/* $NetBSD: start.S,v 1.4 2021/12/03 10:49:25 andvar Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2010 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code was written by Alessandro Forin and Neil Pittman * at Microsoft Research and contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Microsoft Corporation. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* Trivial support for printing stuff on the serial line from C pgms. */ #include <mips/asm.h> #include <mips/cpuregs.h> #define __ASSEMBLER__ 1 #include <machine/emipsreg.h> /* Offsets in the CXTINFO structure */ #define TS_AT (1 * 4) #define TS_V0 (2 * 4) #define TS_V1 (3 * 4) #define TS_A0 (4 * 4) #define TS_A1 (5 * 4) #define TS_A2 (6 * 4) #define TS_A3 (7 * 4) #define TS_T0 (8 * 4) #define TS_T1 (9 * 4) #define TS_T2 (10 * 4) #define TS_T3 (11 * 4) #define TS_T4 (12 * 4) #define TS_T5 (13 * 4) #define TS_T6 (14 * 4) #define TS_T7 (15 * 4) #define TS_S0 (16 * 4) #define TS_S1 (17 * 4) #define TS_S2 (18 * 4) #define TS_S3 (19 * 4) #define TS_S4 (20 * 4) #define TS_S5 (21 * 4) #define TS_S6 (22 * 4) #define TS_S7 (23 * 4) #define TS_T8 (24 * 4) #define TS_T9 (25 * 4) #define TS_K0 (26 * 4) #define TS_K1 (27 * 4) #define TS_GP (28 * 4) #define TS_SP (29 * 4) #define TS_FP (30 * 4) #define fp s8 #define TS_RA (31 * 4) #define TS_PC (32 * 4) #define TS_SR (33 * 4) #define TS_HI (34 * 4) #define TS_LO (35 * 4) #define TS_EC (36 * 4) #define SIZEOF_CXTINFO (37*4) /* PROM_MODE means the user plans to keep this code around while running an OS. * So we act kind of like PROM code (BIOS?), but we live in RAM. * So we need to safeguard ourselves against corruptions, some unavoidable. * Like the overriding of the exception vectors, right where our "start" code is. */ IMPORT(main,4) IMPORT(_end,4) .set noreorder EXPORT(start) bgezal zero,_C_LABEL(real_start) nop /* Does not handle the exception, really. * But to test interrupts should be enough */ .org 0x00000080 NESTED_NOPROFILE(ExceptionHandler,SIZEOF_CXTINFO,$31) la k1, UserInterruptHandler lw k1,0(k1) bne k1,zero,Dispatch mfc0 k0, MIPS_COP_0_EXC_PC j k0 nop /* do not! pop status */ EXPORT(UserInterruptHandler) .word 0 EXPORT(Dispatch) /* Save state on stack */ addiu sp, sp, -SIZEOF_CXTINFO /* save registers */ .set noat sw AT, TS_AT(sp) .set at sw v0, TS_V0(sp) sw v1, TS_V1(sp) sw a0, TS_A0(sp) sw a1, TS_A1(sp) sw a2, TS_A2(sp) sw a3, TS_A3(sp) sw t0, TS_T0(sp) sw t1, TS_T1(sp) sw t2, TS_T2(sp) sw t3, TS_T3(sp) sw t4, TS_T4(sp) sw t5, TS_T5(sp) sw t6, TS_T6(sp) sw t7, TS_T7(sp) sw s0, TS_S0(sp) sw s1, TS_S1(sp) sw s2, TS_S2(sp) sw s3, TS_S3(sp) sw s4, TS_S4(sp) sw s5, TS_S5(sp) sw s6, TS_S6(sp) sw s7, TS_S7(sp) sw t8, TS_T8(sp) sw t9, TS_T9(sp) sw k0, TS_K0(sp) sw k1, TS_K1(sp) sw gp, TS_GP(sp) /* sp: later */ sw fp, TS_FP(sp) sw ra, TS_RA(sp) mfc0 a0, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS mflo t0 mfhi t1 sw a0, TS_SR(sp) sw