# Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. from functools import partial import filecmp import os from pathlib import Path import re import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import time from typing import Any, List, Optional import pytest pytest.register_assert_rewrite("isctest") import isctest from isctest.vars.dirs import SYSTEM_TEST_DIR_GIT_PATH # Silence warnings caused by passing a pytest fixture to another fixture. # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name isctest.log.init_conftest_logger() isctest.log.avoid_duplicated_logs() isctest.vars.init_vars() # ----------------- Older pytest / xdist compatibility ------------------- # As of 2023-01-11, the minimal supported pytest / xdist versions are # determined by what is available in EL8/EPEL8: # - pytest 3.4.2 # - pytest-xdist 1.24.1 _pytest_ver = pytest.__version__.split(".") _pytest_major_ver = int(_pytest_ver[0]) if _pytest_major_ver < 7: # pytest.Stash/pytest.StashKey mechanism has been added in 7.0.0 # for older versions, use regular dictionary with string keys instead FIXTURE_OK = "fixture_ok" # type: Any else: FIXTURE_OK = pytest.StashKey[bool]() # pylint: disable=no-member # ----------------------- Globals definition ----------------------------- XDIST_WORKER = os.environ.get("PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER", "") FILE_DIR = os.path.abspath(Path(__file__).parent) ENV_RE = re.compile(b"([^=]+)=(.*)") PRIORITY_TESTS = [ # Tests that are scheduled first. Speeds up parallel execution. "rpz/", "rpzrecurse/", "serve-stale/", "timeouts/", "upforwd/", ] PRIORITY_TESTS_RE = re.compile("|".join(PRIORITY_TESTS)) SYSTEM_TEST_NAME_RE = re.compile(f"{SYSTEM_TEST_DIR_GIT_PATH}" + r"/([^/]+)") SYMLINK_REPLACEMENT_RE = re.compile(r"/tests(_.*)\.py") # ----------------------- Global requirements ---------------------------- isctest.check.is_executable(isctest.vars.ALL["PYTHON"], "Python interpreter required") isctest.check.is_executable(isctest.vars.ALL["PERL"], "Perl interpreter required") # --------------------------- pytest hooks ------------------------------- def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption( "--noclean", action="store_true", default=False, help="don't remove the temporary test directories with artifacts", ) def pytest_configure(config): # Ensure this hook only runs on the main pytest instance if xdist is # used to spawn other workers. if not XDIST_WORKER: if config.pluginmanager.has_plugin("xdist") and config.option.numprocesses: # system tests depend on module scope for setup & teardown # enforce use "loadscope" scheduler or disable paralelism try: import xdist.scheduler.loadscope # pylint: disable=unused-import except ImportError: isctest.log.debug( "xdist is too old and does not have " "scheduler.loadscope, disabling parallelism" ) config.option.dist = "no" else: config.option.dist = "loadscope" def pytest_ignore_collect(path): # System tests are executed in temporary directories inside # bin/tests/system. These temporary directories contain all files # needed for the system tests - including tests_*.py files. Make sure to # ignore these during test collection phase. Otherwise, test artifacts # from previous runs could mess with the runner. Also ignore the # convenience symlinks to those test directories. In both of those # cases, the system test name (directory) contains an underscore, which # is otherwise and invalid character for a system test name. match = SYSTEM_TEST_NAME_RE.search(str(path)) if match is None: isctest.log.warning("unexpected test path: %s (ignored)", path) return True system_test_name = match.groups()[0] return "_" in system_test_name def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items): """Schedule long-running tests first to get more benefit from parallelism.""" priority = [] other = [] for item in items: if PRIORITY_TESTS_RE.search(item.nodeid): priority.append(item) else: other.append(item) items[:] = priority + other class NodeResult: def __init__(self, report=None): self._outcomes = {} self.messages = {} if report is not None: self.update(report) def update(self, report): # Allow the same nodeid/when to be overriden. This only happens when # the test is re-run with flaky plugin. In that case, we want the # latest result to override any previous results. key = (report.nodeid, report.when) self._outcomes[key] = report.outcome self.messages[key] = report.longreprtext @property def outcome(self): for outcome in self._outcomes.values(): if outcome != "passed": return outcome return "passed" @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_makereport(item): """Hook that is used to expose test results to session (for use in fixtures).""" # execute all other hooks to obtain the report object outcome = yield report = outcome.get_result() # Set the test outcome in session, so we can access it from module-level # fixture using nodeid. Note that this hook is called three times: for # setup, call and teardown. We only care about the overall result so we # merge the results together and preserve the information whether a test # passed. test_results = {} try: test_results = getattr(item.session, "test_results") except AttributeError: setattr(item.session, "test_results", test_results) node_result = test_results.setdefault(item.nodeid, NodeResult()) node_result.update(report) # --------------------------- Fixtures ----------------------------------- @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def modules(): """ Sorted list of ALL modules. The list includes even test modules that are not tested in the current session. It is used to determine port distribution. Using a complete list of all possible test modules allows independent concurrent pytest invocations. """ mods = [] for dirpath, _dirs, files in os.walk(FILE_DIR): for file in files: if file.startswith("tests_") and file.endswith(".py"): mod = f"{dirpath}/{file}" if not pytest_ignore_collect(mod): mods.append(mod) return sorted(mods) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def module_base_ports(modules): """ Dictionary containing assigned base port for every module. The port numbers are deterministically assigned before any testing starts. This fixture MUST return the same value when called again during the same test session. When running tests in parallel, this is exactly what happens - every worker thread will call this fixture to determine test ports. """ port_min = isctest.vars.ports.PORT_MIN port_max = ( isctest.vars.ports.PORT_MAX - len(modules) * isctest.vars.ports.PORTS_PER_TEST ) if port_max < port_min: raise RuntimeError("not enough ports to assign unique port set to each module") # Rotate the base port value over time to detect possible test issues # with using random ports. This introduces a very slight race condition # risk. If this value changes between pytest invocation and spawning # worker threads, multiple tests may have same port values assigned. If # these tests are then executed simultaneously, the test results will # be misleading. base_port = int(time.time() // 3600) % (port_max - port_min) + port_min return { mod: base_port + i * isctest.vars.ports.PORTS_PER_TEST for i, mod in enumerate(modules) } @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="module") def base_port(request, module_base_ports): """Start of the port range assigned to a particular test module.""" port = module_base_ports[request.fspath] isctest.vars.ports.set_base_port(port) return port @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def named_port(): return int(os.environ["PORT"]) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def named_tlsport(): return int(os.environ["TLSPORT"]) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def named_httpsport(): return int(os.environ["HTTPSPORT"]) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def control_port(): return int(os.environ["CONTROLPORT"]) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def system_test_name(request): """Name of the system test directory.""" path = Path(request.fspath) return path.parent.name def _get_marker(node, marker): try: # pytest >= 4.x return node.get_closest_marker(marker) except AttributeError: # pytest < 4.x return node.get_marker(marker) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def wait_for_zones_loaded(request, servers): """Wait for all zones to be loaded by specified named instances.""" instances = _get_marker(request.node, "requires_zones_loaded") if not instances: return for instance in instances.args: with servers[instance].watch_log_from_start() as watcher: watcher.wait_for_line("all zones loaded") @pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True) def configure_algorithm_set(request): """Configure the algorithm set to use in tests.""" mark = _get_marker(request.node, "algorithm_set") if not mark: name = None else: name = mark.args[0] isctest.vars.set_algorithm_set(name) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def logger(request, system_test_name): """Sets up logging facility specific to a particular test.""" isctest.log.init_test_logger(system_test_name, request.node.name) yield isctest.log.deinit_test_logger() @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def expected_artifacts(request): common_artifacts = [ ".libs/*", # possible build artifacts, see GL #5055 "ns*/named.run", "ns*/named.run.prev", "ns*/named.conf", "ns*/named.memstats", "pytest.log.txt", ] try: test_specific_artifacts = request.node.get_closest_marker("extra_artifacts") except AttributeError: return None if test_specific_artifacts: return common_artifacts + test_specific_artifacts.args[0] return common_artifacts @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def system_test_dir(request, system_test_name, expected_artifacts): """ Temporary directory for executing the test. This fixture is responsible for creating (and potentially removing) a copy of the system test directory which is used as a temporary directory for the test execution. """ def get_test_result(): """Aggregate test results from all