patch-2.4.6 linux/arch/ppc/kernel/hashtable.S

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.5/linux/arch/ppc/kernel/hashtable.S linux/arch/ppc/kernel/hashtable.S
@@ -1,724 +0,0 @@
- * BK Id: SCCS/s.hashtable.S 1.11 05/17/01 18:14:21 cort
- */
- *  arch/ppc/kernel/hashtable.S
- *
- *  PowerPC version 
- *    Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Gary Thomas (
- *  Rewritten by Cort Dougan ( for PReP
- *    Copyright (C) 1996 Cort Dougan <>
- *  Adapted for Power Macintosh by Paul Mackerras.
- *  Low-level exception handlers and MMU support
- *  rewritten by Paul Mackerras.
- *    Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras.
- *
- *  This file contains low-level assembler routines for managing
- *  the PowerPC MMU hash table.  (PPC 8xx processors don't use a
- *  hash table, so this file is not used on them.)
- *
- *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- *  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- *  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- *  2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *	
- */
-#include "ppc_asm.h"
-#include <asm/processor.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
-#include <linux/config.h>
- * Load a PTE into the hash table, if possible.
- * The address is in r3, and r4 contains access flags:
- * _PAGE_USER (4) if a user-mode access, ored with
- * _PAGE_RW (2) if a write.  r20 contains DSISR or SRR1,
- * so bit 1 (0x40000000) is set if the exception was due
- * to no matching PTE being found in the hash table.
- * SPRG3 contains the physical address of the current task's thread.
- *
- * Returns to the caller if the access is illegal or there is no
- * mapping for the address.  Otherwise it places an appropriate PTE
- * in the hash table and returns from the exception.
- * Uses r0, r2 - r6, ctr, lr.
- *
- * For speed, 4 of the instructions get patched once the size and
- * physical address of the hash table are known.  These definitions
- * of Hash_base and Hash_bits below are just an example.
- */
-Hash_base = 0x180000
-Hash_bits = 12				/* e.g. 256kB hash table */
-Hash_msk = (((1 << Hash_bits) - 1) * 64)
-	.globl	hash_page
-	mfmsr	r0
-	clrldi	r0,r0,1		/* make sure it's in 32-bit mode */
-	MTMSRD(r0)
-	isync
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-	SAVE_2GPRS(7,r21)
-	eieio
-	lis	r2,hash_table_lock@h
-	ori	r2,r2,hash_table_lock@l
- 	tophys(r2,r2)
-	lis	r6,0x0fff0000@h
-	mtctr	r6
-	mfspr	r5,SPRG3
-	or	r0,r0,r6
-10:	lwarx	r6,0,r2
-	cmpi	0,r6,0
-	bne-	12f
-	stwcx.	r0,0,r2
-	beq+	11f
-	/* spin here a bit */
-12:	mfctr	r7
-	li	r8,1000
-	mtctr	r8
-	bdnz	13b
-	mtctr	r7
-	cmpw	r6,r0
-	bdnzf	2,10b
-	tw	31,31,31
-11:	eieio
-	REST_2GPRS(7, r21)
-	/* Get PTE (linux-style) and check access */
-	lis	r0,KERNELBASE@h		/* check if kernel address */
-	cmplw	0,r3,r0
-	mfspr	r2,SPRG3		/* current task's THREAD (phys) */
-	lwz	r5,PGDIR(r2)		/* virt page-table root */
-	blt+	112f			/* assume user more likely */
-	lis	r5,swapper_pg_dir@ha	/* if kernel address, use */
-	addi	r5,r5,swapper_pg_dir@l	/* kernel page table */
-112:	tophys(r5,r5)			/* convert to phys addr */
