; GLdouble *v = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 8, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 8); if (v == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetMapdv(target, query, v); __glXSendReply(cl->client, v, compsize, 8, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetMapfv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum target = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLenum query = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetMapfv_size(target, query); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *v = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (v == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetMapfv(target, query, v); __glXSendReply(cl->client, v, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetMapiv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum target = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLenum query = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetMapiv_size(target, query); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *v = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (v == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetMapiv(target, query, v); __glXSendReply(cl->client, v, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetMaterialfv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetMaterialfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetMaterialfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetMaterialiv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetMaterialiv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetMaterialiv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetPixelMapfv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum map = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLuint compsize = __glGetPixelMapfv_size(map); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *values = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (values == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetPixelMapfv(map, values); __glXSendReply(cl->client, values, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetPixelMapuiv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum map = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLuint compsize = __glGetPixelMapuiv_size(map); GLuint answerBuffer[200]; GLuint *values = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (values == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetPixelMapuiv(map, values); __glXSendReply(cl->client, values, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetPixelMapusv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum map = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLuint compsize = __glGetPixelMapusv_size(map); GLushort answerBuffer[200]; GLushort *values = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 2, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 2); if (values == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetPixelMapusv(map, values); __glXSendReply(cl->client, values, compsize, 2, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetTexEnvfv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetTexEnvfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetTexEnvfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetTexEnviv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetTexEnviv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetTexEnviv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetTexGendv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetTexGendv_size(pname); GLdouble answerBuffer[200]; GLdouble *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 8, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 8); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetTexGendv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 8, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetTexGenfv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetTexGenfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetTexGenfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetTexGeniv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetTexGeniv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetTexGeniv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetTexParameterfv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetTexParameterfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetTexParameterfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetTexParameteriv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetTexParameteriv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetTexParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetTexLevelParameterfv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 8); const GLuint compsize = __glGetTexLevelParameterfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetTexLevelParameterfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetTexLevelParameteriv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 8); const GLuint compsize = __glGetTexLevelParameteriv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetTexLevelParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_IsEnabled(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLboolean retval; retval = glIsEnabled(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); __glXSendReply(cl->client, dummy_answer, 0, 0, GL_FALSE, retval); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_IsList(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLboolean retval; retval = glIsList(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0)); __glXSendReply(cl->client, dummy_answer, 0, 0, GL_FALSE, retval); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_DepthRange(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 16); pc -= 4; } #endif glDepthRange(*(GLclampd *) (pc + 0), *(GLclampd *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_Frustum(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 48); pc -= 4; } #endif glFrustum(*(GLdouble *) (pc + 0), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 8), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 16), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 24), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 32), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 40)); } void __glXDisp_LoadIdentity(GLbyte * pc) { glLoadIdentity(); } void __glXDisp_LoadMatrixf(GLbyte * pc) { glLoadMatrixf((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_LoadMatrixd(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 128); pc -= 4; } #endif glLoadMatrixd((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_MatrixMode(GLbyte * pc) { glMatrixMode(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_MultMatrixf(GLbyte * pc) { glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_MultMatrixd(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 128); pc -= 4; } #endif glMultMatrixd((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_Ortho(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 48); pc -= 4; } #endif glOrtho(*(GLdouble *) (pc + 0), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 8), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 16), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 24), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 32), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 40)); } void __glXDisp_PopMatrix(GLbyte * pc) { glPopMatrix(); } void __glXDisp_PushMatrix(GLbyte * pc) { glPushMatrix(); } void __glXDisp_Rotated(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 32); pc -= 4; } #endif glRotated(*(GLdouble *) (pc + 0), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 8), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 16), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 24)); } void __glXDisp_Rotatef(GLbyte * pc) { glRotatef(*(GLfloat *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 8), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 12)); } void __glXDisp_Scaled(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 24); pc -= 4; } #endif glScaled(*(GLdouble *) (pc + 0), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 8), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 16)); } void __glXDisp_Scalef(GLbyte * pc) { glScalef(*(GLfloat *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_Translated(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 24); pc -= 4; } #endif glTranslated(*(GLdouble *) (pc + 0), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 8), *(GLdouble *) (pc + 16)); } void __glXDisp_Translatef(GLbyte * pc) { glTranslatef(*(GLfloat *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_Viewport(GLbyte * pc) { glViewport(*(GLint *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 8), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 12)); } void __glXDisp_BindTexture(GLbyte * pc) { glBindTexture(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLuint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_Indexubv(GLbyte * pc) { glIndexubv((const GLubyte *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_PolygonOffset(GLbyte * pc) { glPolygonOffset(*(GLfloat *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } int __glXDisp_AreTexturesResident(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); GLboolean retval; GLboolean answerBuffer[200]; GLboolean *residences = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, n, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 1); if (residences == NULL) return BadAlloc; retval = glAreTexturesResident(n, (const GLuint *) (pc + 4), residences); __glXSendReply(cl->client, residences, n, 1, GL_TRUE, retval); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_AreTexturesResidentEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); GLboolean retval; GLboolean answerBuffer[200]; GLboolean *residences = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, n, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 1); if (residences == NULL) return BadAlloc; retval = glAreTexturesResident(n, (const GLuint *) (pc + 4), residences); __glXSendReply(cl->client, residences, n, 1, GL_TRUE, retval); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_CopyTexImage1D(GLbyte * pc) { glCopyTexImage1D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLint *) (pc + 16), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 20), *(GLint *) (pc + 24)); } void __glXDisp_CopyTexImage2D(GLbyte * pc) { glCopyTexImage2D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLint *) (pc + 16), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 20), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 24), *(GLint *) (pc + 28)); } void __glXDisp_CopyTexSubImage1D(GLbyte * pc) { glCopyTexSubImage1D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLint *) (pc + 16), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 20)); } void __glXDisp_CopyTexSubImage2D(GLbyte * pc) { glCopyTexSubImage2D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLint *) (pc + 16), *(GLint *) (pc + 20), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 24), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 28)); } int __glXDisp_DeleteTextures(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); glDeleteTextures(n, (const GLuint *) (pc + 4)); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_DeleteTexturesEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); glDeleteTextures(n, (const GLuint *) (pc + 4)); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GenTextures(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); GLuint answerBuffer[200]; GLuint *textures = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, n * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (textures == NULL) return BadAlloc; glGenTextures(n, textures); __glXSendReply(cl->client, textures, n, 4, GL_TRUE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GenTexturesEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); GLuint answerBuffer[200]; GLuint *textures = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, n * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (textures == NULL) return BadAlloc; glGenTextures(n, textures); __glXSendReply(cl->client, textures, n, 4, GL_TRUE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_IsTexture(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLboolean retval; retval = glIsTexture(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0)); __glXSendReply(cl->client, dummy_answer, 0, 0, GL_FALSE, retval); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_IsTextureEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLboolean retval; retval = glIsTexture(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0)); __glXSendReply(cl->client, dummy_answer, 0, 0, GL_FALSE, retval); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_PrioritizeTextures(GLbyte * pc) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); glPrioritizeTextures(n, (const GLuint *) (pc + 4), (const GLclampf *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_TexSubImage1D(GLbyte * pc) { const GLvoid *const pixels = (const GLvoid *) ((pc + 56)); __GLXpixelHeader *const hdr = (__GLXpixelHeader *) (pc); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, hdr->swapBytes); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, hdr->lsbFirst); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (GLint) hdr->rowLength); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, (GLint) hdr->skipRows); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, (GLint) hdr->skipPixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint) hdr->alignment); glTexSubImage1D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 20), *(GLint *) (pc + 24), *(GLint *) (pc + 28), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 36), *(GLenum *) (pc + 44), *(GLenum *) (pc + 48), pixels); } void __glXDisp_TexSubImage2D(GLbyte * pc) { const GLvoid *const pixels = (const GLvoid *) ((pc + 56)); __GLXpixelHeader *const hdr = (__GLXpixelHeader *) (pc); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, hdr->swapBytes); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, hdr->lsbFirst); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (GLint) hdr->rowLength); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, (GLint) hdr->skipRows); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, (GLint) hdr->skipPixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint) hdr->alignment); glTexSubImage2D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 20), *(GLint *) (pc + 24), *(GLint *) (pc + 28), *(GLint *) (pc + 32), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 36), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 40), *(GLenum *) (pc + 44), *(GLenum *) (pc + 48), pixels); } void __glXDisp_BlendColor(GLbyte * pc) { glBlendColor(*(GLclampf *) (pc + 0), *(GLclampf *) (pc + 4), *(GLclampf *) (pc + 8), *(GLclampf *) (pc + 12)); } void __glXDisp_BlendEquation(GLbyte * pc) { glBlendEquation(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_ColorTable(GLbyte * pc) { const GLvoid *const table = (const GLvoid *) ((pc + 40)); __GLXpixelHeader *const hdr = (__GLXpixelHeader *) (pc); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, hdr->swapBytes); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, hdr->lsbFirst); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (GLint) hdr->rowLength); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, (GLint) hdr->skipRows); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, (GLint) hdr->skipPixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint) hdr->alignment); glColorTable(*(GLenum *) (pc + 20), *(GLenum *) (pc + 24), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 28), *(GLenum *) (pc + 32), *(GLenum *) (pc + 36), table); } void __glXDisp_ColorTableParameterfv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLfloat *params; params = (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8); glColorTableParameterfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_ColorTableParameteriv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLint *params; params = (const GLint *) (pc + 8); glColorTableParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_CopyColorTable(GLbyte * pc) { glCopyColorTable(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 16)); } int __glXDisp_GetColorTableParameterfv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetColorTableParameterfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetColorTableParameterfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetColorTableParameterfvSGI(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetColorTableParameterfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetColorTableParameterfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetColorTableParameteriv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetColorTableParameteriv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetColorTableParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetColorTableParameterivSGI(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetColorTableParameteriv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetColorTableParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_ColorSubTable(GLbyte * pc) { const GLvoid *const data = (const GLvoid *) ((pc + 40)); __GLXpixelHeader *const hdr = (__GLXpixelHeader *) (pc); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, hdr->swapBytes); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, hdr->lsbFirst); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (GLint) hdr->rowLength); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, (GLint) hdr->skipRows); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, (GLint) hdr->skipPixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint) hdr->alignment); glColorSubTable(*(GLenum *) (pc + 20), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 24), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 28), *(GLenum *) (pc + 32), *(GLenum *) (pc + 36), data); } void __glXDisp_CopyColorSubTable(GLbyte * pc) { glCopyColorSubTable(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 16)); } void __glXDisp_ConvolutionFilter1D(GLbyte * pc) { const GLvoid *const image = (const GLvoid *) ((pc + 44)); __GLXpixelHeader *const hdr = (__GLXpixelHeader *) (pc); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, hdr->swapBytes); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, hdr->lsbFirst); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (GLint) hdr->rowLength); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, (GLint) hdr->skipRows); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, (GLint) hdr->skipPixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint) hdr->alignment); glConvolutionFilter1D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 20), *(GLenum *) (pc + 24), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 28), *(GLenum *) (pc + 36), *(GLenum *) (pc + 40), image); } void __glXDisp_ConvolutionFilter2D(GLbyte * pc) { const GLvoid *const image = (const GLvoid *) ((pc + 44)); __GLXpixelHeader *const hdr = (__GLXpixelHeader *) (pc); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, hdr->swapBytes); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, hdr->lsbFirst); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (GLint) hdr->rowLength); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, (GLint) hdr->skipRows); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, (GLint) hdr->skipPixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint) hdr->alignment); glConvolutionFilter2D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 20), *(GLenum *) (pc + 24), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 28), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 32), *(GLenum *) (pc + 36), *(GLenum *) (pc + 40), image); } void __glXDisp_ConvolutionParameterf(GLbyte * pc) { glConvolutionParameterf(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_ConvolutionParameterfv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLfloat *params; params = (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8); glConvolutionParameterfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_ConvolutionParameteri(GLbyte * pc) { glConvolutionParameteri(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_ConvolutionParameteriv(GLbyte * pc) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLint *params; params = (const GLint *) (pc + 8); glConvolutionParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); } void __glXDisp_CopyConvolutionFilter1D(GLbyte * pc) { glCopyConvolutionFilter1D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 16)); } void __glXDisp_CopyConvolutionFilter2D(GLbyte * pc) { glCopyConvolutionFilter2D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 16), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 20)); } int __glXDisp_GetConvolutionParameterfv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetConvolutionParameterfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetConvolutionParameterfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetConvolutionParameterfvEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetConvolutionParameterfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetConvolutionParameterfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetConvolutionParameteriv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetConvolutionParameteriv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetConvolutionParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetConvolutionParameterivEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetConvolutionParameteriv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetConvolutionParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetHistogramParameterfv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetHistogramParameterfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetHistogramParameterfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetHistogramParameterfvEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetHistogramParameterfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetHistogramParameterfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetHistogramParameteriv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetHistogramParameteriv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetHistogramParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetHistogramParameterivEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetHistogramParameteriv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetHistogramParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetMinmaxParameterfv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetMinmaxParameterfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetMinmaxParameterfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetMinmaxParameterfvEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetMinmaxParameterfv_size(pname); GLfloat answerBuffer[200]; GLfloat *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetMinmaxParameterfv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetMinmaxParameteriv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetMinmaxParameteriv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetMinmaxParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetMinmaxParameterivEXT(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetMinmaxParameteriv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); glGetMinmaxParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_Histogram(GLbyte * pc) { glHistogram(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLboolean *) (pc + 12)); } void __glXDisp_Minmax(GLbyte * pc) { glMinmax(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLboolean *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_ResetHistogram(GLbyte * pc) { glResetHistogram(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_ResetMinmax(GLbyte * pc) { glResetMinmax(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_TexImage3D(GLbyte * pc) { const CARD32 ptr_is_null = *(CARD32 *) (pc + 76); const GLvoid *const pixels = (const GLvoid *) ((ptr_is_null != 0) ? NULL : (pc + 80)); __GLXpixel3DHeader *const hdr = (__GLXpixel3DHeader *) (pc); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, hdr->swapBytes); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, hdr->lsbFirst); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (GLint) hdr->rowLength); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT, (GLint) hdr->imageHeight); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, (GLint) hdr->skipRows); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES, (GLint) hdr->skipImages); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, (GLint) hdr->skipPixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint) hdr->alignment); glTexImage3D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 36), *(GLint *) (pc + 40), *(GLint *) (pc + 44), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 48), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 52), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 56), *(GLint *) (pc + 64), *(GLenum *) (pc + 68), *(GLenum *) (pc + 72), pixels); } void __glXDisp_TexSubImage3D(GLbyte * pc) { const GLvoid *const pixels = (const GLvoid *) ((pc + 88)); __GLXpixel3DHeader *const hdr = (__GLXpixel3DHeader *) (pc); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, hdr->swapBytes); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, hdr->lsbFirst); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (GLint) hdr->rowLength); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT, (GLint) hdr->imageHeight); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, (GLint) hdr->skipRows); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES, (GLint) hdr->skipImages); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, (GLint) hdr->skipPixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, (GLint) hdr->alignment); glTexSubImage3D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 36), *(GLint *) (pc + 40), *(GLint *) (pc + 44), *(GLint *) (pc + 48), *(GLint *) (pc + 52), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 60), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 64), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 68), *(GLenum *) (pc + 76), *(GLenum *) (pc + 80), pixels); } void __glXDisp_CopyTexSubImage3D(GLbyte * pc) { glCopyTexSubImage3D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLint *) (pc + 16), *(GLint *) (pc + 20), *(GLint *) (pc + 24), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 28), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 32)); } void __glXDisp_ActiveTexture(GLbyte * pc) { glActiveTextureARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord1dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 12); pc -= 4; } #endif glMultiTexCoord1dvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 8), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord1fvARB(GLbyte * pc) { glMultiTexCoord1fvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord1iv(GLbyte * pc) { glMultiTexCoord1ivARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), (const GLint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord1sv(GLbyte * pc) { glMultiTexCoord1svARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord2dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 20); pc -= 4; } #endif glMultiTexCoord2dvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 16), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord2fvARB(GLbyte * pc) { glMultiTexCoord2fvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord2iv(GLbyte * pc) { glMultiTexCoord2ivARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), (const GLint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord2sv(GLbyte * pc) { glMultiTexCoord2svARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord3dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 28); pc -= 4; } #endif glMultiTexCoord3dvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 24), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord3fvARB(GLbyte * pc) { glMultiTexCoord3fvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord3iv(GLbyte * pc) { glMultiTexCoord3ivARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), (const GLint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord3sv(GLbyte * pc) { glMultiTexCoord3svARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord4dv(GLbyte * pc) { #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 36); pc -= 4; } #endif glMultiTexCoord4dvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 32), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord4fvARB(GLbyte * pc) { glMultiTexCoord4fvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord4iv(GLbyte * pc) { glMultiTexCoord4ivARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), (const GLint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_MultiTexCoord4sv(GLbyte * pc) { glMultiTexCoord4svARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_CompressedTexImage1D(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLCOMPRESSEDTEXIMAGE1DPROC CompressedTexImage1D = __glGetProcAddress("glCompressedTexImage1D"); const GLsizei imageSize = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 20); CompressedTexImage1D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 12), *(GLint *) (pc + 16), imageSize, (const GLvoid *) (pc + 24)); } void __glXDisp_CompressedTexImage2D(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLCOMPRESSEDTEXIMAGE2DPROC CompressedTexImage2D = __glGetProcAddress("glCompressedTexImage2D"); const GLsizei imageSize = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 24); CompressedTexImage2D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 12), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 16), *(GLint *) (pc + 20), imageSize, (const GLvoid *) (pc + 28)); } void __glXDisp_CompressedTexImage3D(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLCOMPRESSEDTEXIMAGE3DPROC CompressedTexImage3D = __glGetProcAddress("glCompressedTexImage3D"); const GLsizei imageSize = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 28); CompressedTexImage3D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 12), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 16), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 20), *(GLint *) (pc + 24), imageSize, (const GLvoid *) (pc + 32)); } void __glXDisp_CompressedTexSubImage1D(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLCOMPRESSEDTEXSUBIMAGE1DPROC CompressedTexSubImage1D = __glGetProcAddress("glCompressedTexSubImage1D"); const GLsizei imageSize = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 20); CompressedTexSubImage1D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 12), *(GLenum *) (pc + 16), imageSize, (const GLvoid *) (pc + 24)); } void __glXDisp_CompressedTexSubImage2D(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLCOMPRESSEDTEXSUBIMAGE2DPROC CompressedTexSubImage2D = __glGetProcAddress("glCompressedTexSubImage2D"); const GLsizei imageSize = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 28); CompressedTexSubImage2D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 16), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 20), *(GLenum *) (pc + 24), imageSize, (const GLvoid *) (pc + 32)); } void __glXDisp_CompressedTexSubImage3D(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLCOMPRESSEDTEXSUBIMAGE3DPROC CompressedTexSubImage3D = __glGetProcAddress("glCompressedTexSubImage3D"); const GLsizei imageSize = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 36); CompressedTexSubImage3D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLint *) (pc + 16), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 20), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 24), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 28), *(GLenum *) (pc + 32), imageSize, (const GLvoid *) (pc + 40)); } void __glXDisp_SampleCoverage(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLSAMPLECOVERAGEPROC SampleCoverage = __glGetProcAddress("glSampleCoverage"); SampleCoverage(*(GLclampf *) (pc + 0), *(GLboolean *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_BlendFuncSeparate(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLBLENDFUNCSEPARATEPROC BlendFuncSeparate = __glGetProcAddress("glBlendFuncSeparate"); BlendFuncSeparate(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLenum *) (pc + 12)); } void __glXDisp_FogCoorddv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLFOGCOORDDVPROC FogCoorddv = __glGetProcAddress("glFogCoorddv"); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 8); pc -= 4; } #endif FogCoorddv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_PointParameterf(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLPOINTPARAMETERFPROC PointParameterf = __glGetProcAddress("glPointParameterf"); PointParameterf(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_PointParameterfv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLPOINTPARAMETERFVPROC PointParameterfv = __glGetProcAddress("glPointParameterfv"); const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLfloat *params; params = (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4); PointParameterfv(pname, params); } void __glXDisp_PointParameteri(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLPOINTPARAMETERIPROC PointParameteri = __glGetProcAddress("glPointParameteri"); PointParameteri(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_PointParameteriv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLPOINTPARAMETERIVPROC PointParameteriv = __glGetProcAddress("glPointParameteriv"); const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 0); const GLint *params; params = (const GLint *) (pc + 4); PointParameteriv(pname, params); } void __glXDisp_SecondaryColor3bv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLSECONDARYCOLOR3BVPROC SecondaryColor3bv = __glGetProcAddress("glSecondaryColor3bv"); SecondaryColor3bv((const GLbyte *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_SecondaryColor3dv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLSECONDARYCOLOR3DVPROC SecondaryColor3dv = __glGetProcAddress("glSecondaryColor3dv"); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 24); pc -= 4; } #endif SecondaryColor3dv((const GLdouble *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_SecondaryColor3iv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLSECONDARYCOLOR3IVPROC SecondaryColor3iv = __glGetProcAddress("glSecondaryColor3iv"); SecondaryColor3iv((const GLint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_SecondaryColor3sv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLSECONDARYCOLOR3SVPROC SecondaryColor3sv = __glGetProcAddress("glSecondaryColor3sv"); SecondaryColor3sv((const GLshort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_SecondaryColor3ubv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLSECONDARYCOLOR3UBVPROC SecondaryColor3ubv = __glGetProcAddress("glSecondaryColor3ubv"); SecondaryColor3ubv((const GLubyte *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_SecondaryColor3uiv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLSECONDARYCOLOR3UIVPROC SecondaryColor3uiv = __glGetProcAddress("glSecondaryColor3uiv"); SecondaryColor3uiv((const GLuint *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_SecondaryColor3usv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLSECONDARYCOLOR3USVPROC SecondaryColor3usv = __glGetProcAddress("glSecondaryColor3usv"); SecondaryColor3usv((const GLushort *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_WindowPos3fv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLWINDOWPOS3FVPROC WindowPos3fv = __glGetProcAddress("glWindowPos3fv"); WindowPos3fv((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_BeginQuery(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLBEGINQUERYPROC BeginQuery = __glGetProcAddress("glBeginQuery"); BeginQuery(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLuint *) (pc + 4)); } int __glXDisp_DeleteQueries(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLDELETEQUERIESPROC DeleteQueries = __glGetProcAddress("glDeleteQueries"); xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); DeleteQueries(n, (const GLuint *) (pc + 4)); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_EndQuery(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLENDQUERYPROC EndQuery = __glGetProcAddress("glEndQuery"); EndQuery(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } int __glXDisp_GenQueries(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGENQUERIESPROC GenQueries = __glGetProcAddress("glGenQueries"); xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); GLuint answerBuffer[200]; GLuint *ids = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, n * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (ids == NULL) return BadAlloc; GenQueries(n, ids); __glXSendReply(cl->client, ids, n, 4, GL_TRUE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetQueryObjectiv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGETQUERYOBJECTIVPROC GetQueryObjectiv = __glGetProcAddress("glGetQueryObjectiv"); xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetQueryObjectiv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); GetQueryObjectiv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetQueryObjectuiv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGETQUERYOBJECTUIVPROC GetQueryObjectuiv = __glGetProcAddress("glGetQueryObjectuiv"); xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetQueryObjectuiv_size(pname); GLuint answerBuffer[200]; GLuint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); GetQueryObjectuiv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetQueryiv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGETQUERYIVPROC GetQueryiv = __glGetProcAddress("glGetQueryiv"); xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetQueryiv_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); GetQueryiv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_IsQuery(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLISQUERYPROC IsQuery = __glGetProcAddress("glIsQuery"); xGLXSingleReq *const req = (xGLXSingleReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_SINGLE_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLboolean retval; retval = IsQuery(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0)); __glXSendReply(cl->client, dummy_answer, 0, 0, GL_FALSE, retval); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_BlendEquationSeparate(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLBLENDEQUATIONSEPARATEPROC BlendEquationSeparate = __glGetProcAddress("glBlendEquationSeparate"); BlendEquationSeparate(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_DrawBuffers(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLDRAWBUFFERSPROC DrawBuffers = __glGetProcAddress("glDrawBuffers"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); DrawBuffers(n, (const GLenum *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib1dv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB1DVPROC VertexAttrib1dv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib1dv"); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 12); pc -= 4; } #endif VertexAttrib1dv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib1sv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB1SVPROC VertexAttrib1sv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib1sv"); VertexAttrib1sv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib2dv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB2DVPROC VertexAttrib2dv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib2dv"); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 20); pc -= 4; } #endif VertexAttrib2dv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib2sv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB2SVPROC VertexAttrib2sv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib2sv"); VertexAttrib2sv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib3dv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB3DVPROC VertexAttrib3dv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib3dv"); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 28); pc -= 4; } #endif VertexAttrib3dv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib3sv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB3SVPROC VertexAttrib3sv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib3sv"); VertexAttrib3sv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4Nbv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4NBVPROC VertexAttrib4Nbv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4Nbv"); VertexAttrib4Nbv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLbyte *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4Niv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4NIVPROC VertexAttrib4Niv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4Niv"); VertexAttrib4Niv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4Nsv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4NSVPROC VertexAttrib4Nsv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4Nsv"); VertexAttrib4Nsv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4Nubv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4NUBVPROC VertexAttrib4Nubv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4Nubv"); VertexAttrib4Nubv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLubyte *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4Nuiv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4NUIVPROC