individual tests from this module into a single result: failed > skipped > passed.""" try: all_test_results = request.session.test_results except AttributeError: # This may happen if pytest execution is interrupted and # pytest_runtest_makereport() is never called. isctest.log.debug("can't obtain test results, test run was interrupted") return "error" test_results = { node.nodeid: all_test_results[node.nodeid] for node in request.node.collect() if node.nodeid in all_test_results } assert len(test_results) messages = [] for node, result in test_results.items(): isctest.log.debug("%s %s", result.outcome.upper(), node) messages.extend(result.messages.values()) for message in messages: isctest.log.debug("\n" + message) failed = any(res.outcome == "failed" for res in test_results.values()) skipped = any(res.outcome == "skipped" for res in test_results.values()) if failed: return "failed" if skipped: return "skipped" assert all(res.outcome == "passed" for res in test_results.values()) return "passed" def unlink(path): try: path.unlink() # missing_ok=True isn't available on Python 3.6 except FileNotFoundError: pass def check_artifacts(source_dir, run_dir): def check_artifacts_recursive(dcmp): def artifact_expected(path, expected): for glob in expected: if path.match(glob): return True return False # test must not remove any Git-tracked file, ignore libtool and gcov artifacts for name in dcmp.left_only: assert name.startswith("lt-") or name.endswith(".gcda") for name in dcmp.diff_files: # There should be no diff_files. However, due to how the # obsolete dnsrps tests are launched, this workaround is # required to ignore the dnsrps-dnsrps.gcda file which may # get detected here as git-tracked in some circumstances assert name.endswith( ".gcda" ), "test must not modify any Git-tracked file" dir_path = Path(dcmp.left).relative_to(source_dir) for name in dcmp.right_only: file = dir_path / Path(name) if not artifact_expected(file, expected_artifacts): unexpected_files.append(str(file)) for subdir in dcmp.subdirs.values(): check_artifacts_recursive(subdir) if expected_artifacts is None: # skip the check if artifact list is unavailable return unexpected_files = [] dcmp = filecmp.dircmp(source_dir, run_dir) check_artifacts_recursive(dcmp) assert ( not unexpected_files ), f"Unexpected files found in test directory: {unexpected_files}" # Create a temporary directory with a copy of the original system test dir contents system_test_root = Path(os.environ["builddir"]) testdir = Path( tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=f"{system_test_name}_tmp_", dir=system_test_root) ) shutil.rmtree(testdir) shutil.copytree(system_test_root / system_test_name, testdir) isctest.vars.dirs.set_system_test_name(testdir.name) # Create a convenience symlink with a stable and predictable name module_name = SYMLINK_REPLACEMENT_RE.sub(r"\1", str(_get_node_path(request.node))) symlink_dst = system_test_root / module_name unlink(symlink_dst) symlink_dst.symlink_to(os.path.relpath(testdir, start=system_test_root)) isctest.log.init_module_logger(system_test_name, testdir) # System tests are meant to be executed from their directory - switch to it. old_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(testdir) isctest.log.info("switching to tmpdir: %s", testdir) try: yield testdir # other fixtures / tests will execute here finally: os.chdir(old_cwd) isctest.log.debug("changed workdir to: %s", old_cwd) result = get_test_result() if result == "passed": check_artifacts(system_test_root / system_test_name, testdir) # Clean temporary dir unless it should be kept keep = False if request.config.getoption("--noclean"): isctest.log.debug( "--noclean requested, keeping temporary directory %s", testdir ) keep = True elif result == "failed": isctest.log.debug( "test failure detected, keeping temporary directory %s", testdir ) keep = True elif not request.node.stash[FIXTURE_OK]: isctest.log.debug( "test setup/teardown issue detected, keeping temporary directory %s", testdir, ) keep = True if keep: isctest.log.info( "test artifacts in: %s", symlink_dst.relative_to(system_test_root) ) else: isctest.log.debug("deleting temporary directory") isctest.log.deinit_module_logger() if not keep: shutil.rmtree(testdir) unlink(symlink_dst) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def templates(system_test_dir: Path): return isctest.template.TemplateEngine(system_test_dir) def _run_script( system_test_dir: Path, interpreter: str, script: str, args: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): """Helper function for the shell / perl script invocations (through fixtures below).""" if args is None: args = [] path = Path(script) if not path.is_absolute(): # make sure relative paths are always relative to system_dir path = system_test_dir.parent / path script = str(path) cwd = os.getcwd() if not path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"script {script} not found in {cwd}") isctest.log.debug("running script: %s %s %s", interpreter, script, " ".join(args)) isctest.log.debug(" workdir: %s", cwd) returncode = 1 cmd = [interpreter, script] + args with subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True, errors="backslashreplace", ) as proc: if proc.stdout: for line in proc.stdout: isctest.log.info(" %s", line.rstrip("\n")) proc.communicate() returncode = proc.returncode if returncode: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode, cmd) isctest.log.debug(" exited with %d", returncode) def _get_node_path(node) -> Path: if isinstance(node.parent, pytest.Session): if _pytest_major_ver >= 8: return Path() return Path(node.name) assert node.parent is not None return _get_node_path(node.parent) / node.name @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def shell(system_test_dir): """Function to call a shell script with arguments.""" return partial(_run_script, system_test_dir, os.environ["SHELL"]) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def perl(system_test_dir): """Function to call a perl script with arguments.""" return partial(_run_script, system_test_dir, os.environ["PERL"]) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def run_tests_sh(system_test_dir, shell): """Utility function to execute tests.sh as a python test.""" def run_tests(): shell(f"{system_test_dir}/tests.sh") return run_tests @pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True) def system_test( request, system_test_dir, templates, shell, perl, ): """ Driver of the test setup/teardown process. Used automatically for every test module. This is the most important one-fixture-to-rule-them-all. Note the autouse=True which causes this fixture to be loaded by every test module without the need to explicitly specify it. When this fixture is used, it utilizes other fixtures, such as system_test_dir, which handles the creation of the temporary test directory. Afterwards, it checks the test environment and takes care of starting the servers. When everything is ready, that's when the actual tests are executed. Once that is done, this fixture stops the servers and checks for any artifacts indicating an issue (e.g. coredumps). Finally, when this fixture reaches an end (or encounters an exception, which may be caused by fail/skip invocations), any fixtures which is used by this one are finalized - e.g. system_test_dir performs final checks and cleans up the temporary test directory. """ def check_net_interfaces(): try: perl("testsock.pl", ["-p", os.environ["PORT"]]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: isctest.log.error("testsock.pl: exited with code %d", exc.returncode) pytest.skip("Network interface aliases not set up.") def check_prerequisites(): try: shell(f"{system_test_dir}/prereq.sh") except FileNotFoundError: pass # prereq.sh is optional except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pytest.skip("Prerequisites missing.") def setup_test(): templates.render_auto() try: shell(f"{system_test_dir}/setup.sh") except FileNotFoundError: pass # setup.sh is optional except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: isctest.log.error("Failed to run test setup") pytest.fail(f"setup.sh exited with {exc.returncode}") def start_servers(): try: perl("start.pl", ["--port", os.environ["PORT"], system_test_dir.name]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: isctest.log.error("Failed to start servers") pytest.fail(f"start.pl exited with {exc.returncode}") def stop_servers(): try: perl("stop.pl", [system_test_dir.name]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: isctest.log.error("Failed to stop servers") get_core_dumps() pytest.fail(f"stop.pl exited with {exc.returncode}") def get_core_dumps(): try: shell("get_core_dumps.sh", [system_test_dir.name]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: isctest.log.error("Found core dumps or sanitizer reports") pytest.fail(f"get_core_dumps.sh exited with {exc.returncode}") isctest.log.info(f"test started: {_get_node_path(request.node)}") port = int(os.environ["PORT"]) isctest.log.info( "using port range: <%d, %d>", port, port + isctest.vars.ports.PORTS_PER_TEST - 1 ) if not hasattr(request.node, "stash"): # compatibility with pytest<7.0.0 request.node.stash = {} # use regular dict instead of pytest.Stash request.node.stash[FIXTURE_OK] = True # Perform checks which may skip this test. check_net_interfaces() check_prerequisites() # Store the fact that this fixture hasn't successfully finished yet. # This is checked before temporary directory teardown to decide whether # it's okay to remove the directory. request.node.stash[FIXTURE_OK] = False setup_test() try: start_servers() isctest.log.debug("executing test(s)") yield finally: isctest.log.debug("test(s) finished") stop_servers() get_core_dumps() request.node.stash[FIXTURE_OK] = True @pytest.fixture def servers(system_test_dir): instances = {} for entry in system_test_dir.rglob("*"): if entry.is_dir(): try: dir_name = entry.name instance = isctest.instance.NamedInstance(dir_name) instances[dir_name] = instance except ValueError: continue return instances