/** @page tests Testing @section testsOverview Testing Overview In DHCP, a unit test exercises a particular piece of code in isolation. There is a separate unit test per module or API. Each unit test lives in a directory beneath the code it is designed to exercise. So, we (will eventually) have: @verbatim server/tests/ client/tests/ common/tests/ dhcpctl/tests/ ... @endverbatim And so on. Ideally each function would be invoked with every possible type of input, and each branch of every function would be checked. In practice we try to be a bit more pragmatic, and target the most basic operations, as well tricky code, and areas we have seen bugs in the past. We are using ATF (Automated Test Framework) as a framework to run our unittests. @section testsAtf ATF unit-tests ATF stands for Automated Test Framework, and is the framework used for unit tests in ISC DHCP. Since ATF was created, a next generation QA toolchain called, Kyua, has beend developed that can execute ATF unit tests. There are two approaches one can take to install the necessary software for executing ISC DHCP unit tests: 1) Install pre-Kyua release (0.19 or earlier) of ATF Using this approach is the simplest as it involves installing only ATF. However it requires using a version of ATF that is no longer maintained and which may eventually may be unavailable. ATF may be found here: https://github.com/jmmv/atf 2) Install post-Kyua release of ATF (0.20 or later) and Kyua Using this approach requires the installation of more software as Kyua has dependencies that ATF lacks. The advantage is that the version(s) that can be used are all still supported. Kyua may be found here: https://github.com/jmmv/kyua @subsection preKyuaATF Using pre-Kyua ATF This section describes how to install and use pre-Kyua ATF release to run ISC DHCP unit tests. The most recent release of ATF that can be used without also needing Kyua, is ATF version 0.19. While this version is still available and using it is least software to install to run ISC DHCP unit tests, there may come a point in time when this version is no longer available. It may be downloaded here: https://github.com/jmmv/atf/releases/tag/atf-0.19 After downloading and unpacking the source, you'll need to configure it, build it, and then install it. Note you'll need to include the "--enable-tools" option when configuring ATF. The following would build and install it to /opt/atf/atf-0.19/local: @verbatim $ cd /opt/atf $ tar -xvf $HOME/Downloads/atf-0.19.tar.gz # While the --prefix is optional, you must specify --enable-tools # as a configure option $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/atf/atf-0.19/local --enable-tools $ make $ sudo make install @endverbatim To build and run the ISC DHCP unit-tests, use the following: @verbatim $ git clone https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/dhcp.git $ cd dhcp # Note because we used --prefix when configuraing ATF above, we # need to tell ISC DHCP configure where it is located. $ ./configure --with-atf=/opt/atf/atf-0.19/local # Run all of the unit tests via "make check" $ make check @endverbatim This will traverse the source tree running the unit tests in each unit test subdirectory. Note that if one or more tests in a unit test subdirectory fail the make process will stop. To run all of the tests regardless of outcome, use "make -k check" Note, If you installed ATF to its default location rather than using --prefix or you install the pkg-config .pc files for ATF, you should be able to simply specify "--with-atf" without a path when configuring ISC DHCP. Each dhcp source sub-directory (e.g. server, common) that has unit-tests has a sub-directory named tests (e.g. server/tests). You can execute "make check" in that sub-directory to run its specific subset of tests. Unit-tests are grouped into suites, each suite being a separate executable. The typical way to run tests is: @verbatim $ atf-run | atf-report # (This assumes atf-run and atf-report are in your path) # or $ sh ../../tests/unittests.sh @endverbatim atf-run will read the Atffile in the current directory and execute all the tests specified in it. Using atf-run - rather than calling the test binary directly - has several major benefits. The main one is that atf-run is able to recover from test segfault and continue execution from the next case onwards. Another is that it is possible to specify a timeout for a test. atf-run will kill the test in case of any infinite loops and will continue running next tests. It is possible to run atf-run without passing its output to atf-report, but its output is somewhat convoluted. That is useful in some situations, e.g. when one wants to see test output. It is possible to run test binary directly. The only required parameter is the test case name. The binary will print out a warning that direct binary execution is not recommended as it won't be able to recover from crash. However, such an approach is convenient for running the test under the debugger. @subsection KyuaPlusATF Using Kyua with ATF Kyua is a QA toolchain that has been layered on top of ATF. The tools necessary to run ATF unit tests migrated from ATF to within Kyua beginning with ATF 0.20. This section includes instructions for building and running ISC DHCP with Kyua. Instructions are included for both Ubuntu 18.04 and MacOS. @subsubsection KyuaLinux Kyua Ubuntu 18.04 Instructions The following instructions are based on Ubuntu 18.04, but are typical of a linux distribution/installation. It installs all software into default locations for simplicity. If you want to use custom installation paths, you may have to set additional environment variables, library paths, and the like. Before we install kyua, we must install its dependencies: lua, sqlite3, ATF, and lutok @verbatim # lua and sqlite3 have packages, we'll use them $ apt-get install liblua5.1-0-dev $ apt-get install libsqlite3-dev # Fetch, build, and install the latest version of ATF $ git clone https://github.com/jmmv/atf.git $ cd atf $ autoreconf --install --force $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install $ cd .. # Fetch, build, and install the latest version of lutok $ git clone https://github.com/jmmv/lutok.git $ cd lutok # We must use -I argument to tell autoreconf where to find the ATF .m4 files $ autoreconf --install -s -I/usr/local/share/aclocal $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install $ cd .. # Finally, we fetch, build and install the latest version of kyua $ git clone https://github.com/jmmv/kyua.git $ cd kyua # We must use -I argument to tell autoreconf where to find the ATF .m4 files $ autoreconf --install -s -I/usr/local/share/aclocal $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install $ cd .. @endverbatim To build ISC DHCP with Kyua and run all the unit tests is the same: @verbatim $ git clone https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/dhcp.git $ cd dhcp # Because we used default installations we simply enable unit tests with # --with-atf with no path value. $ ./configure --with-atf $ make # Run the ISC DHCP unit tests $ make check @endverbatim @subsubsection KyuaMacOS Kyua macOS Instructions The following instructions are for based on macOS Mojave ( Before we install kyua, we must install its dependencies: pkgconfig, lutok, and ATF: @verbatim # install dependencies $ brew install pkgconfig $ brew install lutok # install atf so we can build kyua and dhcp with unit tests $ git clone https://github.com/jmmv/atf.git $ cd atf $ autoreconf --install --force $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/atf $ make $ sudo make install $ cd .. # configure kyua with atf $ git clone https://github.com/jmmv/kyua.git $ cd kyua $ autoreconf --install -s -I/opt/atf/share/aclocal $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/kyua $ make $ sudo make install $ cd .. @endverbatim To build ISC DHCP with Kyua and run all the unit tests is the same: @verbatim $ git clone https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/dhcp.git $ cd dhcp # Because we used the prefix "/opt/atf" to install ATF we need to # add that path to --with-atf when we configure ISC DHCP. $ ./configure --with-atf=/opt/atf $ make # Add kyua to the path and then run the ISC DHCP unit tests # via "make check" $ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/kyua/bin $ make check @endverbatim @section testsAtfAdding Adding new unit-tests There are a small number of unit-tests that are not ATF based. They will be converted to ATF soon. Please do not use any other frameworks. Sadly, the DHCP code was not written with unit-testing in mind: often a non-standard approach is required for writing unit-tests. The existing code often has many dependencies that make testing a single piece of code awkward to unit test. For example, to test hash tables, one needs to also include the OMAPI code. Rather than significantly refactoring the code (a huge task that could take months), we decided to link whatever is needed in the tests. If developing new test suite, it is recommended that you take a look at existing tests and just copy them as a starting point. In particular, the following things should be done for adding new tests: 1. Tests directory. For each code component (server, client, common, etc.) there should be a tests subdirectory. If it isn't there yet, then it must be created. This can be done by: a). Creating the directory: @verbatim $ mkdir $subdir/tests $ cvs add tests @endverbatim b). Adding the subdirectory to the build system: Add to $subdir/Makefile.am: @verbatim SUBDIRS = tests @endverbatim Add to the AC_OUTPUT macro in configure.ac: @verbatim subdir/tests/Makefile @endverbatim c. Create a Makefile.am in the new directory, something similar to this: @verbatim AM_CPPFLAGS = -I../.. check_PROGRAMS = test_foo TESTS = test_foo test_foo_SOURCES = test_foo.c test_foo_LDADD = ../../tests/libt_api.a # plus others... @endverbatim See existing Makefile.am for examples, and the Automake documentation: http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/html_node/Tests.html 2. Implement the test. That typically means that you create a new file that will hold test code. It is recommended you name it (tested_feature_name)_unittest.c and put the file in specified tests directory. For example tests related to hash tables used on the server side should be named server/tests/hash_unittest.c. If in doubt, it is convenient to name the test code after the file that holds tested code, e.g. server/mdb6.c is tested in server/tests/mdb6_unittest.c. The file server/tests/simple_unittest.c holds a template explaining the basic layout of the ATF tests. There may be many test cases in a single *_unittest.c file. Make sure that you register all your test cases using ATF_TP_ADD_TC() macro, and try to minimize modifications to the tested code if possible. Keep in mind that we are using modernized \ref codingGuidelines for test development. You are advised to also look at atf-c-api(3) man page. To add a new test, such as when a new module is added or when you want to start testing existing code, you can copy the server/tests/simple_unittest.c as a new new file, add the new file as a target in Makefile.am, and begin adding tests. Reviewing that file is a good idea, even if you decide to write your test from scratch, as it give you quick overview of the essential capabilities of the ATF framework (how to write test, how to make checks, pass or fail test etc.). Do not forget to add your new file to git via "git add yourtest_unittest.c". 3. Extend Makefile.am to build your test. In particular, add your binary name to ATF_TESTS. The tests directory will be built only in case where ATF is enabled, using --with-atf during configure phase. 4. Modify Atffile to include your new test, if needed. Tests in the specified directory must be registered in Atffile. See server/tests/Atffile for an example. Currently every executable with name of the form *_unittest will be executed automatically. If you followed naming convention proposed in a previous step, your test will be included and will be included automatically. 5. Enjoy your improved confidence in the code, as you can run the tests after any change you may want to do: @verbatim $ make check @endverbatim to run all tests for all components. See \ref atfTests section for more details on running tests. @section testsAtfCoding ATF Coding Guidelines As the unit-test code creates an evironment that works under a different regime than the production code, there are slight differences to standard coding guidelines. In particular: - The code is written using C99. Double slash comments are allowed. - Please do not use tabs. Use 4 spaces for each indent level. */