-	rlwimi	r5,r3,12,20,29		/* insert top 10 bits of address */
-	lwz	r5,0(r5)		/* get pmd entry */
-	rlwinm.	r5,r5,0,0,19		/* extract address of pte page */
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-	beq-	hash_page_out		/* return if no mapping */
-	/* XXX it seems like the 601 will give a machine fault on the
-	   rfi if its alignment is wrong (bottom 4 bits of address are
-	   8 or 0xc) and we have had a not-taken conditional branch
-	   to the address following the rfi. */
-	beqlr-
-	tophys(r2,r5)
-	rlwimi	r2,r3,22,20,29		/* insert next 10 bits of address */
-	ori	r4,r4,1			/* set _PAGE_PRESENT bit in access */
-	rlwinm	r5,r4,5,24,24		/* _PAGE_RW access -> _PAGE_DIRTY */
-	rlwimi	r5,r4,7,22,22		/* _PAGE_RW -> _PAGE_HWWRITE */
-	ori	r5,r5,0x100		/* set _PAGE_ACCESSED */
-	lwz	r6,0(r2)		/* get linux-style pte */
-	andc.	r0,r4,r6		/* check access & ~permission */
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-	bne-	hash_page_out		/* return if access not permitted */
-	bnelr-
-	andc.	r0,r5,r6		/* any bits not yet set? */
-	beq	2f
-	/* Update the linux PTE atomically */
-	lwarx	r0,0,r2			/* refetch the pte and check */
-	cmpw	0,r0,r6			/* that it hasn't been changed */
-	bne-	retry			/* retry if it has */
-	or	r6,r6,r5		/* set accessed/dirty bits */
-	stwcx.	r6,0,r2			/* attempt to update PTE */
-	bne-	retry			/* retry if someone got there first */
-	/* Convert linux-style PTE to low word of PPC-style PTE */
-2:	rlwinm	r4,r6,32-9,31,31	/* _PAGE_HWWRITE -> PP lsb */
-	rlwimi	r6,r6,32-1,31,31	/* _PAGE_USER -> PP (both bits now) */
-	ori	r4,r4,0xe04		/* clear out reserved bits */
-	andc	r6,r6,r4		/* PP=2 or 0, when _PAGE_HWWRITE */
-	/*
-	 * XXX hack hack hack - translate 32-bit "physical" addresses
-	 * in the linux page tables to 42-bit real addresses in such
-	 * a fashion that we can get at the I/O we need to access.
-	 *	-- paulus
-	 */
-	cmpwi	0,r6,0
-	rlwinm	r4,r6,16,16,30
-	bge	57f
-	cmplwi	0,r4,0xfe00
-	li	r5,0x3fd
-	bne	56f
-	li	r5,0x3ff
-56:	sldi	r5,r5,32
-	or	r6,r6,r5
-	/* Construct the high word of the PPC-style PTE */
-	mfsrin	r5,r3			/* get segment reg for segment */
-	rlwinm	r5,r5,0,5,31
-	sldi	r5,r5,12
-	ori	r5,r5,1			/* set V (valid) bit */
-	rlwimi	r5,r3,16,20,24		/* put in API (abbrev page index) */
-	/* Get the address of the primary PTE group in the hash table */
-	.globl	hash_page_patch_A
-	lis	r4,Hash_base@h		/* base address of hash table */
-	rlwimi	r4,r5,32-5,25-Hash_bits,24	/* (VSID & hash_mask) << 7 */
-	rlwinm	r0,r3,32-5,25-Hash_bits,24	/* (PI & hash_mask) << 7 */
-	xor	r4,r4,r0		/* make primary hash */
-	li	r2,8			/* PTEs/group */
-#ifndef CONFIG_SMP
-	/* We don't do this for SMP - another cpu could have put in
-	   the appropriate PTE since we took the exception.  -- paulus. */
-	/* See whether it was a PTE not found exception or a
-	   protection violation. */
-	andis.	r0,r20,0x4000
-	bne	10f			/* no PTE: go look for an empty slot */
-#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
-	tlbie	r3			/* invalidate TLB entry */
-	/* Search the primary PTEG for a PTE whose 1st dword matches r5 */
-	mtctr	r2
-	addi	r3,r4,-16