VertexAttrib4Nuiv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4Nuiv"); VertexAttrib4Nuiv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLuint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4Nusv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4NUSVPROC VertexAttrib4Nusv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4Nusv"); VertexAttrib4Nusv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLushort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4bv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4BVPROC VertexAttrib4bv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4bv"); VertexAttrib4bv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLbyte *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4dv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4DVPROC VertexAttrib4dv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4dv"); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 36); pc -= 4; } #endif VertexAttrib4dv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4iv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4IVPROC VertexAttrib4iv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4iv"); VertexAttrib4iv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4sv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4SVPROC VertexAttrib4sv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4sv"); VertexAttrib4sv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4ubv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4UBVPROC VertexAttrib4ubv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4ubv"); VertexAttrib4ubv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLubyte *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4uiv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4UIVPROC VertexAttrib4uiv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4uiv"); VertexAttrib4uiv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLuint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4usv(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4USVPROC VertexAttrib4usv = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4usv"); VertexAttrib4usv(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLushort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_ClampColor(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLCLAMPCOLORPROC ClampColor = __glGetProcAddress("glClampColor"); ClampColor(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_BindProgramARB(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLBINDPROGRAMARBPROC BindProgramARB = __glGetProcAddress("glBindProgramARB"); BindProgramARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLuint *) (pc + 4)); } int __glXDisp_DeleteProgramsARB(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLDELETEPROGRAMSARBPROC DeleteProgramsARB = __glGetProcAddress("glDeleteProgramsARB"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); DeleteProgramsARB(n, (const GLuint *) (pc + 4)); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GenProgramsARB(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGENPROGRAMSARBPROC GenProgramsARB = __glGetProcAddress("glGenProgramsARB"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); GLuint answerBuffer[200]; GLuint *programs = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, n * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (programs == NULL) return BadAlloc; GenProgramsARB(n, programs); __glXSendReply(cl->client, programs, n, 4, GL_TRUE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGETPROGRAMENVPARAMETERDVARBPROC GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB = __glGetProcAddress("glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLdouble params[4]; GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLuint *) (pc + 4), params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, 4, 8, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGETPROGRAMENVPARAMETERFVARBPROC GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB = __glGetProcAddress("glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLfloat params[4]; GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLuint *) (pc + 4), params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, 4, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGETPROGRAMLOCALPARAMETERDVARBPROC GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB = __glGetProcAddress("glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLdouble params[4]; GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLuint *) (pc + 4), params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, 4, 8, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGETPROGRAMLOCALPARAMETERFVARBPROC GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB = __glGetProcAddress("glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLfloat params[4]; GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLuint *) (pc + 4), params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, 4, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetProgramivARB(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGETPROGRAMIVARBPROC GetProgramivARB = __glGetProcAddress("glGetProgramivARB"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLenum pname = *(GLenum *) (pc + 4); const GLuint compsize = __glGetProgramivARB_size(pname); GLint answerBuffer[200]; GLint *params = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, compsize * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (params == NULL) return BadAlloc; __glXClearErrorOccured(); GetProgramivARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), pname, params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, compsize, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_IsProgramARB(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLISPROGRAMARBPROC IsProgramARB = __glGetProcAddress("glIsProgramARB"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLboolean retval; retval = IsProgramARB(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0)); __glXSendReply(cl->client, dummy_answer, 0, 0, GL_FALSE, retval); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLPROGRAMENVPARAMETER4DVARBPROC ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB = __glGetProcAddress("glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB"); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 40); pc -= 4; } #endif ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLuint *) (pc + 4), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLPROGRAMENVPARAMETER4FVARBPROC ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB = __glGetProcAddress("glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB"); ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLuint *) (pc + 4), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLPROGRAMLOCALPARAMETER4DVARBPROC ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB = __glGetProcAddress("glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB"); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 40); pc -= 4; } #endif ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLuint *) (pc + 4), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLPROGRAMLOCALPARAMETER4FVARBPROC ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB = __glGetProcAddress("glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB"); ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLuint *) (pc + 4), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_ProgramStringARB(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLPROGRAMSTRINGARBPROC ProgramStringARB = __glGetProcAddress("glProgramStringARB"); const GLsizei len = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 8); ProgramStringARB(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), len, (const GLvoid *) (pc + 12)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib1fvARB(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB1FVARBPROC VertexAttrib1fvARB = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib1fvARB"); VertexAttrib1fvARB(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib2fvARB(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB2FVARBPROC VertexAttrib2fvARB = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib2fvARB"); VertexAttrib2fvARB(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib3fvARB(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB3FVARBPROC VertexAttrib3fvARB = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib3fvARB"); VertexAttrib3fvARB(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4fvARB(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4FVARBPROC VertexAttrib4fvARB = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4fvARB"); VertexAttrib4fvARB(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_BindFramebuffer(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLBINDFRAMEBUFFERPROC BindFramebuffer = __glGetProcAddress("glBindFramebuffer"); BindFramebuffer(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLuint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_BindRenderbuffer(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLBINDRENDERBUFFERPROC BindRenderbuffer = __glGetProcAddress("glBindRenderbuffer"); BindRenderbuffer(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLuint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_BlitFramebuffer(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLBLITFRAMEBUFFERPROC BlitFramebuffer = __glGetProcAddress("glBlitFramebuffer"); BlitFramebuffer(*(GLint *) (pc + 0), *(GLint *) (pc + 4), *(GLint *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLint *) (pc + 16), *(GLint *) (pc + 20), *(GLint *) (pc + 24), *(GLint *) (pc + 28), *(GLbitfield *) (pc + 32), *(GLenum *) (pc + 36)); } int __glXDisp_CheckFramebufferStatus(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLCHECKFRAMEBUFFERSTATUSPROC CheckFramebufferStatus = __glGetProcAddress("glCheckFramebufferStatus"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLenum retval; retval = CheckFramebufferStatus(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); __glXSendReply(cl->client, dummy_answer, 0, 0, GL_FALSE, retval); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_DeleteFramebuffers(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLDELETEFRAMEBUFFERSPROC DeleteFramebuffers = __glGetProcAddress("glDeleteFramebuffers"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); DeleteFramebuffers(n, (const GLuint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_DeleteRenderbuffers(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLDELETERENDERBUFFERSPROC DeleteRenderbuffers = __glGetProcAddress("glDeleteRenderbuffers"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); DeleteRenderbuffers(n, (const GLuint *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_FramebufferRenderbuffer(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERRENDERBUFFERPROC FramebufferRenderbuffer = __glGetProcAddress("glFramebufferRenderbuffer"); FramebufferRenderbuffer(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLuint *) (pc + 12)); } void __glXDisp_FramebufferTexture1D(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTURE1DPROC FramebufferTexture1D = __glGetProcAddress("glFramebufferTexture1D"); FramebufferTexture1D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLuint *) (pc + 12), *(GLint *) (pc + 16)); } void __glXDisp_FramebufferTexture2D(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTURE2DPROC FramebufferTexture2D = __glGetProcAddress("glFramebufferTexture2D"); FramebufferTexture2D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLuint *) (pc + 12), *(GLint *) (pc + 16)); } void __glXDisp_FramebufferTexture3D(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTURE3DPROC FramebufferTexture3D = __glGetProcAddress("glFramebufferTexture3D"); FramebufferTexture3D(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLuint *) (pc + 12), *(GLint *) (pc + 16), *(GLint *) (pc + 20)); } void __glXDisp_FramebufferTextureLayer(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTURELAYERPROC FramebufferTextureLayer = __glGetProcAddress("glFramebufferTextureLayer"); FramebufferTextureLayer(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLuint *) (pc + 8), *(GLint *) (pc + 12), *(GLint *) (pc + 16)); } int __glXDisp_GenFramebuffers(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGENFRAMEBUFFERSPROC GenFramebuffers = __glGetProcAddress("glGenFramebuffers"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); GLuint answerBuffer[200]; GLuint *framebuffers = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, n * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (framebuffers == NULL) return BadAlloc; GenFramebuffers(n, framebuffers); __glXSendReply(cl->client, framebuffers, n, 4, GL_TRUE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GenRenderbuffers(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGENRENDERBUFFERSPROC GenRenderbuffers = __glGetProcAddress("glGenRenderbuffers"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 0); GLuint answerBuffer[200]; GLuint *renderbuffers = __glXGetAnswerBuffer(cl, n * 4, answerBuffer, sizeof(answerBuffer), 4); if (renderbuffers == NULL) return BadAlloc; GenRenderbuffers(n, renderbuffers); __glXSendReply(cl->client, renderbuffers, n, 4, GL_TRUE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_GenerateMipmap(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGENERATEMIPMAPPROC GenerateMipmap = __glGetProcAddress("glGenerateMipmap"); GenerateMipmap(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); } int __glXDisp_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGETFRAMEBUFFERATTACHMENTPARAMETERIVPROC GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv = __glGetProcAddress("glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLint params[1]; GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, 1, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_GetRenderbufferParameteriv(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLGETRENDERBUFFERPARAMETERIVPROC GetRenderbufferParameteriv = __glGetProcAddress("glGetRenderbufferParameteriv"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLint params[1]; GetRenderbufferParameteriv(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), params); __glXSendReply(cl->client, params, 1, 4, GL_FALSE, 0); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_IsFramebuffer(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLISFRAMEBUFFERPROC IsFramebuffer = __glGetProcAddress("glIsFramebuffer"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLboolean retval; retval = IsFramebuffer(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0)); __glXSendReply(cl->client, dummy_answer, 0, 0, GL_FALSE, retval); error = Success; } return error; } int __glXDisp_IsRenderbuffer(__GLXclientState * cl, GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLISRENDERBUFFERPROC IsRenderbuffer = __glGetProcAddress("glIsRenderbuffer"); xGLXVendorPrivateReq *const req = (xGLXVendorPrivateReq *) pc; int error; __GLXcontext *const cx = __glXForceCurrent(cl, req->contextTag, &error); pc += __GLX_VENDPRIV_HDR_SIZE; if (cx != NULL) { GLboolean retval; retval = IsRenderbuffer(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0)); __glXSendReply(cl->client, dummy_answer, 0, 0, GL_FALSE, retval); error = Success; } return error; } void __glXDisp_RenderbufferStorage(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEPROC RenderbufferStorage = __glGetProcAddress("glRenderbufferStorage"); RenderbufferStorage(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLenum *) (pc + 4), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 8), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 12)); } void __glXDisp_RenderbufferStorageMultisample(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEMULTISAMPLEPROC RenderbufferStorageMultisample = __glGetProcAddress("glRenderbufferStorageMultisample"); RenderbufferStorageMultisample(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4), *(GLenum *) (pc + 8), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 12), *(GLsizei *) (pc + 16)); } void __glXDisp_SecondaryColor3fvEXT(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLSECONDARYCOLOR3FVEXTPROC SecondaryColor3fvEXT = __glGetProcAddress("glSecondaryColor3fvEXT"); SecondaryColor3fvEXT((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_FogCoordfvEXT(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLFOGCOORDFVEXTPROC FogCoordfvEXT = __glGetProcAddress("glFogCoordfvEXT"); FogCoordfvEXT((const GLfloat *) (pc + 0)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib1dvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB1DVNVPROC VertexAttrib1dvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib1dvNV"); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 