t0, TS_LO(sp) sw t1, TS_HI(sp) sw k0, TS_PC(sp) /* Save original stack */ move a0,sp addiu t0, sp, SIZEOF_CXTINFO jalr k1 sw t0, TS_SP(sp) /* Returned value is new PCXINFO */ move a0,v0 /* First load most registers */ .set noat lw AT, TS_AT(a0) lw v0, TS_V0(a0) lw v1, TS_V1(a0) /* a0 later */ lw a1, TS_A1(a0) lw a2, TS_A2(a0) lw a3, TS_A3(a0) lw t0, TS_T0(a0) lw t1, TS_T1(a0) lw t2, TS_T2(a0) lw t3, TS_T3(a0) lw t4, TS_T4(a0) lw t5, TS_T5(a0) lw t6, TS_T6(a0) lw t7, TS_T7(a0) lw s0, TS_S0(a0) lw s1, TS_S1(a0) lw s2, TS_S2(a0) lw s3, TS_S3(a0) lw s4, TS_S4(a0) lw s5, TS_S5(a0) lw s6, TS_S6(a0) lw s7, TS_S7(a0) lw t8, TS_T8(a0) lw t9, TS_T9(a0) /* k0,k1 not restored */ lw gp, TS_GP(a0) /* sp later */ lw fp, TS_FP(a0) lw ra, TS_RA(a0) lw k1, TS_HI(a0) lw k0, TS_LO(a0) mthi k1 mtlo k0 lw k1, TS_SR(a0) mtc0 k1, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS /* NB: After this instruction we cannot take any interrupts or traps */ lw sp, TS_SP(a0) /* Put pc into k0 */ lw k0, TS_PC(a0) lw a0, TS_A0(a0) j k0 rfe .set at END(ExceptionHandler) .org 0x00000200 EXPORT(real_start) .ent _C_LABEL(real_start) #ifdef SECONDARY_BOOTBLOCK /* * If this is the program that goes into FLASH we must copy ourselves down to RAM. * FLASH default on the MLx is at 0xf0000000, DRAM at 0. */ addi a0,ra,-8 /* Compensate for the first two instructions */ /* Get the address(relative) of TextStart */ bgezal zero, _C_LABEL(MipsStart2) /* Always jumps */ nop /* All of the static data, since we are at it. */ TextStart: /* + 0 */ /* Text start at final link address */ .int start DataEnd: /* + 4 */ /* Data end == bss start */ .int _edata BssEnd: /* + 8 */ /* Bss end */ .int _end RelocToRAM: /* *+12 */ .int InRAM MipsStart2: /* Source = a0, Dst = t2 */ lw t2, 0(ra) /* _C_LABEL(TextStart) */ /* EndPtr = t3 */ /* in bdelay slot */ /* If a0 != t2 then we are running in Flash but should run in RAM * In that case copy .text. Otherwise skip to .bss. */ beq a0,t2,ZroLoop-4 lw t3, 4(ra) /* _C_LABEL(DataEnd) */ CpyLoop: /* loop copying 2 words at a time */ lw t4,0(a0) lw t5,4(a0) addiu a0,a0,8 sw t4,0(t2) addiu t2,t2,8 sltu t1,t2,t3 bne t1,zero,CpyLoop sw t5,-4(t2) /* zero the bss */ lw t4, 8(ra) /* _C_LABEL(BssEnd) */ ZroLoop: sltu t1,t3,t4 sw zero,0(t3) bne t1,zero,ZroLoop addiu t3,t3,4 /* Jump to RAM copy (below) */ lw t1, 12(ra) /* _C_LABEL(RelocToRAM) */ jr t1 nop /* * Execute from here after copying out of FLASH into RAM */ InRAM: #endif /* SECONDARY_BOOTBLOCK */ /* Get a stack */ #ifdef __GP_SUPPORT__ la gp, _C_LABEL (_gp) #endif la sp,_end addiu sp,sp,(8*1024) /* BUGBUG arbitrary */ /* Jump to main */ jal main add a0,sp,zero /* Load failed, reset the processor and jump back to the origins. */ EXPORT(_rtt) /* ahem */ li t0,0x1260ff80 /* NB: On new builds this is a SYS-RESET as well */ mtc0 t0,MIPS_COP_0_STATUS lui t0,(BRAM_DEFAULT_ADDRESS>>16) /* nb: knows about 16bit chop */ jr t0 