-1:	ldu	r0,16(r3)		/* get next PTE */
-	cmpd	0,r0,r5
-	bdnzf	2,1b			/* loop while ctr != 0 && !cr0.eq */
-	beq+	found_slot
-	/* Search the secondary PTEG for a matching PTE */
-	ori	r5,r5,0x2		/* set H (secondary hash) bit */
-	.globl	hash_page_patch_B
-	xoris	r3,r4,Hash_msk>>16	/* compute secondary hash */
-	xori	r3,r3,0xff80
-	addi	r3,r3,-16
-	mtctr	r2
-2:	ldu	r0,16(r3)
-	cmpd	0,r0,r5
-	bdnzf	2,2b
-	beq+	found_slot
-	xori	r5,r5,0x2		/* clear H bit again */
-	/* Search the primary PTEG for an empty slot */
-10:	mtctr	r2
-	addi	r3,r4,-16		/* search primary PTEG */
-1:	ldu	r0,16(r3)		/* get next PTE */
-	andi.	r0,r0,1
-	bdnzf	2,1b			/* loop while ctr != 0 && !cr0.eq */
-	beq+	found_empty
-	/* Search the secondary PTEG for an empty slot */
-	ori	r5,r5,0x2		/* set H (secondary hash) bit */
-	.globl	hash_page_patch_C
-	xoris	r3,r4,Hash_msk>>16	/* compute secondary hash */
-	xori	r3,r3,0xff80
-	addi	r3,r3,-16
-	mtctr	r2
-2:	ldu	r0,16(r3)
-	andi.	r0,r0,1
-	bdnzf	2,2b
-	beq+	found_empty
-	/*
-	 * Choose an arbitrary slot in the primary PTEG to overwrite.
-	 * Since both the primary and secondary PTEGs are full, and we
-	 * have no information that the PTEs in the primary PTEG are
-	 * more important or useful than those in the secondary PTEG,
-	 * and we know there is a definite (although small) speed
-	 * advantage to putting the PTE in the primary PTEG, we always
-	 * put the PTE in the primary PTEG.
-	 */
-	xori	r5,r5,0x2		/* clear H bit again */
-	lis	r3,next_slot@ha
-	tophys(r3,r3)
-	lwz	r2,next_slot@l(r3)
-	addi	r2,r2,16
-	andi.	r2,r2,0x70
-	/*
-	 * Since we don't have BATs on POWER4, we rely on always having
-	 * PTEs in the hash table to map the hash table and the code
-	 * that manipulates it in virtual mode, namely flush_hash_page and
-	 * flush_hash_segments.  Otherwise we can get a DSI inside those
-	 * routines which leads to a deadlock on the hash_table_lock on
-	 * SMP machines.  We avoid this by never overwriting the first
-	 * PTE of each PTEG if it is already valid.
-	 *	-- paulus.
-	 */
-	bne	102f
-	li	r2,0x10
-#endif /* CONFIG_POWER4 */
-	stw	r2,next_slot@l(r3)
-	add	r3,r4,r2
-	/* update counter of evicted pages */
-	lis	r2,htab_evicts@ha
-	tophys(r2,r2)
-	lwz	r4,htab_evicts@l(r2)
-	addi	r4,r4,1
-	stw	r4,htab_evicts@l(r2)
-#ifndef CONFIG_SMP
-	/* Store PTE in PTEG */
-	std	r5,0(r3)
-	std	r6,8(r3)
-#else /* CONFIG_SMP */
- * Between the tlbie above and updating the hash table entry below,
- * another CPU could read the hash table entry and put it in its TLB.
- * There are 3 cases:
- * 1. using an empty slot
- * 2. updating an earlier entry to change permissions (i.e. enable write)
- * 3. taking over the PTE for an unrelated address
- *
- * In each case it doesn't really matter if the other CPUs have the old
- * PTE in their TLB.  So we don't need to bother with another tlbie here,
- * which is convenient as we've overwritten the register that had the
- * address. :-)  The tlbie above is mainly to make sure that this CPU comes
- * and gets the new PTE from the hash table.
- *
- * We do however have to make sure that the PTE is never in an invalid
- * state with the V bit set.
