#!/usr/bin/perl # Transform RELEASE_NOTES, split into "leader", and "major changes", # split into major categories, and prepend dates to paragraphs. # # Input format: the leader text is copied verbatim; each section # starts with "Incompatible changes with snapshot YYYYMMDD" or "Major # changes with snapshot YYYYMMDD" underlined with "=======..."; each # paragraph starts with [class, class] where a class specifies one or # more categories that the change should be listed under. Adding class # info is the only manual processing needed to go from a RELEASE_NOTES # file to the transformed representation. # # Output format: each category is printed with a little header and each # paragraph is tagged with [Incompat yyyymmdd] or with [Feature yyyymmdd]. %leader = (); %body = (); $append_to = \%leader; while (<>) { if (/^(Incompatible changes|Incompatibility) with/) { die "No date found: $_" unless /(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d)/; $append_to = \%body; $prefix = "[Incompat $1] "; while (<>) { last if /^====/; } next; } if (/^Major changes with/) { die "No date found: $_" unless /(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d)/; $append_to = \%body; $prefix = "[Feature $1] "; while (<>) { last if /^====/; } next; } if (/^\s*\n/) { if ($paragraph) { for $class (@classes) { ${$append_to}{$class} .= $paragraph . $_; } $paragraph = ""; } } else { if ($paragraph eq "") { if ($append_to eq \%leader) { @classes = ("default"); $paragraph = $_; } elsif (/^\[([^]]+)\]\s*(.*)/s) { $paragraph = $prefix . $2; ($junk = $1) =~ s/\s*,\s*/,/g; $junk =~ s/^\s+//; $junk =~ s/\s+$//; #print "junk >$junk<\n"; @classes = split(/,+/, $junk); #print "[", join(', ', @classes), "] ", $paragraph; } else { $paragraph = $_; } } else { $paragraph .= $_; } } } if ($paragraph) { for $class (@classes) { ${$append_to}{$class} .= $prefix . $paragraph . $_; } } print $leader{"default"}; for $class (sort keys %body) { print "Major changes - $class\n"; ($junk = "Major changes - $class") =~ s/./-/g; print $junk, "\n\n"; print $body{$class}; }