12); pc -= 4; } #endif VertexAttrib1dvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib1fvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB1FVNVPROC VertexAttrib1fvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib1fvNV"); VertexAttrib1fvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib1svNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB1SVNVPROC VertexAttrib1svNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib1svNV"); VertexAttrib1svNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib2dvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB2DVNVPROC VertexAttrib2dvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib2dvNV"); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 20); pc -= 4; } #endif VertexAttrib2dvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib2fvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB2FVNVPROC VertexAttrib2fvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib2fvNV"); VertexAttrib2fvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib2svNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB2SVNVPROC VertexAttrib2svNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib2svNV"); VertexAttrib2svNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib3dvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB3DVNVPROC VertexAttrib3dvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib3dvNV"); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 28); pc -= 4; } #endif VertexAttrib3dvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib3fvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB3FVNVPROC VertexAttrib3fvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib3fvNV"); VertexAttrib3fvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib3svNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB3SVNVPROC VertexAttrib3svNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib3svNV"); VertexAttrib3svNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4dvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4DVNVPROC VertexAttrib4dvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4dvNV"); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, 36); pc -= 4; } #endif VertexAttrib4dvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLdouble *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4fvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4FVNVPROC VertexAttrib4fvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4fvNV"); VertexAttrib4fvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLfloat *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4svNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4SVNVPROC VertexAttrib4svNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4svNV"); VertexAttrib4svNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLshort *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttrib4ubvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIB4UBVNVPROC VertexAttrib4ubvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4ubvNV"); VertexAttrib4ubvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), (const GLubyte *) (pc + 4)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttribs1dvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBS1DVNVPROC VertexAttribs1dvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttribs1dvNV"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 8)) - 4; if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, cmdlen); pc -= 4; } #endif VertexAttribs1dvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), n, (const GLdouble *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttribs1fvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBS1FVNVPROC VertexAttribs1fvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttribs1fvNV"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); VertexAttribs1fvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), n, (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttribs1svNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBS1SVNVPROC VertexAttribs1svNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttribs1svNV"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); VertexAttribs1svNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), n, (const GLshort *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttribs2dvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBS2DVNVPROC VertexAttribs2dvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttribs2dvNV"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 16)) - 4; if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, cmdlen); pc -= 4; } #endif VertexAttribs2dvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), n, (const GLdouble *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttribs2fvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBS2FVNVPROC VertexAttribs2fvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttribs2fvNV"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); VertexAttribs2fvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), n, (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttribs2svNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBS2SVNVPROC VertexAttribs2svNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttribs2svNV"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); VertexAttribs2svNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), n, (const GLshort *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttribs3dvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBS3DVNVPROC VertexAttribs3dvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttribs3dvNV"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 24)) - 4; if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, cmdlen); pc -= 4; } #endif VertexAttribs3dvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), n, (const GLdouble *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttribs3fvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBS3FVNVPROC VertexAttribs3fvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttribs3fvNV"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); VertexAttribs3fvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), n, (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttribs3svNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBS3SVNVPROC VertexAttribs3svNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttribs3svNV"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); VertexAttribs3svNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), n, (const GLshort *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttribs4dvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBS4DVNVPROC VertexAttribs4dvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttribs4dvNV"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); #ifdef __GLX_ALIGN64 const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 32)) - 4; if ((unsigned long) (pc) & 7) { (void) memmove(pc - 4, pc, cmdlen); pc -= 4; } #endif VertexAttribs4dvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), n, (const GLdouble *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttribs4fvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBS4FVNVPROC VertexAttribs4fvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttribs4fvNV"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); VertexAttribs4fvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), n, (const GLfloat *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttribs4svNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBS4SVNVPROC VertexAttribs4svNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttribs4svNV"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); VertexAttribs4svNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), n, (const GLshort *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_VertexAttribs4ubvNV(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBS4UBVNVPROC VertexAttribs4ubvNV = __glGetProcAddress("glVertexAttribs4ubvNV"); const GLsizei n = *(GLsizei *) (pc + 4); VertexAttribs4ubvNV(*(GLuint *) (pc + 0), n, (const GLubyte *) (pc + 8)); } void __glXDisp_ActiveStencilFaceEXT(GLbyte * pc) { PFNGLACTIVESTENCILFACEEXTPROC ActiveStencilFaceEXT = __glGetProcAddress("glActiveStencilFaceEXT"); ActiveStencilFaceEXT(*(GLenum *) (pc + 0)); }