- */
-	li	r0,1
-	andc	r5,r5,r0	/* clear V (valid) bit in PTE */
-	std	r5,0(r3)
-	sync
-	tlbsync
-	sync
-	std	r6,8(r3)	/* put in correct RPN, WIMG, PP bits */
-	sync
-	ori	r5,r5,1
-	std	r5,0(r3)	/* finally set V bit in PTE */
-#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
-#else /* CONFIG_PPC64BRIDGE */
-	/* Construct the high word of the PPC-style PTE */
-	mfsrin	r5,r3			/* get segment reg for segment */
-	rlwinm	r5,r5,7,1,24		/* put VSID in 0x7fffff80 bits */
-	oris	r5,r5,0x8000		/* set V (valid) bit */
-	rlwimi	r5,r3,10,26,31		/* put in API (abbrev page index) */
-	/* Get the address of the primary PTE group in the hash table */
-	.globl	hash_page_patch_A
-	lis	r4,Hash_base@h		/* base address of hash table */
-	rlwimi	r4,r5,32-1,26-Hash_bits,25	/* (VSID & hash_mask) << 6 */
-	rlwinm	r0,r3,32-6,26-Hash_bits,25	/* (PI & hash_mask) << 6 */
-	xor	r4,r4,r0		/* make primary hash */
-	li	r2,8			/* PTEs/group */
-#ifndef CONFIG_SMP
-	/* We don't do this for SMP - another cpu could have put in
-	   the appropriate PTE since we took the exception.  -- paulus. */
-	/* See whether it was a PTE not found exception or a
-	   protection violation. */
-	andis.	r0,r20,0x4000
-	bne	10f			/* no PTE: go look for an empty slot */
-#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
-	tlbie	r3			/* invalidate TLB entry */
-	/* Search the primary PTEG for a PTE whose 1st word matches r5 */
-	mtctr	r2
-	addi	r3,r4,-8
-1:	lwzu	r0,8(r3)		/* get next PTE */
-	cmp	0,r0,r5
-	bdnzf	2,1b			/* loop while ctr != 0 && !cr0.eq */
-	beq+	found_slot
-	/* Search the secondary PTEG for a matching PTE */
-	ori	r5,r5,0x40		/* set H (secondary hash) bit */
-	.globl	hash_page_patch_B
-	xoris	r3,r4,Hash_msk>>16	/* compute secondary hash */
-	xori	r3,r3,0xffc0
-	addi	r3,r3,-8
-	mtctr	r2
-2:	lwzu	r0,8(r3)
-	cmp	0,r0,r5
-	bdnzf	2,2b
-	beq+	found_slot
-	xori	r5,r5,0x40		/* clear H bit again */
-	/* Search the primary PTEG for an empty slot */
-10:	mtctr	r2
-	addi	r3,r4,-8		/* search primary PTEG */
-1:	lwzu	r0,8(r3)		/* get next PTE */
-	rlwinm.	r0,r0,0,0,0		/* only want to check valid bit */
-	bdnzf	2,1b			/* loop while ctr != 0 && !cr0.eq */
-	beq+	found_empty
-	/* Search the secondary PTEG for an empty slot */
-	ori	r5,r5,0x40		/* set H (secondary hash) bit */
-	.globl	hash_page_patch_C
-	xoris	r3,r4,Hash_msk>>16	/* compute secondary hash */
-	xori	r3,r3,0xffc0
-	addi	r3,r3,-8
-	mtctr	r2
-	lwzu	r0,8(r3)
-	rlwinm.	r0,r0,0,0,0		/* only want to check valid bit */
-	bdnzf	2,2b
-	beq+	found_empty
-	/*
-	 * Choose an arbitrary slot in the primary PTEG to overwrite.
-	 * Since both the primary and secondary PTEGs are full, and we
-	 * have no information that the PTEs in the primary PTEG are
-	 * more important or useful than those in the secondary PTEG,
-	 * and we know there is a definite (although small) speed
-	 * advantage to putting the PTE in the primary PTEG, we always
-	 * put the PTE in the primary PTEG.
