echo There we go... # #-- padding.test --# # source the master var file when it's there [ -f ../.tpkg.var.master ] && source ../.tpkg.var.master # use .tpkg.var.test for in test variable passing [ -f .tpkg.var.test ] && source .tpkg.var.test PRE="../.." . ../ echo "> query A" dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT | tee outfile echo "> check answer" if grep "" outfile; then echo "OK" else echo "> cat logfiles" cat tap.log cat tap.errlog cat fwd.log cat unbound2.log cat unbound.log echo "Not OK" exit 1 fi echo "> wait for log to happen on timer" sleep 3 echo "> check tap.log for dnstap info" # see if it logged the information in tap.log # wait for a moment for filesystem to catch up. if grep "" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 10; fi if grep "" tap.log; then echo "yes it is in tap.log"; else echo "information not in tap.log" echo "failed" echo "> cat logfiles" cat tap.log cat tap.errlog cat fwd.log cat unbound.log echo "Not OK" exit 1 fi echo "> query TXT" dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT TXT | tee outfile echo "> check answer" if grep "Lorem ipsum" outfile; then echo "OK" else echo "> cat logfiles" cat tap.log cat tap.errlog cat fwd.log cat unbound2.log cat unbound.log echo "Not OK" exit 1 fi echo "> check tap.log for dnstap info" # see if it logged the information in tap.log # wait for a moment for filesystem to catch up. if grep "" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 10; fi if grep "" tap.log; then echo "yes it is in tap.log"; else echo "information not in tap.log" echo "failed" echo "> cat logfiles" cat tap.log cat tap.errlog cat fwd.log cat unbound.log echo "Not OK" exit 1 fi echo "> flush cache entries." $PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf flush_type A $PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf flush_type TXT echo "> disable padding of responses." $PRE/unbound-control -c ub2.conf set_option pad-responses: no echo "> query A" dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT A | tee outfile echo "> query TXT" dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT TXT | tee outfile echo "> flush cache entries." $PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf flush_type A $PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf flush_type TXT echo "> enable padding of responses." $PRE/unbound-control -c ub2.conf set_option pad-responses: yes echo "> set pad responses block size to 64" $PRE/unbound-control -c ub2.conf set_option pad-responses-block-size: 64 echo "> disable padding of queries." $PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf set_option pad-queries: no echo "> query A" dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT A | tee outfile echo "> query TXT" dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT TXT | tee outfile echo "> flush cache entries." $PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf flush_type A $PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf flush_type TXT echo "> enable padding of queries." $PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf set_option pad-queries: yes echo "> set pad queries block size to 48" $PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf set_option pad-queries-block-size: 48 echo "> query A" dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT A | tee outfile echo "> query TXT" dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT TXT | tee outfile echo "> flush cache entries." $PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf flush_type A $PRE/unbound-control -c ub.conf flush_type TXT echo "> set pad responses block size to 512" $PRE/unbound-control -c ub2.conf set_option pad-responses-block-size: 512 echo "> query A" dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT A | tee outfile echo "> query TXT" dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT TXT | tee outfile echo "> check tap.log for dnstap info" # see if it logged the information in tap.log # wait for a moment for filesystem to catch up. if grep "fini" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "fini" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "fini" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "fini" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "fini" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 1; fi if grep "fini" tap.log >/dev/null; then :; else sleep 10; fi if grep "fini" tap.log; then echo "yes it is in tap.log"; else echo "information not in tap.log" echo "failed" echo "> cat logfiles" cat tap.log cat tap.errlog cat fwd.log cat unbound.log echo "Not OK" exit 1 fi grep '^;; MSG SIZE rcvd: ' tap.log > message.sizes if diff message.sizes padding.msgsizes then echo "OK - Message sizes matched expected sizes" exit 0 else echo "unexpected message sizes" echo "failed" echo "> cat logfiles" cat tap.log cat tap.errlog cat fwd.log cat unbound.log echo "Not OK" exit 1 fi