# #-- proxy_protocol.test.scenario --# # source the master var file when it's there [ -f ../.tpkg.var.master ] && source ../.tpkg.var.master # use .tpkg.var.test for in test variable passing [ -f .tpkg.var.test ] && source .tpkg.var.test PRE="../.." . ../common.sh ip addr add dev lo ip link set lo up ip link add $INTERFACE_ALLOW type dummy ip addr add $INTERFACE_ALLOW_ADDR dev $INTERFACE_ALLOW ip link set $INTERFACE_ALLOW up ip link add $INTERFACE_REFUSE type dummy ip addr add $INTERFACE_REFUSE_ADDR dev $INTERFACE_REFUSE ip link set $INTERFACE_REFUSE up # start forwarder in the background get_ldns_testns $LDNS_TESTNS -p $FWD_PORT proxy_protocol.testns >fwd.log 2>&1 & FWD_PID=$! echo "FWD_PID=$FWD_PID" >> .tpkg.var.test # start unbound in the background $PRE/unbound -d -c ub.conf >unbound.log 2>&1 & UNBOUND_PID=$! echo "UNBOUND_PID=$UNBOUND_PID" >> .tpkg.var.test wait_ldns_testns_up fwd.log wait_unbound_up unbound.log # call streamtcp and check return value do_streamtcp () { $PRE/streamtcp $* A IN >outfile 2>&1 if test "$?" -ne 0; then echo "exit status not OK" echo "> cat logfiles" cat outfile cat unbound.log echo "Not OK" exit 1 fi } send_query () { server=$1 client=$2 prot=$3 query=$4 echo -n "> query $query to $server" port=$UNBOUND_PORT if test ! -z "$client"; then port=$PROXY_PORT fi case $prot in -u) echo -n " (over UDP)" ;; -s) echo -n " (over TLS)" port=$PROXY_TLS_PORT ;; *) echo -n " (over TCP)" esac if test ! -z "$client"; then echo -n " ($client proxied)" fi echo do_streamtcp $prot -f $server@$port $client $query #cat outfile } expect_answer () { #query=$1 #answer=$2 if grep "$query" outfile | grep "$answer"; then echo "content OK" echo else echo "> cat logfiles" cat outfile cat unbound.log echo "result contents not OK" exit 1 fi } expect_refuse () { if grep "rcode: REFUSE" outfile; then echo "content OK" echo else echo "> cat logfiles" cat outfile cat unbound.log echo "result contents not OK" exit 1 fi } # Start the test # Query without PROXYv2 # Client localhost # Expect the result back server= client="" query="two.example.net." answer="" for prot in "-u" ""; do send_query "$server" "$client" "$prot" "$query" expect_answer done # Query with PROXYv2 # Client $CLIENT_ADDR_ALLOW should be allowed # Expect the result back server= client="-p $CLIENT_ADDR_ALLOW@1234" query="one.example.net." answer="" for prot in "-u" "" "-s"; do send_query "$server" "$client" "$prot" "$query" expect_answer done # Query with PROXYv2 # Client $CLIENT_ADDR_ALLOW6 should be allowed # Expect the result back server= client="-p $CLIENT_ADDR_ALLOW6@1234" query="one.example.net." answer="" for prot in "-u" "" "-s"; do send_query "$server" "$client" "$prot" "$query" expect_answer done # Query with PROXYv2 # Client $CLIENT_ADDR_REFUSE should be refused # Expect the REFUSE back server= client="-p $CLIENT_ADDR_REFUSE" query="one.example.net." answer="" for prot in "-u" "" "-s"; do send_query "$server" "$client" "$prot" "$query" expect_refuse done # Query with PROXYv2 # Client $CLIENT_ADDR_REFUSE6 should be refused # Expect the REFUSE back server= client="-p $CLIENT_ADDR_REFUSE6" query="one.example.net." answer="" for prot in "-u" "" "-s"; do send_query "$server" "$client" "$prot" "$query" expect_refuse done # Query with PROXYv2 # Client $CLIENT_ADDR_ALLOW should be allowed; proxy source address should be allowed # Expect the result back server=$INTERFACE_ALLOW_ADDR client="-p $CLIENT_ADDR_ALLOW@1234" query="one.example.net." answer="" for prot in "-u" "" "-s"; do send_query "$server" "$client" "$prot" "$query" expect_answer done # Query with PROXYv2 # Client $CLIENT_ADDR_ALLOW should be allowed; proxy source address should be refused # Expect the REFUSE back server=$INTERFACE_REFUSE_ADDR client="-p $CLIENT_ADDR_ALLOW@1234" query="one.example.net." answer="" for prot in "-u" "" "-s"; do send_query "$server" "$client" "$prot" "$query" expect_refuse done echo "OK" exit 0