-	 */
-	xori	r5,r5,0x40		/* clear H bit again */
-	lis	r3,next_slot@ha
-	tophys(r3,r3)
-	lwz	r2,next_slot@l(r3)
-	addi	r2,r2,8
-	andi.	r2,r2,0x38
-	stw	r2,next_slot@l(r3)
-	add	r3,r4,r2
-	/* update counter of evicted pages */
-	lis	r2,htab_evicts@ha
-	tophys(r2,r2)
-	lwz	r4,htab_evicts@l(r2)
-	addi	r4,r4,1
-	stw	r4,htab_evicts@l(r2)
-#ifndef CONFIG_SMP
-	/* Store PTE in PTEG */
-	stw	r5,0(r3)
-	stw	r6,4(r3)
-#else /* CONFIG_SMP */
- * Between the tlbie above and updating the hash table entry below,
- * another CPU could read the hash table entry and put it in its TLB.
- * There are 3 cases:
- * 1. using an empty slot
- * 2. updating an earlier entry to change permissions (i.e. enable write)
- * 3. taking over the PTE for an unrelated address
- *
- * In each case it doesn't really matter if the other CPUs have the old
- * PTE in their TLB.  So we don't need to bother with another tlbie here,
- * which is convenient as we've overwritten the register that had the
- * address. :-)  The tlbie above is mainly to make sure that this CPU comes
- * and gets the new PTE from the hash table.
- *
- * We do however have to make sure that the PTE is never in an invalid
- * state with the V bit set.
- */
-	rlwinm	r5,r5,0,1,31	/* clear V (valid) bit in PTE */
-	stw	r5,0(r3)
-	sync
-	tlbsync
-	sync
-	stw	r6,4(r3)	/* put in correct RPN, WIMG, PP bits */
-	sync
-	oris	r5,r5,0x8000
-	stw	r5,0(r3)	/* finally set V bit in PTE */
-#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
-#endif /* CONFIG_PPC64BRIDGE */
-	sync		/* make sure pte updates get to memory */
- * Update the hash table miss count.  We only want misses here
- * that _are_ valid addresses and have a pte otherwise we don't
- * count it as a reload.  do_page_fault() takes care of bad addrs
- * and entries that need linux-style pte's created.
- *
- * safe to use r2 here since we're not using it as current yet 
- * update the htab misses count
- *   -- Cort
- */
-	lis	r2,htab_reloads@ha
-	tophys(r2,r2)
-	lwz	r3,htab_reloads@l(r2)
-	addi	r3,r3,1
-	stw	r3,htab_reloads@l(r2)
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-	lis	r2,hash_table_lock@ha
-	tophys(r2,r2)
-	li	r0,0
-	stw	r0,hash_table_lock@l(r2)
-	eieio
-	/* Return from the exception */
-	lwz	r3,_CCR(r21)
-	lwz	r4,_LINK(r21)
-	lwz	r5,_CTR(r21)
-	mtcrf	0xff,r3
-	mtlr	r4
-	mtctr	r5
-	lwz	r0,GPR0(r21)
-	lwz	r1,GPR1(r21)
-	lwz	r2,GPR2(r21)
-	lwz	r3,GPR3(r21)
-	lwz	r4,GPR4(r21)
-	lwz	r5,GPR5(r21)
-	lwz	r6,GPR6(r21)
-	/* we haven't used xer */
-	mtspr	SRR1,r23
-	mtspr	SRR0,r22
-	lwz	r20,GPR20(r21)
-	lwz	r22,GPR22(r21)
-	lwz	r23,GPR23(r21)
-	lwz	r21,GPR21(r21)
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-	lis	r2,hash_table_lock@ha
-	tophys(r2,r2)
-	li	r0,0
-	stw	r0,hash_table_lock@l(r2)
-	eieio
-	blr
-	.data
-	.globl	hash_table_lock
-	.long	0
-#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
-	.data
-	.long	0
-	.text
- * Flush entries from the hash table with VSIDs in the range
- * given.
