These directories contain install images for Scientific Linux and related 
sites of Scientific Linux.  If in doubt, just use the images in SL and 
ignore the others.


SL (Scientific Linux) - default
example (Scientific Linux example - an example site)
Fermi (Scientific Linux Fermi - Fermilab's site)
LTS (Scientific Linux Fermi - Fermilab's site)
SLF (Scientific Linux Fermi - Fermilab's site)
**note** All three of the fermi directories are really just links to the real one


The files in these directories are raw disk images.  Some are boot disks
for booting the Scientific Linux installation program, or the installation
program for the site (such as Scientific Linux Fermi, or Scientific Linux
example).  Others are driver disks to support loading the installation 
program from less common hardware.

The drivers.img driver disk image has been split into several disks
because of the increasing size of the supported modules.

The following boot image:

bootdisk.img - primary boot image for all install methods

is to be used for all install methods. A secondary driver disk will be
required for most install types other than IDE CDROM and HD based installs.

The following driver disks are available:

drvblock.img - Supplemental Block Device Drivers
drvnet.img - Supplemental Network Drivers
pcmciadd.img - PCMCIA Driver Diskette