nop EXPORT(Stop) b Stop nop END(real_start) .set noreorder .set noat .set nomacro /* void Delay(UINT32 count) */ LEAF(Delay) bne a0,zero,_C_LABEL(Delay) subu a0,1 j ra nop END(Delay) /* UINT32 GetPsr(void) * Returns the PSR (coprocessor 0 status) */ LEAF(GetPsr) mfc0 v0, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS j ra nop END(GetPsr) /* void SetPsr(UINT32 Psr) * Sets the PSR (coprocessor 0 status) */ LEAF(SetPsr) mtc0 a0,MIPS_COP_0_STATUS j ra nop END(SetPsr) /* UINT32 GetCause(void) * Returns the Cause register (coprocessor 0) */ LEAF(GetCause) mfc0 v0,MIPS_COP_0_CAUSE j ra nop END(GetCause) /* UINT32 GetEpc(void) * Returns the Epc register (coprocessor 0) */ LEAF(GetEpc) mfc0 v0,MIPS_COP_0_EXC_PC j ra nop END(GetEpc) /* int PutWord(UINT32 Word); * Returns: 0 if ok, -1 otherwise */ NESTED(PutWord,12,$31) subu sp,sp,12 sw s0,8(sp) sw s1,4(sp) sw ra,0(sp) or s1,a0,zero /* Spit all nibbles */ li s0,8 PutWordLoop: srl a0,s1,32-4 li t0,10 sltu t1,a0,t0 bnez t1,$Digit li a1,'0' subu a0,a0,t0 li a1,'a' $Digit: sll s1,s1,4 jal PutChar add a0,a0,a1 subu s0,s0,1 bne v0,zero,PutWordDone /* printed ok? */ li v0,-1 /* done yet? */ bne s0,zero,PutWordLoop nop /* done */ li v0,0 PutWordDone: lw ra,0(sp) lw s1,4(sp) lw s0,8(sp) jr ra addiu sp,sp,12 END(PutWord) /* int Puts(char *String); * Returns: 0 if ok, -1 otherwise */ NESTED(Puts,8,$31) subu sp,sp,8 sw s0,4(sp) sw ra,0(sp) or s0,a0,zero /* Spit all chars until zero */ PutsLoop: lbu a0,0(s0) addiu s0,s0,1 beq a0,zero,PutsDoneOk nop jal PutChar nop beq v0,zero,PutsLoop nop /* Timed out */ b PutsDone li v0,-1 /* done */ PutsDoneOk: li v0,0 PutsDone: lw ra,0(sp) lw s0,4(sp) jr ra addiu sp,sp,8 END(Puts) /* int GetChar(void); * Returns: a non-negative value if ok, -1 otherwise */ LEAF(GetChar) lui t0,(USART_DEFAULT_ADDRESS>>16) /* nb: knows about 16bit chop */ lui t1,1000 /* n*65k spins max */ RxNotReady: lw t4,USARTST(t0) /* ChannelStatus */ andi t4,t4,USI_RXRDY bgtz t4,$GotByte subu t1,t1,1 /* still ok to spin? */ bgtz t1,RxNotReady nop /* Timed out */ jr ra li v0,-1 /* Gottabyte */ $GotByte: lw v0,USARTRX(t0) /* RxData */ jr ra andi v0,0xff END(GetChar) /* int PutChar(UINT8 v); * Returns: 0 if ok, -1 otherwise */ LEAF(PutChar) lui t0,(USART_DEFAULT_ADDRESS>>16) /* nb: knows about 16bit chop */ lui t1,1000 /* n*65k spins max */ li v0,0 TxNotReady: lw t4,USARTST(t0) /* ChannelStatus */ andi t4,t4,USI_TXRDY bgtz t4,TxReady subu t1,t1,1 /* still ok to spin? */ bgtz t1,TxNotReady nop /* Timed out */ jr ra li v0,-1 /* Send it */ TxReady: jr ra sw a0,USARTTX(t0) END(PutChar) /* Second arg is a function to call with the first arg: * void switch_stack_and_call(void *arg, void (*function)(void *)); */ LEAF(switch_stack_and_call) /* Get a stack and jump. It would be a very bad idea to return but.. */ lui sp,%hi(_end) addiu sp,%lo(_end) jr a1 addiu sp,sp,(2*1024) /* BUGBUG arbitrary */ END(switch_stack_and_call)