- */
-	lis	r5,Hash@ha
-	lwz	r5,Hash@l(r5)		/* base of hash table */
-	cmpwi	0,r5,0
-	bne+	99f
-	tlbia
-	sync
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-	tlbsync
-	sync
-	blr
-#if defined(CONFIG_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_PPC64BRIDGE)
-	/* Note - we had better not do anything which could generate
-	   a hash table miss while we have the hash table locked,
-	   or we'll get a deadlock.  -paulus */
-	mfmsr	r10
-	rlwinm	r0,r10,0,17,15	/* clear bit 16 (MSR_EE) */
-	mtmsr	r0
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-	lis	r9,hash_table_lock@h
-	ori	r9,r9,hash_table_lock@l
-	lwz	r8,PROCESSOR(r2)
-	oris	r8,r8,8
-10:	lwarx	r6,0,r9
-	cmpi	0,r6,0
-	bne-	10b
-	stwcx.	r8,0,r9
-	bne-	10b
-	eieio
-	rlwinm	r3,r3,7,1,24		/* put VSID lower limit in position */
-	oris	r3,r3,0x8000		/* set V bit */
-	rlwinm	r4,r4,7,1,24		/* put VSID upper limit in position */
-	oris	r4,r4,0x8000
-	ori	r4,r4,0x7f
-	lis	r6,Hash_size@ha
-	lwz	r6,Hash_size@l(r6)	/* size in bytes */
-	srwi	r6,r6,3			/* # PTEs */
-	mtctr	r6
-	addi	r5,r5,-8
-	li	r0,0
-1:	lwzu	r6,8(r5)		/* get next tag word */
-	cmplw	0,r6,r3
-	cmplw	1,r6,r4
-	cror	0,0,5			/* set if out of range */
-	blt	2f			/* branch if out of range */
-	stw	r0,0(r5)		/* invalidate entry */
-2:	bdnz	1b			/* continue with loop */
-#else /* CONFIG_PPC64BRIDGE */
-	rldic	r3,r3,12,20		/* put VSID lower limit in position */
-	ori	r3,r3,1			/* set V bit */
-	rldic	r4,r4,12,20		/* put VSID upper limit in position */
-	ori	r4,r4,0xfff		/* set V bit, API etc. */
-	lis	r6,Hash_size@ha
-	lwz	r6,Hash_size@l(r6)	/* size in bytes */
-	srwi	r6,r6,4			/* # PTEs */
-	mtctr	r6
-	addi	r5,r5,-16
-	li	r0,0
-1:	ldu	r6,16(r5)		/* get next tag word */
-	cmpld	0,r6,r3
-	cmpld	1,r6,r4
-	cror	0,0,5			/* set if out of range */
-	blt	2f			/* branch if out of range */
-	std	r0,0(r5)		/* invalidate entry */
-2:	bdnz	1b			/* continue with loop */
-#endif /* CONFIG_PPC64BRIDGE */
-	sync
-	tlbia
-	sync
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-	tlbsync
-	sync
-	lis	r3,hash_table_lock@ha
-	stw	r0,hash_table_lock@l(r3)
-#if defined(CONFIG_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_PPC64BRIDGE)
-	mtmsr	r10
-	blr
- * Flush the entry for a particular page from the hash table.
