$NetBSD: version,v 1.5 2024/09/21 03:42:27 rin Exp $ NOTE ANY CHANGES YOU MAKE TO THE EFI BOOTLOADER HERE. The format of this file is important - make sure the entries are appended on end, last item is taken as the current. 1.0: Initial version. 1.1: Add CD/DVD-ROM, serial, PXE boot and UEFI memory map compaction support. 1.2: Support for partition labels, recursive labels inside RAID partitions, booting a directory with kernel and modules, MultiBoot 2, not using the default menu options from prompt "boot" command, new "root" command that changes default root, bi-endian support in disklabel, RAID and UFS, framebuffer fixes, reloc command, and NFSv3. 1.3 Fix PXE device path type, fixes for buggy ACPI implementations, and serial console support with raw I/O accessors.