 * File:	OptionContext.h
 * Copyright (c) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * See included license file for license details.
#if !defined(_OptionContext_h_)
#define _OptionContext_h_

#include <string>
#include "Value.h"

namespace elftosb

 * \brief Pure abstract interface class to a table of options.
class OptionContext
	//! \brief Detemine whether the named option is present in the table.
	//! \param name The name of the option to query.
	//! \retval true The option is present and has a value.
	//! \retval false No option with that name is in the table.
	virtual bool hasOption(const std::string & name) const=0;
	//! \brief Returns the option's value.
	//! \param name The name of the option.
	//! \return The value for the option named \a name.
	//! \retval NULL No option is in the table with that name.
	virtual const Value * getOption(const std::string & name) const=0;
	//! \brief Adds or changes an option's value.
	//! If the option was not already present in the table, it is added.
	//! Otherwise the old value is replaced.
	//! \param name The option's name.
	//! \param value New value for the option.
	virtual void setOption(const std::string & name, Value * value)=0;
	//! \brief Removes an option from the table.
	//! \param name The name of the option to remove.
	virtual void deleteOption(const std::string & name)=0;

}; // namespace elftosb

#endif // _OptionContext_h_