- *
- * flush_hash_page(unsigned context, unsigned long va)
- */
-	lis	r6,Hash@ha
-	lwz	r6,Hash@l(r6)		/* hash table base */
-	cmpwi	0,r6,0			/* hash table in use? */
-	bne+	99f
-	tlbie	r4			/* in hw tlb too */
-	sync
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-	tlbsync
-	sync
-	blr
-#if defined(CONFIG_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_PPC64BRIDGE)
-	/* Note - we had better not do anything which could generate
-	   a hash table miss while we have the hash table locked,
-	   or we'll get a deadlock.  -paulus */
-	mfmsr	r10
-	rlwinm	r0,r10,0,17,15		/* clear bit 16 (MSR_EE) */
-	mtmsr	r0
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-	lis	r9,hash_table_lock@h
-	ori	r9,r9,hash_table_lock@l
-	lwz	r8,PROCESSOR(r2)
-	oris	r8,r8,9
-10:	lwarx	r7,0,r9
-	cmpi	0,r7,0
-	bne-	11f
-	stwcx.	r8,0,r9
-	beq+	12f
-11:	lwz	r7,0(r9)
-	cmpi	0,r7,0
-	beq	10b
-	b	11b
-12:	eieio
-	rlwinm	r3,r3,11,1,20		/* put context into vsid */
-	rlwimi	r3,r4,11,21,24		/* put top 4 bits of va into vsid */
-	oris	r3,r3,0x8000		/* set V (valid) bit */
-	rlwimi	r3,r4,10,26,31		/* put in API (abbrev page index) */
-	rlwinm	r7,r4,32-6,10,25	/* get page index << 6 */
-	rlwinm	r5,r3,32-1,7,25		/* vsid << 6 */
-	xor	r7,r7,r5		/* primary hash << 6 */
-	lis	r5,Hash_mask@ha
-	lwz	r5,Hash_mask@l(r5)	/* hash mask */
-	slwi	r5,r5,6			/*  << 6 */
-	and	r7,r7,r5
-	add	r6,r6,r7		/* address of primary PTEG */
-	li	r8,8
-	mtctr	r8
-	addi	r7,r6,-8
-1:	lwzu	r0,8(r7)		/* get next PTE */
-	cmpw	0,r0,r3			/* see if tag matches */
-	bdnzf	2,1b			/* while --ctr != 0 && !cr0.eq */
-	beq	3f			/* if we found it */
-	ori	r3,r3,0x40		/* set H (alt. hash) bit */
-	xor	r6,r6,r5		/* address of secondary PTEG */
-	mtctr	r8
-	addi	r7,r6,-8
-2:	lwzu	r0,8(r7)		/* get next PTE */
-	cmpw	0,r0,r3			/* see if tag matches */
-	bdnzf	2,2b			/* while --ctr != 0 && !cr0.eq */
-	bne	4f			/* if we didn't find it */
-3:	li	r0,0
-	stw	r0,0(r7)		/* invalidate entry */
-#else /* CONFIG_PPC64BRIDGE */
-	rldic	r3,r3,16,16		/* put context into vsid (<< 12) */
-	rlwimi	r3,r4,16,16,24		/* top 4 bits of va and API */
-	ori	r3,r3,1			/* set V (valid) bit */
-	rlwinm	r7,r4,32-5,9,24		/* get page index << 7 */
-	srdi	r5,r3,5			/* vsid << 7 */
-	rlwinm	r5,r5,0,1,24		/* vsid << 7 (limited to 24 bits) */
-	xor	r7,r7,r5		/* primary hash << 7 */
-	lis	r5,Hash_mask@ha
-	lwz	r5,Hash_mask@l(r5)	/* hash mask */
-	slwi	r5,r5,7			/*  << 7 */
-	and	r7,r7,r5
-	add	r6,r6,r7		/* address of primary PTEG */
-	li	r8,8
-	mtctr	r8
-	addi	r7,r6,-16
-1:	ldu	r0,16(r7)		/* get next PTE */
-	cmpd	0,r0,r3			/* see if tag matches */
-	bdnzf	2,1b			/* while --ctr != 0 && !cr0.eq */
-	beq	3f			/* if we found it */
-	ori	r3,r3,2			/* set H (alt. hash) bit */
-	xor	r6,r6,r5		/* address of secondary PTEG */
-	mtctr	r8
-	addi	r7,r6,-16
-2:	ldu	r0,16(r7)		/* get next PTE */
-	cmpd	0,r0,r3			/* see if tag matches */
-	bdnzf	2,2b			/* while --ctr != 0 && !cr0.eq */
-	bne	4f			/* if we didn't find it */
-3:	li	r0,0
-	std	r0,0(r7)		/* invalidate entry */
-#endif /* CONFIG_PPC64BRIDGE */
-4:	sync
-	tlbie	r4			/* in hw tlb too */
-	sync
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-	tlbsync
-	sync
-	li	r0,0
-	stw	r0,0(r9)		/* clear hash_table_lock */
-#if defined(CONFIG_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_PPC64BRIDGE)
-	mtmsr	r10
-	blr

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: