patch-2.4.5 linux/arch/ppc/kernel/gemini_setup.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.4/linux/arch/ppc/kernel/gemini_setup.c linux/arch/ppc/kernel/gemini_setup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+ * BK Id: SCCS/s.gemini_setup.c 1.7 05/17/01 18:14:21 cort
+ */
+ *  linux/arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 1995 Linus Torvalds
+ *  Adapted from 'alpha' version by Gary Thomas
+ *  Modified by Cort Dougan (
+ *  Synergy Microsystems board support by Dan Cox (
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/stddef.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h> 
+#include <linux/reboot.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <linux/time.h>
+#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/major.h>
+#include <linux/blk.h>
+#include <linux/console.h>
+#include <asm/system.h>
+#include <asm/pgtable.h>
+#include <asm/page.h>
+#include <asm/dma.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/m48t35.h>
+#include <asm/gemini.h>
+#include <asm/time.h>
+#include "local_irq.h"
+#include "open_pic.h"
+void gemini_find_bridges(void);
+static int gemini_get_clock_speed(void);
+extern void gemini_pcibios_fixup(void);
+static char *gemini_board_families[] = {
+  "VGM", "VSS", "KGM", "VGR", "VCM", "VCS", "KCM", "VCR"
+static int gemini_board_count = sizeof(gemini_board_families) /
+                                 sizeof(gemini_board_families[0]);
+static unsigned int cpu_7xx[16] = {
+	0, 15, 14, 0, 0, 13, 5, 9, 6, 11, 8, 10, 16, 12, 7, 0
+static unsigned int cpu_6xx[16] = {
+	0, 0, 14, 0, 0, 13, 5, 9, 6, 11, 8, 10, 0, 12, 7, 0
+int chrp_get_irq(struct pt_regs *);
+void chrp_post_irq(struct pt_regs* regs, int);
+static inline unsigned long _get_HID1(void)
+	unsigned long val;
+	__asm__ __volatile__("mfspr %0,1009" : "=r" (val));
+	return val;
+ * prom_init is the Gemini version of prom.c:prom_init.  We only need
+ * the BSS clearing code, so I copied that out of prom.c.  This is a
+ * lot simpler than hacking prom.c so it will build with Gemini. -VAL
+ */
+#define PTRRELOC(x)	((typeof(x))((unsigned long)(x) + offset))
+unsigned long
+	unsigned long offset = reloc_offset();
+	unsigned long phys;
+	extern char __bss_start, _end;
+	/* First zero the BSS -- use memset, some arches don't have
+	 * caches on yet */
+	memset_io(PTRRELOC(&__bss_start),0 , &_end - &__bss_start);
+ 	/* Default */
+ 	phys = offset + KERNELBASE;
+	gemini_prom_init();
+	return phys;
+gemini_get_cpuinfo(char *buffer)
+	int len;
+	unsigned char reg, rev;
+	char *family;
+	unsigned int type;
+	reg = readb(GEMINI_FEAT);
+	family = gemini_board_families[((reg>>4) & 0xf)];
+	if (((reg>>4) & 0xf) > gemini_board_count)
+		printk(KERN_ERR "cpuinfo(): unable to determine board family\n");
+	reg = readb(GEMINI_BREV);
+	type = (reg>>4) & 0xf;
+	rev = reg & 0xf;
+	reg = readb(GEMINI_BECO);
+	len = sprintf( buffer, "machine\t\t: Gemini %s%d, rev %c, eco %d\n", 
+		       family, type, (rev + 'A'), (reg & 0xf));
+	len = sprintf(buffer, "board\t\t: Gemini %s", family);
+	if (type > 9)
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, "%c", (type - 10) + 'A');
+	else
+		len += sprintf(buffer+len, "%d", type);
+	len += sprintf(buffer+len, ", rev %c, eco %d\n",
+		       (rev + 'A'), (reg & 0xf));
+	len += sprintf(buffer+len, "clock\t\t: %dMhz\n", 
+		       gemini_get_clock_speed());
+	return len;
+static u_char gemini_openpic_initsenses[] = {
+	1,
+	1,
+	1,
+	1,
+	0,
+	0,
+	1, /* remainder are level-triggered */
+#define GEMINI_MPIC_ADDR (0xfcfc0000)
+#define GEMINI_MPIC_PCI_CFG (0x80005800)
+void __init gemini_openpic_init(void)
+	OpenPIC_Addr = (volatile struct OpenPIC *)
+		grackle_read(GEMINI_MPIC_PCI_CFG + 0x10);
+	OpenPIC_InitSenses = gemini_openpic_initsenses;
+	OpenPIC_NumInitSenses = sizeof( gemini_openpic_initsenses );
+extern unsigned long loops_per_jiffy;
+extern int root_mountflags;
+extern char cmd_line[];
+	static unsigned long led = GEMINI_LEDBASE+(4*8);
+	static char direction = 8;
+	*(char *)led = 0;
+	if ( (led + direction) > (GEMINI_LEDBASE+(7*8)) ||
+	     (led + direction) < (GEMINI_LEDBASE+(4*8)) )
+		direction *= -1;
+	led += direction;
+	*(char *)led = 0xff;
+	ppc_md.heartbeat_count = ppc_md.heartbeat_reset;
+void __init gemini_setup_arch(void)
+	extern char cmd_line[];
+	loops_per_jiffy = 50000000/HZ;
+	/* bootable off CDROM */
+	if (initrd_start)
+	else
+		ROOT_DEV = to_kdev_t(0x0801);
+	/* nothing but serial consoles... */
+	sprintf(cmd_line, "%s console=ttyS0", cmd_line);
+	printk("Boot arguments: %s\n", cmd_line);
+	ppc_md.heartbeat = gemini_heartbeat;
+	ppc_md.heartbeat_reset = HZ/8;
+	ppc_md.heartbeat_count = 1;
+	/* Lookup PCI hosts */
+	gemini_find_bridges();
+	/* take special pains to map the MPIC, since it isn't mapped yet */
+	gemini_openpic_init();
+	/* start the L2 */
+	gemini_init_l2();
+	unsigned long hid1, pvr = _get_PVR();
+	int clock;
+	hid1 = (_get_HID1() >> 28) & 0xf;
+	if (PVR_VER(pvr) == 8 ||
+	    PVR_VER(pvr) == 12)
+		hid1 = cpu_7xx[hid1];
+	else
+		hid1 = cpu_6xx[hid1];
+	switch((readb(GEMINI_BSTAT) & 0xc) >> 2) {
+	case 0:
+	default:
+		clock = (hid1*100)/3;
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		clock = (hid1*125)/3;
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		clock = (hid1*50);
+		break;
+	}
+	return clock;
+void __init gemini_init_l2(void)
+        unsigned char reg, brev, fam, creg;
+        unsigned long cache;
+        unsigned long pvr = _get_PVR();
+        reg = readb(GEMINI_L2CFG);
+        brev = readb(GEMINI_BREV);
+        fam = readb(GEMINI_FEAT);
+        switch(PVR_VER(pvr)) {
+        case 8:
+                if (reg & 0xc0)
+                        cache = (((reg >> 6) & 0x3) << 28);
+                else
+                        cache = 0x3 << 28;
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+                /* Pre-3.0 processor revs had snooping errata.  Leave
+                   their L2's disabled with SMP. -- Dan */
+                if (PVR_CFG(pvr) < 3) {
+                        printk("Pre-3.0 750; L2 left disabled!\n");
+                        return;
+                }
+#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
+                /* Special case: VGM5-B's came before L2 ratios were set on
+                   the board.  Processor speed shouldn't be too high, so
+                   set L2 ratio to 1:1.5.  */
+                if ((brev == 0x51) && ((fam & 0xa0) >> 4) == 0)
+                        reg |= 1;
+                /* determine best cache ratio based upon what the board
+                   tells us (which sometimes _may_ not be true) and
+                   the processor speed. */
+                else {
+                        if (gemini_get_clock_speed() > 250)
+                                reg = 2;
+                }
+                break;
+        case 12:
+	{
+		static unsigned long l2_size_val = 0;
+		if (!l2_size_val)
+			l2_size_val = _get_L2CR();
+		cache = l2_size_val;
+                break;
+	}
+        case 4:
+        case 9:
+                creg = readb(GEMINI_CPUSTAT);
+                if (((creg & 0xc) >> 2) != 1)
+                        printk("Dual-604 boards don't support the use of L2\n");
+                else
+                        writeb(1, GEMINI_L2CFG);
+                return;
+        default:
+                printk("Unknown processor; L2 left disabled\n");
+                return;
+        }
+        cache |= ((1<<reg) << 25);
+        cache |= (L2CR_L2RAM_MASK|L2CR_L2CTL|L2CR_L2DO);
+        _set_L2CR(0);
+        _set_L2CR(cache | L2CR_L2E);
+gemini_restart(char *cmd)
+	__cli();
+	/* make a clean restart, not via the MPIC */
+	_gemini_reboot();
+	for(;;);
+	for(;;);
+	gemini_restart(NULL);
+void __init gemini_init_IRQ(void)
+	/* gemini has no 8259 */
+	openpic_init(1, 0, 0, -1);
+#define gemini_rtc_read(x)       (readb(GEMINI_RTC+(x)))
+#define gemini_rtc_write(val,x)  (writeb((val),(GEMINI_RTC+(x))))
+/* ensure that the RTC is up and running */
+long __init gemini_time_init(void)
+	unsigned char reg;
+	reg = gemini_rtc_read(M48T35_RTC_CONTROL);
+	if ( reg & M48T35_RTC_STOPPED ) {
+		printk(KERN_INFO "M48T35 real-time-clock was stopped. Now starting...\n");
+		gemini_rtc_write((reg & ~(M48T35_RTC_STOPPED)), M48T35_RTC_CONTROL);
+		gemini_rtc_write((reg | M48T35_RTC_SET), M48T35_RTC_CONTROL);
+	}
+	return 0;
+#undef DEBUG_RTC
+unsigned long
+	unsigned int year, mon, day, hour, min, sec;
+	unsigned char reg;
+	reg = gemini_rtc_read(M48T35_RTC_CONTROL);
+	gemini_rtc_write((reg|M48T35_RTC_READ), M48T35_RTC_CONTROL);
+#ifdef DEBUG_RTC
+	printk("get rtc: reg = %x\n", reg);
+	do {
+		sec = gemini_rtc_read(M48T35_RTC_SECONDS);
+		min = gemini_rtc_read(M48T35_RTC_MINUTES);
+		hour = gemini_rtc_read(M48T35_RTC_HOURS);
+		day = gemini_rtc_read(M48T35_RTC_DOM);
+		mon = gemini_rtc_read(M48T35_RTC_MONTH);
+		year = gemini_rtc_read(M48T35_RTC_YEAR);
+	} while( sec != gemini_rtc_read(M48T35_RTC_SECONDS));
+#ifdef DEBUG_RTC
+	printk("get rtc: sec=%x, min=%x, hour=%x, day=%x, mon=%x, year=%x\n", 
+	       sec, min, hour, day, mon, year);
+	gemini_rtc_write(reg, M48T35_RTC_CONTROL);
+	BCD_TO_BIN(sec);
+	BCD_TO_BIN(min);
+	BCD_TO_BIN(hour);
+	BCD_TO_BIN(day);
+	BCD_TO_BIN(mon);
+	BCD_TO_BIN(year);
+	if ((year += 1900) < 1970)
+		year += 100;
+#ifdef DEBUG_RTC
+	printk("get rtc: sec=%x, min=%x, hour=%x, day=%x, mon=%x, year=%x\n", 
+	       sec, min, hour, day, mon, year);
+	return mktime( year, mon, day, hour, min, sec );
+gemini_set_rtc_time( unsigned long now )
+	unsigned char reg;
+	struct rtc_time tm;
+	to_tm( now, &tm );
+	reg = gemini_rtc_read(M48T35_RTC_CONTROL);
+	printk("set rtc: reg = %x\n", reg);
+	gemini_rtc_write((reg|M48T35_RTC_SET), M48T35_RTC_CONTROL);
+	printk("set rtc: tm vals - sec=%x, min=%x, hour=%x, mon=%x, mday=%x, year=%x\n",
+	       tm.tm_sec, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_year);
+	tm.tm_year -= 1900;
+	BIN_TO_BCD(tm.tm_sec);
+	BIN_TO_BCD(tm.tm_min);
+	BIN_TO_BCD(tm.tm_hour);
+	BIN_TO_BCD(tm.tm_mon);
+	BIN_TO_BCD(tm.tm_mday);
+	BIN_TO_BCD(tm.tm_year);
+#ifdef DEBUG_RTC
+	printk("set rtc: tm vals - sec=%x, min=%x, hour=%x, mon=%x, mday=%x, year=%x\n",
+	       tm.tm_sec, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_year);
+	gemini_rtc_write(tm.tm_sec, M48T35_RTC_SECONDS);
+	gemini_rtc_write(tm.tm_min, M48T35_RTC_MINUTES);
+	gemini_rtc_write(tm.tm_hour, M48T35_RTC_HOURS);
+	gemini_rtc_write(tm.tm_mday, M48T35_RTC_DOM);
+	gemini_rtc_write(tm.tm_mon, M48T35_RTC_MONTH);
+	gemini_rtc_write(tm.tm_year, M48T35_RTC_YEAR);
+	/* done writing */
+	gemini_rtc_write(reg, M48T35_RTC_CONTROL);
+	if ((time_state == TIME_ERROR) || (time_state == TIME_BAD))
+		time_state = TIME_OK;
+	return 0;
+/*  use the RTC to determine the decrementer count */
+void __init gemini_calibrate_decr(void)
+	int freq, divisor;
+	unsigned char reg;
+	/* determine processor bus speed */
+	reg = readb(GEMINI_BSTAT);
+	switch(((reg & 0x0c)>>2)&0x3) {
+	case 0:
+	default:
+		freq = 66667;
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		freq = 83000;
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		freq = 100000;
+		break;
+	}
+	freq *= 1000;
+	divisor = 4;
+	tb_ticks_per_jiffy = freq / HZ / divisor;
+	tb_to_us = mulhwu_scale_factor(freq/divisor, 1000000);
+unsigned long __init gemini_find_end_of_memory(void)
+	unsigned long total;
+	unsigned char reg;
+	reg = readb(GEMINI_MEMCFG);
+	total = ((1<<((reg & 0x7) - 1)) *
+		 (8<<((reg >> 3) & 0x7)));
+	total *= (1024*1024);
+	return total;
+void __init gemini_init(unsigned long r3, unsigned long r4, unsigned long r5,
+			unsigned long r6, unsigned long r7)
+	int i;
+	int chrp_get_irq( struct pt_regs * );
+	for(i = 0; i < GEMINI_LEDS; i++)
+		gemini_led_off(i);
+	if ( r4 )
+	{
+		initrd_start = r4 + KERNELBASE;
+		initrd_end = r5 + KERNELBASE;
+	}
+	ppc_md.setup_arch = gemini_setup_arch;
+	ppc_md.setup_residual = NULL;
+	ppc_md.get_cpuinfo = gemini_get_cpuinfo;
+	ppc_md.irq_cannonicalize = NULL;
+	ppc_md.init_IRQ = gemini_init_IRQ;
+	ppc_md.get_irq = openpic_get_irq;
+	ppc_md.init = NULL;
+	ppc_md.restart = gemini_restart;
+	ppc_md.power_off = gemini_power_off;
+	ppc_md.halt = gemini_halt;
+	ppc_md.time_init = gemini_time_init;
+	ppc_md.set_rtc_time = gemini_set_rtc_time;
+	ppc_md.get_rtc_time = gemini_get_rtc_time;
+	ppc_md.calibrate_decr = gemini_calibrate_decr;
+	ppc_md.find_end_of_memory = gemini_find_end_of_memory;
+	/* no keyboard/mouse/video stuff yet.. */
+	ppc_md.kbd_setkeycode = NULL;
+	ppc_md.kbd_getkeycode = NULL;
+	ppc_md.kbd_translate = NULL;
+	ppc_md.kbd_unexpected_up = NULL;
+	ppc_md.kbd_leds = NULL;
+	ppc_md.kbd_init_hw = NULL;
+	ppc_md.ppc_kbd_sysrq_xlate = NULL;
+	ppc_md.pcibios_fixup_bus = gemini_pcibios_fixup;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: